Norman Gasbarro | April 4, 2016
Previously on this blog, a brief discussion of the Elizabethville Railroad Station (Lykens Valley Railroad) mentioned the following: The railroad station at Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, which was built about 1872, still stands today and is one of the oldest stations still in existence in central Pennsylvania. The tracks, which once ran through this borough, […]
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Tags: Elizabethville, Millersburg, Railroad
Norman Gasbarro | March 7, 2016
A photocopy of a crumpled newspaper story has been found in the Project files. The clipping is entitled “Brave Johnny Hoover” and tells the story of a man from the Lykens Valley who is said to be the youngest soldier in the Union Army during the Civil War. In addition to being named in the […]
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Tags: Elizabethville, G.A.R., Lykens Borough, Millersburg
Norman Gasbarro | February 8, 2016
In the 1967 published list of Civil War veterans from the Elizabethville, Dauphin County, the name of Jacob Swab appears. In researching this soldier, it is now known that there were actually two persons of this name, one found in the records as Jacob Swab and the other found as Jacob W. Swab. ——————————— JACOB […]
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Tags: Berrysburg, Elizabethville, Enders, G.A.R., Lykens Borough, Mifflin Township
Norman Gasbarro | February 3, 2016
Philip C. Swab is buried at the Maple Grove Cemetery in Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. During the Civil War, he served in the 208th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private. He was mustered into service on 30 August 1864 and honorably discharged on 1 June 1865. In 1870, Swab was a retail dry goods […]
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Tags: Berrysburg, Elizabethville, G.A.R., Mifflin Township, Millersburg, Tremont, Washington Township, Williamstown
Norman Gasbarro | January 22, 2016
On the 9 March 1919, the Leavenworth Post of Leavenworth, Kansas, reported on a new admission to the National Soldiers’ Home there – that of John J. Swab, indicating that he was transferred from Battle Mountain Sanitarium and stating that he had been in “nearly every other National Military Home in the United States, but […]
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Tags: Eldred Township, Elizabethville, Millersburg, Washington Township