
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Death of Samuel S. Matter

| March 11, 2012

DEATHS SAMUEL S. MATTER LYKENS, 20 November 1903. — Samuel S. Matter, an old resident of this place, was found dead in a back kitchen at his residence on Main Street, about 5:45 p.m. Tuesday.  Mr. Matter, who was employed at Short Mountain Breaker, returned home from work shortly after five o’clock and entered the […]

Josiah W. Steever, Killed in Mines

| March 10, 2012

TWO KILLED IN PLYMOUTH MINE PLYMOUTH, 27 August 1903. — A heavy fall of coal in the Red Ash vein of the No. 5 colliery of the Delaware and Hudson Coal Company in Plymouth at 10:30 this morning cost the lives of two men.  They are, J. W. Steever, miner, aged 52 years, of East […]

Death of Dr. Henry B. Buehler

| March 9, 2012

Death of Dr. H. B. Buehler LYKENS, 5 February 1904. — After an illness lasting almost two years, Dr. Henry B Buehler, one of Harrisburg’s best known citizens, died Monday evening at his residence, No. 227 North Second Street.  The direct cause of his death was dropsy born of the lingering illness that struck him […]

The Suicide of George Knorr

| March 7, 2012

  George Knorr Commits Suicide LYKENS, 14 August 1903. — George Knorr of North Lykens, was found dead on the floor of his bed room about 2 p.m. Tuesday, the position of the body and surroundings indicating that he had died of arsenic poisoning.  He evidently knew how the poison would act upon the stomach […]

Lykens G.A.R. Monument Update of 1925

| March 4, 2012

The post today looks at additional information discovered from research about the Lykens G.A.R. Monument.  The criteria for inclusion of names on the monument is presented as well as some discussion of the work of Henry Keiser in  finalizing plans for the monument’s erection.  The last post describing the monument was presented as part of […]