
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Jeannie Gourlay – Cast Member at Ford’s When Lincoln Was Assassinated

Posted By on November 8, 2012

Jeannie Gourlay, a Scottish-born actress, was a player in the stock company of John T. Ford at his Washington theatre on the night President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, 14 April 1865.  The playbill for that night erroneously stated that her role in the Tom Taylor comedy, Our American Cousin, was that of Mary Trenchard, when in fact her role was that of Mary Meredith.  However, she is better known to historians of the assassination as the actress who was supposed to have a benefit performance the next night when she would appear as the star in a production of Dion Boucicault’s, The Octoroon – a production that never took place.  Also known were the facts that Jeannie’s father, Thomas C. Gourlay and her sister, Maggie Gourlay, were also members of Ford’s stock company and also appeared in the production of Our American Cousin.

At the time of the assassination, and for nearly fifty years afterward, Jeannie Gourlay was publicly silent on the happenings of the night of 15 April 1865.  The other members of her family who were in the cast also were silent and never made statements or gave interviews about that night.  Maggie Gourlay died a few years after the assassination; although he lived for about twenty more years, the father, Thomas C. Gourlay, disappeared into Brooklyn where he resided with members of his family until his death – never performing again or speaking about what happened back stage after the fatal shot was fired.  No record has been seen of any official interviews, interrogations, statements to authorities, or contemporary newspaper accounts of what actions the three Gourlay cast members did that night, although in the ensuing years, stories and legends evolved which will be explored here on this blog in a series of posts beginning today and continuing throughout the next few months.

To begin, Jeannie Gourlay, as previously mentioned (click here), married Ford’s Theatre orchestra leader William Withers Jr. in the days after the assassination and before Withers testified at the trial of the assassination conspirators.  But within the two year period after her marriage, Jeannie divorced Withers and then married a Scottish-born actor, Robert StruthersWilliam Withers Jr. was the only member of Ford’s company and participant in the play, Our American Cousin, who saw military service during the Civil War, and evidence has been given on this blog as to the nature of that service (click here) – as a band member in a Pennsylvania regiment.  As the wife of William Withers Jr., Jeannie Gourlay would qualify as a subject for exploration on this blog.  But, there is more to the story.  For most of the remaining adult years of her life, Jeannie Gourlay lived in Pennsylvania as Mrs. Robert Struthers.  And she died in Pennsylvania in 1928 while residing with her daughter, Jean [Struthers] Newell, in Media, Pennsylvania, a community near Philadelphia.

Jeannie [Gourlay] Withers Struthers (1844-1928) is buried in the Milford Cemetery, Milford, Pike County, Pennsylvania, in a grave plot along with her husband Robert Struthers (1835-1907) and some other members of her family.

Jeannie’s obituary appeared in a Pike County newspaper shortly after her death on 5 March 1928 in Media, Delaware County, Pennsylvania.


Mrs. Jeannie Gourlay Struthers, widow of Robert Struthers, the only surviving woman member of the company that played “Our American Cousin” in Ford’s Theatre on the night that Abraham Lincoln was assassinated, died Sunday at Media, Pennsylvania, where she was living with her daughter, Mrs. Charles Newell.  Mrs. Struthers was eighty-three years old.

On 20 April 1865, Mrs. Struthers, then Miss Jeannie Gourlay, was playing the part of Mary Meredith in the play.  Four other members of her family were in the theatre, her father John C. Gourlay [sic], and a sister Margaret Gourlay, being members of the cast.

She often told how she narrowly escaped injury at the hands of Booth as he fled, brandishing a knife at the audience after firing his shot at the President.  Her brothers, Thomas Gourlay and Robert Gourlay, were in the audience and notified the War Department of the assassination.  Mrs. Struthers kept one of her prized mementos, an original program of that night.

Her story of the assassination was that her brothers were in an adjoining restaurant after the second act and they saw Booth , not a member of the cast, but known to them as an actor, order a drink of brandy.  When Mrs. Struthers came to the stage for her scene she saw Booth standing in the lobby, his hat in his hands.  At the close of her dialogue, Mrs. Struthers noticed that Booth had disappeared.

Mrs. Struthers was behind the scenes when Booth came rushing toward her brandishing a knife.  He dashed between her and Ned Spangler, another actor pushing her aside.

