
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

David Peters – 208th Pennsylvania Infantry

| March 9, 2013

Davis Peters (1842-1894) is buried at Long’s Cemetery, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  At the time the above photograph was taken, there was no indication at his grave site that he was a Civil War veteran, although there are records to confirm that this is the same Davis Peters who was a member of the 208th […]

Stephen Chubb – Killed at the Wilderness

| March 8, 2013

On the family grave stone of John Jacob Chubb (1818-1883) in Long’s Cemetery, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, it is noted that Stephen Chubb, the son of John J. Chubb and Leah [Gaymon] Chubb was killed in the Battle of the Wilderness.  At the grave site, there is a G.A.R. star, also recognizing his service.  At […]

Abraham F. Lantz – 210th Pennsylvania Infantry

| March 7, 2013

Abraham F. Lantz (1841-1900) and his wife Harriet E. Lantz (1849-1925) are buried at Long’s Cemetery, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, where Abraham’s Civil War service is recognized on his grave marker, and with a G.A.R. star mounted on the ground in front of his stone.  In various records he is found also as Abraham Lantz […]

John Orth – German Immigrant in the 127th Pennsylvania Infantry

| March 3, 2013

In 1910, John Orth, an immigrant from Germany, was living in the household of his son, Jacob A. Orth, in Lebanon, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania.  At that time, John, a widower, was living on his Civil War pension, which was referred to in the census as “own income.”  The son was a bookkeeper and the household […]

Henry O. Witman – Physician and Citizen Soldier of Halifax

| February 17, 2013

Dr. Henry O. Witman, a physician who spent time working with his father, a medical doctor in Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, saw service during the Civil War in two militia regiments that were called up by Governor Andrew Curtin to meet state emergencies, first in September 1862, and second in July 1863.  This “citizen soldier” […]