
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Moses Nutt – Forgeman and Farmer

Posted By on April 21, 2017

Moses Nutt died on 5 March 1891 in Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  His funeral was conducted from St. John’s Lutheran Church at that place and he was buried in the Lykens Cemetery.

According to information found in the church book, Moses was born in Speedwell, New Jersey, on 17 October 1814, the son of John Nutt and his wife Nance.  He was married to Sarah Elizaberth Moyer, and with her had three children.

Some of the above information is in conflict with other sources.  For example, the birth date for Moses Nutt, as found on his grave marker (shown below) is given as 17 October 1819.

And, four children have been identified in Ancestry.com records.

However, not noted in the above records nor at graveside is the fact that Moses Nutt served in the Civil War.  This is also not noted on the Findagrave Memorial.

The Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card, shown above from the Pennsylvania Archives, has a “Moses Nut” serving in the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K.  Other records show that he served as a Private, from approximately 16 October 1862 through honorable discharge on 18 August 1863.

Moses first applied for pension benefits on 28 December 1887 as shown by the Pension Index Card from Ancestry.com (above).  He was not awarded benefits.  Following his death, his widow, Sarah E. Nutt applied and she did receive benefits which she collected until her death.  However, her application was not made until April 1901.

Moses Nutt appears in the following censuses:

1850 – Wiconisco Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania – Occupation:  Forgeman.

1860 – Wiconisco Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania – Occupation:  Forgeman.

1870 – Washington Township (near Elizabethville), Dauphin County, Pennsylvania – Occupation:  Farmer.

1880 – Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania – Occupation:  Iron Man.

Finally, it should be mentioned that he is recognized on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument as a veteran who joined the Heilner Post after its organization.  Following his name is an “*” indicating he was wounded during the war.

Additional information is sought about this Civil War veteran, his family and his service.

Robert Newton of Williamstown – Alias “Richard Noble”

Posted By on April 19, 2017

In the 1890 Veterans’ Census for Williamtown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Robert Newton, alias Richard Noble, reported that he had served in the 95th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E, as a Private.  He was located in the records of that regiment under the name Richard Noble.

The Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card from the Pennsylvania Archives gave the following information about Richard Noble:  At the time of his enrollment, he was a recruit who resided in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, was 34 years old (born about 1830), and was working as a laborer.  He stood nearly 5 foot 10 inches tall, had brown hair, a light complexion, and hazel eyes.  On 21 March 1864, he was mustered into service at Pottsville in the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E, as a Private, and was wounded in action on 10 May 1864.  On 18 October 1864, he was transferred into the 95th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E.  And at the date of muster out of the company [17 July 1865] he was absent.  Other records indicate that his wounds were receive at 10 May 1864 at Spotsylvania Court House, Virginia.  This information as to his wounds was also reported as a war-related disability in the 1890 Census cited above.

At this point in the research into Richard Noble, it is not known if that was his original name, which after the Civil War was changed to Robert Newton, or if he was originally Robert Newton and decided for some reason to serve under the name of Richard Noble.  In searching the pension records on Fold3, no pension application was located under either name or for either regiment of service.

All the post-Civil War records of this individual are found under Robert Newton, and the only record located thus far which gives the alias is the 1890 Census.

For most of his post-war work career, Robert Newton worked in the mines in and around Williamstown.

About 1860, Robert Newton married Mary Ann “Annie” Dugan (1838-1910) and had six children with her:  Mary Newton (1863-1948); James Clemeth Newton Sr. (1865-1930); Hannah Newton (1866-1945); Robert Newton Jr. (1870-1936); Charles J. Newton Sr. (1871-1947); and Thomas Bernard Newton (1875-1937).  Most of the family is buried at the Sacred Heart Cemetery in Williamstown including Robert and his wife Annie.

According to cemetery records and newspaper information, Robert Newton was born 3 September 1833, probably in Maryland, and died on 19 December 1910 in WilliamstownAnnie [Dugan] Newton was born May 1838 in Ireland and died 12 October 1910 in Williamstown.  At the time of this writing, the Findagrave Memorial was not updated to include the information about Civil War service.

Additional information is sought about this Civil War soldier who served under the name of Richard Noble but lived out his life in Williamstown as Robert Newton.



Lybrand F. Nolen – Lykens Veteran, Injured in Mines, Moved to Iowa

Posted By on April 17, 2017

Lybrand F. Nolen is buried at the Municipal Cemetery in Carroll, Carroll County, Iowa.  His grave marker is a government issue stone which notes that he served in the 16th United States Infantry, Company B.  Other records indicate that he served as a Private, beginning his three-year term of service on 4 October 1864 during the Civil War, and ending it a Macon, Georgia, as part of the occupation force during Reconstruction, 4 October 1867.

Additional information about him is also found at his Findagrave Memorial.

Lybrand F. Nolen was born in Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on 7 January 1832, the son of Richard Nolen and Mary Nolen.   In 1850, he was living with his parents in Wiconisco Township, Dauphin County, where his father was working as a stone mason.  Lybrand married about 1854 and with his wife Sarah, had at least seven known children which have been identified in Ancestry.com trees, although in 1900, Sarah reported that she had eight children, four of whom were still alive.

