
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Journey of the Bloody Dress of Laura Keene

Posted By on February 22, 2012

The removal of Laura Keene from the Northern Central Railroad train arriving at Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania,  on the morning of 17 April 1865, and her subsequent arrest and detention were noted in the post Laura Keene Arrested at Harrisburg.  Traveling with Keene were John Dyott and Harry Hawk, the two male members of her “star” company – both of whom had leading parts in the fatal production of Our American Cousin at Ford’s Theatre.  In addition, although not mentioned in the newspaper reports, her manager, John Lutz, was also traveling with the group.  Also with Keene were the many trunks of costumes and props she carried with her around the country – as well as her piano which had been in the orchestra pit at Ford’s Theatre.  For those who believe that Laura Keene entered the State Box and cradled the head of the dying President Abraham Lincoln against her dress, the dress itself had to be in one of the trunks that was taken from the train that early morning and held until approval was given by the authorities for her to proceed to Cincinnati, Ohio, the supposed objective of her hasty retreat from Washington.

In a previous post, the architecture of Ford’s Theatre was presented in an effort to show how difficult it would have been for Laura Keene to move from the stage to the state box – even with assistance.  In today’s post, the focus will begin to be on the dress itself, and how it got from Ford’s Theatre to Harrisburg and eventually to Cincinnati.    The first stage of the journey was from Ford’s Theatre to the railroad station in Washington.  To understand the “route” Keene took and the time and difficulty of getting to the Washington railroad station, the geography of Washington in 1865 must be examined.

Click on map to enlarge.

The “cut” of above map is from Civil War period map of Washington and has been annotated to show the location of some of the important buildings in this “journey.”  Periodically, reference will be made to this map.

Ford’s Theater was on 10th Street and faced the Petersen House.  One block to the north was the St. Patrick’s Catholic Church, which Laura Keene, according to one biographer, Vernanne Bryan, frequented while she was in Washington.  The Metropolitan Hotel and National Hotel were on corners of Pennsylvania Avenue and 6th Street.  Biographer Ben Graf Henneke reports that Laura Keene was staying at the Metropolitan Hotel.  The Surratt Boardinghouse was on north 6th Street just blocks up from the two hotels.  Ford’s Theatre was most easily accessed from the hotels via Pennsylvania Avenue to 10th Street.  It was about four blocks from Laura Keene‘s hotel.  And the railroad station for all trains north was located a few blocks east of  the hotel and north of the Capitol.


Ford's Theatre Today

The Petersen House Today

Star Saloon & South Building Today.

There are many pictures available showing the street in front of Ford’s Theatre and the Petersen House at the time of the Civil War.  The theatre building and house look much the same today (pictures above were taken just a few weeks ago), except that the setting in 1865 was quite different. The street wasn’t paved and today’s surrounding buildings are relatively new. In relation to the architecture of the theatre, there was a door on 10th street that led to an interior corridor within the south building. That corridor gave access to the “stage left” door of the backstage area as well as the rear alley behind the theatre.  The door is shown on the picture above (solid white door on the left side of the South Building).

The National Hotel (the picture above is from the Library of Congress) was located at Pennsylvania Avenue and 6th Street.  From maps of the city and pictures, it appears that this hotel was located on the northeast corner of this intersection.  The above view suggests that the northeast corner is the correct placement since the Capitol can be seen at the end of the Pennsylvania Avenue.  Booth stayed in Room 228 at the National Hotel during the time he was in Washington to assassinate Lincoln.  Coincidentally, the Metropolitan Hotel (Laura Keene’s hotel) was located at the same intersection, but on the northwest corner.

According to Henneke (page 211), the Metropolitan Hotel was where Laura Keene was staying during her time at Ford’s Theatre.  According to information on the blog, Streets of Washington, the hotel had been renovated and re-designed in 1851 by the owners, the Brown family, and until 1865, was operated as Brown’s Marble Hotel.  When it was sold in 1865, it became the Metropolitan Hotel, a name it went under until 1932, after which it was sold and eventually razed in 1935.  One feature of this hotel that appealed to Laura Keene was its location – on the northwest corner of Pennsylvania Avenue and 6th Street, only about four blocks from Ford’s Theatre.  Another feature was that horse cars ran the length of Pennsylvania Avenue and into Georgetown (northwest) of the main part of the city.  Keene’s daughters were at the Convent School in Georgetown.  It is not known whether Keene or her daughters used the more public horse cars or chose a private method of transport, but the streets, unpaved and dusty and/or muddy as they were, were not conducive to walking – especially for women!  There was another factor for Laura.  Her declining health made it difficult for her to exert herself in any physical activity and almost necessitated assistance in traveling about.

