
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

John W. Matchett – 11th Pennsyvlania Cavalry

Posted By on May 13, 2012

John William Matchett (1844-1864) was a soldier in the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry who died of disease during the Civil War.

A story about John Matchett appeared in The Historical Society Gazette, the newsletter of the Halifax Area Historical Society, Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in the summer of 1994.  It was written by Bill Schreffler of Millersburg, who is the great-grandson of John William Matchett.  Edited excerpts of that story are given below along with additional items that were found in the files of the Gratz Historical Society:

On 12 February 1864, nineteen year old, muscular, five foot seven, John W. Matchett walked into the Harrisburg recruiting station… [and] enlisted as a Private in the [11th Pennsylvania Cavalry]….  [Prior to John’s enlistment] the 11th Cavalry had distinguished itself with confidence and bravery….  [John] died 25 June 1864 at the age of 20 years and three months.  What we know of his story follows:

John W. Matchett was born 8 March 1844 in Jefferson Township, Dauphin County, the third son of William Samuel Matchett and Matilda Varnes Matchett.  John was a young boy when the family moved to a farm in Jackson Township and this is where he lived until he married… Elizabeth Ditty… on 25 May 1862 at St. John’s [Hill] Church near Berrysburg [Dauphin County].  John and Sarah established their home in Washington Township and John worked as a miller….

John and Sarah had two sons, Alfred Nathan Matchett born 4 May 1863 and John William Matchett, born 27 October 1864….  John never saw his younger son who was born four months after his death.

Whether John was motivated to enlist out of a sense of patriotic duty or the lure of a $60 bounty plus $13 per month pay is uncertain.  He enlisted for three years and received $73 bounty and advance pay.  Within a few days he was on his way to Williamsburg, Virginia, to 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry Headquarters.  Here John and other recruits received intensive training.  The principal weapon employed was the sabre and the regiment was armed with sabres, revolvers and few Sharp’s carbines to each company.  From December 1862 until the end of the campaign of 1864, the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry was especially noted for its sabre charges.  Mounted charges at Beaver Dam Church, Deserted House, Franklin, White House, and raids on the Virginia Central arailroad completely routed the enemy and yielded large numbers of prisoners, guns, mules, wagons, and other property.  Several Confederate officers including Gen. W. F. H. Lee, son of Gen. Robert E. Lee, were also captured.

On 8 April 1864, the regiment returned Portsmouth, Virginia, where Brig. Gen. August V. Kantz took command of the cavalry division composed of the 11th and 5th Pennsyvlania Cavalry, 1st District of Columbia Cavalry, and 3rd New York Cavalry.  The strength of this division was nearly 3000 effective men.  Commencing its march on 5 May 1864, the division reached the Weldon Railroad at the Nottoway River.  The 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry and 5th District of Columbia Cavalry charged and drove back an entire regiment of Confederate infantry that was guarding the railroiad bridge over the Nottoway, burned the bridge and on the same day again defeated the enemy at Jurretts Station.  Then they proceede to City Point, where the cavalry arrived on 10 May 1864, having marched 300 miles in six days.

Without waiting to rest, the division crossed to Bermuda Hundred on 11 May 1864 and moved out for another expedition.  The Danville Railroad was struck that night at Coalfield, 12 miles from Richmond.  Raids continued in this area until 17 May 1864 and large amounts of railroad track were destroyed and large quantities of Confederate property, including station buildings, rail cars, and warehouses filled with stores were captured.  The 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry suffered the loss of one officer and six men killed and 18 wounded.  John Matchett had seen more action in 12 days than many soldiers saw in six months.

The division encamped at Bermuda Hundred until 28u May 1864, when it was placed on dismounted duty in the line of works in front of Bermuda Hundred.  On 9 June they marched to the rear of Petersburg on the Jerusalem Plank Road, made an attack and carried the works, captured one gun and 50 prisoners and entered the edge of town.  However, General Gilmore’s failure to execute a feint on the main works, 4 miles to the right, permitted the enemy to move in heavy reinforcements to oppose the cavalry, which was then withdrawn without accomplishing the main object of the expedition – the destruction of the railroad bridge over the Appomattox.  In these operations the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry suffered heavy losses.  On 16 June, they joined the attack which resulted in the capture of the main line of works around Petersburg.  It was here where John took ill from an infected wound and was taken to Hampton U.S. General Hospital, Fort Monroe, Virginia, on 23 June 1864.  He died of typhoid fever on 25 June 1864.

