Norman Gasbarro | September 1, 2011
DEATH OF DR. J. L. BRALLIER LYKENS – Dr. Jacob L. Brallier of Lewisburg, Pa., formerly a resident of this place, died on Saturday last of chronic cerebral disease, aged 67 years. The funeral was held Tuesday interment at Lewisburg cemetery. Dr. Brallier was born in Bedford county, this state, in 1834, where he lived […]
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Tags: Brallier family, Klockner family, Lykens Borough, Reber family, Regiments
Norman Gasbarro | August 29, 2011
OUR NEW POSTMASTER LYKENS — Henry Feindt, whose appointment as postmaster was sent to the United States Senate for confirmation on Feb. 8, and who received his commission Thursday, Feb. 22nd, was born at Elizabethville on the 1st of January, 1842, and came to Lykens with his parents in May, 1851. His father, the late […]
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Tags: Abraham Lincoln, Elizabethville, Feindt family, G.A.R., Lykens Borough, Mann family, Wiconisco
Norman Gasbarro | August 27, 2011
DEATH OF VALENTINE LENKER LYKENS —Valentine Lenker of Williamstown, a former member of the Legislature, and a man known throughout the entire upper end of the county, died Friday noon after a lingering illness, aged 62 years. Last summer he took a trip west for the benefit of his health and on his return last […]
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Tags: Berrysburg, G.A.R., Hoover family, Lenker family, Lykens Borough, Regiments, Robinson family, Williamstown
Norman Gasbarro | August 26, 2011
William Thomas was born on 3 April 1838 in Wales and came to America at an early age with his father, John Thomas, who was a coal miner. The family settled in Wiconisco, Dauphin Co., Pennsylvania. Like his father, William became a coal miner and in 1860, he was working in the mines around Lykens. […]
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Tags: Baker family, Lykens Borough, Regiments, Thomas family, Wiconisco
Norman Gasbarro | August 23, 2011
Civil War veteran burials in the Calvary United Methodist Church Cemetery, Wiconisco, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, concludes today. —————————— Samuel Klinger (1819-1891). Served in the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K, as a Private. See prior post on Samuel Klinger. He was married four times: Rebecca Cooper; Magdalena ?; Belinda Savidge; and Catherine Kissinger. Samuel was a […]
Category: Memorials, Research, Stories |
Tags: Cemeteries, Cooper family, Hawk family, Holland family, Hunter family, Keen family, Kissinger family, Klinger family, Lykens Borough, Lykens Township, Miller family, Poticher family, Railroad, Regiments, Savidge family, Snodgrass family, Treibley family, Tremont, Wiconisco, Williams Township, Williamstown, Workman family