
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

February 2012 Posts

Posted By on March 3, 2012

A listing of the February 2012 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links:

Thomas M. Williams, Coal Mine Inspector and Manager

William W. Jones – 26th Pennsylvania Infantry

Woman’s Relief Corps Purchases Cemetery Plot

January 2012 Posts

Pennsylvania Medal of Honor Memorial – Part 10

Pennsylvania Medal of Honor Memorial – Part 11

Gratz During the Civil War – Cemeteries (Part 1)

Gratz During the Civil War – Cemeteries (Part 2)

Pennsylvania Regimental Designations – Naming and Numbering

Gratz During the Civil War – Cemeteries (Part 3)

Gratz During the Civil War – Cemeteries (Part 4)

The Real Abraham Lincoln

Popular Songs of the Civil War Era

Gov. William Alexis Stone

Pennsylvania’s Civil War Flags

School Book Maps of the War in the East

Camp Curtin Memorials

Camp Curtin Historical Perspective

Lykens Valley Railroad at Millersburg

Lincoln Memorial, Washington, D.C.

Army Heritage Center Digitized Collections

The Journey of the Bloody Dress of Laura Keene

Slavery and the Civil War – Excerpts from an 1878 Schoolbook

Slavery and the Civil War – Excerpts from an 1918 Schoolbook

Lieutenants of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I

Sergeants of the 177th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I

Inventions of the 1860s

Dauphin County Civil War Memorial, Harrisburg

Leap Year Day, 29 February 1864




The Honorable War Record of John McCarty

Posted By on March 2, 2012

An Honorable War Record

LYKENS, 7 August 1903. — We read almost daily in the papers of the State the military record of some veteran of the Civil War who believes his services were of much character as to prove of interest to the general public, but we doubt if any can show up a more honorable record than our old friend, John McCarty of North Lykens.  Here it is:

Enlisted 26 April 1861 and mustered into the service at Harrisburg as a Private in Company F, Tenth Regiment Pennsylvania’s Volunteer Infantry [10th Pennsylvania Infantry], to serve three months under Capt. E. G. Savage and Col. S. A. Meredith.  The regiment proceeded to Chambersburg until 8 June, thence to Greencastle, Middleburg and Williamsport, until 1 July 1861; thence into Virginia, through Martinsburg and Bunker Hill until 18 July 1861, thence to Charleston, 23 July, to Harper’s Ferry, to Hagerstown and Harrisburg, sharing the fortunes of the regiment in all its movements, and was discharged 3 July 1861 at Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, by reason of the expiration of his term of enlistment.

Re-enlisted as a Private 10 October 1861, to served three years in Company G, Ninety-sixth Pennsylvania’s Volunteer Infantry [96th Pennsylvania Infantry] under Capt. James Douden and Col. Henry F. Cake.  He shared the fortunes of this regiment in the following engagements:  West Point, 6 May 1862; Gaines’ Mills, 27 June 1862; Golding’s Farm, 28 June 1862; Charles City Cross Roads, 30 June 1862; Malvern Hill, 1 July 1862; Second Bull Run, 30 August 1862; South Mountain, 1 September 1862; Antietam, 17 September 1862; Fredericksburg, 13 December 1862; Mud March, 20-24 January 1863; Gettysburg, 1-3 July 1863; Rappahannock, 7 November 1863; Wilderness, 5-7 May 1864; Spottsylvania, 8 May 1864; Cold Harbor, 1-2 June 1864; Petersburg, 15-30 June 1864; Berryville, 5 September 1864; Opequa, 18 September 1864; Fisher’s Hill, 23 September 1864.  On 27 September 1864, he was transferred to Company L, and finally and honorably discharged 15 October 1864, in camp, on account of the expiration of his term of enlistment.

Mr. McCarty is a member of Heilner Post, No. 232, G.A.R., of this place, and none take a deeper interest in its welfare.  We may also add that he is proud of his adopted country which he helped save from disruption, and on the dates of important events in the nation’s history the stars and stripes are unfurled from the windows of his peaceful home, painted green in fond recollection of the oppressed land of his birth beyond the sea.

The above article appeared in the Lykens Standard, 7 August 1903.  Feature articles on the war service of area individuals often appeared in the newspapers while they were still living as the example above proves.

John McCarty was one of many immigrants who came from Ireland and settled in the Lykens-Wiconisco-Williamstown area to work in the mines.

Unfortunately, not much more is known of John McCarty and more information is sought by the Civil War Research Project.  He did serve in the same regiments as Henry Keiser and the Civil War Rsearch Project has a copy of Henry Keiser‘s war diary which is in the process of being transcribed and indexed.  It is not known at this time whether John McCarty is mentioned in the diary.