In 1860, Lybrand Nolen was a store keeper in Wiconisco Township.

In 1870, the family lived in Wiconisco Township, where Lybrand was working in the mines.  His oldest son, Milliard Nolen, was also working in the mines.

The Harrisburg Telegraph, 1 August 1879, reported from the Lykens Register that L. F. Nolen (as he was also known), was involved in a mine accident:

An accident occurred in No. 5 gangway, deep slope of the Lykens Valley Colliery on Wednesday afternoon, which severely injured L. F. Nolen and J. W. Witmer, of this borough.  They were working at the head of a manway, ad a bump of top-rock suddenly occurring, let the sulphur down from the fissure upon their naked lamps, which caused an explosion and knocked the men down to the bottom of the manway, a distance of thirty-three years.  Neither one was badly burnt, but both were severely bruised, and Mr. Nolen had numerous cuts about his head and face.

In 1880, going by the name of Leib Nolen, the family appears in the 1880 census for Lykens, where Lybrand was still working in the mines.

By 26 August 1884, Lybrand Nolen applied for a disability pension based on his military service – which he received and collected until his death, which, according to the Pension Index Card from Fold3 (shown above), occurred on 1 March 1914, in Sioux City, Iowa, where he and his family moved some time after he was involved in a second mining accident.

The second accident was reported 30 November 1888 in the “Upper Dauphin Notes” of the Harrisburg Telegraph:

L. F. Nolen, of Lykens, had his left leg broken in the mines last Monday by coal and dirt falling on him.

The family appears in the Carroll County, Iowa, census of 1895, and again at the same place in 1900, where Lybrand was working as a day laborer.  By 1910, he was retired, and living off his “own income,” presumably his Civil War pension.

Findagrave records indicate that Lybrand’s wife Sarah died on 24 1912, leaving him a widower for a little more than the last two years of his life.

Finally, the Lykens G.A.R. Monument contains the name “L. F. Nolen” in the category of those who joined the Heilner Post after its organization.

Did Lybrand F. Nolen move to Iowa because of his misfortune in the mines or was there another reason?  Much more research still needs to be done on this veteran who served honorably in a United States regiment during the Civil War.  Any additional information that can be supplied by a blog reader would be welcome!


Israel Neiman – Veteran of Mifflin Township

Posted By on April 15, 2017

Israel Neiman is buried at the Old Methodist Cemetery in Berrysburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  At the time the photograph of his grave maker was taken (shown above) there was no indication at the cemetery that he was a Civil War veteran.  According to the stone, he was born 10 July 1820 and died 19 November 1886, aged 66 years, 4 month, and 9 days.  Also, at his Findagrave Memorial, there is no mention of his Civil War service.

Previously on this blog, Israel Neiman was added to the list of Civil War veterans who served from the Lykens Valley area.

On 26 November 1886, the Harrisburg Telegraph reprinted an obituary of Israel Neiman that had appeared earlier in the Lykens Register:

We note with regret the death of Mr. Israel Neiman, living near Berrysburg.  Mr. Neiman was sick but a short time and breathed his last on Friday morning.  He was a useful and respected citizen, whose loss will be felt by his family and the community at large.  His age was 66 years.  The funeral was held on Monday.  Services in the Methodist Episcopal Church.  Revs. G. B. Fisher and J. R. Bailey officiated.

The obituary also failed to mention his Civil War service.


A Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card was located at the Pennsylvania Archives for an Israel Neiman who served in Company H of the 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry.  It appears that this is the same Israel Neiman who is buried at Berrysburg.  Records of the regiment indicate that he was mustered into service on 21 February 1865 and honorably discharged on 24 August 1865.

Since Israel Neiman died in 1886, he did not apply for a pension, having received no disability as a result of his war service.  In 1890, when the rules were relaxed to allow old age as a sufficient reason to apply, an Eliza Neiman applied for widow’s benefits, which she received and collected until her death, as shown on the Pension Index Card (above) from Ancestry.com.

Eliza Neiman, according to information found in family trees on Ancestry.com, was Elizabeth Enterline born 13 May 1825 and died 9 July 1896.  She married Israel prior to 1847 and had at least seven children with him:

Mary Neiman (1847-1867);

John L. Neiman (1849-1872);

Israel E. Neiman (1851-1931), who married Susan Daniel (1858-1932);

Sarah S. Neiman (1853-1948), who married William Streepy;

William Neiman (1854-1923), who married Ellen Sabina Row (1860-1933);

Michael Neiman (1858-1927); and

Samuel M. Neiman (1861-1918).

Occupations for Israel Neiman include blacksmith (1850); farmer (1860); farmer (1870); and farmer (1880).  Also, information is available on Newspapers.com that indicates Israel served on several juries during his lifetime, that he was the executor of at least one estate, and that he was elected and served as a Mifflin Township supervisor.

