
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Architecture of Ford’s Theatre & Laura Keene

Posted By on January 23, 2012

For the purpose of determining whether it was possible for Laura Keene to move through a crowded theatre on the night of the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and get to the State Box, actual architectural renderings of the theatre were located and examined.  In 1963, in conjunction with a major restoration of the theatre, a book was published by the Government Printing Office.  That book is now available as a free download.  Selected plates from that book are presented here along with annotations so that the story can be followed by consulting the plans.  By clicking on any picture or diagram, it will enlarge.

The evidence presented in the book was of two kinds.  First, there were original source items.  Seating diagrams of the Orchestra level (main floor) and Dress Circle (second floor) were available.  They are reproduced below.  They do not show the north or south buildings, the backstage areas, or all entrances and exits.  Those who studied the history of Ford’s History (historians and archaeologists) confirmed the general accuracy of the seating diagrams as concerns the placement of the seats, angles and radii, and general proportional representation.  The diagrams were what was available when patrons purchased tickets and showed the location of the seats that were purchased – so they are from 1863 to 1865.  There was no known diagram for the Family Circle (third floor) because that area did not have individual seats, but had benches.  The third floor also did not figure in any known aspects of the assassination, including egress, as there was a separate stairway from the outside front directly to the third floor.  Patrons siting in the family circle could only mix with other theatre patrons outside the theatre.

Original Seating Diagram - Orchestra Level

Original Seating Diagram - Dress Circle

Note that the seating diagram for the Dress Circle shows the State Box at the left side as “Private Box 7” and “Private Box 8.”  For the President’s visit, the partition was removed between the boxes and one larger box was created.  In addition to the two diagrams, a photograph was included in the study which showed the south wall of the building after the south building had been demolished.  The bricked-in door, shown on the picture as “L” is the access door that originally went from the Dress Circle to the second floor lounge in the south building.  The floor of the lounge was a few steps down from the door to the Dress Circle since at the point where the entrance was located the risers for the chairs brought theDress Circle  flooring to a greater height than the flooring at the level of the State Box.  The blue line approximates the slope of the floor, which included a step at each level until the level was reached adjacent to the state box, believed from the plans and the photographs to be about four risers below the door sill entry into the Dress Circle.  “M & N” was the approximate location of the State Box (inside the building).  All the other openings in the wall are windows; none of the windows were known to exist at the time of the Lincoln assassination.

From the picture, it appears that the door is much higher than the floor of the south building’s second floor where the lounge was located.  The historical study points out that the door was cut after the theatre was built and was done to create a lounge for the Dress Circle patrons – a fact that was advertised to the public.  Several steps therefore had to be placed inside the lounge to reach the level of the Dress Circle.  It would have been natural to place the door as far to the rear of the Dress Circle as possible and behind the last row of seats of the Dress Circle – hence its placement on the highest level of the Dress Circle. To the left of the door cut, a major support column is located (see plans below), and to the left of that (continuing to the front of the building and the street) is the stairwell for the Family Circle located on the third floor.  Thus, the door was cut at the best point for the physical structure of the theatre as well as for the performance aspects of the theatre.  Other than the windows, which were cut many years after 1865, there were no other access points from the south building through the south wall into the theatre!

The second type of evidence presented in the study is the set of reconstructed theatre plans – actual architectural drawings that were specifically created by carefully examining all available historical and archeological evidence including Brady photographs that were taken of both the interior and exterior of the theatre shortly after the assassination, drawings, and recollections of witnesses.  This evidence also included a drawing made by John T. Ford while he was in prison, measurements and descriptive accounts that were given in testimony at the trial of the conspirators, and a number of artifacts and furnishings that were known to have come from the theatre.  An attempt was made to re-create the theatre exactly as it was the night of the assassination.  Those who worked on the project were very satisfied that they had accomplished that task.

The first drawing presented below shows the front of the theatre.

The north wing contained Laura Keene‘s dressing room and was set back from the street, another building (a restaurant) existing between the north wing and the street front.  The south wing contained a saloon on the first floor, the lounge for the Dress Circle on the second floor, and offices for the Ford brothers on the third floor.  The small door (marked “Hallway Door”) led into a corridor or alley and provided access to the saloon and a rear door to the stage.  The main door to the theatre was actually the fourth set of doors from the left and immediately inside that door was was the box office.  The fifth door was the separate entrance to the Family Circle (third floor) with no access provided to the rest of the building.  Lincoln and his party entered the building through the fourth door(“A” on the drawing shown below) and then proceeded across the lobby to the stair (“B”) to the Dress Circle.