Depending on when Secretary of War Edwin Stanton discovered that Booth was staying at the National Hotel, the street area around both hotels may or may not have been heavily guarded with troops on Saturday, 15 April 1865, when Laura Keene was planning her flight from the city.  Her departure, if from the Metropolitan Hotel, would have been noticed so care would have to be taken to insure that she and her travel party would be allowed to pass unnoticed or at least without much hassle to the train station.

Train schedules were generally published in the newspapers and the route north from Washington was no exception.  The schedule shown below indicates that two trains left Washington each day with connections for Harrisburg.  The connections in the case of the Harrisburg destination were made in Baltimore, i.e., the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was taken to Baltimore and there transfer was made to the Northern Central Railroad heading north to Harrisburg.

The above schedule (from Library of Congress) is from the Civil War period and the connections at Baltimore for the morning train leaving Washington at 6 a.m. and the evening train leaving Washington at 6:45 p.m. show an approximate travel time to Harrisburg of about 6 hours.  The train leaving Washington on Saturday evening would therefore arrive at 1 a.m. in Harrisburg on Sunday, 16 April 1865.  The announcement of Keene’s arrest indicates that it occurred in the morning – perhaps as early as 1 a.m. on Sunday? – and the report appeared in the Tuesday edition of the Philadelphia Inquirer of 18 April 1865 – but was dated 17 April 1867.  Laura Keene would have had to have all her travel arrangements in place – including getting her trunks and piano out of the locked Ford’s Theatre and her companions released from arrest – and to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station in time to board the train north.  It’s reasonable to assume that with the help of John Lutz and others, she could have been on the train less than 24 hours after the fatal shot was fired – therefore, the evening train and not the morning train.  It would not have been possible for her to get aboard the early morning train on Saturday – as her possessions were still in the locked theatre – and Harry Hawk supposedly was held under arrest.  It is possible that she waited until Sunday morning to leave the city, but it is more likely that her departure was in the evening on Saturday since the newspapers reported her arrest occurring in the morning.  It is also possible that she remained in Washington as late as Sunday evening (nearly 48 hours after the assassination) and arrived in Harrisburg at around 1 a.m. on Monday morning – hence reported as 17 April 1865 by the Philadelphia Inquirer.

The Old Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station (pictured above in Library of Congress photo) was located on Louisiana Avenue north of the Capitol, close to C Street.  C Street was directly behind the Metropolitan HotelLaura Keene had to get to the station with her trunks, piano and traveling companions.  The most direct route would have been on C Street heading east.  This was the only station from which she could leave Washington and head north, and this station must have been heavily guarded by military on Saturday or Sunday when she was leaving.  Since all traffic in and out of the capital was strictly controlled at this point, she would have had to present her pass at the station in order to board.  Perhaps her trunks and those of her travel party were searched here as well.

Ben Graf Henneke begins an analysis of Keene’s actions after the assassination with the question, “How did Laura get home?”  (page 208).   What he is actually discussing and speculating on is how she got from the theatre to the hotel.  There are several factors that would have made it very difficult for her to travel without assistance. These included the condition of the streets, the number of sensation seekers on the street, the darkness of the night, the presence of military, her costume and makeup, and the activities on 10th Street in front of the Petersen House.  Then too, there is the issue of whether she was asked to testify at the Petersen House.  No testimony has been found from her.  As for assistance, Henneke questions what John Lutz was doing at the time of the assassination and immediately afterward.  He speculates that Lutz immediately went to work to protect her.  Lutz would have made financial settlement with the box office manager just prior to the time of the fatal shot and may have been already backstage.  How he helped her can only be the subject of speculation as no record has survived telling of his activities or whereabouts – except that there had to be some interference with the authorities – perhaps some money changed hands?

