Norman Gasbarro | January 14, 2012
On 21 July 1860, Gideon S. Stare of Mahantongo Township, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, applied for admission to the Gratz chapter of the International Order of Odd Fellows(I.O.O.F.). He signed the application indicating that the information he provided was truthful. At the time, he declared that he was an “M.D.” (a physician), and was 28 years […]
Category: Queries, Research, Resources, Stories |
Tags: Gratz Borough, Herb family, Regiments, Stare family, Upper Mahantongo Township
Norman Gasbarro | January 13, 2012
A Swiss immigrant, Jean Pierre Williard, purchased this property known as Lot #15 in 1818. He had originally come to America to fight for the British in the Revolution but changed sides and fought for the Colonials. After the war he settled in Lykens Township. The lot remained in the Williard (or Willier) family, but […]
Category: Research, Resources, Stories |
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Tags: Clark family, Gratz Borough, Hepner family, Lykens Township, Miller family, Novinger faqmily, Reedy family, Ritzman family, Walking Tour, Williarad family
Norman Gasbarro | January 7, 2012
The house and lot known as #10 was one of several properties in Gratz Borough that was owned by the Daniel Good family. Its original owner was Abraham Herner, a stone mason, who purchased the land from Simon Gratz in 1816. Abraham sold the land to members of the Hartman family in 1818. Subsequently, transactions […]
Category: Research, Resources, Stories |
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Tags: Bowman family, Enterline family, Good family, Grastz family, Gratz Borough, Herner family, Hess family, Maurer family, Radel family, Ritzman family, Umholtz family, Walking Tour, Williard family, Women
Norman Gasbarro | January 2, 2012
The Good Tannery was located at the west end of Gratz. In 1842, a “tanyard” was owned by Daniel Good and Samuel Ritter but tax records show that the property on which the Good Tannery was located was not conveyed to Daniel Good until 1843. Good had originally settled in Loyalton and operated a tannery […]
Category: Memorials, Research, Resources, Stories |
Tags: Good family, Gratz Borough, Loyalton, Romberger family, Shade family, Umholtz family, Walking Tour, Witmer family
Norman Gasbarro | December 29, 2011
During this year, a series of posts was unveiled entitled Gratz During the Civil War. The opening post in the series is featured below followed by links to the remaining posts that found their way into the blog in 2011. The series will continue into 2012 until all the Civil War building still in existence […]
Category: Overviews, Stories |
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Tags: Gratz Borough