
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The 1935 Reunion of the First Defenders

Posted By on May 23, 2012

The following article appeared in a local newspaper in 1935.  It described what was to be the last reunion of the First Defenders from Pennsylvania who answered the call in the first days after the attack on Fort Sumter.  Lt. William Irving, of Lykens, Dauphin County, who was one of only three survivors of that group of about 530 men who were members of local militia groups at the time the war began, was the only one who was able to attend the reunion.  Unfortunately, Lt. Irving died later in the year, and if the association and annual event was carried forward into 1936, it would be attended only by descendants of the veterans who wished to perpetuate their memory.

The reunion in 1935 was held at the Necho Allen Hotel in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.

One First Defender Attends 74th Reunion; Two Other Survivors

Passing years add new lustre to the service which the battalion of Pennsylvania First Defenders, viz National Light Infantry and Washington Artillerists, of Pottsville; Allen Rifles of Allentown; Logan Guards of Lewistown; and Ringgold Artillery of Reading, gave their Country, in the hour of its need, immediately following the firing on Fort Sumter which shot was “heard around the world.”

These 530 militia troops were first to respond to the call of President Abraham Lincoln for volunteers and their service was to protect the national Capitol building and the Nation’s valuable archives from seizure by the Confederate Army, gathered in force, opposite Washington, D.C., on the other side of the Potomac River.  The timely arrival of the militiamen, from the Keystone State, served as intimidation to the Rebel hordes and thwarted their plans of invasion.

Thursday marked the seventy-fourth anniversary of the memorable march of the Pennsylvania First Defenders’ battalion through the Secessionist mobs upon the streets of Baltimore on to the defense of the Capital where they gave three months’ of service.  Of the original muster there are but three survivors, viz, Jonathan Shearer, 96 of Omaha, Nebraska; Gen. Francis A. Stitzer, 95, of Denver, Colorado; and Lt. William Irving, 95, of Lykens, Pennsylvania.  The ages of the three survivors make the remarkable total of 286 years, a combination not to be attained by possibly any other group extant.

The response of the First Defenders was on 17 April 1861.  Their patriotism did not cease with that service, for after that enlistment expired, they were identified with the 48th and 96th Regiments [48th Pennsylvania Infantry, 96th Pennsylvania Infantry], in the commands of which were many Schuylkill County as well as other regiments gallantly fighting until the close of the war which brought everlasting victory to the Union forces and forever swept away possibilities for disruption of the United States.

Veterans Made Honorary Officers

As last year, the reunion and banquet were conducted at the Necho Allen Hotel.  At 11:45 a.m., there was a brief business session.  Lt. Irving, honorary president, was the only First Defenders’ survivor in attendance.  Greetings were read from Comrades Shearer and Stitzer, who, on account of their extreme years and the great distance they would have had to travel, were unable to attend the reunion.  The latter’s letter declared that, on 29 August 1935, he will have actually attained to ninety-five years on his long life’s journey.  He stated that he would be unable to be present because his wife, several years younger than himself, had been ill for the past two weeks, and needed his looking after her.  The veteran went on to say that he, daily, walks about ten or twelve blocks, for his health, adding “that’s pretty good for a young fellow of five-and-ninety years.”

It was decided that the next reunion would be held at Pottsville.  Lt. Irving said he fully expects to be present to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the organization.  A pathetic incident associated with the rollcall was no response from either of the commands that went out from Reading, Allentown, and Lewistown, the last soldier having answered the final rollcall and joined the bivouac of the great Army of dead heroes.

In memory of the rank and file of the deceased members of the Association, soldier veterans as well as their descendants, in particular Secretaries Francis B. Bannon, Capt. Edwin D. Smith and Elmer E. Nagle, all rose and stood with bowed heads in a moment of prayer. When the name of Lt. Irving was reached , in the rollcall, all stood at salute, the veteran rising and bowing his acknowledgment.  At the business meeting were more than two-score children and relatives of First Defenders.

William L. Stevenson, President

Alex C. Huntzinger, Treasurer

Jennie F. Hause, Secretary

The annual election resulted in the selection of the following honorary officers:  Lt. William Irving, President; Gen. Francis A. Stitzer, First Vice President; and Jonathan Shearer, of Omaha, Nebraska, Second Vice President.  The active officers, who ably conducted the business sessions, were chosen to succeed themselves, as follows:  President, William L. Stevenson, son of Hugh Stevenson, a First Defender of the Washington Artillerists; Secretary, Miss Jennie F. Hause, daughter of Francis Hause, a First Defender, of the Washington Artillerists; and Treasurer, Alex C. Huntzinger, son of William F. Huntzinger, a First Defender, of the Washington Artillerists, who, after the war, was Lieutenant Colonel of the 7th Pennsylvania Militia for years.

