
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Best of 2011 – Lykens G.A.R. Monument

| December 30, 2011

Today is the final post of the “Best of 2011” series and will feature a revised version of the Lykens G.A.R. Civil War Monument post of 10 December 2010.  The revisions that appear below are the result of careful research by Sally Reiner, who is a member of the newly formed Lykens-Wiconisco Historical Society and […]

Church of the Brethren Cemetery, Upper Paxton Township – Part 2

| December 23, 2011

Church of the Brethren Cemetery is located just north of Route 209 in Upper Paxton Township.  In traveling west from Rife, the Free Grace Church appears on the left and within a short distance, on the other side of the road, there is a sign for Keefer’s Road.  Turn right at Keefer’s Road and the […]

Reorganization of Sons of Veterans Camp in Lykens

| December 18, 2011

The following article was found in the Lykens Standard of 28 February 1902: ATTENTION, SONS OF VETERANS! LYKENS.– The sons of the veterans of the war of 1861-65 are hereby requested to meet in the Post room of G.A.R. hall tomorrow (Saturday) evening at 7:30 o’clock, standard time, for the purpose of making preliminary arrangements […]

Lykens G.A.R. Installs Officers, 1903

| December 10, 2011

The following article appeared in the Lykens Standard, 9 January 1903: INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS LYKENS.– The annual installation of the officers of the G.A.R., the Woman’s Relief Corps and the Sons of Veterans of this place was held in the elegant hall of the G.A.R. building last Thursday evening.  The veterans, their wives and sons […]

Honorable Discharges – 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I – Part 6

| December 2, 2011

Today, the blog post  again continues to feature members of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, who served the full term of nine months and received honorable discharges on 5 August 1863.  The research results presented here are based on preliminary data gathering on each of the members of the company and searches for Pension […]