
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Gratz During the Civil War – William Scheib House

Posted By on September 24, 2011

The house on this property, Lot #47, was built in the 1820s by Joshua Osman who purchased the lot from Simon Gratz in 1818.  Some time around 1824, Peter Crabb (1787-?), a blacksmith, purchased the property from Osman, and probably built the small building in the rear which he used as a blacksmith shop.  Peter Crabb along with his wife Mary Magdaline, began raising their family here.  Civil War veteran Edward Crabb (1832-1886) was probably born in this house before it was sold in 1832 to William and Elizabeth Wingert.  The Crabb family is discussed in another post on Lot #19, a property that is associated more with their Civil War experience in Gratz.  There are also other properties in Gratz that were owned or leased by members of the Crabb family and those will be noted as those properties are featured in posts.


The earliest known picture of the dwelling on this lot is from the second half of the twentieth century.

William Wingert, a chair maker, owned the property until 1836.  He conveyed it to George Moyer at that time, but because the transaction was not completely satisfied, the ownership went into the estate of George Moyer when he died in 1842.  A number of tenants occupied the house and outbuildings from then through the end of the Civil War, when it was purchased by William Scheib (1838-1913) in 1866.  Scheib was a tenant in the house during the Civil War but conducted his business at the Scheib Hide and Leather Company, a tannery located to the east of Gratz.  Since William Scheib was the primary tenant during the Civil War, and since one of his descendants, Carl Scheib, later became famous as a pitcher for the Philadelphia Athletics, this house should be referred to as the William Scheib House rather than the George Moyer House as Moyer was deceased and the property was held in his estate.  William Scheib was also an employer of many area residents who worked at the tannery during the war years and after.  Research is still being conducted to determine whether any of Scheib’s children or members of his extended family had Civil War service.

Dr. William Lebo (1847-1920)

William Scheib sold the house and lot in 1876 to Henry Lehr (1838-1909).  Henry Lehr is discussed in relation to his father Daniel Lehr’s property, the general store and post office at the northeast corner of Market Street and Centre Streets.  No known Civil War service has been located for Henry Lehr.  In 1870, William Lebo (1847-1920) was a medical student and living here .  Lebo had served in the 16th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company M, as a private, from 30 October 1862 through 11 August 1865.  The picture of William Lebo shown above is cropped from a photograph taken at Jefferson Medical School in Philadelphia, where he and other medical students are working on a cadaver.  Dr. William Lebo is buried at St. Andrew’s Methodist Cemetery in Valley View, Schuylkill County, and a G.A.R. marker indicates his Civil War service.

Dr. William Lebo (1847-1920)

Henry Lehr sold this property after 1880 and its ownership went into the Sallada family where it remained until 1925.  Members of the Sallada family who served in the Civil War are not directly associated with this Gratz property.

This is part 18 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.

Gratz During the Civil War – George Ossman, Boot and Shoe Maker

Posted By on September 23, 2011

Lot #29 was held by the heirs of Simon Gratz for many years, but in 1853, they sold it to George Ossman, who at the time lived in Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  The first part of the house was constructed prior to Ossman purchasing the land.  By 1855, a two story house was listed in the tax records, with no out buildings.  Ossman was a boot and shoe maker and immediately established his business at the site.  He owned the property through the Civil War years and with his wife, Catherine Smeltz, raised his young children there.  In 1876, George Ossman sold to George Washington Sebold (1836-1903).  Ossman appears to be a widower in the 1880 census and living with his son Franklin Ossman, a coal miner, perhaps indicating that his wife’s death was the reason he decided to sell.

Military records indicate that George Ossman was drafted into the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, as a Private and served from 2 November 1862 through 19 November 1862, when he supposedly transferred to Roberts Artillery as a substitute.  His name has not yet been found in the records of Roberts Artillery, but within a short time after his supposed transfer, Roberts Artillery merged with the 3rd Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery.   Military records also indicate a muster out date of 5 August 1863, but that’s the date that the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry completed its service.  In any event, George Ossman is credited with being a Civil War veteran although no record of a pension application has been located.  Since neither he nor his wife appear to have lived to 1890, they would not appear in the 1890 veteran/widow census.