One of her brothers came running from the audience shouting that Lincoln had been shot and Mrs. Struthers said the greatest confusion ensued.  Her father, being familiar with the passageways of the theatre, escorted the leading lady Laura Keene to the President’s box where she took him in her arms.  Mr. Gourlay helped carry the President across the street to the home where he died.

Government officials seized all the costumes and properties of the play and a few weeks later required a full rehearsal of the play exactly as it had been done April 20 [sic].  The audience was made up of Secret Service men.

Mrs. Struthers was a native of Scotland and married soon after the tragedy.  The play was never repeated in public at the capital.  About forty years ago Mrs. Struthers retired from the stage to devote herself to the care of her family.  For many years the Struthers family lived in Milford.  Mrs. Struthers left here permanently some two years ago and had since made her home with her daughters, Mrs. Richard E. Humbert, in Montclair, New Jersey, and Mrs. Newell in Media.

Three daughters, Mrs. Charles Newell, Miss Effie M. Struthers, of Albany, New York, and Mrs. Humbert, and a son, Vivian Struthers of Milford, survive; also two brothers, John L. Gourlay of Milford and Thomas Gourlay of Brooklyn.

Funeral service was held Tuesday morning at the Edwin Forrest Actors’ Home at Holmesburg, Pennsylvania, and the body brought to Milford where further service was held at the Presbyterian Church yesterday afternoon, Rev. A. M. Elliot officiating.  Burial in Milford Cemetery beside her husband, who died a number of years ago.

Jeannie’s death, occurred nearly sixty-three years after 14 April 1865, and the story presented in the obituary, which detailed the role of members of her family, is worth exploring as to its origins – when it was first told and how it evolved.  Furthermore, aspects of the story morphed over the years into another story – of how Thomas C. Gourlay took a large, 36-star American flag from the State Box, folded it and placed it under the head of Abraham Lincoln as he lay dying on the floor of the box – the flag absorbing Lincoln’s blood.  Then, at some point, either before, during or after the transport of Lincoln to the Petersen House across the street from the theatre, Thomas C. Gourlay secretly took the flag home and kept it as sacred relic of the assassination – never revealing to anyone that he had it, except to immediate members of his family.  Proponents of this story also say that he bequeathed this flag to his daughter Jeannie and she kept it for years in a trunk in the attic in her home in Milford, Pennsylvania – also never revealing that she had this memento – nor relating any story which included it.  It was more than twenty-five years after Jeannie’s death – in the 1950s, that her son, Vivian Struthers, appeared at the Pike County Historical Society in Milford with a 36-star flag which he donated to the Society – claiming that it had been used to cover Lincoln, as his grandfather, Thomas C. Gourlay helped to carry him to the Petersen House.

The story continued to evolve throughout the latter part of the 20th century as the various curators and amateur historians at the Pike County Historical Society struggled with inconsistencies in the tale and tried to reconcile them with the known facts.  In 1995, with the help of a substantial grant from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the flag was restored and placed in a permanent display case at the Society Museum, “The Columns” – all-the-while claiming to the grantors their belief that this was a sacred relic of the assassination.  Finally, in 1996, the Pike County Historical Society announced that the flag had been “authenticated” by “Lincoln scholars” and that it had indeed been used as a folded-cushion under Lincoln’s head and that the flag was most assuredly saturated with Lincoln’s blood.  As evidence, the Society cited a 120-plus-page report that supposedly contained all the evidence that was needed to prove the point – and “testimonials” from fifteen “Lincoln scholars” supporting the conclusions of the report.

But not all supported the report’s conclusions.  In 1999, the Pike County Historical Society hired its first professional director who by 2000 began to question the conclusions of the 1996 report and the continued display of the flag as an authentic Lincoln artifact.  That questioning resulted in the dismissal of the director and the “rallying around the flag” by the “Lincoln scholars” who had supported the 1996 report. Today, the Pike County Historical Society strongly supports the 1996 report’s conclusions and displays the flag as “authentic” – touting it as such on its web site, without any reference to challenges made or inconsistencies and inaccuracies that have remained unresolved.

What is the truth?  Did Jeannie Gourlay‘s father play the role in the aftermath of the assassination that was reported in her obituary?  Was there a 36-star flag in the State Box and was it used to support Lincoln’s bleeding head ?  Does the Pike County Historical Society own that flag?