Orchestra Level Plan

Moving inside the theatre (see above) – entering at “A”, proceed to staircase “B” and up the stairs to the Dress Circle.  The distance from “A” to “B” is approximately 35 feet.  Measurements are according to the scale used at the lower right of each of the architectural drawings, the upper line in feet, the lower line in meters.  Now, ascend the stairs (at “B”) to the Dress Circle level.

Dress Circle Plan

Lincoln and his party arrived at the top of the stairs (“O”) and then proceeded across the back of the Dress Circle to “L” which is the doorway to the lounge previously described.  Lincoln then proceeded along the wall and down several risers to “M” which is the outer door to the state box -going through the door at “M” and then the door at “N” to enter the seating area for the state box.  Not including the stairway to the level of the Dress Circle, the Lincoln party had to travel approximately 100 feet across the back of the Dress Circle to get to their seats.  There was only one entrance to the state box (at “M”) and the closest other entrance or exit to the Dress Circle was at least 40 feet from there – the door and steps to the lounge at “L.”  Booth entered the state box through the door at “N” and after firing the fatal shot, he jumped to the stage (one floor below).

Reference now back to the first floor plan.  Laura Keene was either in her dressing room or at point “C” in the wings of the stage (known in the theatre as the “stage right” entrance).  At this point in the play, she was wearing a full gown complete with hoop skirt.  Booth supposedly went right by her exiting the stage at “stage right” and then headed for the rear door where his horse was located.  What is not shown on the plan is the set-scenery diagram.  There were several layers of scenery set up on the stage and the area behind the front set had several crew members ready to shift the scene in preparation for Laura’s next entrance.

For Laura Keene to get to the state box – William J. Ferguson indicated he led her there – she would have had to come down from the front of the stage into the Orchestra level, head across the pandemonium of people rushing for the exits as well as pressing into the theatre, get through the doors adjacent to stairway “B”, ascend the stairs to the level of the Dress Circle – and then move across approximately 100 feet of the crush of people – just to get to the outer door of the State Box (“M”).  It is highly questionable whether she would have been able to get off the stage in full dress gown and move through an angry mob.

For Laura Keene to get to the State Box by the route “known to the regular members of the cast” as indicated by Jeannie Gourlay, she would have had to move across the stage through several layers of scenery – in her full dress with hoop skirt – go out the door at “D”, turn left and go out the door at “F”.  She then would be outside the safety of the theatre and in the alley area behind the theatre – where Booth had just escaped.  From “F” she had to travel another 40 feet (if the path were direct and clear), and ascend the stair beginning at “G”.  There is a question about whether access was possible between “F” and “G” as another drawing shows what appears to be a building abutting the corner of Ford’s Theatre preventing passage into the yard behind the south wing and to the stairway at “G.”  If this building did abut the theatre, it would have been impossible for Laura Keene to get to the foot of the stairway at “G” from door “F.”

Refer again to the Dress Circle plan.  At the top of the stair, Laura Keene encountered a door “I” which, if she was able to open from the outside, led into a vestibule and stairway area approximately 20 feet in length – to another doorway or opening at “J.”  Then, she had to go up some steps to the door at “L.”  At this point, if she was able to move through what must have been a crush of people at “L”, she still had about 40 feet to go behind the Dress Circle chairs – and down at least four levels of risers –  before she would get to the first entrance at “M”  – and then she still had to get through the door at “N.”  Is it possible that she was able to do this in the pandemonium that followed the shot?  And all in full dress complete with hoop skirt?

Some tellers of this story have Laura Keene carrying a pitcher of water to the state box.  Imagine that!  Perhaps she had time to stop in the saloon to get the water before exiting at door “F.”  Or, perhaps she went back into the Green Room (next to her dressing room) to get the water – adding more time, more obstacles, and more distance to the journey to the state box.

Some tellers of this story have Laura Keene being led to the State Box by Thomas Gourlay.  A question begs an answer.  Would a father leave his two daughters, both members of the cast, amid the chaos of the theatre that evening – with mobs of strangers threatening to burn down the theatre – with military men attempting to get control of the situation – with arrests being made – and with no one knowing what was happening – just to take an aging actress outside through a long, circuitous route so she could take a pitcher of water to the state box and so she could get down and cradle Lincoln’s head in her lap?  The actresses – and Thomas Gourlay himself – were immediately threatened with arrest.  All the theatre personnel were under suspicion.  Then there was the wounding of the orchestra leader, William Withers, by John Wilkes Booth.  Withers was in the passage – supposedly next to Laura Keene – or Jeannie Gourlay as was later told.  Jeannie Gourlay was engaged to be married to William Withers.  Who was administering to Withers?  Would Thomas Gourlay leave his daughter and future son-in-law who was wounded in the wings so that he could lead Laura Keene to the state box?