One possibility that no assassination authors or scholars have explored is that Lutz, or someone from the theatre, escorted Laura through the back alley to the Catholic Church where she remained in sanctuary until he could arrange transport for her back to her hotel or to the train station.  The church was accessible via the back alley and would have provided temporary protection for her. If this occurred, it would have happened almost immediately after John Lutz got back stage to assist her.  It could not have happened if she was in the area of the State Box on the Dress Circle Level of the theatre.  Did she have time to change into street clothes?  Probably not.  Most probably, the dress she wore in Act III was the dress she was wearing when she left the theatre.

A second possibility is that the stable behind the theatre had been previously contracted to assist in the moving of Laura’s belongings to the train station and Lutz took her there where she was able to hide or get a ride to the hotel.  Under normal circumstances, all Laura’s possessions in the theatre would have been transported to the train station either after the Friday evening show was concluded – or very early the next morning.  This leads to additional speculation as to whether she had tickets for one of the early Saturday morning trains out of Washington – and which train?  Laura’s dressing room was in the rear of the theatre in the North Building (as shown on the architectural drawings) and near the door where Booth escaped.  There was also the “stage left” door which led into the corridor with access to 10th Street and to the area behind the theatre where she could have escaped toward the stable area without much notice.

In any event, Laura Keene was not well.  The strain of performing had taken a toll on her health.  John Lutz would have done everything to protect her and remove her from the scene.  All three of Keene’s biographers constantly reported how bad her health was and how much Lutz had to do for her because she was physically unable to do many things for herself.  First, Lutz would have made sure she was safe, and second, he would have immediately gone to work to insure that she could safely and quickly get out of Washington – with all her possessions – and with the members of her star company.

Where was Laura Keene from the time she left the theatre to the time she boarded the train at the Old Baltimore and Ohio Station?  On Saturday morning, according to her daughter Emma Taylor, Laura Keene was at the Metropolitan Hotel.  This was reported years later by Emma and she described her mother as “trembling” and having “lost the self-control” that she supposedly had the night before when she “quieted the audience and prevented a panic.” (page 214).  Part of Emma’s tale was the story of the bloody dress – she claimed that her mother showed it to her that Saturday morning at the hotel and this story has become part of the “chain of custody” of the bloody dress.  There are no contemporaneous reports of Laura Keene being at the hotel on Saturday morning or of Laura showing the bloody dress to anyone at that time.  Strangely, there are also no reports of Laura being arrested, detained or questioned.  Was the story of the hotel visit of Emma concocted to support the story of the bloody dress?

The only other report that Laura and the dress were at the Metropolitan Hotel on Saturday morning comes from M. J. Adler, a nephew of John Lutz who claimed, years later, that John Lutz gave him a cuff from the bloody dress – which Lutz reportedly received from Laura on that Saturday morning.  This cuff is now in the collection of the Smithsonian (Museum of American History).  Henneke reports this in an endnote for page 212, line 15, of his biography of Keene.  If this is to be believed, the “partitioning” of the dress began as early as the morning after the assassination – although this is later disputed by Emma Taylor.  The Act III dress has never been located – only pieces, or fragments – some of which are in museums, and some of which are in private collections. The description of the supposed dress (Henneke, page 212) – “pale gray moire silk… bunches of roses… detachable cuffs” – is end-noted by Henneke as taken from a Baltimore Sun clipping of 18 August of an unspecified year from the Hoblitzelle Theatre Arts Library at the University of Texas.  This is the only known description of the dress that has surfaced, but because the date of the clipping is unknown as well as the original source of the information, it is difficult to assess its validity.

Henneke gives some idea of what was happening in the hours after the assassination:

[Laura Keene] and Lutz must also have been busy using all their political influence to get Laura’s belonging out of Ford’s Theatre where the military was now in charge…. Her other costumes were immured in her dressing room. Her piano was locked away in the orchestra pit…. Strings were being pulled to secure Hawk’s release and to get travel passes for the Keene company.  Those strings must have also pulled open the stage door of Ford’s Theatre….(page 212)

And after the arrest in Harrisburg:

John Lutz on April 18 wired Maj. J. A. Hardee, at the War Office:  “They will not release Laura Keene Mr. Dyott & Hawk & others Order you gave last night unless they receive official telegram.” That did it they were released…. John Lutz did not have such ties with the military that he could send wires which brought action.  Logic dictates that John Lutz‘s brother, Francis, was the man who had the contacts that gained freedom for the Keene party in Harrisburg.  He might have had such contacts that Laura was spared interrogation Good Friday night, and granted a pass to pick up her belongings at Ford’s Theatre on Saturday.  (page 213).