In prior posts on this blog, the story of Laura Keene‘s supposed trip to the State Box was discussed – where she cradled the head of Lincoln on her dress, thus creating another bloody artifact.  It was stated then that the architectural plan of the theatre worked against any possibly that this trip to the State Box actually occurred.  Also presented was the difficulty of getting Laura’s dress (or costume) out of Washington in the hours following the assassination.  There was continued blog discussion during the series of posts on William J. Ferguson, the call boy (and substitute cast member) who later became a silent film star, and who, in 1930, published his own version of the happenings of the assassination night. Ferguson claimed that it was he who escorted Keene – over the footlights, through the crowded theatre, up the stairs to the dress circle – and refuted any claims that there was direct access to the box from the stage.  In the context of analyzing the claims made in the obituary of Jeannie Gourlay, it must be again stated that there were no contemporaneous accounts – testimony, newspaper accounts, or otherwise – that report that Laura Keene‘ was in the State Box at any time during the night of 14 April 1865.  All such reports were made years later.  [For a list of all prior posts on the Lincoln assassination, click here.]

Robert Struthers, Jennie’s second husband, died in 1907.  His death was reported in the local Pike County, Pennsylvania, newspaper, on 25 January 1907:



Mr. Struthers, who has been a long time in failing health, died at his home on Water Street Tuesday morning, 22 January.  He was born in Hamilton, Scotland, about 72 years ago and when a youth of 17 came to this country with his father who became a member of the firm of A. T. Stewart and Company and lived in Long Island.  He learned the trade of an upholsterer, went west, traveled down the Mississippi River and finally reached Charleston, South Carolina   He became a member of the fire department and was in the big three-days fire in that city.  He then came to Richmond, Virginia where he was when the war broke out and managed to evade conscription and came North.  In 1866 in Montreal Canada he married Miss Jeannie Gourlay who was on the stage at Ford’s Theatre in Washington, the night President Lincoln was shot.  After marriage he went on the stage for a time and for 26 years lived in New York when his family located in Dingman Township [Pike County, Pennsylvania].  In 1896 they removed to Milford which has since been their home.  He was a man of good attainments, of versatile mind, upright in business and led a conscientious and blameless life.  His widow , with three daughters, Mabel Struthers, wife of R. E. Humbert, Effie Struthers, and Jeannie Struthers a teacher in the schools of Philadelphia and one son Vivian Struthers survive him.  He is also survived by two brothers William Struthers and John Struthers of New York.  Funeral services will be held at 8 p.m. to-day and interment in Milford Cemetery at the convenience of the family.

Prior to the death of Robert Struthers, Jeannie was publicly silent about what happened the night that Lincoln was assassinated.  Except for one instance, reported to the Pike County Historical Society, where Jeannie supposedly entertained a five year old Milford boy in 1900 with a tale of the assassination and her role in holding Lincoln’s head in her lap – Lincoln’s blood staining her maid’s apron.  The story, as remembered by the Milford resident many years later, was enhanced by Jeannie showing the young boy the brown-stained white apron – which she of course claimed was stained with Lincoln’s blood.  The Milford resident who told this story in 1971 (when he was 76 years old), signed a statement as to the accuracy of his claim.  In 1995, a local historian, Peter Osborne, who was researching Pike County Historical Society artifacts which supposedly were present at Ford’s Theatre (costumes owned by Jeannie Gourlay as well as the flag that the family claimed shrouded Lincoln as he was carried to the Petersen House), included the story in the then “official” history he wrote for the Society of the Lincoln assassination.  Osborne reported simply that the “veracity of the letter… cannot be determined.”  Thus, with lone exception of this testimonial from the Milford resident, there are no public reports that have been seen or told of any actions of Jeannie Gourlay or members of her family who were present at the assassination (until after the death of Robert Sturthers, as noted below).  And, the apron, supposedly used by Jeannie as a “prop” in telling the story, has never been found.

So, aside from this one supposed event of the visit of the young boy to the home of Jeannie [Gourlay] Withers Struthers in Milford, no other accounts have been found in which the assassination evening was discussed – until after Robert Struthers died in 1907.