John McCarty‘s initial enlistment was for three months in the 10th Pennsylvania Infantry.  At the time, he was residing in Wiconisco and working as a coal miner.  He enlisted at Lykens as a Private in Company F:

The original second enlistment was in the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G.  He enrolled at Lykens for a three year term as a Private.

John McCarty, was transferred to a different company of the  96th Pennsylvania Infantry as part of a late-in-the war consolidation of companies and regiments, as were most of the members of the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G, who chose to re-enlist.  This fact is recorded in John McCarty‘s Pennsylvania Veterans’ Card File record at the Pennsylvania Archives:

The card notes that the transfer was to a “Battalion” but this may be in error.

In July, 1863, John McCarty was at Gettysburg and took part in the battle there.  His name appears on the tablet for the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry at the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg:

Click on picture to enlarge.

John McCarty‘s was also a member of the Heilner Post 232, G.A.R. of Lykens and as such, his name appears on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument:

The Civil War Research Project is seeking more information on John McCarty.  Anyone with information, including genealogies, pictures, and documents from family, military and pension records, is urged to contribute!



Death of Joel B. Myers

Posted By on March 1, 2012

Death of Joel B. Myers

LYKENS, 26 June 1903 — Joel B. Myers died at his home in Wiconisco on Friday evening, 19 June, at about 5 o’clock, after an illness of one week.  Thursday preceding his death he had an attack of cramp and so great was the strain upon his constitution that the cord of life was snapped asunder before he could recover.

He leaves to mourn his loss a widow and two daughters, Mrs. Julia [Myers] Blackway of Wiconisco and Miss Laura Myers; seven grandchildren, one sister, Mrs. Ellen [Myers] Childs of DuBois, and one brother, William Myers, of Nebraska.

Joel B. Myers was a son of Edward Myers and Rachael Myers, and was born at Swatara, Schuylkill County, on 10 January 1840.  When 20 years of age he came to Lykens where he married Miss Sarah Ely of this place.  Twelve children were born unto the couple, ten of whom preceded him to the grave.  With the exception of a short residence at Williamstown several years ago and three years spent in Nebraska, he resided at this place from 1860 to 1901, when he purchased a small home at Wiconisco.

He was a member of the United Brethren church of this place and was beloved by all for his noble, Christian character.  He was also a member of Heilner Post No. 232, G.A.R., and Lykens Local, No. 1062, United Mine Workers of America, both of which organizations attended the funeral Sunday afternoon at two o’clock.  The Sons of Veterans also turned out in a body to pay respect to a deceased veteran.

Mr. Myers enlisted as 3rd Corporal in Company F, 10th Reg., Pa. Vol. [10th Pennsylvania Infantry] on the 26April 1861 (three months’ service) and was discharged 30 July 1861.  On 15 June 1863, he enlisted as a private in Company D, 26th Reg. Pa. Vo. Inf. [26th Pennsylvania Infantry] and received an honorable discharge 30 July of the same year.

The funeral services were held in the United Brethren Church, this place, the pastor, Rev. Z. A. Weidler, preaching an impressive sermon on “The Precious Promise of the Saints.”  Rev. I. J. Reitz of the Wiconisco Evangelical Church assisted in the services.  A select choir, composed of Misses Carrie Fox and S. I. Snyder and Messrs. Joseph P. Heckart and M. K. Turner, rendered appropriate music.  The casket was covered with beautiful flowers, tributes of friends and relatives.  Interment was made in Odd Fellows’ Cemetery by the side of his father.

The following from a distance attended the funeral:  Miss Eliza Childs, DuBois; Mrs. Barbara Woland and daughter Kate Woland, Shamokin; Emanuel Zerby, Mrs. John Jones, Mrs. James Warlow, Miss Mary Warlow, Miss Tessa Warlow, Mrs. Martin Higgins, John Warlow, Williamstown; Preston Myers and wife, John Myers and wife, George Myers and wife, Mrs. Jere Myers and daughter, Oliver Trevitts, John Lebo and wife, Tower City; Amanda Koppenheffer, Reinerton; Philip Drum, Harrisburg; Jonas Row and wife, Elizabethville; William Umberger, Millersburg.

The above notice was taken from the Lykens Standard, 26 June 1903.

The military record of Joel B. Myers is recorded at the Pennsylvania Archives in the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Card File as follows:

The veterans’ record indicates Joel B. Myers was 25 years old at the time of his enlistment in the 10th Pennsylvania Infantry, with the occupation of miner, and residence in Lykens.  His rank of Corporal may have been given to him because he appeared to be older than the others in the company.  According to the birth date given in the obituary, he was actually 21 years old.  He was assigned to Company F and served for three months.

