
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Wartime Sketches by Edwin Forbes

Posted By on March 8, 2017

The following illustrations were taken from Under the Maltese Cross – Antietam to Appomattox:  The Loyal Uprising in Western Pennsylvania, 1861-1865, compiled by Charles F. McKenna, and published in Pittsburgh in 1910.  Click on the title for a free download of this book, which is a history of the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry.

All of the sketches in this post are by Edwin Forbes. A biographical sketch appears at the end of this post.


Chancellorsville House


Crossing Rappahannock – On Way to Chancellorsville


“Reveille and Tattoo.”


Fifth Corps  at Spottsylvania

From the Penn State University Library:

Edwin Forbes (1839-1895) was an American landscape painter and etcher best known for his sketches of military life during the American Civil War (1861-1865). As a staff artist for Frank Leslie’s Illustrated Newspaper, Forbes traveled with various contingents of the Union Army and was particularly interested in common soldiers’ daily lives as well as more traditional subjects like generals and battles. Following the war Forbes published two volumes of his military etchings: Life Studies of the Great Army: A Historical Art Work in Copper Plate Etching Containing Forty Plates (1876), whose plates comprise this collection; and Thirty Years After: An Artist’s Story of the Great War Told and Illustrated with Nearly 300 Relief-etchings after Sketches in the Field and 20 Half-tone Equestrian Portraits from Original Oil Paintings (1891). Both volumes were well-received, especially Life Studies, for which Forbes received a gold medal at the Centennial Exposition in Philadelphia (1876). General William T. Sherman also purchased a set of the Life Studies plates for his office in the War Department. In 1919 the Library of Congress acquired a large collection of Forbes’ wartime work, including drawings, plates and the original impressions from Life Studies. Forbes also illustrated three children’s history books and participated in numerous etching clubs and exhibits prior to his decease in 1895.

February 2017 Posts

Posted By on March 6, 2017

A listing of the February 2017 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links:

Edward B. Martz – 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Henry A. Martz – Lifelong Railroad Man, Served in 127th Pennsylvania Infantry

January 2017 Posts

Harry M. Kieffer’s Recollections – Deciding to Go to War

Harry M. Kieffer’s Recollections – Camp Curtin

Harry M. Kieffer’s Recollections – Johnny Comes Marching Home

Who Was Patrick Mullin of the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry?

General Strike!

William Henry Miller – Enders Descendant from Halifax Killed by Indians in Dakota Territory

Elias Minnich – Killed in Action Near Marietta, Georgia

Henry Keiser – Wedding Photo Discovered!

Was William Miller a Civil War Veteran?

Who Was Henry Clay Mellon Who Enlisted at Tremont?


John Mucher – German Immigrant in the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Posted By on March 3, 2017

John Muchler died on 6 May 1915 and is buried in the Lykens Cemetery, Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  According to his grave marker, he served as a Private in Company F of the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry during the Civil War.

Jacob Muchler was a German immigrant who was born on 28 December 1830.  On several documents, including his death certificate, it was stated that his parents were”unknown.”  According to one source, he arrived in America in 1837.

On 23 December 1848, John Muchler married Magdalena “Lena” Rudisill (1824-1900) at Wiconisco.  Together they had at least eight children.  After Lena’s death John married Catherine Lengle, who was born about 1835. The pension record (shown below from Ancestry.com) does not show that she survived him.

In July 1888, John Muchler applied for a veterans’ pension, which he was awarded and collected until his death.

The Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card, shown above from Pennsylvania Archives, notes that John Mucher enrolled 28 February 1865 at Harrisburg in the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry.  At the time he was 34 years old, stood 5 foot 7 inches tall, resided in Dauphin County, and was working as a laborer.  He had light hair, grey eyes, and a fair complexion.

On 24 July 1865, John Muchler transferred to the 8th Pennsylvania Cavalry.  He was mustered out with his company on the 11 August 1865.

Finally, for his service in the Civil War, John Mucher is recognized on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument:

Please add additional information and corrections as comments to this post.


Samuel Miller, Emergency Man & the Fire That Destroyed His General Store

Posted By on March 1, 2017

Samuel Miller‘s name appears on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument as a man who served in the Civil War at the rank of Sergeant, but was not a member of the Heilner Post at that place.

Samuel Miller was born in 1833 in Pennsylvania. During the Civil War, he served in the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company D, as a Private, enrolling at Lykens, Dauphin County, on 15 June 1863.  H was mustered into service four days later, and three days after that he was appointed Sergeant of the company.  This emergency militia regiment is credited with service at Gettysburg, and the name of Samuel Miller appears on the Pennsylvania Memorial.

Samuel Miller was discharged on 30 July 1863 at the end of the emergency.