Private John W. Matchett made the supreme sacrifice for his country.  A search of military and pension records reveals that he was a model soldier….

Except for a proper military burial, there is no record of  honors or medals.  His legacy consists of a grieving widow and two orphaned sons.  A military pension was approved and paid.  Such are the fortunes of war.

The Veterans’ Index Card for John W. Matchett is shown below:

John’s widow applied for a pension, but she was unable to officially apply as guardian for her minor children.  The Pension Index Card (below) names “A. Schreffler” as guardian.  Pensions were received to support the widow and the children to the extent that the law would allow.

The original flag of the 11th Pennsylvania Cavalry, pictured at the top of this post is preserved by the Capitol Preservation Committee, Harrisburg.  Pension Index Cards are from Ancestry.com and reference files at the National Archives.  The Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card is from the Pennsylvania Archives.

Winter Quarter Buildings for Soldiers – Reconstruction at Carlisle

Posted By on May 12, 2012

The United States Army Heritage and Education Center, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has several outdoor exhibits pertaining to the Civil War.  On the grounds in close proximity to the Visitor and Education Center is a reconstruction of several types of winter quarter buildings used by soldiers who usually were in a hiatus from fighting during the coldest months of the year.

During the American Civil War, the onset of winter weather brought much of the fighting to a close until Spring.  Federal and Confederate troops erected winter quarters using a variety of materials from cut forests and scavenged from structures.  Construction styles varied and each cabin reflected the construction skills and available materials of the Soldiers who built and occupied them.  The cabins were replicated based on period photographs, and represent from left to right:  a shed roofed cook house, horizontal wall log cabin, vertical wall log cabin, and an officer’s cabin.

Click on photo to enlarge.

The above picture shows the exterior of the officer’s quarters.  A partial interior view is depicted below.

Visitors can explore around these buildings and enter them to see how soldiers survived during the winter months. Additional descriptions of the four types of cabins can be found on a story-board near the entrance to the display area:


Soldiers on active campaigns were issued raw rations which they prepared themselves, ususally over an open fire while in winter quarters; company cooks prepared and served food from a log cook house. Food prepared by the cooks was often of a beter quality and less likely to spread diseases such as dysentery that killed far more soldiers than battle.


A typical log cabin was home to four Soldiers who shared a small communal area with simple furnishings and a dirt floor, a fireplace and two bunks.  Sleeping with a bunk mate was warmer as the men sleep under two blankets plus shared their body heat.  This structure was built of logs laid vertically, a construction technique used by both Union and Confederate soldiers.


This cabin is essentially the same as its neighbor except that it was constructed of logs laid horizontally.  The interior has two bunks for the four men who would have typically slept in the cabin.  Bunks were built from available materials including wooded boxes, barrel staves, or slender saplings padded with hay, oak or pine leaves.  Light was provided by candles or from the fireplace.


Civil War officers frequently had sufficient funds to enhance their winter quarters and also transportation for their personal baggage.  Typical furnishings included a camp bed, chest, table and chairs.  A wooden floor provided for greater comfort and sanitation than the traditional dirt floor of most cabins.

The United States Army Heritage and Education Center, at Carlisle, Pennsylvania, has as its mission to provide visitors with “a variety of educational experiencces through interactive exhibits, continuing education programs, special events, workshops and lectures.”  In the fall, the thematic programs focus on the Civil War, in addition to other early wars (the Revolution and the War of 1812).  The Center also hosts an ongoing lecture series on Army history as well as operating a world-class research facility for the study of the personal lives of the many men and women who served in the U.S. Army through the years.  A previous post on this blog described the digital collection of documents and photographs that is available on-line as well as at the research facility at Carlisle.

Death of Widow of Henry Buehler

Posted By on May 11, 2012

Mrs. Elizabeth Christine Buehler, wife of the late Dr. Henry Buehler, died at the home of her daughter in Baltimore on Monday morning aged 68 years.  The remains were buried at her former home, Harrisburg, on Wednesday.

