
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Mothers who Lost Sons in the Civil War

| May 8, 2011

On this Mother’s Day 2011, it might be interesting to reflect on what we know about the mothers of Civil War veterans, particularly those who died in the war during the first full year of the conflict.  Using the Veterans List that was recently compiled and posted here, a quick search was made for those […]

Midwives and the Civil War – Specktown’s Becky Rickert

| March 10, 2011

On the third day of the Battle of Gettsyburg, 3 July 1863, Mary Virginia “Jennie” Wade was killed inside a home by a stray bullet while she was baking bread for hungry Union troops and thus became the only civilian casualty of the battle.  Prior to this domestic exercise, she had faithful done her morning […]

Halifax Area and the Civil War

| March 6, 2011

The Halifax area of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, consists of the area within the angle (“C’) of the triangular area of study for this Civil War Research Project (see portion of map below). Essentially, everything south of Millersburg (upper left on the insert map) and Elizabethville (upper right on the insert map) could be considered part […]

Corp. James Cox – 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry

| February 24, 2011

James Cox (1833-1909), who was the son of Samuel Cox and Hannah [Padmore] Cox, was born in Abersychan, Montmouthshire, England on 15 November 1833.  Four years later his parents brought him to America along with his siblings Ben and and Mary.  At first they settled in Minersville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania but later moved to Swatara, […]

Sgt. William W. Rothermel – Civil War Veteran

| January 17, 2011

William W. Rothermel was the son of Isaac Rothermel (1820-1896) and Hannah [Wiest] Rothermel (1823-1887), and was born on 21 May 1842 in Upper Mahanoy Township, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania. William was known to his Sunday School class at St. Michael’s Lutheran Church as a story teller with many interesting tales.  As a young man, he […]