According to Henneke, the telegram information is found in the assassination records at the National Archives.

In addition to Francis Lutz, prominent Washington attorney, there were others in Washington and connected to the War Department who may have had some influence in securing the safe departure of Keene and her party from the city.  Most prominent among these individuals was Adam Badeau.  Badeau was a military officer and confidante of Gen. Ulysses S. Grant.   In the hours after the assassination, when it was clear that John Wilkes Booth was the assassin, Badeau went to work to insure that Edwin Booth, brother of the assassin, was proven to be loyal to the cause of the Union and not arrested or suspected.  Wilkes Booth‘s other brother Junius Booth, who incidentally was completing an engagement in Cincinnati where Laura Keene was headed, was arrested as was Wilkes Booth‘s brother-in-law, John Sleeper Clarke of Philadelphia.  As previously reported here on this blog, Laura Keene had what may have been an intimate relationship with Edwin Booth during her sojourn in Australia prior to the Civil War.  Edwin Booth and Laura Keene crossed paths many times in the years before and after the assassination – including a law suit that Laura lost over the rights to Our American Cousin.  What was Badeau’s connection?  It was suspected that the relationship between Badeau and Edwin Booth was intimate as well – a relationship that supposedly lasted well after the assassination and to the death of Edwin.  Badeau’s connections with the War Department were through his boss, Gen. Grant, the hero of the war, later to become president. Badeau will be discussed further in a future post.

The second person who seemed to have influence with the War Department was Seaton Munroe– if his own telling of the story is to be believed.  As previously reported on this blog, it was was Seaton Munroe‘s description of the “bloody dress” that gave major “credibility” to the story that Laura Keene had entered the State Box and cradled Lincoln’s head.  But that description – his evening walk down the street when he happened upon the assassination scene – was a story that was told years later and in conjunction with several other stories that seem so coincidental that they appear to be concoctions.  Seaton Munroe was a prominent Washington attorney and undoubtedly knew Francis Lutz – although no direct connection has yet been located between the two.  If Seaton Munroe‘s story of seeing Laura Keene in the bloody dress is to be believed, then the story that he was present on board the USS Saugus, the ship where prisoners suspected to be part of the assassination plot were held and where John Wilkes Booth‘s autopsy was conducted, must also be considered true.  How did he get on board the ship?  According to him, he simply walked on board.  His brother, Capt. Frank Munroe, was in charge of the ship!  Other than Seaton Munroe’s telling of these tales, there is no contemporaneous evidence that he was actually on board the USS Saugus – just as there is no contemporaneous evidence that Seaton Munroe actually saw Laura Keene in the bloody dress.  More will be told about Seaton Munroe in a later post.

The final person who gave “testimony” as to Laura Keene‘s actions after the shot was fired was William J. Ferguson, the Ford’s Theatre Call-Boy-Substitute-Actor.  As the last surviving member of the cast of 14 April 1865, Ferguson had the “last word” of all the witnesses to the assassination when his book was published in 1930.  Henneke accepts the view that it was Ferguson who led Laura Keene through the orchestra, up the stairs, and to the State Box.  But Ferguson’s book was more than just the “last word.”  As will be shown in a future post, there was something that triggered Ferguson to give that “last word” – something not previously mentioned or considered by any assassination writer or scholar in any study of the assassination.

What we know for sure is that Laura Keene left Washington after the assassination and that she most likely took her Act III dress with her.  We don’t know for certain if it was bloodied.  We don’t know if she ever wore the dress again.  She was arrested in Harrisburg.  And she did go on to Cincinnati where she eventually performed.  In the next post on the subject of the bloody dress, the story of the “chain of custody” will continue.