From:  Lykens Standard, 12 August 1904.

The Harrisburg Patriot, 8 August 1904,  gave a more detailed description in their obituary of Mrs. Buehler:

Funeral of Mrs. E. C. Buehler

Widow of Dr. Buehler Died Saturday in Baltimore, Md.

Mrs. Elizabeth C. Buehler, widow of Dr. Henry B. Buehler, whose death occurred in February, died on Saturday morning in Baltimore, after several years of illness.  She had been living since the death of her husband with her daughter, Miss Eloise, the only surviving relative, who is a nurse in Baltimore.  Mrs. Buehler was sixty-eight years old. 

The remains were brought here yesterday and the funeral was conducted yesterday afternoon at ten o’clock at the St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Rev. Herbert S. Hastings, priest-in-charge, officiating.

Mrs. Buehler’s illness and hospitalization had been previously reported in the Harrisburg Patriot, 4 March 1902 (below).  At the time, Dr. Buehler was still living.

According the information available on family trees on Ancestry.com, the Buehler’s were married around 1867 in Harrisburg.  Henry Buehler was a medical doctor in Gratz Borough, Dauphin County, for a short time immediately before the Civil War, and was a partner of Dr. Isaiah Schminky, but in order to help his father in the family hotel and insurance business, he moved to Harrisburg and was considered a resident of that place when he enrolled on the headquarters staff of the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry serving as Assistant Surgeon.  After the war, Mrs. Buehler was involved with the ladies’ group that promoted the erection of the Dauphin County Civil War Monument through vigorous fund raising efforts.

Not much is known about Elizabeth C. Buehler other than what has been reported.  Further information is sought and readers are invited to contribute.

Previous posts mentioning Dr. Henry Buehler include:  Death of Dr. Henry Buehler, Gratz During the Civil War – Isaiah Schminky, Physician, and the series on the erection of the Dauphin County Civil War Monument.


Pennsylvania Regimental Numbers – A Second Look

Posted By on May 10, 2012

As a result of some recent correspondence with a fellow researcher regarding the post that appeared here on this blog 9 February 2012 (See:  Pennsylvania Regimental Designations – Naming and Numbering), it is appropriate to take a second look at some of the generalizations that were made in that post as well as the factual accuracy of some of the statements that were made about how the early regiments were formed – specifically, the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry.  In addition, an on-going controversy related to the numbering of the regiments will be further explored, i.e., the confusion caused by the use of the same numbers for the regular state regiments that were sent into national services and the local militia companies that were called into state service during the emergency periods.  In order to provide as accurately as possible the main points made by the fellow researcher, the discussion of the issues, as it took place, is presented here with minimal, necessary editing.  As always, reader comments are invited.

The Researcher Writes (24 April 2012):

I’d like to comment on your blog of Feb. 9, 2012. You made the statement that Regiments 1-29 were signed up for 90 days, but that is wrong.  The 26th Pennsylvania was the first 3-year Regiment mustered from the state. The 26th , 27th , 28th  & 29th Pennsylvania were all three year regiments.  In addition a number of the regiments were re-numbered – perhaps in order to keep the Pennsylvania Reserves in sequential numbers – I’m not sure of the reason.  For instance the 74th was originally organized as the 35th, the 81st Pennsylvania was originally the 36th Pennsylvania, the 82nd was originally the 31st & the 99th Pennsylvania was recruited as the 32nd Regiment…. [Note:  An article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 September 1861, entitled “Lincoln Legion, Thirty-Second Infantry Regiment” was attached].

The Blogger Responds (24 April 2012):

From what I have been able to determine, the first 29 numbers were originally called up for 90 days in answer to President Lincoln’s call for 90 day volunteers.  When Congress met in July, it authorized three year regiments.  At the time of the July authorization, I believe the 26th had already mustered in as a 90 day regiment and they chose to re-enlist as a three year regiment keeping their old number – at least that’s what the Camp Curtin history says.  The 11th and 23rd  and the 28th & 29th were also involved in the re-enlistment, so I’d have to do some checking to see on what date each one became a 3-year regiment – and which was actually the first.  I could be wrong on the original designation (3 month vs. 3 years), but the muster dates for the members of the 26th fall in the month of May – at a time when there was no Congressional authorization for 3 year service. 