More information is sought about Israel Nieman, his Civil War service and his family. Readers who can add to this blog post can do so by responding in the “comments” section.



Death and Funeral of John E. Nace

Posted By on April 13, 2017

This obituary appeared in the Harrisburg Evening News, 12 June 1924:


John E. Nace, 89 years old, of Halifax, who for the past two months had been living with his son, O. C. Nace, 22 North Harrisburg Street, Steelton, died this morning.  Besides his son, he is survived by two brothers, David Nace of Chambersburg, and Aaron Nace of McConnellsburg.  Short funeral services will be held Monday morning at 8 o’clock from the son’s home, with further services at 2 o’clock Monday afternoon at Halifax.  Burial will be in the Halifax Cemetery.

Nace, who was a retired business man, worked for the Pennsylvania Steel Company, Steelton, as a timekeeper. from 1876 to 1879. Later he followed his trade as carpenter, moving from Steelton to Lebanon and later moving to Halifax, where he entered business.

Information on the funeral appeared in the Harrisburg Evening News, 14 June 1924:


Funeral services for John E. Nace, 89 years old of Halifax, who died Thursday morning at the home of his son, O. C. Nace, 22 North Harrisburg Street, will be held Monday afternoon at 2 o’clock from his home in Halifax.  Burial will be in the Halifax Cemetery. The body may be viewed here tomorrow night from 6 to 8 o’clock.  Besides his son, he is survived by two brothers, David Nace , of Chambersburg, and Aaron Nace of McConnellsburg.  Nace, who had been living at Steelton for the past several weeks, was a retired business man.  During 1876-1879, he was employed as timekeeper with the Pennsylvania Steel Company, the predecessor of the Bethlehem Steel Company at Steelton.

Curiously though, nothing is mentioned in the obituary or funeral information about his Civil War service.

The following information is modified and edited from Captain Enders Legion, pages 162-164, a book describing the participation of the descendants of Capt. Johann Philip Christian Enders (1740-1809) in the Civil War:

John E. Nace was born 1 April 1835 in Halifax Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  He was the son of Barbara [Enders] Nace and David NaceBarbara Enders was born 20 April 1814 in Armstrong Valley, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, and married David Nace, son of John Nace.  David was born 4 October 1808 in Berks County, Pennsylvania.  Barbara and David had ten children and additional family data is only known for Henry Nace, born 20 May 1833 and the subject of this biographical sketch, John E. Nace.

John E. Nace married Lydia Ann Fetterhoff on 8 January 1861, the daughter of Joseph Fetterhoff and Catherine [Loudermilch] Fetterhoff.  She was born in Halifax Township on 8 December 1841.  They had three children, two of which had unknown histories.  The birth and place of residence of Oscar C. Nace are unknown.  He married Emily Smith.

When evidence finally became unmistakable that General Lee with his entire Army was north of the Potomac, and marching in force toward the Pennsylvania border, Governor Andrew Curtin on 26 June 1863 issued his proclamation to call up 60,000 men to be mustered into service.  They would remain only so long as the safety and honor of the Commonwealth should require.  John E. Nace was mustered in at Harrisburg on 4 July 1863, in the 36th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment [36th Pennsylvania Infantry], Company C, “Militia of 1863.”  The 36th Regiment was sent to Gettysburg and its commanding officer, Col. H. C. Alleman was made Military Governor of the district, embracing the battleground.  It was engaged in gathering in the wounded and stragglers from both armies and collecting debris on the battlefield.  In Col. Alleman’s official report, the following property was collected:  26,664 muskets, 9,250 bayonets, 1,500 cartridge boxes, 204 sabers, 14,000 rounds of small arm ammunition, 26 Artillery wheels, 702 blankets, 40 wagon loads of clothing, 60 saddles and bridles, 5 wagons, 510 horses and mules, and six wagon loads of knapsacks and haversacks.  On 11 Aug 1863, John E. Nace was discharged in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with the rank of Private.

John E. Nace was a merchant, served a term as a Councilman in Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania; another term as a Councilman in Steelton, Pennsylvania and one term as a Burgess in Lykens.

According to the Lykens-Willliams Valley History, published in 1922, John E. Nace was Chief Burgess of Lykens Borough from 1876-1877.  Despite the fact that he was the chief officer of government and he honorably served in the Civil War, he is not named on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument.

The Civil War service of John E. Nace is confirmed by the Pennsylvania Veterans File Card, shown above from the Pennsylvania Archives.

His name also appears on the actual roster of the militia company, as shown above on a portion of that document which is available from Ancestry.com.

Since John E. Nace died in 1924 and his son Oscar C. Nace did not die until 1951, it is possible that a family member has a photograph of him, although it is not known if Oscar and his wife Emily [Smith] Nace had any children.  John E. Nace had at least nine siblings and many of those had descendants for whom photographs are available.  John also had two brothers with confirmed Civil War service:  Samuel Otterbein Nace (1842-1862), died at Cedar Mountain, Virginia; and David Benjamin Nace (1838-1933).  A photograph does exist of David Benjamin Nace.