Norman Gasbarro | April 8, 2014
Today’s post on the Shamokin Cemetery’s Soldiers’ Circle features thirteen graves in the second circle, first quadrant, beginning with photograph 80. The photographs in this segment are numbered 80 through 92. All of the stones in this section are sequenced in the order of the death of the veteran. For each of the veterans, the […]
Category: Queries, Research, Stories |
Tags: African American, Cemetery, Hegins, Lykens Borough, Rebuck
Norman Gasbarro | March 29, 2014
Today’s post on the Shamokin Cemetery’s Soldiers’ Circle features nine graves in the outer circle, fourth quadrant, beginning with photograph 60. The photographs in this segment are numbered 60 through 68. All of the stones in this section are sequenced in the order of the death of the veteran. For each of the veterans, the […]
Category: Queries, Research, Stories |
Tags: Cemetery, G.A.R., Halifax, Lykens Borough, Millersburg, Powell's Valley
Norman Gasbarro | February 2, 2014
Andrew Jackson Pontius, who is named on the Millersburg Soldier Monument, was first featured here on this blog with a biographical sketch on 19 April 2012. That previous sketch was from the book, A Celebration of Millersburg’s Bicentennial. The following biographical information is adapted from A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania, published […]
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Tags: Enterline, Gratz Borough, Lykens Borough, Millersburg, Pillow, Sacramento, Uniontown, Washington Township
Jake Wynn | January 7, 2014
A cool breeze nipped at Isaac Deitrich as he tramped home in the darkness. It was a little before midnight on the evening of December 5, 1900 when his late shift in the mines let out. Wiconisco and Lykens lay below him in the twilight, only dim shadows marking where each town began. He left […]
Category: Events, Overviews, Research, Stories |
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Tags: Lykens, Lykens Borough, Lykens Valley, Wiconisco, Williams Valley
Norman Gasbarro | January 3, 2014
A short news item located while researching Major Henry Jackson Sheafer revealed that the Lykens-Wiconisco G.A.R. Post, called Heilner Post No. 232, originally applied for a different name. New Grand Army Post Wilson C. Fox, assisted by Major H. J. Sheafer, both of this city, on Thursday evening last instituted Post 232 of the Grand […]
Category: Research, Resources, Stories |
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Tags: Lykens Borough, Wiconisco, Wiconisco Township