The train schedule given in this post was presented primarily to show the amount of time it took to travel from Washington to Harrisburg.  It is from early in the Civil War.  It is possible that fewer trains or more trains were running north in the hours after the assassination.  Otto Eisenschiml used a similar tact – analysis of the rail schedules – to speculate why Gen. Grant left Washington just before the assassination.  In his book, Why Was Lincoln Murdered?, published in 1937, Eisenschiml showed that Grant could not get to his destination in New Jersey any sooner by taking the evening train out of Washington than if he had waited and taken the 7:30 a.m. train the next morning.   Eisenschiml shows four trains out of Washington (page 56) on the evening of 14 April 1865, one of which is the 6:00 p.m. train that Laura Keene could have taken either on the evening of 15 April 1865 or 16 April 1865.

A good source on the geography of Washington during the Civil War years is, Richard M. Lee,  Mr. Lincoln’s City:  An Illustrated Guide to the Civil War Sites of Washington (EPM Publications, McLean, Virginia, 1981). Photographs and prints of many of the buildings of Civil War Washington are available from the Library of Congress.

For other posts on the Lincoln Assassination on this blog, see:  The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln; Laura Keene Arrested at Harrisburg; Laura Keene and the Bloody Dress; The Architecture of Ford’s Theatre and Laura Keene; and Laura Keene – Bibliography.  The next post in this series, scheduled for Monday, 5 March 2012, will examine the journey from Washington to Baltimore, the choices Keene had in Baltimore, and her eventual departure for Harrisburg.



Army Heritage Center Digitized Collections

Posted By on February 21, 2012

The United States Army Heritage Education Center (USAHEC) and Military History Institute (MHI).

The post today presents information on a good resource for the study of Pennsylvania military regiments of the Civil War.  The United States Army Heritage Education Center is a federal facility located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania.  To partially show what is  available at the Center, James A. Beaver will be researched through the on-line resources of USAHEC.


James A. Beaver (1837-1914) was the 20th Governor of Pennsylvania, serving from 1887 to 1891.  In a prior post, it was noted that a a fellow Civil War veteran, William Alexis Stone, was removed from a federal position by Pres. Grover Cleveland for campaigning for Beaver while Stone was a federal employee.  Beaver’s connection with the state and national G.A.R. was evident through his activity in that organization and its involvement in Republican Party politics in the latter part of the 19th century.

Beaver was born in Perry County, Pennsylvania, across the Susquehanna River from the Lykens Valley.  He studied law in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, and early-on joined a local militia which was then commanded by Capt. Andrew G. Curtin, later to become Pennsylvania’s Civil War governor.  When the war began, Curtin’s call for volunteers led to Beaver’s enlistment in one of the first regiments to go to Washington to defend the capital.   Beaver then became Lieutenant Colonel of the 45th Pennsylvania Infantry and saw action in South Carolina.  In 1862 he was commissioned Colonel of the 148th Pennsylvania Infantry which was recruited heavily from the area around his home.  During the Battle of Chancellorsville, Beaver was wounded.  Still wishing to remain active, he was appointed by Gov. Curtin as head of Pennsylvania’s recruiting for the war and was, for a time, in command of Camp Curtin in Harrisburg.  As soon as he was well enough to return to the battlefield, he did so, and during a campaign around Petersburg, Virginia, his right leg was shattered and had to be amputated.  Since he could no long have an active command, he became Pennsylvania’s “Brigadier General of Volunteers.”

Finding portraits of James A. Beaver is relatively easy.  The portrait at the head of this post is from the Capitol Preservation Committee at Harrisburg.

One source not previously mentioned on this blog and now mentioned as an excellent source of military portraits, particularly of officers, is the United States Army Heritage Education Center, located in Carlisle, Pennsylvania (across the Susquehanna River from Harrisburg).  According to the web site:

The U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) is the United States Army’s preeminent museum and research complex. We are dedicated to educating and preserving the legacy of the men and women who have served their nation as soldiers.

The Military History Institute, located at USAHEC,  has the following goal:

Our mission at MHI is to preserve the Army’s history and ensure access to historical research materials. We serve as the primary facility where researchers study Army history. USAMHI holdings include books, manuscripts, photos, and maps. Both official and unofficial (or public) patrons are welcome. We give highest priority to Army users. There is no fee to enter the Institute. A fee-for-service is charged for providing copies of holdings to unofficial patrons.