About Banquet Board

It was at 12:30 p.m., that the banquet was opened. Just fifty persons participated in it, eighteen more than at the function last year. The tables were arranged in the form of a letter “U.”  Lt. Irving was given the honor seat at the head of the table.  Assembling of the company began as early as ten o’clock.  President Stevenson introduced the chaplain, the Rev. Emil W. Weber, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church, who made a fervent invocation.  The Mrs. Blake Hobbs, granddaughter of the late First Defender Francis House, officiated at the piano, while a verse of the national anthem, America was sung.  After pertinent remarks,  the presiding officer turned over the banquet to Toastmaster Edgar Downey, Esq.

It was arranged that, in lieu of after-dinner talks, all the addresses would be informal, and would be given before the menu was negotiated.  They were reminiscent recalling forbears who served as First Defenders.

Lt. Irving was given an ovation when he was called upon.  He occupied a few moments in expressing appreciation of the honor done him regretting that his two surviving comrades could not have also been present at the reunion.

Tribute was paid the honor survivor by Col. James Archbald who, for many years, has attended these annual reunions.  Miss Hause, also, contribute timely remarks eulogizing the surviving First Defenders and the duty devolving upon the children and descendants of the Pennsylvania Battalion to perpetuate the memory of these dead heroes.

She reminded the time is not far distant when the last First Defender will have answered his final roll-call.

Reference was made by Secretary House to the fact, that the third generation representation, of descendants of First Defenders, was seated about the festive board in the following:  Francis Hause III, grandson of Comrade Francis Hause; Robert Potts, grandson of Comrade Charles P. Potts, and Heber Thompson, grandson of Maj. Heber M. Thompson.

Judge Palmer Guest Orator

Hon. Cyrus M. Palmer, representing the Schuylkill County Bench, a grandson of Capt. Cyrus Sheetz, First Defender, of the National Light Infantry, was the guest orator.  His eloquent address reviewed events of the Civil War and showed advantages accruing from the prompt response of the Pennsylvania First Defenders and the psychological affect of their timely presence at the national capital.

Through the progress of the banquet there was a running conversation and exchange of pleasantries, anecdotes and reminiscences of Civil War days.

The menu which was served at the banquet, follows:  Fruit cups, chicken consomme with noodles, bread, butter, pickles, creamed chicken-en-casserole lined with mashed potatoes, hot rolls, new green peas, fresh fruit salad, in separate courses, ice cream, fresh crushed strawberries, little cakes, after-dinner mints and coffee.

At the close of the banquet the Benediction was pronounced by Chaplain Weber.

Patriotic decorations adorned the banquet room, personally arranged by Secretary Hause.  Red, white and blue, the national colors, marked the napery trimmings.  Miniature , taken from pretty little nut cups at each plate, were pinned upon each guest.  A conspicuous part of the decorations was a crystal candlestick, in the center of the banquet board with other holders, on either side, in which were placed candles of the patriotic colors.  Artistically draped upon the piano was a large emblem of “Old Glory,” eight feet long, made by Miss Hause at the request of her First Defender father some years ago.  It attracted general attention.

Other decoration were four flags upon staffs thrust into ornamental bases.  A beautiful sunburst was also placed on the piano.  It was of red, white and blue flags in miniature.  About the rim of the festive board were intertwined decorative ropes of the national colors.  Still another conspicuous feature of the decoration was a handsome bouquet in a cut-glass basket, consisting of red and white carnations, and blue iris with hardy flowers.

The seating arrangement about the festive board was:  Lt. Irving, at the head of the table; William L. Stevenson and Edgar Downey, in the centre; Judge Cyrus M. Palmer, Col. James Archbald; the Mayor; Chaplain E. W. Weber; Miss Jennie F. Hause, Secretary; Mrs. Cyrus M. Palmer; Mrs. James Archbald; Mrs. Edgar Downey; and C. A. Pfeiffer, of Lykens, personal attendant of First Defender Survivor;  Mrs. H. R. Broad and Mrs. Samuel B. VanBuren, sisters, and their brother, Benjamin H. Keiper, of Brooklyn, children of the late George A. Keiper, a First Defender, who was a member of the Allen Rifles of Allentown.

