
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Reunions of the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry Held in Lykens

| October 10, 2014

Following the Civil War, many Pennsylvania regiments tried to hold annual reunions of their members.  One of the most successful of the Pennsylvania regiments in this regard was the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry as the following news article from the Harrisburg Patriot of 11 June 1909 attests: FORTIETH REUNION OF NINTH CAVALRY Flag Presented by Ladies […]

Abner M. Pike Dies at Halifax in 1902

| May 21, 2014

In late 1902, readers of the Harrisburg Patriot could follow closely the demise and eventual death of Abner M. Pike, a Civil War veteran who had served in the 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, and was a member of the Slocum G.A.R. Post at Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  An early statement appearing in the 17 […]

The Shamokin Soldiers’ Circle – Photographs 60 – 68

| March 29, 2014

Today’s post on the Shamokin Cemetery’s Soldiers’ Circle features nine graves in the outer circle, fourth quadrant, beginning with photograph 60.  The photographs in this segment are numbered 60 through 68.  All of the stones in this section are sequenced in the order of the death of the veteran.  For each of the veterans, the […]

The Poffenberger Cousins of Dauphin County

| August 27, 2013

Three members of the Poffenberger family of Dauphin County have been located in the Civil War military records.  They are Joseph H. Poffenberger (1835-1867), William L. Poffenberger (1847-1920), and William H. Poffenberger (1839-1893).  These three men were first cousins, since their fathers were brothers and they had a common grandfather, William Poffenberger (1783-1842).  Previously, a […]

Obituary of Henry Hoover of Berrysburg

| August 21, 2013

HENRY HOOVER Henry Hoover, a well known contractor and builder, died suddenly of neuralgia of the heart at his home in Berrysburg, Thursday morning, 27 February 1908.  Aged 70 years, 9 months, and 14 days. Deceased was born at Millersburg, Pennsylvania, 13 May 1837, and married Miss Louisa Zimmerman of Jacksonville, and moved to Berrysburg […]