In 1910, Jeannie [Gourlay] Struthers – with two of her daughters accompanying her – presumably Effie Struthers (who was blind) and Jean Struthers (who had not yet married), visited Ford’s Theatre.  As reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer:


Actress Returns to Washington First time Since Fateful Night

WASHINGTON, 12 April 1910 – Having stood, as a young actress, on the stage only a few feet from the spot where Lincoln was assassinated in Ford’s Theatre on the night of 14 April 1865, Miss Jennie Gourlay, now a gray-haired woman, has returned to Washington for the first time since that eventful night, and visited the spot where, 45 years ago, almost to a day was enacted a nation’s tragedy.

On the night of Lincoln’s death, Miss Gourlay played the part of “Mary Trenchard [sic] in the drama, “Our American Cousin.”

What cannot ignored about this reported visit of Jeannie Gourlay to Ford’s Theatre in 1910 is the fact that the theatre’s interior looked nothing like it looked the night of the assassination.  The theatre had been taken over by the government shortly after the assassination and as reported in the Historic Structures Report, paraphrased and summarized below, vastly changed:

Because of the shortage of office space in post-war Washington, the Quartermaster General was authorized to convert it into a three-story office building for the use of the government.  The Army Medical Museum was established on the third floor, while the first two floors were used by the Office of Records and Pensions.  In June 1893, a 40-foot section of the front of the building collapsed from the third floor down, killing 22 government clerks and injuring 65 others.  A Congressional investigation concluded negligence on the part of a contractor and the building ceased to be used for offices.  In the years 1893 to 1931, it was a publications depot for the Adjutant General, and during World War I, auxiliary offices in the north and south wings were recruiting stations for the war Department.  The south wing was demolished in 1930 and in 1932, the building was turned over to the Interior Department and a Lincoln Museum was housed on the first floor.

Most importantly, for Jeannie Gourlay‘s visit in 1910, the interior of the building had been so substantially changed that it could barely have been recognized as the theatre where she had played 45 years earlier.  The Historic Structures Report documents some of those changes as follows:

The raising of the first floor, 7 1/2 inches from its original base; the strengthening of the north wall in 1878; the complete rebuilding of the east wall… in 1894, and the installation of larger windows with ventilators on the second and third floors of the west facade.  The appearance of the east wall… was completely changed from its original design.  The large scenery door and the small door through which Booth had escaped were not re-installed when the east wall was rebuilt….  (page 63).

Some of the changes were made in 1866, prior to the drastic reconstruction of the theatre.  The Historic Structures Report notes that John T. Ford was authorized to remove the posts that supported the dress circle, the proscenium, and other theatre aspects that could not be used by the government.  Ford supposedly used these parts of the Washington building in an opera house he was constructing in Baltimore which opened in 1871, but after extensive renovations to the Baltimore house which occurred in the 20th century, those original materials disappeared and researchers in 1962 were unable to locate them.  The Historic Structures Report is available as a free download from the Internet Archive (click here).

Thus, the return to the scene of the assassination by Jeannie Gourlay in 1910 meant that what she was visiting was a government building that she was probably not allowed to enter and fully explore – and if she was able to enter it, the interior, as well as much of the exterior, bore no resemblance to the theatre she had once performed in.  However, she was able to stand in the street and view the approximate path that Lincoln was taken from the theatre building to the Petersen House (which she never personally witnessed in its happening) – and she was able to enter the Petersen House which in 1910 was used as a private museum by Osborn H. Oldroyd, a Lincoln collector of note who had penned his own version of the 1865 events, The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The Oldroyd book is available as a free download from the Internet Archive (click here).

In February of 1916, Jeannie was honored at a dinner and reception held in Montclair, New Jersey, presumably arranged by her family and her daughter Mabel [Struthers] Humbert who was living in Montclair.   It was reported by the Philadelphia Inquirer in its 13 February 1916 edition:


Retired Actress Who Played In Ford’s Theatre on Night of Assassination Honored

Special to the Inquirer.

MONTCLAIR, NEW JERSEY, 12 February 1916 — At a dinner party and reception given in her honor tonight, Mrs. Robert Struthers, of Montclair, the only surviving woman member of the company that played “Our American Cousin” in Ford’s Theatre, Washington, on the night that President Lincoln was shot, declared that the work of the assassin, John Wilkes Booth, was the act of a mind crazed by grief over the misery of the Confederate soldiers and the fall of the Confederacy.  Ned Spangler, a property man who was sent to the Dry Tortugas for his alleged part in the plot to kill the heads of the Federal government, was an innocent victim, according to Mrs. Struthers.  Mrs. Struthers, her father and sister, all members of “Our American Cousin” were under suspicion for several months.

