
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

2012 Additions to Civil War Veterans List – G to J

| April 24, 2012

Veterans of the Civil War identified as having some connection to the Lykens Valley area and included in the Civil War Research Project was updated 19 April 2012.  In a series of post beginning last Friday and continuing intermittently for seven posts until concluding at the end of this month, a brief sketch of each […]

More Millersburg Area Portraits Found (Part 1)

| April 16, 2012

Recently, some portraits were located in Millersburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania histories and entered into the digital files of the Civil War Research Project:  Included in this post are portraits of Simon S. Bowman; James L. Seebold,’s son,  Frank P. Seebold; and Dr. John F. Bowman. —————————— Simon Sallade Bowman (1842-1916) Simon S. Bowman served in […]

Death and Funeral of Capt. Richard Budd

| March 28, 2012

DEATHS AND FUNERALS CAPTAIN RICHARD BUDD LYKENS, 22 January 1904.— The great, well-known, patriotic, generous Capt. Richard Budd of Williamstown, passed away at 11:30 a.m. Tuesday, after a lingering illness.  About two years and a-half ago he suffered a fracture of the right ankle from which he never recovered, and this, together with the death […]

Sudden Death of James A. Snyder

| March 19, 2012

James  Snyder LYKENS, 19 June 1903. — We are sorry to chronicle the sudden death of James Snyder of Center View, which occurred on Sunday morning, the 14th inst., of heart trouble, at the age of 73 years.  He was one of those generous, open-hearted men who always had a smile and kind word for […]

Henry Keiser, 92, Died Suddenly Wednesday

| March 18, 2012

  HENRY KEISER, 92, DIED SUDDENLY WEDNESDAY LYKENS, March 1933.– Henry Keiser, 92, oldest male resident of Lykens, died suddenly at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Daisy Long, South Second Street, Wednesday night at 10:45, death having been caused by a heart attack. Mr. Keiser, a veteran of the Civil War, is widely known […]