Other children and grandchildren at the banquet board were:  Edward Russell, of Tresckow, Pennsylvania; Mrs. James M. Butler; Mrs. William B. Shugars Sr.; Miss Kathryn Shugars; William B. Shugars Jr.; Jesse Stevenson; Paul A. Stevenson; Helen Irving Borden; —  [sic, see below paragraph] grandson of the late Sgt. Daniel Downey, who was a First Defender of the National Light Infantry.  He gave a terse and interesting history of the First Defenders, using first-hand information taken from his grandfather’s diary.

[sic] a grand niece of Lt. Irving [printer’s error in linotype arranging… probably refers to Helen Irving Borden in preceding paragraph] ; Mr. and Mrs. Alex C. Huntzinger; Aaron Potts; Mrs. William F. Nagle; Miss Minnie Hesser; Mrs. Blake Hobbs;Miss Edna Smith and brothers, Burd J. Smith and William Smith, all of Port Carbon [Schuylkill County]; Secretary William Reid, of the 48th Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers Survivors’ Association [48th Pennsylvania Infantry]; Heber Nagle; Miss Clarissa McCool; Mrs. E. Elmer Shoener; Mrs. H. H. Seltzer; William Sheetz; Charles G. Potts; Misses Clara F. Potts, Annie Britton and Grace Britton; Charles E. Downey; Miss Dorothy Critz; Dean Stevenson; and John J. Kohler, 89, veteran of the 129th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry [129th Pennsylvania Infantry].

In the post tomorrow, stories of the First Defenders, as told at the 1935 reunion will be presented.  The above article was provided by Sally Reiner of the Lykens–Wiconisco Historical Society from her scrapbook collection.  For articles on this blog which featured Lt. William Irving of Lykens, click here.  For previous articles on the First Defenders, click here.  Finally, does anyone know what happened to the Diary of Daniel Downey which is referred to in the article?

The War Came By Train – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum

Posted By on May 22, 2012

National Train Day was celebrated on 12 May 2012 at Philadelphia’s 30th Street Railroad Station.  There were rail equipment displays, model railroads, and exhibits designed to focus on the importance of railroads past, present and future.

One exhibit worth noting that related to the Civil War was presented by the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum of Baltimore and Ellicott City, Maryland.  Museum Executive Director Courtney B. Wilson was on hand to greet visitors to National Train Day with information on special events and exhibits that focus on “The War Came By Train:  The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad During the Civil War.”

A video on the web site of the Museum explains and promotes the exhibit:


A poster advertising the exhibit, which runs from April 2011 through May 2015, was distributed at National Train Day:

Special programs at each of the two sites were described:

For further information on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Museum, go to the web site.

The importance of Baltimore and of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad to the residents of the Lykens Valley area of Pennsylvania has been emphasized many times on this blog. For previous posts mentioning the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, click here.  For prior posts on the Northern Central Railroad which had its southern terminus in Baltimore, click here.  When traveling by rail to Washington, residents of the Lykens Valley took Northern Central Railroad trains to Baltimore and then moved across city streets to the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station (Camden Station) where they boarded the train for Washington.

The Old Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Station in Washington, D.C. was pictured as part of the post describing Laura Keene‘s departure from Washington and is shown again below:


The Camden Station in Baltimore of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad was also featured in a previous post:

Finally, a map showing the three major train stations in Baltimore and the distance between them was also previously featured.  Two Baltimore stations provided service to/from Pennsylvania – one for trains to/from Harrisburg and one for trains to/from Philadelphia.  Click on map below to enlarge:

Click on map to enlarge.

There was no rail connection between the Baltimore stations, so passengers traveling north from Washington or south to Washington had to travel by horse-drawn cars or walk between stations in order to make connections.

Diary of Mary Chesnut

Posted By on May 21, 2012

Chesnut, Mary. A Diary from Dixie. Written 1860-1865.

Today we can only imagine living through a war taking place inside our own country. Mary Chesnut of South Carolina, married to Confederate General James Chesnut, was forced to live through the Civil War and had the forethought to keep a diary, which she began on November 8, 1860 saying, “From today forward I will tell the story in my own way. I now wish I had a chronicle of the two delightful and eventful years that have just passed. Those delights have fled and one’s breath is taken away to think what events have since crowded in. Like the woman’s record in her journal, we have had “earthquakes as usual”– daily shocks.” (p.1).