“I knew Booth personally,” Mrs. Struthers told her friends. “And while I do not seek to palliate his crime or absolve him of its responsibilities, it always seemed to me that Booth’s grief over the situation had given rise in a frenzied desire for revenge and this became an obsession.

“I played the part of Mary Meredith; my father, Thomas C. Gourley, had the role of Sir Edward Trenchard, and my sister Margaret Gourley, took the part of Skillet, the maid.  My two brothers, Thomas C. Gourley, Jr., and Robert Gourley, who were employed in the War Department at Washington were seated in the auditorium close to the stage when the shooting took place.  My brothers were accompanied to the theatre that night by the tutor of Tad  Lincoln, son of the President.”

Although Mrs. Struthers is the only one of her sex surviving of the company, there are living three men who took part in the historic presentation of the play.  They are Harry Hawk, William J. Ferguson and E. A. Emerson.  Mr. Ferguson is the only surviving member of the quartet who is now on the stage.  Mr. Emerson, who played Lord Dundreary in “Our American Cousin,” now has an art glass business within a few blocks of the theatre where the shooting of Lincoln too place.  Mr. Hawk, who as Asa Trenchard was the only actor on the stage when Booth fired the shot and who spoke the last words that Lincoln heard before he succumbed to the bullet, in now a resident of Philadelphia.

Finally, in 1923, a number of articles appeared – including one attributed to the New York Globe, 2 February 1923.   Its origin has not been completely confirmed.

Aged Actress Tells How Both Murdered Lincoln

Only Living Woman Member of Cast That Played “Our American Cousin: on Night of Assassination Remembers Details of Shooting and Mob Threats.

To Mrs. Robert Struthers of Montclair the birthday anniversary of Abraham Lincoln will recall memories shared by but a few persons in this country.  Mrs. Struthers, who lives with her daughter, Mrs. Richard E. Humbert, is the only living woman member of the “Our American Cousin” play cast that played Ford’s Theatre in Washington on the night news of the assassination of President Lincoln shocked a nation.

Clearly, as if in her mind’s eye the tragedy had occurred only yesterday, are the incidents surrounding that night of fifty-eight years ago next April.  Mrs. Struthers was Miss Jeanne Gourlay, and played the part of Mary Meredith.  She was one of five members of her immediate family in Ford’s Theatre that night.

John C. Gourlay [sic], the father of Mrs. Struthers, had the role of Sir Richard Trenchard, and a sister, Miss Margaret Gourlay, had the part of Skillet, the maid.  Two brothers were in the audience.

Mrs. Struthers memory is quite clear as to the events of that night.  She is certain that John Wilkes Booth was insane when he fired the shot that killed the Great Emancipator.  She is convinced that Booth’s frenzied desire for revenge became an obsession to the sympathizer of the overthrown Confederacy.

Mrs. Struthers explained that Booth was not a regular member of our  “Our American Cousin” company that played Ford’s Theatre on the night of 20 April [sic], fifty-eight years ago.  At that time his professional services as an actor were unattached.  A few weeks before the crime, Mrs. Struthers played a short sketch with Booth at Ford’s Theatre.

Disputes Historians

Mrs. Struthers disputes historians who have ascribed to Booth the famous declaration, “Sic semper tyranus” as a plot of the tragedy details.  Two brothers of Mrs. Struthers, Thomas C. Gourlay [sic] and Robert Gourlay, employed at the War Department in Washington were seated near the stage.  The two were accompanied by a son of Mr. Williamson, tutor for Tad Lincoln, son of the President.  They, too, discredited the “Sic semper tyrannus” of historians.

History does not tell how innocent members of the “Our American Cousin” company, including Mrs. Struthers, narrowly escaped death at the hands of the infuriated mob.  Crowds filled the street as it was reported that other members of the company had entered into the conspiracy with Booth.