The earliest picture of the house which was obtainable is from the mid-twentieth century and is shown above.

The purchaser of the property in 1876, George Washington Seebold, was previously discussed in conjunction with Lot #38 across the street.   Sebold had married Charlotte Moyer, the widow of Joseph Harper.  There were no Civil War connections with this house via the Seebold family, but just before Seebold purchased the property, Charlotte Moyer‘s only child with Joseph Harper, Amanda Harper had married dry goods merchant Isaac Hepler.  Sebold died in 1903 and in 1904 Amanda [Harper} Hepler purchased the property and set about renovating it.

Amanda Harper Hepler & Isaac Hepler

Isaac Hepler‘s Civil War service has already been noted but is repeated here:   Isaac was a Civil War veteran having served in the 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K, as a Private.    The Hepler’s remained in this house the rest of their lives – after turning the Lot #38 property over to their son George in 1907.

This is part 17 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.

Gratz During the Civil War – Rudolph Dornheim Properties

Posted By on September 22, 2011

The house on Lots #93 and #95 at the most western end of Gratz was one of the newest houses in Gratz at the time of the Civil War.

One of the first owners of the property was William Weidel, a potter.  He and his brother George Weidel (1784-1856) , also a potter, were early occupants of these lots, but now much is known about their activities here. George’s son, Jacob Weidel (1831-1901) was a Civil War veteran, serving in the 151st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Private, but there is no direct association of Jacob with these properties.  The Weidel family was also connected to the family of Capt. Benjamin Evitts who served in the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, and about whom much has already been written on this blog.  The Weidel name carried forward in several generations as a middle name of Evitts’ descendants.


The earliest picture of the “new” house on these lots is from the second half of the twentieth century and is shown above.   The porch was probably added after the Civil War.

In tracing the ownership of Lots #93 and #95, sometimes there was combined ownership, but sometimes the lots sere separately owned.  On at least one occasion, Lot #91 was combined with #93 and #95, but that did not occur until the early twentieth century when the three lots were combined by owner John C. Coleman of Gratz.

Edward and Carolyn Gratz of Philadelphia owned Lot #95 alone in 1863 when they sold it to William H. Yohe.  Yohe sold Lot #95 to Rudolph Dornheim in 1864.  This combined with Lot #91 and #93, which Dornheim had purchased in 1857, gave him ownership of the three westernmost lots in Gratz during the Civil War.  Dornheim was a cabinetmaker doing his business primarily from Lot #91 and probably became a landlord by renting the new house that was on Lots #93 and #95, which the 1862 map of Gratz seems to show only as one lot.  Dornheim’s Civil War service (Gratztown Militia) is discussed in relation to Lot #91.

It is not know who rented this house during the Civil War or afterward.  After Dornheim’s sale of the three lots in 1898 to Milton A. Hartman, the properties changed hands several more times into the twentieth century – including to the Coleman family (as indicated above), the Miller family, the Schoffstall family, and the Shade family. Without more information about the families who lived here, particularly the tenants, it is not possible at this time to make any more connections with any Civil War veterans.

This is part 16 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.  

Gratz During the Civil War – Henry M. Witmer, Saddle & Harness Maker

Posted By on September 21, 2011

In the years before the Civil War and in the years following the war in which veterans returned and lived in Gratz, this property, known as Lot #42 on the original Simon Gratz subdivision, was owned by three families.  Each of the families had a number of Civil War veterans who were associated with it.  The Kissinger family was the first to purchase this property in 1819.

The house that exists today consists of the original log house, built some time before 1840, to which was added some outbuildings and additions.  The earliest available picture is from the second half of the twentieth century.  The 1862 map shows two building fronting on Market Street and it appears from the current views of the house, that they were connected into one building at some time in the past.