Little did Mrs. Chestnut know what was ahead for her in the next five years. Because of her position in society and her husband’s position in the military, Mrs. Chesnut was given access to aspects of the war and the opinions of people of all walks of life. The war forced her to move many times, and she chronicles not only the big political movements but also her own personal struggles and losses, both materially and spiritually. These day to day observations are the most important part of this record:

getting news: “Isabella went with me to the bulletin board.  Mrs. D. (with the white linen as usual pasted on her chin) asked me to read aloud what was there written. As I slowly read on, I heard a suppressed giggle from Isabella. I know her way of laughing at everything, and tried to enunciate more distinctly– to read more slowly, louder, with more precision. As I finished and turned round, I found myself closely packed in by a crowd of Confederate soldiers eager to hear the news. They took off their caps, thanked me for reading all that was on the boards, and made way for me, cap in hand, as I hastily returned to the carriage…” (July 26, 1864 p.315).

security: “I though it injudicious when gold is at such a premium to leve it lying loose in the tray of a trunk. So I have sewed it up in a belt, which I can wear in an emergency. The cloth is wadded and my diamonds are there, too. It has strong strings, and can be tied under my hoops about my waist if the worst comes to worst…” (1861, p.101).

economics: “We, poor fools, who are patriotically ruining ourselves will see our children in the gutter while teacherous dogs of millionaires go rolling by in thier coaches– coaches that were aquired by taking advantage of our necessities.” (1862, p.139).

“My husband bought yesterday at the Commissary’s one barrel of flour, one bushel of potatoes, one peck of rice, five pounds of salt beef, and one peck of salt– all for sixty dollars. In the street a barrel of flour sells for $115.” (1863, p.261).

Dedication of the Millersburg Civil War Soldier Monument

Posted By on May 20, 2012


Millersburg, 31 May 1912 — Memorial Day was observed here yesterday.  At 9:15 a.m. Kilpatrick Post, No. 212, G.A.R., assisted by Chief Marshall C. F. Moyer and aides, Millersburg, Liverpool and Killinger bands, Washington Camp, No. 390, P.O.S. of A., Camp 5770, Modern Woodmen of American, Tahoe Tribe, No. 432, Improved O.R.M., Millersburg Fire Company and public schools formed a parade at Market Square and marched around town then to Oak Hill Cemetery where services weer held.  William H. Earnest, Harrisburg, delivered the address. [Patriot, 1 June 1912].


Millersburg, 12 November 1913 — At a meeting of the G.A.R. the final day for the unveiling exercises of the soldiers’ memorial was postponed from Thanksgiving Day until 30 May 1914.  At this latter date the bronze late bearing the inscriptions of the veterans will be completed and attached to the memorial.  [Patriot, 13 November 1913].


Special Dispatch to the Patriot

Millersburg, 27 May 1914 — The monument, erected to the memory of the soldiers of Millersburg who fought from 1861 to 1865 was completed today when the bronze plate, 27 by 20, was attached.  The monument is an act of courtesy of Kilpatrick Post No. 212, G.A.R.  On 30 May at 2 p.m., the monument will be dedicated with appropriate exercises.  The unveiling will be made by Florence Cordes Jury.  The plate bears the inscription of 126 soldiers, 22 of whom are still living.  [Patriot, 28 May 1914].


Millersburg, 31 May 1914 — The Soldiers’ Monument on West Square was dedicated and unveiled Saturday afternoon in connection with the Memorial Day exercises.  Kilpatrick Post, No. 212, G.A.R., assisted by the civic organizations of the borough, the fire company, the Boy Scouts and the Sunday Schools, carried out the program of the day as had been announced.  A street parade to Oak Hill Cemetery, under the direction of Chief Marshall Harry M. Fairchilds and his aides, was one of the chief features of the day.  [Patriot, 1 Jun 1914].

The Soldiers’ Monument in Millersburg was previously featured here on this blog in a post entitled,  Millersburg Civil War Soldier Monument.  Additional views of the monument are shown below:

Organization of Kilpatrick Post, No. 212, G.A.R., Millersburg

Posted By on May 19, 2012

The following history appeared in the Souvenir Book:  Millersburg Centennial Celebration, which was published in September, 1907, by the Committee on Printing and Advertising, J. F. Adams, Chairman, and members C. A. Miller, E. E. Railing, C. W. Noll, and F. M. Faust.