No one knows for sure what Thomas Gourlay did in the aftermath of the the shot.  No one knows where he was when the shot was fired.  He never made any public statements and there is no record of him being questioned by the authorities.  Only after he died – never having performed on the stage again after that night at Ford’s Theatre – did his family begin telling the story that he helped carry Lincoln from the theatre.  Then the story continued to get embellished into a full-blown legend – and perhaps a hoax.  There will be more on Thomas Gourlay at a later date, so no more digression about him now.  There will also be more said on Jeannie Gourlay and her physical and mental condition at the time of the statement she made about the route “known to regular members of the cast.”  The context in which statements are made is one of the most important factors in the analysis of their truthfulness.  Professional historians should never ignore context.

If it is still believed that Laura Keene was able to get into the State Box, imagine how much floor space she took up when she knelt down with her hooped skirt.  There were already two women in the box – Clara Harris and Mary Todd Lincoln – both in full dress.  There were three doctors there.  There were soldiers there.  There were several other men there.  Major Rathbone was there – bleeding profusely.  And, we can’t forget the victim, Abraham Lincoln, who supposedly was stretched out on the floor.  What about the furniture?  In addition to the rocker on which Lincoln watched the performance, there was a settee and at least four chairs.

It is a documented fact that there was a press of people at the door (“N”) and the doctors had trouble getting in.  When Lincoln was carried out, a path had to be cleared.  The route out of the box was the same as the route his party took coming in – only this time he was carried out – through doors at “N” and “M” – up the risers, across the back of the dress circle, past the door to the Lounge at “L,” to the stairway at “O,” and down the stairway, out of the building and across the street – all of which required a path cleared through the mob that had gathered.

Measurements of the State Box can be taken easily from the drawings.  It was about 16 feet across the front and about six feet deep at its narrowest point.  The wall arrangement for the two doors cut into the space and gave the box a slightly L-shaped configuration.  The longest depth of wall was about 12 feet.  The picture of the restored state box, shown below, is from Life, 1 March 1968.

The caption for the picture reads:

In the reconstructed box, photographed at right from approximately the spot Booth stood when he fired, the furnishings, except for the original settee, are all exact copies.  They were manufactured especially for this restoration and were patterned on contemporary photographs and drawings and actual furniture and wallpaper fragments from the theatre now in museums.

Imagine all those people inside the box – and all that furniture.  Some writers have said that it’s only possible that all those people could have fit in the box if the people were stacked on top of each other.

Some of those who want to place Laura Keene and Thomas Gourley inside the State Box have gone to great lengths to distort the actual layout of the theatre to prove their point.  In his book, Blood on the Moon, Edward Steers combines aspect of the layouts of the Orchestra level and Dress Circle level to give the mistaken impression that the entrance to the theatre from the adjacent south building was directly adjacent to the entrance to the State Box.  The diagram he created is presented on page 115 of his book.  He shows the “possible route taken by Laura Keene to reach second floor and Presidential box.”  The arrow points up a stairway that seemingly goes nowhere.  The saloon (first floor) is shown but not the second floor lounge.  The alley or passage way is shown but there is no connection shown between the buildings.  While Steers leaves it to the reader to draw the conclusion, he surely knows (or should have known) that the entrance to the Dress Circle was much closer to the front of the building and that Laura Keene could not have directly accessed the State Box from the adjacent building.  Steers appears to follow the theory that when the evidence contradicts or disproves your hypothesis, distort the evidence.  Professional historians don’t do that.  Professional historians change their conclusions when the evidence leads elsewhere.

The confusing portion of Steers’ diagram is shown above.  The red annotations have been added as reference points.  Note also that in Steers’ plan, there is a building abutting the corner of Ford’s Theatre at “F”, which if located at that point, would have made it impossible for Laura Keene and Thomas Gourlay to get from the door “F” to the base of the outside stairway at “G.”  Steers labels the building, “Booth’s stable.”  The dotted line on the diagram represents the path that Steers believes that Booth took in heading to the saloon before the assassination and from the saloon to the State Box to commit the act and in no way represents the path Steers suggests was used by Keene and Gourlay [Note: this too could be incorrect as Booth most likely entered the saloon through the hallway door which is clearly shown on the first floor plan of the building] .  On the plan presented by Steers, there is no access shown from the south building into the Dress Circle (“L”), but in his text, he clearly distorts the route:

Gourlay led Keen through a rear passage that exited through a backstage door into the alleyway that separated the Star saloon from the theatre.  Here the two climbed a staircase that led up to the lounge area on the second floor.  From this point, Gourlay and Keene passed through a door that opened onto the dress circle near the entrance to the box.  Gourlay had to clear only a short pathway to the outer door (p. 121-122).

