
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Death of Daniel C. Hoffman

| October 27, 2011

DANIEL C. HOFFMAN (1817-1902) LYKENS — Daniel C. Hoffman of North Lykens who has been a resident of Lykens for more than 52 years, died at his home Friday last [11 April 1902], aged 84 years, 7 months and 8 days.  The funeral was held Monday, service being conducted in the U.B church by Revs. […]

Jacob Weidel – Coal Miner

| October 21, 2011

Jacob Weidel (1831-1901) was a coal miner for most of his life.  According to his obituary which was found in the Lykens Standard of 4 October 1901, he was also a Civil War veteran: When Abraham Lincoln called for 100,000 men on 4 August 1862 for nine months to defend the flag and the union, […]

Death of George McClelland

| October 17, 2011

DEATH OF GEORGE McCLELLAND LYKENS — George McClelland of Wiconisco, after an illness of about five months, due to the infirmities of old age, died at his home in Wiconisco about 9:30 o’clock Wednesday morning.  The funeral will take place tomorrow afternoon at 2 o’clock standard time, Rev. Frederick Geddy of the Wiconisco M. E. […]

Disability – 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I – Part 2

| October 8, 2011

In the post yesterday, the strange occurrence of  the discharge of all thirteen Columbia County draftees in Company I of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry on Surgeon’s Certificates of Disability was revealed.  Today the other twelve draftees who were discharged for the same reason will be noted.  Eleven were from Dauphin County and one was from […]

Lykens G.A.R. Building – Another Look

| October 3, 2011

This post is a follow-up to several previous posts on the Lykens G.A.R. Building and the Heilner Post G.A.R. No. 232 on North Second Street, Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  The first post of 10 December 2010 featured the G.A. R. Monument.  The second post, 11 December 2011,  told of some of the history of the […]