Fortunately, for researchers, much of the photo collection pertaining to the Civil War, is available on-line.  Accessing the catalog of information is easy.  First, go to the main page:

Then click on the “Search UAAHEC Collections” button:

Then click on the “Digitized Material” button.

Then click on the “Photographs” button.

After clicking on the “Search” button on that page, a search box comes up.  Into that search box, type the word “beaver” (searching for photographs of James A. Beaver)

A list of available photographs for James A. Beaver comes up.  Downloading these pictures is relatively easy.  Simply save as a “pdf.”   The following pictures resulted from the search:

Below, James A. Beaver is cropped out of the reunion photo:

Other portraits from various stages in James A. Beaver‘s military career are shown below:

For those who wish to visit the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center, a reference set of all the Civil War photographs is available in the research room.  Copies of the photographs are available on request at the main research room desk.  While this collection is best used for finding pictures of officers, occasionally pictures of enlisted men can be found.  The searching capability of the web site is excellent to identify whether or not a specific photo is in the collection, but not all photos are digitized and available on line.

Other than photographs, there are many useful items in the collection.  By using another web page, the entire catalog can be searched.

There are also several exhibits – indoor and outdoor – pertaining to the Civil War and these are available to view free of charge at the center.


Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Posted By on February 20, 2012

The most impressive shrine to our sixteenth president, Abraham Lincoln, is located in Washington, D.C., at the end of the mall on ground that once was a swamp.  Thousands of tourists stop at the monument each day, climb its steps and take photographs of the large statute of Lincoln, his words from two of his best-known addresses, and the magnificent setting.

There are thirty-four columns on the monument – one for each state in the Union at the time of the Civil War.  Each state and the date it entered the Union is noted above the columns.  Pennsylvania and 1787 (in Roman numerals) is shown below.

Inside the monument is a seated sculpture of Lincoln by Daniel Chester French with the words on honor placed on the wall behind:  “In this temple as in the hearts of the people for who he saved the Union the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever.”

To the left side is a wall on which the words of the Gettysburg Address of 1863 can be found.

To the right side as the words of Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address of 1865 (not shown), carved into three large panels.

Fifty years ago a student group from Atlantic City High School (New Jersey) visited the monument on its class trip.  It was during the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War.

Class trips from schools all over the United States have regularly paid homage to Abraham Lincoln – as did the class trip from the Lykens High School of 1932 – which visited the memorial during the Bicentennial of George Washington’s birth. Pictures from that 1932 trip have been seen and could be posted on this blog, if located.  In 1932, the Lincoln Memorial was celebrating its 10th Anniversary.

The grounds around the Lincoln Memorial have been the place of many demonstrations and protests over the years including the famous Civil Rights March of 1963 – during the 100th Anniversary of the Civil War – when Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his famous “I Have a Dream” address.

International visitors have also been drawn to the memorial.  Above are Mr. Chiu of Taiwan and Mr. Wong of Indonesia who visited the monument in 2006.  Lincoln was considered an inspiration for the Chinese Revolution of 1911 and last year, the 100th Anniversary of that revolution was celebrated.

On the lower lever of the memorial is a small museum which explains how the memorial was constructed and contains additional words of Lincoln, including his evolving views toward the African American.  The reverse of the “Lincoln Cent” is shown on one of the panels – with the memorial and the statue of Lincoln prominently shown in the design.  The reverse of this “Lincoln Cent” was designed by Frank Gasparro of the Philadelphia Mint.

Now, in 2012, the mall and reflecting pool in front of the memorial is being “rehabilitated” as part of the “shovel-ready” projects funded through the recent stimulus.  The area from the front of the memorial eastward to the rear of the World War II Memorial is presently is a state of construction.

Three relatively new memorials now flank the mall and reflecting pool in front of the Lincoln Memorial. Standing on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, the Vietnam Veterans’ Memorial lies to the left of the mall’s reflecting pool.  To the right is the Korean Veterans’ Memorial and the recently dedicated Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial.  The World War II Memorial, previously mentioned, is at the eastern end of the reflecting pool and about half-way to the Washington Monument.  The symbolism of the location of each of these memorials in relation to the Lincoln Memorial is evident – the power and effect of the growth of the national government and America’s influence in the world.