The architectural study concluded that the stage door “D” led into an interior corridor that had a paved floor and papered walls.  It was referred to on the plan as both an “alley” and a “passage”, but it was clearly an interior feature – not an exterior feature of the buildings.  The stairway to the second floor of the south building was not accessed from this interior corridor, but from what appears to be a yard area behind the south building.

Blood on the Moon was published in 2001.  In 2010, Steers slightly changed the story again in The Lincoln Assassination Encyclopedia but stuck to his theory that the State Box was just a few steps from the lounge area:

With the help of stage manager (and actor) Thomas Gourlay, Keene made her way up a back stairs to the Dress Circle and into the presidential box, where Lincoln lay on the floor as Dr. Charles Leale worked over him.  Gourlay was familiar with the layout of the building and so was able to avoid the shocked crowd by leading Keene out of the stage door and up a back staircase to the offices of the Ford brothers.  From there, Gourlay led Keene into the reception room adjacent to the Dress Circle and the presidential box (p. 319).

When doctors in the presidential box called for water, actress Laura Keene, who was standing in the wings looking up at the box, grabbed a pitcher of water from the actors’ green room and asked Thomas Gourlay to lead her to the box.  Gourlay knew a rear passage that exited through a backstage door into the alleyway separating the theater from the Star Saloon, and up a staircase to the lounge area just off the Dress Circle.  From the lounge it was only a few steps to the door that led into the outer vestibule of boxes 7 and 8, where the president was prostrate on the floor, being administered to by Drs. Leale and Taft (p. 247).

The “standard” that Steers used for sourcing the information in each of the Encyclopedia entries was stated in his “Editorial Notes” which appear on page xxiii of the “Introduction.”

“Sources” at the end of each entry gives the reader the author’s suggested best source for further reading on the particular subject, and in most cases, the specific source of the data.

In both instances cited above from Assassination Encyclopedia, the source given is pages 121-122 of Steers” own book, Blood on the Moon –  which is a secondary source, not a primary source – and as pointed out in a previous post on this blog, those pages point back to another secondary source and the conclusions of that secondary source which Steers conveniently ignores.  The drawing which Steers uses on page 115 of Blood on the Moon was clearly adapted from the 1963 architectural study which is not cited either on the drawing or in the end notes of the chapter in which the drawing appears.  Steers does list the study in his bibliography which would indicate that he did have access to a copy and did consult it.

It is clear from the architectural building study that was published in 1963 that the door from the south building to the Dress Circle was located much farther back in the theatre than Steers and others would want us to believe.  Furthermore, the path to get to the State Box, by any route from the stage, was difficult and not without obstructions.  A reasonable analysis of the architectural data can lead to only one conclusion:  it was highly unlikely that Laura Keene was able to move from the stage into the State Box – by any any route – and therefore, the story of her cradling Lincoln’s head in her lap is either a hoax intentionally perpetrated by someone or a legend that evolved over time in association with other legends related to the assassination.  There is nothing in the primary evidence that can prove that it actually happened.

Given the number of so-called historians who still insist that the Laura Keene story is factual, the additional analysis of the “chain of custody” of the dress she wore that night will be conducted in a future post on this blog.  The “path” the dress took after the assassination goes right through Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.

In the post tomorrow, an annotated list of resources on the life of Laura Keene will be presented.

Laura Keene and the Bloody Dress

Posted By on January 22, 2012

The story of Laura Keene and the bloody dress from the Lincoln assassination has been told many times.  Consider these recent versions:

There are three doctors, a half dozen soldiers, and a small army of theater patrons who have battled their way into the box.  And then, almost absurdly, the actress Laura Keene forces her way into their midst and kneels at Lincoln’s side.  She begs to be allowed to cradle Lincoln…. She knows that this moment is Michaelangelo’s Pieta come to life, with her as Mary and Lincoln as Christ….  Laura Keene nurtures the dying man…. [She] knows that this moment will put her name in papers around the world…. Abraham Lincoln‘s blood and brains soak into the lap of her dress….    — Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard, 2011

[Laura Keene] moved to Lincoln’s side and knelt down beside [Abraham Lincoln]….  The gray silk of her gown spread about them hiding the pool of his blood….   Gently she lifted him onto her lap to comfort him…. How long Laura knelt in the State Box of Ford’s Theatre holding Abraham Lincoln, she did not know… gradually his lifeblood seeped into her costume, forever staining it, forever bonding his history to her own.  It was the prescient turning point that descended upon her, changing her, changing the country, and changing her life….  They came in to take him from her…. Oblivious to the amount of blood on her gown, Laura remained where she was, sadly watching them maneuver him out the small door to the State Box….     — Vernann Bryan, 2005

