
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Williamstown (Part 3 of 3)

| August 3, 2011

  This is the final of three posts on the Methodist Episcopal Cemetery, Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  The cemetery is located at the east end of Williamstown on the north side of Market Street.  For the past two days and today, a total of eighteen grave markers will be shown from this cemetery with information […]

Sweitzer’s Memorial Cemetery, Berrysburg

| July 20, 2011

Sweitzer’s Memorial Cemetery is located on the western side of Main Street (Route 225) heading south out of the center of Berrysburg toward Elizabethville.  The cemetery is also known as the “E.U.B. Cemetery.”  It’s a large cemetery with several sections and offers a nice view of the valley – including the spire of the St. […]

Was Uncle John Keiper a Civil War Veteran?

| May 31, 2011

Uncle John M. Keiper (1842-1887) is buried in the Old Stone Church Cemetery in Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  He is one of many persons of whom it is believed that they served in the Civil War, but there is no formal recognition of their service at their graveside. John M. Keiper was born 17 February […]

The 1863 Draft for Upper Dauphin County

| May 1, 2011

In July of 1863, President Lincoln issued a proclamation ordering a draft to raise five hundred thousand men for the Union army. It was the first compulsory draft in American history.  The draft was intended to encourage enlistment, but in many cases it had the opposite effect.  Federal troops had to be called out in […]

Finding Cemeteries in the Lykens Valley Area

| March 2, 2011

In yesterday’s post, examples were given on how to use the Find A Grave web site to locate individual graves of Civil War soldiers.  In the post today, examples will be given on how to locate cemeteries in the area covered by this Civil War Research Project.  The Find A Grave site is an excellent […]