
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Southern Mansions – The Orton Plantation

Posted By on July 25, 2011

In the Lower Cape Fear area of North Carolina is a mansion and plantation with a direct connection to the Civil War and to the Lykens Valley area.  The painting shown above was completed in the 1970s by Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, artist Leah [Radel] Weaver.

Leah Weaver began painting shortly after she married Ned Weaver during World War II in Madison, Wisconsin, and was one of the early members of the Millersburg Art Association and also was a member of the Harrisburg Art Association.  Leah had a strong interest in history as well as art and was one of the original members of the Gratz Historical Society where she was active for many years.  She was also a member of the Antique Automobile Club.

Leah’s interest in history was shared by her husband Ned Weaver.  Most of the biographical and historical sketches of Civil War soldiers that appear in A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania were researched and written by Ned.  In addition, he has given several talks on the Civil War at historical society meetings.  Those talks are available in the video resources of the Gratz Historical Society Library.

Ned’s career in the garment manufacturing industry took him to the south in order to meet requirements of clothing contracts for his factories, one of which was located in his hometown of Elizabethville.  Leah often accompanied him on those trips.  On many occasions Ned and Leah would tour historic sites – particularly those related to the Civil War.  Over the years, Ned took many pictures of southern plantations and their stately homes – from Natchez, Mississippi, to Tidewater Virginia, and from North Carolina to Tennessee.  Leah took a special interest in painting the plantation scenes – particularly the homes.  After visiting the sites, Leah would refer to Ned’s pictures to complete the paintings.  Ned does not recall how many mansion home paintings she produced during those years – perhaps, too many to count.  In time, the paintings got dispersed – sold or given away – and only one is remaining in Ned’s possession – the one of Orton Plantation shown above.

Click on picture to show full map at source location.

Orton Plantation is located near the southernmost part of North Carolina in an area known as Lower Cape Fear.  The town of Brunswick is the closest community.  The history of the plantation goes back to Colonial times with interesting stories of Indian raids and buildings being destroyed.  At one time the plantation was owned by Col. Maurice Moore, a colonial governor and father of Supreme Court Associate Justice Alfred Moore.  In 1826, the home that was built there was purchased by Dr. Frederick Jones Hill who kept it in his possession through the Civil War until January 1865.  Union soldiers then confiscated the house and plantation and used it as a headquarters and military hospital.

In an effort to replace many of the soldiers in the 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry who were lost in the final days of fighting in North Carolina before the Appomattox surrender in April 1865, a second Company G of the 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry was formed with many of the recruits coming from the Lykens Valley area.  That replacement company was mustered in in Harrisburg, March 1865 and immediately sent to the coastal area of North Carolina.  Meanwhile, the final Confederate holdouts were resisting surrender in the inland areas of North Carolina and Gen. William Sherman was sent to get peace terms from the rebels.  The coastal area was filled with the sick and wounded as well as refugees, deserters, prisoners of war, and Union soldiers who were awaiting discharge.  Company G of the 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry spent much of their service time acting as military police.  They were eventually mustered out in June 1865.  Whether any of the members of Company G actually spent time at Orton Plantation is not known – but all the plantations in the Cape Fear area most likely saw some use by the military, so similar situation were likely encountered by the Lykens Valley area soldiers no matter where they were stationed in North Carolina.

Today, Orton Plantation is on the National Register of Historic Places and receives thousands of visitors each year.  Changes were made to the buildings of the Civil War era but the original section of the main house looks much like it did during the Civil War.

Leah [Radel] Weaver died 3 February 2008.  She was survived by her husband Ned, and two sons and their families, and two sisters and a brother.  The painting of Leah (above) was done by Ethel Hottenstein of the Millersburg Art Association as a tribute to her on the occasion of her 50th birthday.  Her husband Ned continues as a volunteer for the Gratz Historical Society, now working on the comprehensive name index for the soon-to-be-published history of Lykens Township.  Ned also is an ongoing contributor to the Civil War Research Project.

Pictures of the paintings shown above were provided courtesy of Ned Weaver.  Some of the information on Orton Plantation was taken from Wikipedia.

Williamstown All Wars Memorial

Posted By on July 24, 2011

The All Wars Memorial in Williamstown, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, is located on Market Street in the center of Williamstown on the site of a former theater.  It is across the street from the Shuttlesworth-Raddel-Shammo American Legion Post Number 239 of Williamstown, Pennsylvania, which sponsored the memorial.

The centerpiece of the memorial is a marble marker indicating the following:

Dedicated to the Memory of the Veterans of All Wars.

Around the sides of the memorial are the bronze emblems representing each of the wars in which residents of Williamstown and Williams Township served.

The bronze star with G.A.R. represents the veterans of the Civil War.

155th Pennsylvania Infantry – Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg

Posted By on July 23, 2011

(Part 51 of an ongoing series on the Battle of Gettysburg).  Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  This post will present the plaque recognizing the men who served in the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more clearly read.  Following the plaque is a list of the men who have thus far been identified as eligible for inclusion in this Civil War Research Project who, it is believed, served for a time in the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry .  Not all the names may appear on the Pennsylvania Memorial plaques.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days at Gettysburg – or it could mean that the soldier was erroneous included in the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry list.  There could also be errors on the plaque.  Readers are invited to submit comments about any names appearing below, or on the plaque, especially if they believe the soldier was from the Lykens Valley area and should be included in this study.

