
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

William Thompson and Elizabeth Thompson Kimmel

| January 26, 2012

William Thompson of Tower City was born about 1839 or 1840 in Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, the son of Alexander Thompson (1805-1873), an immigrant from Scotland who emigrated to America in 1828 to engage in various pursuits including flour milling, lumbering and mining.  William Thompson‘s mother was the first wife of Alexander, Isabella Stoddart Pennman (1816-1851).  […]

Laura Keene – Bibliography

| January 24, 2012

For the past two days this blog has dealt with the question of whether the story of Laura Keene (1826-1873) at the Lincoln assassination was true, was a hoax, or was a legend.  Many writers about the Lincoln assassination tell that Keene, after the fatal shot was fired, made her way to the state box […]

Laura Keene Arrested at Harrisburg

| January 12, 2012

She was born Mary Frances Moss on 20 July 1826 in Winchester, England.  She married John Taylor on 8 April 1844 at St. Martin’s in the Field, England.  Two daughters were born of the marriage.  Her stage name of “Laura Keene” was taken about 8 Oct 1851, probably to hide fact that her husband became […]

Gratz During the Civil War – Daniel Good House

| January 7, 2012

The house and lot known as #10 was one of several properties in Gratz Borough that was owned by the Daniel Good family.  Its original owner was Abraham Herner, a stone mason, who purchased the land from Simon Gratz in 1816.  Abraham sold the land to members of the Hartman family in 1818.  Subsequently, transactions […]

Lykens G.A.R. Installs Officers, 1903

| December 10, 2011

The following article appeared in the Lykens Standard, 9 January 1903: INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS LYKENS.– The annual installation of the officers of the G.A.R., the Woman’s Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans of this place was held in the elegant hall of the G.A.R. building last Thursday evening.  The veterans, their wives and sons […]