“She sat on the floor of the box and held [Abraham Lincoln‘s] head in her lap” [quoting Dr. Leale].  Laura Keene preserved the dress with the president’s blood on it….  Each time Leale removed the clot in the entry wound blood oozed out.    —- Edward Steers, 2001

The O’Reilly and Steers accounts of the assassination have been previously mentioned on this blog.  Click here.  O’Reilly’s book did not purport to be strictly based on primary sources, but Steers insisted that his book, Blood on the Moon, was factually accurate and relied on primary source material.  Steers heavy-handed criticism of the O’Reilly book was discussed in this blog.  The other quote given above is from a Vernanne Bryan novel “based on the life of Laura Keene.”  Vernanne Bryan carefully separated her novelist tendencies in describing the life of Laura Keene by creating a book that differed from the other work she also wrote:  Laura Keene, A British Actress on the American Stage, 1826-1873, published by McFarland & Company in 1993 and 1997, the latter complete with end notes and bibliography.  That earlier Bryan book will be be discussed in the soon-to-follow bibliography of materials on Laura Keene‘s career.

Fragment from the Costume of Laura Keene

One of the first scholarly studies to specifically examine whether Laura Keene actually entered the state box at Ford’s Theatre and whether she cradled Lincoln’s head in her lap with blood oozing out onto her dress, was written by Billy J. Harbin and appeared in the Educational Theatre Journal, Vol. 18 (March 1966), pages 47.54.  Harbin was a Resident Lecturer in Speech and Theatre at Indiana University in Jeffersonville.  The Educational Theatre Journal was a publication of Johns Hopkins University Press.

Harbin began the article by quoting Seaton Munroe, a Washington, D.C. attorney, who claimed to have been out walking in the city when he heard that Lincoln had been shot, whereupon he reached the theatre and immediately observed Laura Keene:

… Her hair and dress were in disorder, and not only was her gown soaked with Lincoln’s blood, but her hands, ever her cheeks where her fingers had strayed were bedaubed with the sorry stains.

Harbin then states that while many theatre students believe the “often-told tale of how Laura Keene entered the state box and cradled the bleeding head of the dying President on her lap is a hoax, originated by Miss Keene and perpetrated by the faulty recollections of eyewitnesses over the years,” nevertheless, the story “…provides food for some interesting speculations.”

The declining health of Keene and her waning popularity had taken a toll on her career.  She had actually opened at Ford’s Theatre on April 3, just days before the surrender at Appomattox and was concluding a two-week engagement on the evening of April 14.  With the excitement in the city resulting from the celebration of victory, she decided to perform Our American Cousin, a Tom Taylor comedy which she had purchased the rights to years before.  John T. Ford, the theatre owner, had decided to give her a farewell present of a benefit – meaning she would get the box office proceeds from the evening.  And, the decision of Mary Todd Lincoln to attend Ms. Keene’s performance that evening rather than the fairy-tale Aladdin at rival Grover’s Theatre, insured a good audience and a profitable evening for her benefit.

Harbin’s analysis then turned to the afternoon preparations for the arrival of the presidential party including the substitution of the call boy, William J. Ferguson, for a member of the cast who had become ill and could not participate.  Harbin states that Miss Keene arrived earlier than the 7:30 p.m. time that the doors were opened to the public – she had to apply her make-up, rehearse her scene with Ferguson, and make sure all was in order for the performance.  The overflow crowd of more than the 1700 seating capacity arrived and the play began at around 8:00 p.m.- without the Lincoln party present – they having been detained at the White House.  When the Lincoln party arrived around 8:30 p.m. the play was briefly stopped and “Hail to the Chief” was played by the band.  Keene was on the stage at the time.

Harbin then described the location of each of the principal witnesses at the point when the fatal shot was fired.  In doing so, care was taken to give the exact source of the information – including the time and place that the statement was given.  Keene’s role in the aftermath of the assassination was then brought into question.

Using the “testimony” of William J. Ferguson who claimed that he led Miss Keene off the stage, down to the floor of the orchestra pit and to the lobby stairs (at the front of the building) – then to the second floor or dress circle, across the rear of the dress circle and around to the side of the state box – and they arrived there just “as Major Rathbone was opening the … door.”  Ferguson stated that while both he and Keene were inside the state box, at no time was Lincoln ever removed from the rocking chair – and that he “saw no blood.”

