
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Two Men Named George Hinkle

| April 19, 2016

Two men named George Hinkle, both associated with the Lykens Valley area of Pennsylvania, saw Civil War service.  They can be differentiated by their middle initial and regiment/company of service.  It does not appear that they are closely related, although additional research could prove otherwise. George W. Hinkle (1843-1878) George W. Hinkle is buried at […]

William Hicks, Served in Illinois Regiment; Widow was Postmaster of Waynesville

| March 28, 2016

William Hicks (1839-1904), who is buried at St. Paul (Bowerman’s) Lutheran Cemetery in Enterline, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, served in the 8th Illinois Infantry, Company D, as a Private.  There is conflicting data on his dates of service.  In one source, it is stated that he had three enlistments, while another source indicates his service as […]

John H. Heckert – Buried at Millersburg

| March 2, 2016

John H. Heckert (1838-1921) is buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. At his grave there is a G.A.R. star-flag holder. During the Civil War he served in the 6th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company E, as a Private, serving from 12 September 1862 through discharge at the end of the emergency […]

John Gemmell, Alias Price – Not Named on Lykens G.A.R. Monument

| January 25, 2016

When John Gemmell died, his obituary that appeared in the 3 March 1903, his obituary that appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot did not mention his Civil War service. John Gemmill After an illness of only a few days John Gemmill of 323 South Fifteenth Street, died yesterday morning at 3 o’clock.  He was sixty-three years […]

Rev. Thomas Garland – Served in Lykens, Halifax, & Williamstown

| January 8, 2016

Rev. Thomas W. Garland (1847-1925) was first located as Civil War veteran in the 1890 Veterans’ Census for Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, where he reported that he had served in the 48th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company F, as a Private, from 31 March 1864 through discharge on 19 July 1865.  He also indicated that he […]