The Jefferson Memorial is now more separated from these other monuments and at a distance to the right along the tidal basin.  Jefferson was a proponent of a more limited federal government.

There can be no doubt when visiting Washington, that Lincoln’s passion for creating a strong central government with power and grandeur located in Washington, D.C., has come to a reality.  The temple created for Lincoln, the largest and most impressive of all the memorials in the capital city attests to the fact that the Civil War preserved and expanded the Union and made it forever indivisible and that the credit goes to Abraham Lincoln for making this a reality.



Lykens Valley Railroad at Millersburg

Posted By on February 19, 2012

The last stop on the Lykens Valley Railroad was Millersburg, where connections could be made with the Northern Central Railroad.  This was one of the busiest points in the Union during the Civil War and everything from freight to regular passenger trains to troop trains to prisoner trains traveled through this small town day and night throughout the war.  In addition, a ferry connection for passengers and wagons was available to make the one mile crossing of the Susquehanna River to neighboring Perry County.

The above pre-Civil War map shows the approach of the Lykens Valley Railroad to the Susquehanna River connection just south of where the Wiconisco Creek flows into the river.  An extensive yard complex developed here for turning the engines (a turntable and roundhouse) and for servicing equipment on both the Northern Central and Lykens Valley Lines.  Unfortunately no Civil War-era photographs have been located so reliance on the maps and on later pictures is necessary to determine the “layout” of the yards and service area.  Some trains coming from Lykens and carrying passengers proceeded directly to Harrisburg, but most terminated at the old station which was located where the two rail lines met.

On the map above, the Lykens Valley Railroad line is not shown, but the “R.R. Station” so-noted is at the point where the lines connected.  The Lykens Valley Railroad was also called the “Summit Branch Railroad”, named for the portion of the line that went east from Lykens, hence the hotel of the name “Summit Branch” as shown on the map.  The Millersburg Railroad Station of the Northern Central Railroad was located in the town of Millersburg (north of the Wiconisco Creek) and the freight station was located north of that station.  Post-Civil War versions of both the passenger and freight stations exist in restored condition today in their original locations.

The map above, from about 1876, shows a more extensive railroad yard and connection where the two lines met.  As can be seen from the map, the connecting station was actually in Lenkersville, not Millersburg.

Lykens Valley Railroad Looking East from Baclony of Old Station

A rare photograph of rather poor quality does exist showing the connection of the Lykens Valley Railroad with the Northern Central.  Presumably, the picture is from the latter part of the 19th century.  This photograph and the one below were taken from a Lykens-Williams Valley History – Pictorial Review (1922) available as a free download from the Internet Archive.  Hold down your left mouse button on “View the Book” (at the left side of the screen) and choose your download format.

Northern Central Yard, Looking South from Old Station at Millersburg (X denotes Old Style Switch)

The tracks shown at the left (where the X is marked) are probably the connection to the Lykens Valley Railroad.  “Old Style Switches” were of the “stub” type rather than of the modern “point type”.  In the “old style” , the ends of the rails were aligned to move trains from one track to another.  Modern switches, which came into use after the Civil War, moved a taper-ended rail against the inside of a solid rail to divert the train to a different track.  Stub connections are still used today at ferries and in turntables/roundhouses.

Other blog posts describing the Lykens Valley Railroad stations, connections and communities were:  Lykens Railroad Station; Elizabethville Railroad Station; Underground Railroad in Pennsylvania; Halifax Area and the Civil War; Millersburg Ferry; and Oak Dale Station and the Civil War.  All posts that include aspects of the railroads of the region can be accessed by clicking on the topic “Railroad” in the menu in the second column of any page in the blog.


Camp Curtin Historical Perspective

Posted By on February 18, 2012

In the post yesterday, four memorials to Camp Curtin, the great Civil War army training camp in Harrisburg, were presented.  Unfortunately nothing remains of the camp and it is left to research and the imagination to determine what actually happened there.  It was also noted that only one photo was taken there and that photo is shown on the Harrisburg History Project Historical Marker.