The only personal information about him in the military record was his age.  He claimed to be 29.

No other military service was located for this Samuel Miller.

In both 1880 and 1900, Samuel Miller lived in Wiconisco, and gave his occupation as merchant, general store.

According to information on Findagrave, Samuel Miller died in 1904 and is buried at the Calvary United Methodist Church Cemetery, Wiconisco, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  However, at this writing, nothing is mentioned on the Findagrave Memorial about his Civil War service.

In searching for his obituary in the Harrisburg newspapers, the following was found in the 28 September 1904 issue of the Harrisburg Patriot:



Fire Raging in Business Centre Wiped Out Factory, Stores and Dwellings

Harrisburg Was Asked for Assistance


Special Despatch to The Patriot

Lykens, 28 September 1904, 2 a.m. – A fire which is still raging has up to this time destroyed thirteen buildings on the busiest portion of Pottsville Street, Wiconisco‘s most important thoroughfare, and eight barns and stables at the rear of the buildings.

Among the structures destroyed the most important are:  Shaeffer’s hosiery mill, where the flames started; general store of the Samuel Miller estate; general store of Kimmel & Company; the Abraham Dreibilias block of flats and store rooms; a row of dwellings of Mrs. Margaret Mowrey; and other individual dwellings and store buildings.

The total loss to the present time is roughly estimate at $100,000.  The flames are now being combatted on the south side of the street to prevent their taking hold of Henry Tontius‘ large hotel.

Four fire companies, one each from Wiconisco, Lykens, Williamstown and Tower City, are battling with the flames and unless the wind, which is now blowing back over the burned district, shifts again, the firemen think that they can prevent further spread.

There are no steam fire engines on the scene.

Word has been sent to the Mayor of Harrisburg asking for assistance and he has replied that one steam fire engine and a hose carriage have been placed on a flat car.  He was asked to hold them in Harrisburg until further notice, pending the possibility of the local firemen being able to stop the spread of the fire in view of the favorable change in the wind.

All of the building that were destroyed were of frame and well seasoned and fell easy prey to the flames.  As practically all the buildings  in the town are of the same material there is the possibility that the fire may not yet be under control.

At five minutes of nine o’clock last evening a boy saw a bright light in the basement of the big four-story hosiery mill, owned by W. H. Shaeffer, of Philadelphia.  He suspected the presence of fire and he had hardly given the alarm when the entire cellar seemed to be filled with flames.

There were several large oil tanks in the basement and almost immediately they took fire and then it was known that the building was doomed, though no one suspected that the flames would spread so far beyond.

Thus, shortly after his death, Samuel Miller‘s life’s work went up in flames.  It is not known at this time how much of the loss was covered by insurance, but with the loss of the business, not much could have been left for his heirs.

Who Was Henry Clay Mellon Who Enlisted at Tremont?

Posted By on February 27, 2017

Previously on this blog, the name of Henry C. Mellon was added to the list of Civil War veterans who had some connection to the Lykens Valley area.

During the war, Henry Clay Mellon enrolled at Tremont, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, 15 September 1862, in the militia regiment known as the 17th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, as a Private.  His term of service was short and he only was needed during the 1862 threat to the state from Pennsylvania.  He was discharged at the end of the emergency, 26 September 1862.  The card shown above is from the Pennsylvania Archives.

Henry was the son of Mark Mellon (1803-1852) and Justine “Jestie” [Werner] Mellon who were living in Tremont where the father was a hotel keeper.

Alice Atkins

After the Civil War, Henry Clay Mellon moved to Illinois.  He is found in the 1870 census for Dixon, Lee County, Illinois, where he was working as a machinist and living in a boarding house.  Two years later, he married Alice Atkins (1851-1927), whose portrait is shown above.  No portrait has been found of Henry.

Henry died on 19 August 1877 and is buried at the Oakwood Cemetery, Dixon, Lee County, Illinois.  Additional information about him is provided at his  Findagrave Memorial, including a brief biographical sketch by Elsie Harmon, who, a few years ago, provided this project with valuable information on Henry C. Mellon including the photograph of his wife Alice.

After Henry’s death, Alice married twice, first to Jesse Hetler who died in 1907, and second to Simon Stoner, who was a Civil War veteran of the 146th Illinois Infantry.  Simon survived Alice who died in 1927; he died in 1931

Additional clues to researching Henry C. Mellon while he was living in Tremont include finding the name of the hotel operated by his father Mark in 1850.  Perhaps a picture exists of the hotel?

Henry’s father died in 1852 and some time after that, but before 1860, his mother re-married to William Glanding, a 54 year old confectioner, also from Tremont, where the family is found in the 1860 census.