
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Military Funeral for Comrade William Irving

| March 22, 2012

Military Funeral for Comrade William Irving Held on Tues. 2 P.M. LYKENS, 3 May 1935. — The town of Lykens paid its last respects to its oldest ‘first defender’ on Tuesday afternoon at 2 o’clock, when the American legion, the High School Band, the Hose Company, and the school children beside a large number of […]

William Irving, First Defender

| March 21, 2012

William Irving was one of Lykens elderly and respected citizens.  He was born in Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, in 1841 and came to Lykens Borough, Dauphin County, in 1874 and entered the bottling business in which he engaged until 1874 when he entered the hotel business.  He conducted the Valley House which was located at Main and […]

Henry Keiser, 92, Died Suddenly Wednesday

| March 18, 2012

  HENRY KEISER, 92, DIED SUDDENLY WEDNESDAY LYKENS, March 1933.– Henry Keiser, 92, oldest male resident of Lykens, died suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Daisy Long, South Second Street, Wednesday night at 10:45, death having been caused by a heart attack. Mr. Keiser, a veteran of the Civil War, is widely known […]

History of the Dauphin County Civil War Monument – Part 3

| March 15, 2012

Part 3.  The Dauphin County Memorial to the Civil War is currently located in a park at 3rd Street and Division Streets near William Penn High School and near Italian Lake.  It is now in the Uptown section of Harrisburg, north of what was once the entrance area to Camp Curtin.  The monument stands about […]

History of the Dauphin County Civil War Monument – Part 2

| March 14, 2012

Part 2.  The Dauphin County Memorial to the Civil War is currently located in a park at 3rd Street and Division Streets near William Penn High School and near Italian Lake.  It is now in the Uptown section of Harrisburg, north of what was once the entrance area to Camp Curtin.  The monument stands about […]