
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Yeager Family in the Civil War (Part 5)

| May 26, 2015

In 1912, the Hon. James Martin Yeager wrote and published A Brief History of the Yeager, Buffington, Creighton, Jacobs, Lemon, Hoffman and Woodside Families and Their Collateral Kindred of Pennsylvania.  Yeager was formerly the President of Drew Seminary for Young Women of Carmel, New York as well as a former Member of the House of […]

William B. Meetch – Had Connections to All of Dauphin County

| March 10, 2015

The following is the obituary of William B. Meetch as it appeared in the Harrisburg Telegraph, 3 September 1919: Former Power in Local Politics is Dead at Advanced Age WILLIAM B. MEETCH, LONG PROMINENT, IS DEAD Was for Years Repubilcan Leader and Widely-Known Hunter of Big Game LOVER OF OUTDOOR LIFE Although 75 Years Old […]

Obituary of Frank N. Douden of Millersburg

| February 20, 2015

On 23 March 1917 a brief obituary appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot noting the death of a prominent businessman of Millersburg, Frank N. Douden.  Although the obituary gave his middle initial as “S,” it is the same person who served in the Civil War in Company G of the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry. Frank S. Douden […]

Fire Destroys Hoffman’s Civil War Museum in Lykens, 1912

| January 20, 2015

On 12 November 1912 a massive fire consumed several factories and homes in Lykens Borough, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  One of the destroyed homes was owned by Michael M. Hoffman, a Civil War veteran who had the distinction of serving in a First Defender’s infantry regiment, a emergency state militia regiment, and a cavalry regiment – […]

Rev. V. H. Berghaus – Defender of Harrisburg, Builder of Lykens Church

| December 22, 2014

The obituary of Rev. Valentine H. Berghaus appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot on 23 March 1910.  Although he did not officially serve in a Civil War regiment, he volunteered as a youth when he believed his home town was in danger.  Later, after receiving his education at Princeton and his ordination, he organized his first […]