This statement then is disputed by the wife of the stage manager who stated that Miss Keene never went into the box as she could not have gotten there without traversing the theatre by “…work[ing] her way through a surging crowd…. It was simply impossible.”

But another statement, by one of the members of Ford’s Stock Company, Jeannie Gourlay, noted that Miss Keene was escorted to the state box by a way “known to the regular company” and that Jeannie’s  father, Thomas Gourlay, also a member of the company, had been the one who escorted Miss Keene there.  The possible path by which this occurred was described by Harbin.  To get to the state box, Keene and Gourlay would have had to exit the theatre from the stage, climb an outside staircase, enter a lounge that was adjacent to the dress circle, and then traverse the side of the dress circle to get the box. Jeannie Gourlay later wrote that Laura Keene raised Lincoln’s head and “…found blood trickling down her dress.”

Another eyewitness stated that Miss Keene was one of those who helped a man “up over the side of the box” and that she had “sent for a pitcher of water.”  There was no mention in this account that he actually saw her in the box.

A statement by Dr. Leale, the first physician to reach the state box, confirmed that Laura Keene was there and that he gave her permission to hold the president’s head in her lap.

Other eyewitness accounts are given, some stating that Keene was in the state box and some stating that she was not. Harbin does state rather emphatically that no one who made any of these statements ever testified at the trail of the conspirators, and that the statements were actually made many years later – Seaton Munroe (31 years),  Dr. Charles Leale (44 years), Jeannie Gourlay (58 years) and William Ferguson (65 years).  Harbin concludes by stating that it all comes down to deciding “which eyewitnesses… you believe” and that it is doubtful whether any conclusive proof will ever come forward.

No direct statement from Laura Keene has ever been found, although others have said that she told them she was there and that she told them her dress was stained with the president’s blood.  Harbin’s statement that “Laura Keene… always claimed that she did go into the the President’s box, held Lincoln’s head on her lap, and that her yellow satin costume was stained with his blood” was something that was reported by an actress in Cincinnati, second-hand through one of Keene’s daughters who reported it to a biographer who published it in 1897.  That actress in Cincinnati supposedly claimed that Keene had given her a piece of the blood-stained dress – which she had apparently misplaced at some point in time, because she no longer had it years later when she told the story.

While Harbin’s analysis provides some foundation for further study of the activities of Laura Keene on the night of the assassination, there are two basic areas in which Harbin failed to seek further documentary proof.  The first is the actual physical layout of the theatre and the second is the chain of custody of the dress.  True, the ability of Keene to traverse a crowded theatre, with or without assistance or to exit and mount an exterior staircase into an adjacent lounge does provide some interesting speculation- but actual plans of the theatre as reconstructed, based on historical and archealogical evidence do exist and did exist at the time Harbin wrote the article.  But the actual plans were ignored as was official testimony that was given about the physical conditions of the theatre that night.  No known “chain of custody” has yet been conducted to determine what happened with the dress from the night of the assassination when it was reportedly worn by Keene – to the present day, when pieces of what is claimed to be the “original” are found are scattered about in various places including museums.

Time may have shed some light on the veracity of the witness – and additional research into the families and backgrounds of these witnesses can now provide some motives for exaggeration and/or fabrication of the events of that April 14 evening.

Finally, it must be noted that not one identified eyewitness to the event gave a contemporaneous account that Laura Keene entered the state box and cradled Lincoln’s head in her lap.  Of all the contemporaneous drawings and pictures of the state box and the assassination that have emerged – and there are many – not one, shows Laura Keene on the state box floor cradling Lincoln on her silk gown.  There is not one contemporaneous account  of Laura Keene‘s appearance in the blood-stained costume.  No written testimony has been found from Laura Keene herself which admits to the act.  And, only one supposed contemporaneous newspaper account – reported as a story told to him rather than one he himself eye-witnessed, tells the tale.

We do know that Laura Keene was allowed to leave Washington – with her entourage – and was arrested at Harrisburg along with two other assassination witnesses – John Dyott and Harry Hawk.  Taken from the train also were her many trunks (and her piano) which always traveled with her – trunks that were to be transferred to the westward train as she journeyed toward Cincinnati.  We don’t know whether John Lutz (her manager) was with her – but he most likely was – and he was most likely the one who made the travel arrangements to get out of Washington – a city closed by the military as a result of the assassination.  Was the dress she wore that night in one of the trunks that was removed from the Northern Central train she had traveled in from Baltimore?

