
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Death of Samuel S. Matter

| March 11, 2012

DEATHS SAMUEL S. MATTER LYKENS, 20 November 1903. — Samuel S. Matter, an old resident of this place, was found dead in a back kitchen at his residence on Main Street, about 5:45 p.m. Tuesday.  Mr. Matter, who was employed at Short Mountain Breaker, returned home from work shortly after five o’clock and entered the […]

Death of Dr. Henry B. Buehler

| March 9, 2012

Death of Dr. H. B. Buehler LYKENS, 5 February 1904. — After an illness lasting almost two years, Dr. Henry B Buehler, one of Harrisburg’s best known citizens, died Monday evening at his residence, No. 227 North Second Street.  The direct cause of his death was dropsy born of the lingering illness that struck him […]

The Emancipation Proclamation

| March 8, 2012

On 1 January 1863, Abraham Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation.   Much has been written about the proclamation and its effect on the war and the policy for the conduct of the war.  On the day after its release, the Philadelphia Inquirer reported the following: The President’s Emancipation Proclamation. The important Proclamation of the President of […]

Lieutenants of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I

| February 25, 2012

Today, the blog post features two officers of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, who served the full term of nine months and received honorable discharges on 5 August 1863.  The research results presented here are based on preliminary data gathering on each of the members of the company and searches for Pension Index Cards […]

Slavery and the Civil War – Excerpts from an 1918 Schoolbook

| February 24, 2012

A School History of the United States by Albert Bushnell Hart and published in 1918,  was in widespread use in the one room school houses of the Lykens Valley area after World War I. There are subtle changes in this text from the one used in the latter part of the 19th century (see post […]