Posted By Norman Gasbarro on October 16, 2018

George Washington Bowman died on 19 August 1883 and was buried at the Messiah Lutheran Cemetery, Fisherville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He was a Civil War veteran who served honorably in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private, mustered into service on 7 September 1864, and mustered out on 30 May 1865.. At his grave, there is a G.A.R.-Star flag holder.
In Captain Enders Legion, p. 13-16, the following information is given about him:
George Washington Bowman, the son of Philip Irvin Bowman and Mary Ann Fetterhoff was born 21 Jun 1844 and later baptized by Rev. John Greamer on 13 Feb 1845.
On 7 Sep 1864, George enlisted in the 210th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company A at Camp Curtin, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, with Isaac Bowman, John F. Bowman, Jacob Barry, William H. Sheesley, William Bowman, William H. Lebo and Daniel W. Tobias. He fought in numerous battles, such as Hatcher’s Run, the Bellefield Raid, the Destruction of the Weldon Railroad, Dabney’s Mills, Gravelly Run and a final skirmish at Appomattox Court House. They were upon the front line to the last, the flag of truce proclaiming the Confederate surrendered, passing through the lines of the Brigade in which it stood. During the three day battle at Gravelly Run, the regiment’s commanding officer, Colonel William Sergeant was mortally wounded, while gallantly leading his command on 31 March 1865. Adjutant Morris Schlessinger, a scarred veteran and Captain John N. Hughes were also killed. Schlessinger, when found upon the battlefield, weakened by his wounds, exclaimed, “This is the death I have sought.” Margaretta sergeant, Col. Sergeant’s sister, was the wife of the much honored Major General George Gordon Meade. General Meade was Commander of the Army of the Potomac from Jul 1863 to Jun 1865. Gen. Meade died on 6 Nov 1872 and Mrs. Meade passed on 7 Jan 1886. They are buried side by side in historic Laurel Hill Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, a few feet from brother and brother-in-law, Col. William Sergeant. The regimental losses were 35 killed, 115 wounded and 150 missing. George marched in the Grand Parade in Washington and was mustered out with the company 30 May 1865 with the rank of Private.
George married Lydia L. Miller right after the war. They had seven children: Agnes Savilla Bowman was born 27 Jun 1867 and later married Amos C. Mumma with no issue; Albert Ambrose Bowman born 19 Feb 1869 married Ella Feagley and they had three children; Katie Ann Bowman was born 7 Apr 1871, first married Hiram E. Gonder and four children followed. After Hiram’s death in 1894, Katie married Hiram’s brother, Harry Jerome Gonder and had no issue. Mary Jane Bowman was born 14 Aug 1873 and died 14 September 1874; Emma Louisa Bowman was born 15 Oct 1875; Edward Samuel Bowman, born 13 Jul 1878, first married Louisa Wunderlich and they had six children. Edward Bowman was married for the second time to Maude Pensiger and they had a son. Finally, Daisy May Bowman born 22 Jan 1881, married Leo Lutringer and sired three children.
On 19 Aug 1883, George was working at the saw mill near Halifax, Pennsylvania. He had a premonition not to go to work that day and mentioned this to his wife, Lydia, and also to the person who picked him up for work. He was very familiar with the workings of the saw mill, but he was accidentally killed and the course of the family from then on was extremely difficult. George was buried in the Messiah Lutheran Church Cemetery, Fisherville, Pennsylvania. He was 39 years, 1 month, 28 days old.
Emma Lousa Bowman was the most affected. She was eight years old when her father died and was placed in the “Soldier’s Orphan School and Home” at 2140-2145 Market Street, Camp Hill, Pennsylvania. This facility was also known as “Holler Row.” Her death date is unknown, but she is buried with her parents in the Messiah Lutheran Church Cemetery.
Lydia L. [Miller] Bowman outlived George by almost 47 years when she died on 27 Apr 1930. She is buried beside her husband and near two of their children.
George was a brother and brother-in-law to Sarah Jane [Bowman] Sheesley and William H. Sheesley. George was a first cousin of Isaac Bowman and Rebecca J. [Enders] Bowman, Sarah Bowman and husbands Henry Wilbert and Jacob G. Enders, and has many other family ties.
The Harrisburg Telegraph of 24 August 1883 reported the sawmill incident as follow:

An accident happened on Cornelius Koppenheffer‘s saw mill at Halifax last Saturday morning, which resulted in the death of George W. Bowman, about twenty-four hours later. He was employed as a sawyer, and was struck across the pit of the stomach by a slab hurled from the saw. He died at Mr. Koppenheffer’s residence, retaining consciousness to the last.
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