The Camp Curtin history also states that the quota for Pennsylvania was 29 regiments (each for 3 months) – and once that number was obtained, the extras were organized into “reserve” units.  They continued the numbering designation starting with 30 and ending at 44 but gave each of those a second number – a reserve number – which was supposed to be the order in which they would be called up.   If you ended up in the 32nd infantry, you would actually be in the 3rd reserve unit to be called up.

The 32nd went into service as the 3rd Pennsylvania Reserve Corps, but for searching purposes on my blog, I refer to them as the 32nd.

The Inquirer ad is actually recruiting for the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry as you have indicated….

To make matters more confusing, the emergency state militia were given the same numbers as the 3-year regiments that went into national service.

Can you suggest something I can add to the post that will help clarity all this?

The Researcher Responds (25 April 2012):

I am not familiar with the history of Camp Curtain, but I am well versed on the 26th Pennsylvania.  It was never mustered for 90 days and was never at Camp Curtain.  The colonel, William F. Small was earlier in command of the Washington Brigade, a group of militia regiments that organized and were accepted for service and called to Washington.  On the way they became embroiled in the Baltimore rRiots in April 1861.  According to Bates, there weren’t many of these volunteers that stayed, but some provided the foundation for both the 26th & 27th Pennsylvania – both organized as 3 year regiments.  The 26th was mustered in late May – June 1st and on their way to Washington by mid June.  Curtain changed the official date of the Regiment’s muster to May 5th to give the 26th the honor of being the first 3-year regiment from Pennsylvania.

 I do not know when Congress authorized 3-year regiments, but Lincoln authorized them in April 1861. [An article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 7 May 1861, entitled “The Law Regulating Volunteers,” was attached here and was the text of a letter from the War Department  to Gov. Curtin.  Also another article from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 15 May 1861, entitled “The Requisition of Three Years’ Volunteers,” noted that the Pennsylvania quota was ten regiments].

I don’t know when the history of Camp Curtain was written, but there are obviously some inaccuracies.  The 11th & 23rd were re-mustered as 3-year regiments, but I am pretty sure that the 26th – 29th were all organized as three-year regiments. Bates mentions them being organized for 3-years in his write-up of each regiment, as do recruiting ads in the period papers.  As I mentioned in my earlier note, the designation of some of the regiments were changed, but I do not have proof of the reason, but believe it had to do with the numbering of the Pennsylvania Reserves, as the numbers that were changed, all seem to be numbers that were later assigned to the Pennsylvania Reserves. I believe this was done in early 1862, but not positive.  However, I do know there are early documents relating to those regiments that were changed, such as the 81st Pennsylvania that has the 36th Pennsylvania designation on them. 

As for the blog re: the 90-day vs. 3-year regiments, I think it needs a correction with the information from the paper mentioned.   Perhaps also a note mentioning  the regiments that were re-numbered & the reason (if that can be determined) might also be a good idea.  I agree with you that for research purposes, it is prudent for people to be aware that the Pennsylvania Reserves can be referred to under a variety of names such as the 13th Pennsylvania Reserves, 1st Pennsylvania Rifles, or 42nd Pennsylvania all being names for the same regiment.  At the National Archives, the service and pension records for the Reserves are filed under their number designation, but in other sources, like newspapers, they are referred to under a variety of names.  It might be helpful for researchers to know that in many early accounts, they are referred to under the commander’s name, such as Small’s Regiment or Geary’s Regiment, or under their “nickname” such as the Jackson Regiment (29th Pennsylvania) or  the Fire Zouaves (72nd Pennsylvania)….