Today’s post will focus on some research aids to find out more about Camp Curtain, the first of which will be the book by William J. Miller, The Training of an Army:  Camp Curtin and the North’s Civil War.  The book was published in 1990 by White Mane of Shippensburg, Pennsylvania, and is generally available through used book sellers or though libraries (cover pictured above)

Inside the front cover of the book is a map of Pennsylvania showing some key cities – including Pittsburgh, Harrisburg, and Philadelphia – and the rail network connecting these cities as well as Elmira, New York, and points south.  This strategic importance of the city of Harrisburg as a rail center was discussed in several prior posts.  The map is repeated in the  “Prologue” on page xii.  Also in the book is a map showing the location of Camp Curtain in Harrisburg (page 6) and a diagram of the layout of the camp (page 7).  The book is illustrated with portraits of the several commanders of Camp Curtin and also contains a useful “Appendix III” listing all the Pennsylvania regiments (as well as those from other states) that encamped there during the war.  Miller points out that many other regiments “passed through” or stopped at the camp only briefly, and that in compiling the list, he only included those regiments that spent at least a day and night in the camp.

There is much useful primary source material here – too much to describe in a brief review.  Extensive end notes document the text.  All aspects of the Camp are discussed – from its formation to use as a training camp to use as a hospital to its disbandment.

Click on map to enlarge.

The above map of Harrisburg during the Civil War is from the Pennsylvania Archives Map Collection and has been “annotated” to show the location of Camp Curtin and the location of the Harrisburg Train Station.  Note that the rail line running north and south is the Northern Central Railroad which ran roughly parallel to the camp.  The camp was located approximately one mile north of the station.  Soldiers arrived at the station and then marched through the city streets to the camp entrance.  When it was time to go to war, soldiers marched from the camp to the train station and boarded the trains.  Many trains went by the camp as they headed south or north and surely activity at the camp was seen from the trains – at the very least, noise and smoke from the fires.  Nearly all the trains heading north or coming from the north passed through the Lykens Valley which was just more than 30 minutes away by rail.  Station stops in Halifax, Millersburg and Herndon were on this route.  Unfortunately, there are few descriptions of the effect of the troop movements to and from Camp Curtin on these Lykens Valley area towns.  Also passing Camp Curtin on this route were African Americans escaping slavery and Confederate prisoners of war heading to Elmira, New York.  Much research still needs to be done to uncover what was known and thought about Camp Curtin through the war years.

A resource from the Pennsylvania Archives, previously mentioned, is the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Card File.  The source notes the muster location  of the soldier.  If the location is “Harrisburg,” the odds are that the soldier was mustered at Camp Curtin, but this conclusion is not a certainty as there were many other muster locations in and around Harrisburg.  Additional delving into the regimental records as well as the “lists” of regiments that mustered or were trained at Camp Curtin is needed.

The Bugle is the Quarterly Journal of the Camp Curtin Historical Society and Civil War Round Table.  In the current issue, there is a feature on the Zouaves, who were the soldiers in “colorful uniforms.”  A list of regiments that had Zouave components is included in the article.  The Society meets at the Camp Curtin Memorial Mitchell United Methodist Church (see yesterday’s post).  A web site is maintained at www.campcurtin.org and contact may be made through e-mail by clicking here.  The postal address of the society is:  P.O. Box 5601, Harrisburg, PA  17110.  Finally, a revised edition of Civil War Harrisburg: A Guide to Capital Area Sites, Incidents and Personalities, is available for $13 and was previously mentioned here on this blog.  There is a good amount of material on Camp Curtin in that book as well as the names of many other army camps around the Harrisburg area of which very little is known.  In some cases, even the location of the camp is unknown.  Research continues to re-discover many of the lost stories and artifacts of this critical time in the history of Harrisburg.


The final resource to be noted  is the “exhibit” about Camp Curtin at the National Civil War Museum.  This is an extremely limited resource in that it occupies only a very small area of the total exhibit space.  Since this “national” museum is not about telling the history of Harrisburg in the Civil War but rather the war in its entirety, the limitation is justified.  However, the justification for the location of the museum in the city of Harrisburg includes the fact that Camp Curtin was located there and that would certainly merit a larger display.  Essentially, what is shown at the museum is about the same as what can be seen on the memorials in the city.