Posted By Norman Gasbarro on June 20, 2018
During the Civil War, Daniel Paul served as a Private in the 130th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H. After the Civil War, he moved to Michigan, but kept in touch with his Lykens Valley friends and relatives via correspondence to the editor of the Lykens newspaper.
Six results of that correspondence from the year 1907 are reported below:
Daniel Paul, of Constantine, Michigan, who has been visiting friends in this section since last December, was a caller at the Standard office Tuesday. Mr. Paul, who formerly resided in Armstrong Valley, cane east for the benefit of his health, and several weeks ago decided to take a trip to the south, with the result that he finally landed in Havana, Cuba. He spent some time in Miami, Florida, which he describes as very beautiful. He also enjoyed his visit to “the Pearl of the Antilles,” and thinks of paying the island a visit again next winter.
Lykens Standard, 22 February, 1907.
Daniel Paul of Constantine, Michigan, bid his final adieu to his many friends and neighbors and left for his Western home recuperated, and highly pleased with his visit to his old home.
Lykens Standard, 8 March 1907.
Daniel Paul of Constantine, Michigan, who has been visiting relatives and friends in this section and other parts of the State since last December, called to bid us good-bye Tuesday before leaving for Harrisburg on the following day, from which point he will leave for his home next week.
Lykens Standard, 29 March 1907
Letter From Daniel Paul
EDITORS STANDARD – On my return home I thought I would write a few lines to inform you, and through your valuable paper my many friends, of my safe arrival in my usual health. I left Harrisburg on the 4th inst. And went to Marion, Indiana, where I stayed with the boys until the 12th. On arriving at my home in Constantine, Michigan, I found everything all right except the weather, which is cold, the ground freezing every night. I do not think any damage has resulted, however, as the fruit has not started yet. Farmers are doing their plowing whenever they get a chance, but it is a very late Spring. Where, oh where is that all-wise and deceitful weather prophet, and the groundhog? I think people ought to make war on them as well as on grafters or any other fraud.
There sill be lots of business here this summer in spite of the anti-Roosevelts and the Thaw trial. I wish I were about a thousand miles further South while this weather lasts. It snowed last night and today the ground is covered but it is melting fast.
High prices are realized here this Spring for all farm products. Hogs bring $6.25 live weight. My son-in-law now has 265 fine big ones and some small ones. He sold his sheep (800) two weeks ago at $9.20 in Buffalo. Butter is 25c, eggs 14c and corn 45c. Common labor commands $1.75 for ten hours’ work and there’s no sale for Billy Bryan stock.
I traveled over 5,300 miles since the 15th of last December, all alone, which was quite an undertaking; especially my trip through the South and to Cuba.
Hoping you are all well, and with best wishes for my friends in Pennsylvania, I remain,
Yours truly,
Constantine, Michigan, 19 April 1907.
Lykens Standard, 26 April 1907.
Daniel Paul of Constantine, Michigan, who is visiting relatives and friends in this section, was a caller at the Standard office the latter part of last week. Mr. Paul has disposed of his interests at Constantine and is traveling about the country in quest of health.
Lykens Standard, 9 August 1907.
Daniel Paul of Constantine, Michigan, who is spending some time with relatives and friends in this section, left for the Jamestown Exposition on Saturday.
Lykens Standard, 20 September 1907.
News articles from This series will continue up through the death of Daniel Paul, which occurred in Lykens in 1911.
Special thanks to Debby Rabold, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for discovering these articles about her relative.
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