
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The “Colored” G.A.R. Posts of Pennsylvania

| February 26, 2013

In an essay entitled, “Sites of Memory, Sites of Glory: African American Grand Army of the Republic Posts in Pennsylvania,” Barbara A. Gannon presents a list of those posts, which includes the Stevens Post in Harrisburg, previously discussed here on this blog in a connection to Gratz native, John Peter Crabb, who for a time […]

The Enty Family in the Civil War (Part 3 of 4)

| February 22, 2013

The earliest member of the Enty family to settle in the area near the Lykens Valley appears to be Tobias Enty, who according to some researchers on Ancestry.com, was born around 1762 in Haiti and emigrated to the United States some time before 1800.  However, no sources have been found that confirm any of this […]

The Enty Family in the Civil War (Part 2 of 4)

| February 21, 2013

The earliest member of the Enty family to settle in the area near the Lykens Valley appears to be Tobias Enty, who according to some researchers on Ancestry.com, was born around 1762 in Haiti and emigrated to the United States some time before 1800.  However, no sources have been found that confirm any of this […]

Henry O. Witman – Physician and Citizen Soldier of Halifax

| February 17, 2013

Dr. Henry O. Witman, a physician who spent time working with his father, a medical doctor in Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, saw service during the Civil War in two militia regiments that were called up by Governor Andrew Curtin to meet state emergencies, first in September 1862, and second in July 1863.  This “citizen soldier” […]

John C. Herman – Tobacconist and Mayor of Harrisburg

| January 23, 2013

During the Civil War, John C. Herman served in Company K, 130th Pennsylvania Infantry, as a Private.  He enrolled at York, York County, Pennsylvania, and was mustered into service in Harrisburg, 9 August 1862.  By 28 December 1862, he was sick from “hemorrhoids and rheumatism in the back” and was sent to a hospital in […]