Mrs. Struthers, her father, sister, and other members of the family remained in the theatre after President Lincoln’s body had been removed and were talking over the tragedy when they heard that a mob was preparing to make an attack on the building with the intention of burning the structure and its occupants.  The players fled quickly.  Mrs. Struthers and her father, sisters, and brothers, returned to their home, accompanied by Mr. Withers, orchestra leader, and other members of the company.

The shot that ended the life of President Lincoln also terminated the existence of the company that played “Our American Cousin” before him.  federal authorities took possession of Ford’s Theatre and confiscated gowns and other belongings of actors, for they harbored suspicion that others of the company were in the conspiracy…. [here, a portion of the article is missing] … comedy-drama to the minutest detail, and, with a grim-looking group from the War Department watching them, did so to the best of their ability under such circumstances.

Following the forced performance the company disbanded.  Mrs. Struthers never acted in Washington again.  Some time later she married Robert Struthers, a Scottish actor.  She remained on the stage several years longer to finally relinquish histrionic honors for the duties of home life.

Mrs. Struthers disputes historians who have ascribed… [Note: the article is cut off at this point and the remainder has not been located].

In today’s post, a time line has been established: (1) the assassination occurred in 1865. (3) Robert Struthers, the second husband of Jeannie Gourlay, died in 1907;  (3) no public statements about the assassination are made by Jeannie Gourlay or by any member of her family until it is reported that in 1910 she returned to Washington; (4) Jeannie Gourlay is honored by her family at a reception in Montclair, New Jersey, in 1916 – and an interesting story of the assassination is published; (5) a number of articles appear around 1923 which report the same basic story of the 1916 article, with some added elements; (6) Jeannie Gourlay died in 1928 at the home of her daughter in Media, Pennsylvania; (7) in 1954, a large 36-star flag is donated to a county historical society in Pennsylvania by Vivian Struthers, son of Jeannie Gourlay, who claimed that the flag was used to cover Lincoln as he was removed from the theatre to the Petersen House.

The origins of the story as told by the family of Jeannie [Gourlay] Withers Struthers have not yet been divulged on this blog.  That will occur in the post scheduled for tomorrow. Beyond the post tomorrow, the story of the “blood-stained” flag that is housed at the Pike County Historical Society Museum in Milford, Pennsylvania, will be re-examined – with several unexpected twists, heretofore unrevealed.


Obituaries are from the author’s collection of research materials related to the Gourlay family and the Lincoln assassination.  The playbill is from Wikipedia.  The story of Jeannie’s visit to Ford’s Theatre in 1910 was found in the on-line resources of the Free Library of PhiladelphiaPeter Osborne‘s report was published by the Pike County Historical Society in 1995 and was entitled, “Now He Belongs to the Ages.”   It was 8 pages in length and sold for $1.00.

The Ditty Brothers of Millersburg & Elizabethville

Posted By on November 7, 2012

Three Ditty brothers of Millersburg and Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, answered the call to service in the Civil War.  The family was profiled in the Commemorative Biographical Enyclopedia of Dauphin County, by William Henry Egle, published by J. M. Runk and Company of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, 1896:

Joseph Franklin Ditty, was the son of John Ditty and Catherine [Woodside] DittyDavid Ditty, his paternal grandfather, married Anna Osmond, by whom he had six children:  Andrew Ditty; John Ditty; Joseph Ditty; Mary Ditty; and David Ditty; all are deceased excepting Joseph.   John Ditty, father of Joseph F. Ditty, was born at Millersburg, and removed to Elizabethville, where he engaged in mercantile business.  He was a candidate for the office of Justice of the Peace at Elizabethville, on an independent ticket, was elected by a large majority, and re-elected for several terms, being recognized as an efficient and conscientious public servant.  He removed to Millersburg in 1860, and died 6 January 1861, aged 48 years, 8 months, and 16 days.   His wife Catherine [Woodside] Ditty was a daughter of Thomas Woodside and Mary [Yeager] Woodside; she is also deceased.  They had seven children:  William Theodore Ditty, married Miss Lydia Houpt, served in the United States Army for nine months, re-enlisted and served three years, was taken prisoner and confined in Libby Prison and at Andersonville for over eleven months, and liberated at the close of the war, was promoted to Corporal and then to Sergeant; Anna Mary Ditty, received her education in the public schools of her native place; Isabella Ditty, wife of William Dent; John Peter Ditty, enlisted in Company B, 26th Illinois Volunteer Infantry [26th Illinois Infantry], died in the hospital at Keokuk, Iowa, aged 17 years; Thomas Milton Ditty, married Rebecca Taylor, also served in the United States Army over two years; Charles Frederick Ditty, died aged about  24 years; and Joseph Franklin Ditty.

