
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Gratz During the Civil War – Theodore Gratz House

| July 16, 2011

This is the fifth in a series of posts on Gratz during the Civil War. Lot #16 and the house on it was purchased by Daniel Good (1809-1870) in 1859, the owner of the Good Tannery at the west end of Gratz, who owned it and several other properties in this block during the Civil […]

Gratz During the Civil War – Jeremiah Crabb, Blacksmith

| July 3, 2011

This is the fourth in a series of posts on Gratz during the Civil War. Lot #19 and the house on it was purchased by Jeremiah Crabb (1826-?), a blacksmith, in 1854.  Previously, the property had been owned by Adonjah Mathias who sold it to Crabb.  Mathias, a wheelwright and turner, was the original purchaser […]

Gratz During the Civil War – Post Office

| June 25, 2011

The Postmaster of Gratz during the Civil War years of 1861-1865 was Daniel Lehr and the post pffice was located on the northeast corner of Market Square (Market & Center Streets) in Lehr’s General Store.  The 1862 map shows the location and Lehr is listed in the “Business Directory” as the “Postmaster.”  During the Civil […]

Gratz During the Civil War – First Public School

| June 19, 2011

This is the second part in a series on Civil War Gratz.  This post focuses on the first public school in Gratz which was on Lot #11.  The 1862 map of Gratz has a space marked “S.H.” where the school house existed.  Most records indicate that there was a free public school located on Lot […]

Gratz During the Civil War

| June 18, 2011

Today we begin a series of posts to try to determine what Gratz looked like during the Civil War, 1861-1865.  One of the purposes of this series will be to determine what buildings remain from the period. We begin with some of the available maps. The first map is of the “Lot Plan” of Simon […]