None of this analysis is done to suggest that Laura Keene was part of a conspiracy to assassinate the president.  The story of Laura Keene in the state box, while now part of the assassination lore, needs to thoroughly examined in a search for the truth.  Historians of the assassination, if their accounts are to be believed, have to admit that the story cannot be proven by the available facts and that it is only a interesting legend that has arisen around the assassination.  Furthermore, the story has more of a place in the history of how the actors and actresses recovered after the assassination, and in the building of a positive view of the American theater community, a community that had suffered greatly by the actions of one of their own, the assassin John Wilkes Booth.

Edward Steers  is among the first to criticize others for their lack of historical accuracy and non-reliance on primary sources.  Steers tells the story of Laura Keene as if it were undisputed fact and acts as though his end noting methods are proper.  Writing in The Lincoln Assassination Encyclopedia (2010) he states:

With the help of stage manager (and actor) Thomas Gourlay, Keene made her way up a back stairs to the Dress Circle and into the presidential box, where Lincoln lay on the floor…. Gourlay was familiar with the layout of the building and so was able to avoid the shocked crowd by leading Keene out of the stage door and up a back staircase to the offices of the Ford brothers.  From there, Gourlay led Keene into the reception room adjacent to the Dress Circle and the presidential box.

Once inside the box, Keene asked Leale if it was all right to hold the president’s head in her lap.  Leale said yes and she carefully placed his head in her lap, trying to comfort the comatose Lincoln. 

As a source for this information, Steers cites pages 121-122 of his book Blood on the MoonThe reader should assume that the primary sources for this information can be found in either those pages or in the end notes for that specific chapter in Blood on the Moon.  Not so.  Steers end note references point to a secondary source by W. Emerson Reck, A. Lincoln: His Last 24 Hours.  Four “ibids” are used and the only other source on the entire episode is Leale’s statement which Steers neglects to mention was made in 1909 [Steers gives the year in his bibliography, not in the end notes].  Even more deceptive, is that after relying almost completely on Reck as a source, Steers fails to state the two important points in Reck’s conclusion:  (1) that Clara Harris, who was the Lincoln’s guest in the state box that night, vehemently denied that Laura Keene was ever at any time in the state box (Reck, p. 123), and (2) “No statement from Miss Keene about the alleged occurrence has ever been seen (Reck, p. 123).”

Finally, O’Reilly’s embellishment of the story includes a soldier vomiting, pandemonium in the theatre, a dirty carpet, and a description of Keene – “drink has made her face puffy.”  Because he has based his book Killing Lincoln on what others have written – and is telling the story in a most dramatic way, he can claim literary license in presenting it, much the way Vernanne Bryan has done in her novel, Tangled in His Glory.

In tomorrow’s post, an attempt will be made to examine primary source materials related to the construction of Ford’s Theatre and determine whether it was possible for Laura Keene to move from the stage to the state box through any known route!  Some surprising information will be given – which will include what appears to be a conflict between what has been reported by Steers and the actual layout of the theatre as well as primary source material that he ignored in coming to his conclusions about what happened that evening.

Some of the sources consulted or quoted above:  Killing Lincoln by Bill O’Reilly and Martin Dugard, Holt, 2011, p. 221.  Tangled in His Glory by Vernanne Bryan, XLibris, 2005, p. 375-376.  Blood on the Moon by Edward Steers Jr., University of Kentucky Press, 2001.  The Billy J. Harbin article can be found through on-line resources at Jstor, accessible through most major libraries.  The portrait of Laura Keene at the top of this post is from John Creahan’s The Life of Laura Keene, published in 1897, available on-line as a free download – click here.  The bloody fragment purported to be from Laura Keene‘s dress the night of the Lincoln assassination is from the web site of the Chicago Historical Society and is an object in the collection of that historical society.

Gratz During the Civil War – William H. Yohe, Carpenter

Posted By on January 21, 2012

The two original lots here, #2 and #4, may have been the first lots sold by Simon Gratz when a transaction was made in 1811.  The first owner was John Orndorff who was believed to be the first doctor to live in Gratz.  Ordorff had a difficult time in that he lost the property, had to file for divorce against his wife, and eventually left the area.  The story of the troubles of Dr. Orndorff is recorded in A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz PennsylvaniaThe next owner was Samuel Boyer but he had debt problems.  Boyer is credited with building the house here around 1820.  Other owners had the properties for various times prior to the Civil War with sometimes the land and buildings reverting back to the Simon Gratz estate which held the lots through part of the Civil War.  Members of the Schoffstall family occupied the house during the first years of the Civil War and Enoch Matter was a tenant there around 1864 when it was sold to William H. Yohe, a carpenter.

The earliest available picture of the house is from the mid-twentieth century.