The Blogger Replies (25 April 2012):

It’s clear to me now from what you have presented that in an attempt to simplify the explanation of the numbering system and the manner in which the regiments were formed in Pennsylvania, the Camp Curtin history may have generalized a bit too much.  The book I’m referring to is Civil War Harrisburg: A Guide to Capital Area Sites, Incidents and Personalities, edited by Lawrence E. Keener-Farley and James E. Schmick, published by the Camp Curtin Historical Society, revised edition 2011.  The paragraphs in which they explain the “numbering” are on page 95:

 “The first 29 regiments from Pennsylvania were part of President Lincoln’s initial call for ninety-day volunteers.  He called for this length of service not because he thought it would be a short war but because under federal law that was the maximum time that the president could call state troops into federal service without an act of Congress.  Amazingly, Congress was not in session during the spring and summer of 1861, despite the fact that the nation was going through a secession crisis, Fort Sumter was fired upon, and both sides were preparing for war.  Congress would not meet until July, when it authorized three-year regiments.  Thus, most of these first regiments went out of existence as their nine-day term expired in late July and early August 1861.  Six of the regiments, however, were immediately re-enlisted as three year units and were allowed to retain their “old” numbers as a badge of honor for being the first to volunteer (the 11th, 23rd, 26th, 27th, 28th and 29th Pennsylvania Volunteers).

 “Once Pennsylvania made its initial quota of 29 regiments for the first call of troops, Governor Andrew Curtin realized that he had more volunteers than needed….”

The authors then went into a discussion of the reserve numbering, but don’t explain why the 32nd was changed to the 99th, etc. They simply state that it was the Pennsylvania Legislature that created the reserves.

Unfortunately, none of the information given is sourced with end notes, but Bates is found in a bibliography at the end of the book. 

My “fact checking” was limited to checking the muster dates, and when I found the May dates for the 26th, it made sense to me that they were initially mustered as “90 day” regiments which “re-enlisted” as “3-year” regiments.

The questions then become who was authorized to create a “3-year” regiment, under what law, and when was that law in effect?  Are we talking about state law or federal law?  I didn’t seek the answers to any of those questions, because I assumed that what the authors were saying made sense based on my general knowledge of the recruitment of volunteers in the early days of the war.  I considered the issue of supplying and paying the troops who were recruited for three years, because if it was to be done by the federal government, that could only be authorized by an act of Congress – which supposedly did not occur until July.

 In The Training of an Army:  Camp Curtin and the North’s Civil War by William Miller (Shippensburg, PA: White Mane Publishing, 1990), it is stated that Lincoln asked Pennsylvania for 14 regiments, but Pennsylvania sent 25 (p. iv).  Miller also provides a list of all known regiments that were mustered in or mustered out at Camp Curtin – the 26th is not included as you have correctly noted (p. 249)….

The numbering and naming of Pennsylvania regiments has created the most confusion of any issue related to the service of the men from the geographic area I’m researching…. The 36th Pennsylvania (Emergency of 1863), Company C, which in the case of the soldiers I’m researching was actually a state emergency militia and not the reserve regiment that was “federalized.” While they were technically called “infantry,” I have received strong objections from descendants of those who served in the “federalized” 36th for referring to them as “infantry” as well as even using the designation of “36th Pennsylvania.”   Of course you are aware of the 26th Emergency which has the same confusion associated with it – and on the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg, has two tablets of names….

The Researcher Responds (25 April 2012):

Thanks for the info from the book.  It definitely has some errors, which is surprising as they are facts that were easy to check by looking at Bates.  As for the number of regiments originally called for…Miller’s book is closer to the actual number.  These articles from the Inquirer mention Lincoln calling for 16 Regiments from Pennsylvania and I think Curtin did accept 25 regiments with Small’s being the 26th.  It’s interesting to read that Virginia was assigned 3 regiments. [Inserted here were articles from the Philadelphia Inquirer, 16 April 1861, entitled, “Requisitions for Volunteers: Sixteen Regiments from Pennsylvania,” and 24 April 1861, entitled, “Pennsylvania Quota Filled.”

With more resources online, it’s easier to access more info, but…  it’s important to get it right.

I have to agree with the people who complain when the Emergency Militia Regiments are referred to as the Pennsylvania Infantry – as if they are the same regiment…. The fact is they weren’t the same & the one month’s service of the 26th Emergency Militia is nothing compared with the trials of the 3-year enlistment that the soldiers of the 26th PVI endured.  I have no problem with them being referred to as Militia Infantry but definitely think historians should be sure to assign the correct term to the regiment so researchers & future generations know that there was an important difference in their sacrifice….