Click on picture to enlarge.

Men from the Lykens Valley area who probably served in the 155th Pennsylvania Infantry :

Note:  At the present time, no veterans from the Lykens Valley area have been identified in this regiment.  Since research is still being conducted to determine the Civil War regiments in which many of the Lykens Valley area veterans served, it is possible that some names will be added in the future.  Research is on-going and corrections and additions are always welcome.  Readers are invited to submit comments about any veteran found on this plaque, whether or not they have a connection to the Lykens Valley areaClick here for map.

Information for this post was taken from the files of the Civil War Research Project.  A separate digital file is kept on each soldier who is included in the list of veterans.  Information is sought on any men from the Lykens Valley area who were soldiers or sailors during the Civil War.

153rd Pennsylvania Infantry – Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg

Posted By on July 22, 2011

(Part 50 of an ongoing series on the Battle of Gettysburg).  Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  This post will present the plaque recognizing the men who served in the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more clearly read.  Following the plaque is a list of the men who have thus far been identified as eligible for inclusion in this Civil War Research Project who, it is believed, served for a time in the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry .  Not all the names may appear on the Pennsylvania Memorial plaques.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days at Gettysburg – or it could mean that the soldier was erroneous included in the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry list.  There could also be errors on the plaque.  Readers are invited to submit comments about any names appearing below, or on the plaque, especially if they believe the soldier was from the Lykens Valley area and should be included in this study.

Note:  There are two plaques for the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry.

Click on picture to enlarge.

Click on picture to enlarge.

Men from the Lykens Valley area who probably served in the 153rd Pennsylvania Infantry :

Note:  At the present time, no veterans from the Lykens Valley area have been identified in this regiment.  Since research is still being conducted to determine the Civil War regiments in which many of the Lykens Valley area veterans served, it is possible that some names will be added in the future.  Research is on-going and corrections and additions are always welcome.  Readers are invited to submit comments about any veteran found on this plaque, whether or not they have a connection to the Lykens Valley areaClick here for map.

Information for this post was taken from the files of the Civil War Research Project.  A separate digital file is kept on each soldier who is included in the list of veterans.  Information is sought on any men from the Lykens Valley area who were soldiers or sailors during the Civil War.


Gratz During the Civil War – Dr. Andrew Maurer House

Posted By on July 21, 2011

Lot #54 – Dr. Andrew Maurer House. Click on map to enlarge.

This is the sixth in a series of posts on Gratz during the Civil War.

The house on Lot #54 on the south side of Market Street was built sometime between 1820 and 1824, probably by John Coleman who was the original purchaser of this lot from Simon Gratz in 1818.  Coleman sold the lot and house, or partially completed house in 1821 to Elizabeth Schreiner.  After her death, her executors sold the lot and a two-story house on it in 1824 .  The house and lot changed hand several times until around 1830. Thereafter it was owned by several medical doctors who came to Gratz and stayed for periods of time, including Dr. Edmund O’Neill, Dr. John O. Witman, Dr. Jonas Crain, Dr. Joseph Eyster, and finally Dr. Andrew G. L. Maurer.

Dr. Witman’s son Henry O. Witman served as a Captain in the 36th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C., during the Civil War.  He was born about 1830 and it is not know for sure if he had any association with this house.  Henry O. Witman is included in the Civil War Research Project.  Of the other doctors mentioned, the only other one with a known relationship to to the Civil War was Dr. Andrew G. L. Maurer (1815-1876).

Dr. Maurer was a doctor in Gratz during the Civil War and his practice was located in this house on Lot#54.  His oldest son, Henry Maurer (1846-1947) served in the Civil War in the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Private, and in the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company B, also as a Private.  Henry Maurer was the oldest surviving veteran of the Civil War from the Lykens Valley area.  He is buried in Wiconisco in the Methodist Cemetery.  The Gratz Historical Society has an extensive collection of materials on his family and military service.  As for Dr. Maurer, he placed the property in trust for his wife Elizabeth in 1864, and she is listed as the owner on the tax records of 1865.  The Maurers moved to Wiconisco, and in 1876, Dr. Maurer died as the result of a railroad accident.  Henry Maurer returned to Gratz after the Civil War and his daughter Carrie married the son of Dr. Schimnky, another Gratz doctor.

Around 1912, one of the owners of the house divided it up into a two-family rental property, and with the number of tenants that lived in the property both before 1912 and after, it is difficult to tell if any were associated with the Civil War.  Research is on-going into the question and if any readers have any information they are encouraged to comment.  In the late 1980s, the house was in a very run-down condition.  It was purchased and restored and today it stands much as it would have looked during the mid-nineteenth century.

The grave marker of Dr. Andrew Maurer is located at the head of the family plot in Calvary Methodist Episcopal Cemetery in Wiconisco.  One of the graves in the plot is that of his son Henry Maurer, Civil War veteran.

Dr. Andrew Maurer (1815-1876)

Margaret Moyer Maurer (1825-1907)

Henry Maurer (1846-1947)

Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of Gratz Pennsylvania.