In 1868, William Yohe sold these two lots and several others in Gratz to William L. Boyer who then sold them to Charles Gerhard, who in turn sold them to John W. Hoffman, a Civil War veteran.

Of those who taught at the first Gratz school, there was a John W. Hoffman, most likely the John W. Hoffman who purchased this property in 1870.  See:  Gratz During the Civil War – First Public School.  That school was located across Market Street on Lot #11.  There are two persons named John W. Hoffman who had Civil War service – one buried in Gratz Union Cemetery and one buried in Berrysburg.

During the Civil War, John W. Hoffman served in the 127th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Musician from 9 August 1862 to 29 May 1863 and in the 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G, as a Private from 14 March 1865 to 25 June 1865.  He married Amanda Gise around 1867.  He only owned this property for a short time in the early 1870 so it is possible that he lived here and several children were born here.

Hoffman sold the property to Samuel Schoffstall who worked for his father-in-law Daniel Good at the tannery just west of town.  See Gratz During the Civil War – Daniel Good Tannery.

This is part 32 of an ongoing series on Gratz during the Civil War.  Some of the information for this post was taken from the book A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania.  

Pennsylvania Medal of Honor Memorial – Part 6

Posted By on January 20, 2012

The memorial for Pennsylvania recipients of the Medal of Honor is located in Harrisburg, Dauphin County on the east side of the Capitol Building.  A grove of trees (Soldiers and Sailors Grove) flanks the grounds where the name of each individual with the date and place of service is noted on a stone in the ground.

The Medal of Honor is awarded by the president on behalf of Congress to a person who distinguishes himself by gallantry at the risk of his or her own life above or beyond the call of duty while engaged in a military operation.  The individual who is awarded the medal must have performed an act that is clearly above any act performed by his or her comrades.  The medal signifies extraordinary merit and there is no higher military honor than can be given.

The Medal of Honor was created during the Civil War and its first recipients were men who served the Union cause in the Civil War.  A total of 1522 medals were awarded for service in the Civil War, with approximately one-fifth of those going to persons with a connection to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  For a complete list of the Civil War recipients of the Medal of Honor, see List of American Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients.

Click on any picture to enlarge it.

Francis A. Bishop —— Charles H. Clausen —— Robert W. Ammerman

Charles McAnally —– Alexander H. Mitchell —— Thomas Robinson

Charles H. Fasnacht —— James E. Engle —— John Kinsey

Charles H. Baldwin —— Alexander Crawford

Benjamin Lloyd —— Charles Baldwin —— Alexander Crawford

John Lafferty —— John H. R. Storey —— Guy V. Henry —— James M. Seltzinger

Thomas Evans —— James Snedden —— Theophilus F. Rodenbough

Frank Furness —— Patrick Monaghan —— Francis Morrison

Robert Reid —— Bernard A. Strausbaugh —– James G. Clark

John W. Mostoller —— John Hayes —— William J. Wray

To be continued on Friday, 27 January 2012.

Pennsylvania Medal of Honor Memorial – Part 5

Posted By on January 19, 2012

The memorial for Pennsylvania recipients of the Medal of Honor is located in Harrisburg, Dauphin County on the east side of the Capitol Building.  A grove of trees (Soldiers and Sailors Grove) flanks the grounds where the name of each individual with the date and place of service is noted on a stone in the ground.

The Medal of Honor is awarded by the president on behalf of Congress to a person who distinguishes himself by gallantry at the risk of his or her own life above or beyond the call of duty while engaged in a military operation.  The individual who is awarded the medal must have performed an act that is clearly above any act performed by his or her comrades.  The medal signifies extraordinary merit and there is no higher military honor than can be given.

The Medal of Honor was created during the Civil War and its first recipients were men who served the Union cause in the Civil War.  A total of 1522 medals were awarded for service in the Civil War, with approximately one-fifth of those going to persons with a connection to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  For a complete list of the Civil War recipients of the Medal of Honor, see List of American Civil War Medal of Honor Recipients.

Click on any picture to enlarge it.

Henry C. Slusher —— Horace Porter —— Anthony Taylor

Michael Dougherty —– Joseph K. Corson —— Moses Veale

William Williams —— Martin E. Scheibner —— Everett W. Anderson

Ruel M. Johnson

James K. L. Duncan —— William E. Leonard —- Jacob E. Swap

William Sully Beebe

Henry H. Bingham —— Parick DeLacey —– Henry Hill

Steven Rought —— Cyrus B. Lower —— George N. Galloway

Jacob F. Yeager —— Robert A. Gray —— Henry Capehart

Abraham K. Arnold —— George W. Harris —– John M. Kindig

 Continued tomorrow.