
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Flowers of Emanuel Lehman

| September 22, 2016

On 4 October 1913, the headline in the Harrisburg Telegraph read:  “Emanuel Lehman and His Flower Bed.”  A photo and the story followed: Lykens, Pennsylvania, 4 October 1913 — The above is a picture of Emanuel Lehman, of Lykens, who was recently elected to the office of Sunday School Treasurer of the United Brethren Church […]

Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Election of 1866 – The Defeat of a White Supremacist

| September 16, 2016

The Pennsylvania Gubernatorial Election of 1866 pitted a Union General and war hero, John W. Geary, against a avowed racist and white supremacist, Heister Clymer.  Geary headed the Republican or Union ticket and Clymer headed the Democratic or Copperhead ticket. Unlike the Presidential Election of 1860, official vote totals by townships and boroughs were available […]

Who is Sgt. Philip Kline who is Named on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument?

| September 5, 2016

The name “Philip Kline” appears on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument as a Sergeant who was not a member of the Heilner Post.  Who was this Philip Kline?  There are several persons who are possible matches, but only one has been found so far who is a strong possibility of being the right one. Philip Melanchton Kline […]

John O’Hara – Ourselves to Know

| August 26, 2016

“The late American historian Shelby Foote remarked that the following passage from Ourselves to Know [by novelist John O’Hara] is ‘…the single finest thing ever written about the Civil War.’”* A few months after the visit of the cavalrymen and a few weeks after the Fourth of July the noon train brought home two men […]

Who is John Kicher? Named on Lykens G.A.R. Monument

| August 17, 2016

Information is sought on “John Kicher” who is named on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument as a veteran who served in the Civil War as a Private and joined the Heilner Post in Lykens after its organization (meaning he was not a Charter Member). Please submit information either as a comment to this post or send […]