The Blogger’s Response (25 April 2012):

One of the things that we have to consider in determining which information is correct in regard to the formation of these regiments is what the states could do (legally) vs. what the federal government could do (legally).  There was a tension that existed and there wasn’t general agreement.  If the Congress didn’t meet until July to approve 3-year call-ups, that wouldn’t have stopped the states from offering regiments for 3-years, or having their state legislatures approve them (and approve their supply and payment).  Lincoln was limited by federal law in doing certain things in regard to the war, but he did things anyway – thus establishing precedent and also strengthening the power of the federal government over the states.  Gov. Curtin was very pro-Union and was well aware of the possibility of invasion.  We may have different scenarios in other states.  I think the regiments that you refer to from Virginia were actually from West Virginia, which was later admitted as a new state despite the fact that it was part of another state that Lincoln wouldn’t admit had seceded.

As far as the naming of the emergency regiments, it is regrettable that Pennsylvania chose to use the same numbers as the regular infantry regiments.  I agree that the experience was different, that the emergency militia were never in U.S. service (only state service) and the official time period of service was much less.  But the men themselves made little distinction in the period after the war.  I’ve also found no discrimination in the G.A.R. – they were veterans regardless of what type of regiment they served in.  I’ve found numerous cases where the veteran used the wrong term to describe his own service and even where the obituaries refer to the regiments the wrong way….  Then there’s the issue of the Pension Index Cards, the 1890 Veterans’ Census, gravestones monuments, etc.…. all of which have examples of referring to the militia as infantry – or making no distinction.  The articles you supplied also make little distinction and seem to use the term “militia” and “infantry” interchangeably…. Finally, I have a number of files on veterans of the emergency militia who re-enlisted in regular regiments after they were discharged… so the militia ended up as “basic training” for their later service.  My preference, after more than a year in dealing with this, is to call them all “infantry” but add the dates of service as well as either “militia” or “emergency” or both to the designation.  Regardless, there will still be those who will be confused, or who disagree.

The Researcher Replies (27 April 2012):

While the “official” approval of the 3-year regiments may have happened in July, you cannot deny what actually happened – regiments were organized & mustered in for three years and left for Washington or other sites long before July.  I can show you similar calls to organize 3-year regiments in New Hampshire, Connecticut, Ohio, New York, Massachusetts, etc. – all in May.

As for the veterans not discriminating against the Emergency troops or even against the 90-day troops…I agree, there  doesn’t seem to be a distinction as far as when it came to the G.A.R., but considering the immense pride the veterans had in their Regiments, I doubt they would have stood there and had someone say they served in a particular regiment when they didn’t.  The fact remains – they were different regiments.  Its like saying the 26th Infantry without further clarification, it could be the 26th New York, 26th Connecticut, 26th Michigan or the 26th U.S.  I have not found accounts where the veteran himself refers to the wrong regiment, but have seen it in accounts written by newspapers, historical societies, and in obituaries – written by family members, who may have not known the difference.  I see no problem in referring to them as ‘infantry’ – not sure why people object to that, as they fit the definition of infantry, but agree the distinction of Militia or Emergency needs to be attached to it.

Another researcher comments on the numbering of the reserve regiments (27 April 2012):

The Reserves were mustered in initially as state regiments (numbering 1st thru 15th Pennsylvania Reserves) – this was the idea until the Federal Government requested them after 1st Bull Run.  When they were mustered into service under the Federal Government, they were organized as the 30th Pennsylvania Volunteers thru the 44th Pennsylvania Volunteers.  Apparently when this happened the State wasn’t aware of this, and by the time they caught on, they realized the Federal Government had already used the numbers “30th – 44th Pennsylvania” and therefore had to change the numbers of the latter regiments to different numbers, for instance the 33rd PVI became the 61st Pennsylvania and the 36th Pennsylvania the 81st Pennsylvania. 

Reader comments are invited to continue this discussion.  A separate post entitled, “In Defense of the Militia,” will appear next Friday.  It is based on specific knowledge of the Gratztown Militia (Home Guard) and its service prior to and during the war.