At age 24 (he was 23 if the birth year in the obituary is correct), Joel B. Myers, enrolled at Lykens, as a Private in the Emergency Militia of 1863, and was assigned to Company D, 26th Pennsylvania Infantry.  As part of the emergency force, he was sent to Gettysburg and took part in the battle there.  His name appears on the tablet for the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry at the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg:

Click on picture to enlarge.

Joel B. Myers was also a member of the Heilner Post 232, G.A.R. of Lykens and as such, his name appears on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument:

For his Civil War service, Joel B. Myers received a pension, which was later collected by his widow Sarah A. [Ely] Myers after his death:

 The Civil War Research Project is seeking more information on Joel B. Myers.  Anyone with information, including genealogies, pictures, and documents from family, military and pension records, is urged to contribute!

The Pension Index Card show above is from Ancestry.com.

Leap Year Day, 29 February 1864

Posted By on February 29, 2012

On 29 February 1864, bad news was received from several war fronts and H. Judson Kilpatrick was leading a secret mission to free Union prisoners being held at Richmond – a mission that would end in total failure.

One “Leap Year” occurred during the Civil War.  The extra day was added during 1864 – on 29 February 1864, to be precise.  One “Leap Year” occurs during this Sesquicentennial of the Civil War and the extra day is on this current date of 29 February 2012.

Northerners received some bad news in the morning newspapers of 29 February 1864:


Rebel Demonstrations – Fatal Accident

WASHINGTON, February 28. — Information from the Army of the Potomac states that on Thursday night about one hundred rebels crossed the river near Raccon Ford, and made a slight demonstration on our pickets, killing two horses, but in a few minutes they beat a hasty retreat across the river.  Thirteen of the party, however, took the opportunity to desert and come into our lines.

On Thursday while Company D, 25 Pennsylvania Volunteers [sic – should be 26th Pennsylvania Infantry] were drilling, Sergeant Williams was accidentally shot by a comrade, who snapped his piece with a cap for the purpose of cleaning his gun, which he supposed was unloaded.  The ball passed through Williams’s head, killing him instantly.  He was much esteemed by the entire regiment.  Not long ago he re-enlisted and had been home on a furlough and was married.

A slightly different version of the story appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer:

SERGEANT FRANK WILLIAMS. – Sergeant Frank Williams, of Company D, Twenty-sixth regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers [26th Pennsylvania Infantry], was accidentally shot at Brandy Station, on last Wednesday.  The deceased was at the head of some men who were going on dress parade.  They began skylarking, when one of their pieces was discharged, the ball entering the back of his head.  Sergeant Williams left this city some two weeks since, having been home on a furlough.  His body arrived yesterday, and will be buried at the expense of the regiment.

Frank Williams” was actually Samuel F. Williams, a bricklayer from Philadelphia, as shown by the Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card:



The news was not good from Florida either.  Another Pennsylvanian, Charles W. Fribley, who had taken command of the 8th United States Colored Troops, had died:

DEATH OF COLONEL FRIBLEY. — The news of the death of this young and brave officer reached here on Saturday, and was a great shock to the many friends of the Colonel in this city.  Colonel Fribley left Camp William Penn in command of the Eighth United States Colored Regiment [8th United States Colored Troops] , on the 16th of last month, for Hilton Head, and was soon ordered to Florida with other colored regiments.  Colonel Fribley was quite a young man, formerly of the 84th Pennsylvania Regiment [84th Pennsylvania Infantry], (Colonel Burman), and had lately passed an excellent examination before the Board at Washington, and appointed to this command.  Two of the other colored regiments in this expedition are commanded by Philadelphia officers – the Third United States Colored Troops, Col. Tilghman, formerly of the 26th Pennsylvania Volunteers [26th Pennsylvania Infantry], and the 54th Massachusetts Volunteers, Colonel Edward N. Hallowell.

Colonel Hallowell, by last date, was in command of the town of Jacksonville, with Captain James M. Walton, of this city, as Provost marshal.

This regiment has been under fire at Fort Wagner, and many of the men, like their brave Colonel, bear honorable marks of that celebrated assault.

The Third United States Colored troops, Colonel Tilghman, have also been under fire, doing duty in the trenches in front of Fort Wagner for months, and the greatest confidence is felt by their friends that these regiments will sustain their former good reputation.  Two of those regiments were organized by the Supervisory Committee of this City.  There is a regiment a thousand strong at camp William Penn at the present time, which will probably leave for the scene of conflict during the next week.  The Sixth and Twenty-second regiments now at Yorktown, organized by the same committee, have been heard from.

