
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Philip Hoffman – Killed in Mines, 1878

| October 2, 2015

On 21 November 1878, Philip Hoffman of Lykens Borough, Dauphin County, was killed in a mine accident at Short Mountain Colliery.  The notice of his accidental death appeared in the Lykens Register and was reprinted in the Harrisburg Telegraph of 25 November 1878: Killed in the Mines. The Lykens Register of Friday says:  “Mr. Philip […]

What Ever Happened to Henry Dietrich of Millersburg?

| September 25, 2015

Henry Dietrich (or Dietrick), who was born about 1836, was previously mentioned in a post here on 21 April 2012 as a discovered addition to the Civil War Research Project.  Since that time, one error was discovered in that prior post. The Henry Dietrich who was married to Bridget was not the same person who […]

Charles T. Dechant – Post Charter Member Not Named on Millersburg G.A.R. Monument?

| September 21, 2015

A few years back it was suggested here on this blog that the 126 Civil War veterans who are named on the Millersburg Soldier Monument represent only a small fraction of those having a connection to Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township who actually served honorably in the Civil War.  As new names are discovered of […]

Who Was George W. Clark, Musician?

| September 9, 2015

One of several names on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument that was not previously identified as to a specific Civil War regiment and company is George W. Clark.  The monument tablet only notes that he was a musician and that he was not a member of the Heilner G.A.R. Post. In searching for him in the Pennsylvania […]

John Crane of Millersburg and Lykens

| September 7, 2015

John Crane, who is also found in the records as John Crain, is buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  At his grave there is a G.A.R.-Star-Flag Holder indicating service in the Civil War.  However, his name does not appear on the Millersburg Soldier Monument. There is a John Crane who served in […]