Norman Gasbarro | September 29, 2011
Philip Keiser Jr. (1800-1839) was born in Pine Grove Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. He married Elizabeth Hoffman (1800-1876), a daughter of Peter Hoffman (1778-1864) and a great-granddaughter of Johann Peter Hoffman (1709-1797), Lykens Valley pioneer settler. All of Philip Keiser Jr.‘s descendants are therefore descendants of Johann Peter Hoffman [see prior posts on Hoffman family, […]
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Tags: Bird family, Eisenhower Family, G.A.R., Hoffman family, Hoover family, Keiser family, Lykens Borough, Matter family, Railroad, Regiments, Zerby family
Norman Gasbarro | September 27, 2011
DEATH OF G. W. BITTERMAN LYKENS — G. W. Bitterman of South Second street, who on the evening of 29 March suffered an attack of apoplexy, died from its effects Wednesday morning about 5 o’clock , aged 56 years. Although rational at certain moments, when he would recognize those about him, his memory would again […]
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Tags: Berrysburg, Bitterman family, Feindt family, G.A.R., Lykens Borough, Lykens Township, Regiments, Specktown, Tower City, Wiconisco
Norman Gasbarro | September 21, 2011
In the years before the Civil War and in the years following the war in which veterans returned and lived in Gratz, this property, known as Lot #42 on the original Simon Gratz subdivision, was owned by three families. Each of the families had a number of Civil War veterans who were associated with it. […]
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Tags: Bitterman family, Fegley family, G.A.R., Grastz Borough, Gratz Borough, Gratz family, Hartman family, Hawk family, Holtzman family, Kissinger family, Lykens Borough, Lykens Township, Regiments, Riegle family, Walking Tour, Washington Township, Wiconisco, Wiest family, Williard family, Witmer family
Norman Gasbarro | September 16, 2011
DEATH OF JOHN C. MILLER LYKENS — John C. Miller of Market street, mention of whose serious illness from grip and pneumonia has several times been made in these columns during the past few weeks, died at noon Wednesday, aged 57 years, 2 months, and 22 days. His illness dates back to about eight […]
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Tags: G.A.R., Lykens Borough, Miller family, Millersburg, Railroad, Regimjents, Reyman family, Wiconisco
Norman Gasbarro | September 7, 2011
DEATH OF JOHN WERNER LYKENS – The many friends at this place of John Werner, proprietor of the Union House, Tower City, were shocked to hear of his death, which occurred Tuesday evening at 9 o’clock [12 February 1901]. Mr. Werner and wife visited the Big Run hotel, a few miles west of town, last […]
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Tags: Big Run, Elizabethville, G.A.R., Gratz Borough, Koch family, Lykens Borough, Regiments, Tower City, Warner family, Werner family, Williams Township