Great praise has been given by General Wistar to the Sixth regiment for their endurance during their march to Richmond.

Colonel Fribley was Charles W. Fribley, a school teacher from Williamsport, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania (up-river from the Lykens Valley area).  In addition to the 84th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company F, in which he had served as Captain, he also had served in the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private, from 24 April 1861 to 1 August 1861.  He had begun his service with the 8th United States Colored Troops on 23 November 1863.



Col. Ulric Dahlgren (1842-1864)

What was not known to the public on this Leap Year Day 1864 was that a mission was underway that involved a great risk to the Union and the men who were on the mission.  This was the so-called Kilpatrick and Dalgren Raid which had as its objective a raid into Richmond to free Union soldiers, many of whom were officers, who were held in prison there.  This was a very risky endeavor and Gen. H. Judson Kilpatrick, who had proposed the raid, was put in charge – because he was the one who had proposed it, and because his general tactics, although successful, were considered reckless by other military men.  Gen. Kilpatrick recruited Col. Ulric Dahlgren to assist him in the raid.  Dahlgren had lost a leg in Maryland after Gettysburg and was sufficiently healed (and with prosthesis) to undertake the mission.  A diversion was planned and conducted by Gen. Armstrong Custer which cleared the path for Kilpatrick and Dahlgren and their men all the way to Spotsylvania Court House, which they reached on Leap Day.  The plan of Kilpatrick was to go into Richmond with most of his force from the north while Dahlgren would take the remaining men and approach Richmond from the southwest.  By frightening the city into the belief that it was being attacked from multiple sides, Kilpatrick hoped for enough confusion so that he could get in quickly and get the prisoners out.  Kilpatrick made good time on his part of the plan despite the bad weather of high winds and sleet.  Dahlgren enlisted the aid of a local slave boy to help him find the way in the bad weather, but when the boy led him and his men to an unfordable part of the James River, Dahlgren went into a rage and hung the boy for deceiving him, although many believe that the boy didn’t know the area well enough to be a guide and the visibility was so poor that even the best guide wouldn’t have been able to help.  Dahlgren couldn’t get across the river and Kilpatrick, waiting for a signal from Dahlgren, decided to slowly enter Richmond.  He was met by an army of resident old men that he mistook for a regular fighting force, so he held back, still waiting for the signal from Dahlgern.  When no signal came, Kilpatrick decided to pull back, leaving Dahlgren and his approximately 500 men without defense.  Most of them died, including Dahlgren – and Kilpatrick was harassed all the way back in retreat.  The mission was a total failure.  What made it even more of a disaster was that when the rebels searched Dahlgren’s body, they supposedly found official orders to destroy Richmond and kill Jefferson Davis and his entire cabinet.  This so outraged the Confederates, that Abraham Lincoln would approve the killing of their president, that some came to believe that a southern plot to assassinate Lincoln had its origins that day as a result of the failed Kilpatrick-Dahlgren Raid.

The portrait of Ulric Dahlgren is from Wikipedia and is in the public domain because its copyright has expired.  News clippings are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.  The Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card is from the Pennsylvania Archives.




Dauphin County Civil War Memorial, Harrisburg

Posted By on February 28, 2012

The Dauphin County Memorial to the Civil War is located in a park at 3rd Street and Division Streets near William Penn High School and near Italian Lake.  It is now in the Uptown section of Harrisburg, north of what was once the entrance area to Camp Curtin.  The monument stands about 110 feet high and is a single obelisk which resembles a smaller version of the monument to George Washington in Washington, D.C.  The stone of the monument is native to the area and was cut from the banks of the Susquehanna River.

The monument inscription reads:

To the soldiers of Dauphin County who gave their lives for the life of the Union in the War for the Suppression of the Rebellion, 1861-1865.  Erected by their fellow citizens, 1869.

The monument was originally located at the intersection of North 2nd Street and State Streets but in 1960, after years of deterioration, it was cleaned and restored and moved to the park where it presently resides.


While the monument inscription indicates that it was originally erected in 1869, the fact is that it was not completed until 1876 and before its completion, the “pile of stone” was an eyesore and embarrassment in downtown Harrisburg.  The long, difficult struggle to get funding for the monument and complete it in a reasonable amount of time after the war will be discussed in a series of five posts beginning on 13 March 2012.

The monument only honors those who died while fighting in the war and does not recognize those who fought, survived, and returned.

Pictures  of the monument in its original location can be found on post cards of early Harrisburg.