The Civil War veterans from the Kissinger family were not born on this property since the family owned it only until 1834.  Two descendants are worth noting though because they spent most of their lives in the Gratz area.

Jarius Kissinger (1840-1882)

Jarius Kissinger (1840-1882), great-grandson of the original purchaser, first served in the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, as a Private from 2 November 1862 through 5 Aug 1863.   He also served in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, as a Sergeant from 16 September 1864 through 30 May 1865.  He married Sarah Hartman.  Jarius, who was also known as Jerius, Jonas, Josias, and Jorias, was a farmer in Gratz, Lykens Township, and Washington Township.  He died in the great smallpox epidemic in Gratz in 1882 (more on this epidemic in future posts) and is buried in Gratz Union Cemetery.

Jacob Kissinger (1843-1921)

Jacob Kissinger (1843-1921), also a great-grandson of the original purchaser and first cousin of Jarius Kissinger (above), was a member of the Home Guards, 36th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, a private who served from 4 July 1863 to his discharge on 11 August 1863.  He later joined the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company K, as a private and served from 25 February 1864 through muster out on 18 July 1865.  In Sherman’s March to the Sea and the great Atlanta Campaign, Jacob received a gunshot wound to the foot at Griswold Station, Georgia.  When he returned from the war, he married Amanda Williard and lived in Gratz and Lykens Township.  He learned the craft of shoemaking before the war, but after the war he is found in the records as a farmer.

Jacob Kissinger (1843-1921)

The Gratz post of the G.A.R. was named Kissinger Post #376 in recognition of the Civil War service of this family.  Additional research is being conducted to determine the reason for the choice of name.  Most of the records of the post have been misplaced or lost over the years and its history has to be reconstructed from family records and newspaper accounts.  The above-shown photograph of Jacob Kissinger in his G.A.R. uniform is from the digital collection of the Civil War Research Project.


The next owners of this property were Peter and Catherine Holtzman, purchasing it in 1834.  Peter was a hatter and used the smaller building as a shop.  The Holtzman records at this property had to be reconstructed so much of the genealogical information is still sketchy.  It is known that Peter Holtzman (1809-1863) sold the property back to a member of the Kissinger family in 1846, but remained here as a tenant until around 1855, when he moved to Lykens Borough.  While in Gratz, he also served as Justice of the Peace in the 1840s.  Peter died as a result of an accident in 1863;  a tree that he was felling struck and killed him.  The oldest children of Peter and Catherine were girls, two of whom married Civil War soldiers.  The girls, Rebecca Holtzman (1836-1921) and Lovina Holtzman (1841-1912) were born in this house.

Rebecca married Jonas P. Riegle (1835-1889), a son of Dauphin County Commissioner Daniel Riegle (1804-1855) and brother of two other Civil War veterans, Harrison Riegle (1840-1899) and Josiah R. Riegle (1829-1886).  Jonas served in the 50th Pennsylvania Infantry and spent some time in a hospital in Kentucky after he contracted malaria.

Lovina married William Bitterman (1838-1895) who served in the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry from 1861 to 1865.  William’s father, Daniel Bitterman (1813-1862) also served in the 9th Pennsyvlania Cavalry but got typhoid fever and died in a hospital in Litchfield, Kentucky.  Daniel was a farmer in the Wiconisco area.  William was a laborer who after the war became a stable boss for a coal company in Lykens.


After the Holtzman ownership, this property changed hands several times and was primarily occupied by tenants until it was purchased in April 1861 by Henry Witmer (1838-1885), a saddler and harness maker.  Henry remained the owner for most of the Civil War, until April 1865, when it was sold to Tobias M. Wiest, and the Witmer’s remained on the property as tenants.  Some believe that financial considerations led Henry to add “butcher” to the activities that took place in the adjacent shop.  The property also fell into great disrepair during the Witmer ownership

