
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

2012 Additions to Civil War Veterans List – D to F

| April 21, 2012

Veterans of the Civil War identified as having some connection to the Lykens Valley area and included in the Civil War Research Project was updated 19 April 2012.  In a series of post beginning yesterday and continuing intermittently for eight posts until concluding at the end of this month, a brief sketch of each of […]

2012 Additions to Civil War Veterans List – A to C

| April 20, 2012

Veterans of the Civil War identified as having some connection to the Lykens Valley area and included in the Civil War Research Project was updated 19 April 2012.  In a series of post beginning today and continuing intermittently for eight posts until concluding at the end of this month, a brief sketch of each of […]

Death of Widow of William Budd

| April 5, 2012

DEATHS and FUNERALS WILLIAMSTOWN, 29 April 1904 — At the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Edward Brown, on Broad Street, Williamstown, the spirit of Mrs. William Budd departed from her mortal body at 7 o’clock, Wednesday morning, 20 April 1904, after an illness of several weeks from gastritis, aged 63 years.  Deceased was born in […]

Death and Funeral of Capt. Richard Budd

| March 28, 2012

DEATHS AND FUNERALS CAPTAIN RICHARD BUDD LYKENS, 22 January 1904.— The great, well-known, patriotic, generous Capt. Richard Budd of Williamstown, passed away at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, after a lingering illness.  About two years and a-half ago he suffered a fracture of the right ankle from which he never recovered, and this, together with the death […]

Death of John Henry Spangler

| March 25, 2012

DIED LYKENS, 18 December 1903. — John Henry Spangler, an old and highly respected resident of this place, died at his home on North Second Street, Friday last at 5 o’clock a.m., of gastritis, aged 63 years, 8 months and 24 days. Deceased was born at Palmyra, Lebanon County, and came to this place in […]