Old Soldiers’ Homes

Posted By on May 9, 2012

In March 1865, Pres. Abraham Lincoln signed an act of Congress approving the establishment of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers.  Initially, three branch homes were established:  in Togus, Maine; in Dayton, Ohio; and in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.  Eventually, eleven national homes were constructed.  Veterans who qualified under the voluntary admission policy only had to show that their service was honorable and their disabilities were incurred as a result of their wartime service.

The homes were run like the military regiments in which the men served in the war; the men wore uniforms and were assigned to companies and bugles were used to call men to meals and organized activities.  Also, the homes were set up like small cities complete with schools, churches and hospitals.

A picture post card (above) of the Old Soldiers’ Home at Dayton, Montgomery County, Ohio, shows the extent to which the home had grown by the early part of the twentieth century.  Many pictures of these old homes can be found on the web, often on picture post cards, but also actual photographs.

The communal living aspects of Soldiers’ Home life was not for everyone, so veterans or their families could opt out at any time with a voluntary discharge.

The registers of the Soldiers’ Homes that pertain to men who served in the Civil War can be found in a database entitled U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers which is available through Ancestry.com.  It is fully searchable via the name of the veteran.  The records can also be browsed individually for each of twelve homes.  These registers usually contain some basic information including the name of the soldier; the date of admission to the home and discharge from the home; the military regiment name, company, rank and date of service; the date and place of enlistment and discharge; a physical description of the veteran [height, complexion, eye and hair color]; occupation; marital status; religion; and “next of kin.”

The data reference citation for the Ancestry.com records is:

Ancestry.com. U.S. National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2007.  Original data: Historical Register of National Homes for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, 1866-1938; (National Archives Microfilm Publication M1749, 282 rolls); Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group 15; National Archives, Washington, D.C.

An example of the type of record found in the database is given below.  Normally, there are two records per view, but the register page pictured has been cropped to eliminate the “other” veteran and only show the record for Jacob Alvord, who was from Lykens Borough, Dauphin County.

Note:  By clicking on the three sections of the above pictured document it will enlarge so it can more easily be read.

One of the interesting things about this record group is that often the veteran explains how and where he received the disability.  The record for Jacob Alvord indicates that he received a gun shot wound [“G.S.W.”] at Spotsylvania Court House and lost part of his hand thus impairing its usefulness.  During his recovery, he was confined to a hospital in Washington, D.C.  At admission to the Old Soldiers’ Home, he complained of chronic rheumatism and was only in “fair” condition.

The home record notes that Jacob’s pension was $16.00 per month at the time of his admission, which first was 29 November 1901.  This was followed by a voluntary departure on 30 December 1901 and a second admission on 20 May 1903 and a voluntary departure on 27 June 1903.  These two stays, each for about one month, were at the Central Branch Home [“C.B.” in the record] – which was the designation for the home at Dayton, Ohio.

At this time, it is believed that about a dozen or more veterans from the Lykens Valley area were residents at the Dayton Old Soldiers’ Home, but that number could rise significantly as research continues on the more than 2000 men who are included in the Civil War Research Project.

One interesting discovery yet to be explored is that veteran Timothy McDonald is found to have been a resident of six different homes including the home at Dayton, Ohio.  Other homes where Timothy resided were in Danville, Indiana; Johnson City, Tennessee; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Sawtelle (Los Angeles), California; and Hampton, Virginia.

Research also continues into finding the graves of veterans and it has been discovered that often, when the veteran died at one of the Old Soldiers’ Homes, he was buried in the home cemetery.  Such was the case with Joseph Louden, who was a resident at Dayton and was buried in Dayton National Cemetery.  [Note:  see also yesterday’s post, The Grave of Joseph Louden, where pictures of the grave marker were supplied by Sgt. Mark Conrad, the Director of the Miami Valley Military History Museum]

Additional information on the Old Soldiers’ Home at Dayton, Ohio, can be found at the following places:

Carolyn Burns’ Genealogy – Soldiers Home of Dayton, Ohio

Miami Valley Military History Museum – Galleries – Dayton Soldiers’ Home