During the Civil War, Henry left Gratz for a time to serve in the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, as a Sergeant, from 2 November 1862 through 5 August 1863.  Henry’s wife, Amanda Fegley (1834-1918), applied for a widow’s pension after his death.  In the pension files is an 1886 statement from a doctor who attended to Henry Witmer.  The doctor refused to provide verification regarding Henry’s treatment because of money owed to him for the treatment.  Unless Amanda was willing to make payment, the doctor would not testify in her behalf for the pension.  Since there was no record that Henry had applied for a pension for any disabilities he incurred as a result of his war service, Amanda had to get get testimony from friends and neighbors in order to satisfy the government that her claim was valid.  Eventually, Amanda did receive a widow’s pension, but it is not known whether she ever paid the doctor for his services.  The pension documents are available in digital form through the Civil War Research Project.

After the Witmer’s left this property, it was owned by members of the Tobias family, the Schoffstall family, the Ritzman family, and the Evitts family, all of which had some Civil War connections.  Those connections will be (or have already been) discussed in conjunction with other Gratz properties where they had a more primary association.

This is part 15 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.

Gratz During the Civil War – Henry Kauderman, Boot and Shoe Maker

Posted By on September 20, 2011

The original owner of this lot was probably Samuel Dubendorf and the house that is here was probably built before 1828.  Dubendorf sold the property to Henry Schreiner in 1830.  In 1838, Henry Schreiner sold this property to Abraham Hess.  Hess was a shoemaker and probably built the shop building that still stands today adjacent to the house.  He raised his family here and one of his sons, Jacob Hess, who was born here in 1840, later served in the Civil War.  A daughter of Abraham Hess, Emma Hess, married into the Gratz family.

Jacob Hess (18401917)

Jacob Hess (1840-1917) served in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H,  as a Private from 20 September 1864 through 30 May 1865.  Jacob Hess had a child with Ella Amanda Roadenbach and then married Amanda Klinger.  Amanda was the great granddaughter of Johann Peter Klinger and Catharina Steinbruch; Amanda was also the 3rd great granddaughter of Johann Peter Hoffman (1709-1797).

Abraham Hess owned the property until 1856 when he sold it to Henry Kauderman who leased it to several tenants over the next few years.

In 1858, a tenant, Henry A. Fegley (1832-1865?), was living here.  Henry was a teacher who was probably teaching for a time in the Gratz school.  During the Civil War, Henry Fegley  served in both the Gratztown Militia, 36th Pennsylvania Infantry, Emergency Force of 1863,Company C, as a Private, and the 77th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private.  Records indicate he may have been the Henry Feagley who died of typhoid fever aboard a steamer off Hilton Head, South Carolina in 1865, on his way home from the war.  He was married to Mary Hoover at the time and had several small children.  Mary Hoover’s ancestry has not yet been determined.

Henry Kauderman (1829-1887)

Henry Kauderman (1829-1887) was a member of the Gratztown Home Guards and the 36th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, Emergency Force of 1863.  He served from 4 July 1863 through  11 August 1863.  Henry married Phoebe Ann “Filibinah” Hoffman.  She later died of a heart attack during the Gratz Fire of 1886.  Phoebe [Hoffman] Kauderman was the great granddaughter of Lykens Valley pioneer, Johann Peter Hoffman (1709-1797).  Henry and Phoebe are buried in Gratz Union Cemetery.  Interestingly, Phoebe was the second cousin twice removed of Amanda [Klinger] Hess, also associated with this property (see above), both being direct descendants of Johann Peter Hoffman.

In 1864, Henry Kauderman moved his boot and shoe making business here and occupied the house.  He remained there through the remainder of the Civil War up to 1870 when he sold it to David H. Maurer.

The above photograph shows the house and shop as it appeared about the year 1900.

One later owner, Joseph Romberger, continued to use the small building as a shoemaker shop.  Other families associated with this property were the Kissinger’s, the O’Neill’s, Lehr’s and the Martz’s.  To date, other than those previously mentioned, no other Civil War connections with this property have been found.

This is part 14 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken fromthe book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.