Kilpatrick Post, No. 212, G.A.R.., was organized on the 9th of July, 1881, by Wilson C. Fox, mustering officer, appointed by the Department of Pennsylvania.  He was assisted by the following persons:  John P. Kenney, S.V.C.; J.R. Long, J.V.C.; J.M. Major, Chaplain; F.B. Kinnard, O.D.; B.F. Thompson, O.G.; Thomas Numbers, Adjutant; Henry Cordes, Sentinel; all of Post No. 58 of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.  The following officers were installed:  T. S. Freeland, P.C.; Henry Cordes, S.V.C.; H.O. Baum, J.V.C; A.J.Pontius, Anjutant; W.D. Hayes, Surgeon; J.L. Seebold, Chaplain; Charles T. Dechant, Q.M.; John W. Sneeder, O.D.; Joseph Alleman, O.G.; Daniel Y. Lenker, S.M.; W.H. Lower, Q.M.S.; Jacob Beller, I.G.; James Witman, O.G.

The Post was incorporated by the Court of Common Pleas of Dauphin County on the 2nd day of December 1884.  The Post has grandly observed Memorial Day, annually, since its organization, and had the hearty co-operation of all the people of the town.  The rank and file will soon all be gone, and the community will miss an interesting civic organization.  Henry Cordes has been Commander, and S.S. Bowerman, Adjutant, since 1884.  The following are the present officers:  Henry Cordes, P.C.; B.F. Smith, S.V.C.; Jacob Beller, J.V.C.; S.S. Bowman, Anjutant; W.H. DeHaven, Q.M.; John S. Haines, Surgeon; William B. Meetch, Chaplain; Daniel Feidt, O.D.; J.L. Freck, O.D.; J.H. Heckert, S.M.; J.H. Rowe, Q.M.S.

A early activity of the Kilpatrick Post was reported in the Harrisburg Patriot on 2 December 1882:

The members of Kilpatrick Post, G.A.R., of Millersburg, will indulge in a grand wheeling match on Christmas day.  Among the prizes to be competed for will be sacks of flour, turkeys and other useful articles.

In 1907, for the Centennial celebration, the G.A.R. was included in the parade and rode in cars instead of being asked to march.  The 6 September 1907 Harrisburg Patriot described the parade:


Blaze of Pyrotechnical Glory Ends Successful Celebration

2000 in the Civic Parade

Crowds That Thronged the Borough Streets estimated at 10,000 People

Millersburg, 5 September 1907 — Millersburg‘s Centennial Celebration is a thing of the past.  It came to a close tonight with a fine display of fire-works on the river – a show that made all the youngsters and many of the oldsters which that the jubilee was a sort of continual performance.

2000 Men in Parade

At 10 o’clock the band left the park to take its place in the civic parade.  This was a monster and surpassed even the fine industrial pageant held yesterday.  It is estimated that fully 2000 men marched in the line through the gaily decorated streets and that the spectators – townspeople and visitors – numbered 10,000, for they poured into the borough from all directions in trains of many card, each car crowded to the steps.  As yesterday, however, the crowd was very orderly.

H. W. Meetch was chief marshal of the parade with the following aides:  S. W. Kawell, H.M. Fairchild, L.W. Kerr, George Carl, H.C. Neagley, Guy L. Heckert, James D. Bowman, J.W. Hoy, Mark W. Mattis, J.A. Rowe, F.K. Chance, Custer Wingard and John W. Starr.

The usual squad of State Police headed the line to clear the route.  Queen Irene Freck and her ladies-in-waiting, in the royal float were conspicuous in the line; as they were in the Wednesday’s industrial display.

Some of the Marchers

Eight divisions made up the line as follows:

… Second Division – G.A.R. vehicles

The article that appeared in the Souvenir Book was provided by Leslie Smith of the Historical Society of Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township, 324 Center Street, P.O. Box 171, Millersburg, Pennsylvania  17061.  Questions about the history of Millersburg and the surrounding area can be directed to Leslie by contacting her by e-mail.  A prior post also featured the story of Gen. Hugh Judson Kilpatrick for whom the Millersburg G.A.R. Post was named.  News articles from the Harrisburg Patriot were obtained through the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

The post tomorrow will feature articles about the dedication of the Millersburg Civil War Soldier Monument which has been previously featured here on this blog.


Civil War Veterans included in this post:  Harry Cordis; Thaddeus S. Freeland; H. O. Baum; Andrew J. Pontius; W. D. Hayes; James L. Seebold; Theodore C. Dechant; John W. Sneeder; Joseph J. Alleman; Daniel Lenker; William H. Lower; Jacob Beller; James Witman; Simon S. Bowman; Benjamin F. Smith; Jacob Beller; William H. DeHaven; John S. Haines; William B. Meetch; Daniel S. Feidt; John L. Freck; John H. Heckert; Jacob H. Row.