Posted By Norman Gasbarro on September 12, 2018
Civil War veteran Elias Sowers is also found in the records as Elias Souers. News articles refer to him as “The Railroad Preacher.”

Elias Sowers died in Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, on 29 September 1908, and is buried at the Charles Evans Cemetery at that place. His in-ground grave-marker notes that he was a Civil War veteran, having served in the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry.
Elias Sowers was originally identified for this blog in an on-line list of Civil War soldiers from Pine Grove, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.
At his death, the Reading Times published the following obituary on 30 September 1908:

Elias Sowers, a preacher and railroader, died Tuesday morning at his home, 1415 North Ninth Street. He was 76 years of age. Mr. Sowers did not perform any manual labor for seven years and preached his last sermon three or four years ago in Salem United Brethren Church. He suffered a severe attack of typhoid fever three years ago and since that time was almost helpless.
Deceased was born in Shartlesville and entered the service of the Reading Railway Company as a section hand in 1849, at Auburn. In 1851 he became a brakeman and in and in 1852 was promoted to fireman. He became an engineer in 1862 and ran on the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch between Auburn and Harrisburg. In 1864 he was appointed engineer at the pumping station at Auburn and held that position until 1881, when he secured a place as a flagman on the Schuylkill and Susquehanna Branch. In 1896 he was given the position of pumping engineer at the reading Water Station, which he held until his retirement, 1 January 1902.
In connection with railroading he preached in churches of the Church of God. He at one time had eight congregations in his charge. He preached at Auburn, New Ringgold, McKeansburg and other places in Schuylkill County.
Besides his wife Ellen Sowers, Mr. Sowers is survived by these children: David A. Sowers and John F. Sowers, this city; Lillie, wife of William Duffin, of Philadelphia; and Woodward Sowers, at home; also four brothers, Daniel Sowers, of Jefferson, Schuylkill County; Jacob Sowers, of Pottsville; John Sowers and Henry Sowers, of Auburn.
The Allentown Democrat, 5 October 1908, referred to Sowers at the “Railroad Preacher:”

“Railroad Preacher” is Dead
Elias Sowers, aged 76 years, died at Reading. He was known as the railroad preacher. He worked for the Reading Railroad Company for fifty-three years and in connection with railroading he preached in churches of the Church of God….

According to the Veterans’ File Card found at the Pennsylvania Archives, Elias Souers served in Company G of the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry. An other source notes that this service was from 2 November 1862 through his discharge on 19 February 1863.

Souers applied for a pension on 31 July 1890, per information on the Pension Index Card (above) from Fold3. He was awarded benefits which he collected to his death, after which his widow applied and collected benefits until her death.
Additional information can be found on Elias Sowers at his Facebook Memorial.
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