Joseph Franklin Ditty served as apprentice of two and a half years at moulding, with Foster, Savidge & Company, and worked at the trade as a journeyman for a short time.  Later he was occupied with various kinds of work.  He is at present in the retail tobacco business in Millersburg.  He resides with his sister Anna Mary Ditty, and they occupy a beautiful modern dwelling in that town.  Mr. Ditty is a member of Castle No. 332, K. of G. E. at Millersburg.  His political views are democratic.  His sister and he attend the Methodist Episcopal Church.

Thomas Woodside, maternal grandfather of Mr. Ditty, was a soldier in the war of 1812,  He married Mary Yeager, and their children were:  Jacob Woodside, married Hannah Rumberger; John Woodside, married Mary M. Lark; Leah Woodside, wife of Henry Straub; Daniel Woodside, married Hannah Buffington; Catherine Woodside, wife of John Ditty; Joseph Woodside, married Hetty Laird; Margaret Woodside, wife of Joseph Schnell; Mary Woodside, wife of Jarius Mason; Thomas Jefferson Woodside, married the widow of A. M. Johnson.


As stated in the biographical encyclopedia, the three brothers who served in the Civil War were:


According to the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Burial Card from the Pennsylvania Archives, William Theodore Ditty served in the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, and the 184th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C.  Other records show his service dates in the former regiment as 3 November 1862 through 17 August 1863 as a Corporal, and in the latter regiment as 12 May 1864 through 30 June 1865 as a Sergeant.  He was captured at Petersburg during the latter tour of duty and held as a prisoner of war from 22 June 1864 through 21 April 1865.  There is also a possibility that William Theodore Ditty served in the 6th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company G, as a Private from the 14 September 1862 through 28 September 1862, although it is not confirmed in the pension records (below).

For his Civil War service, William Theodore Ditty applied and received an invalid pension with the early application date of May 1880.  This early application at age 41 is an indication that his disability was directly connected to his war service – probably connected to his time as a prisoner.  An 1890 census record has not yet been located for him.  When he died in 1900, his widow, Lydia [Houpt] Ditty, received support as a result of his service.

William Theodore Ditty is buried in the Old Lutheran Cemetery, Gowan City, Northumberland County, Pennsyvlania.


JOHN PETER DITTY (1845-1862)

Click on document to enlarge.

The death of John Peter Ditty was recorded in a register of deaths of U.S. volunteers that occurred as a result of the Civil War.  He died at a hospital at Keokuk, Iowa, at the age of 17, of enteritis.  John Peter Ditty’s service was in the 26th Illinois Infantry, Company B, as a Private.  He enlisted on 15 August 1861.  It is not known at this time why he served in an Illinois regiment instead of a Pennsylvania regiment.

In 1864, John Peter’s mother, Catherine Ditty, applied for and eventually received a pension for the service of her son.  She was a widow as a result of the death of her husband, John Peter’s father, in 1861 (see Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County – above).

There is some confusion as to where John Peter Ditty is buried.  One record indicates burial at the Keokuk National Cemetery in Keokuk, Iowa.  Another record indicates burial at Oak Hill Cemetery in Millersburg.



The first enlistment of Thomas Milton Ditty was believed to be in the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company K, as a Private.  The Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card (above) shows entry into service at Millersburg on 20 March 1863 as a Private, with promotion to Corporal.  However, the record also indicates that he was “missing since 26 June 1863.”  There is most likely an error on this card since the enrollment date given is after the muster in date and since this regiment was of the Pennsylvania militia called into service for the 1863 emergency, it is the March date that is probably incorrect.

Click on picture to enlarge.

If Thomas Milton Ditty served in the 26th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company K, his service is not noted on the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg (above).

When Thomas Milton Ditty applied for an invalid pension in December 1898, he only gave his service as the 184th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C.  Service records show that was a 1st Sergeant in that regiment/company, was later commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant, and served from 12 May 1864 through 30 June 1865.  Curiously, the application for a pension was late, especially considering that in 1890, he reported that he lost a finger in the war.  This disability may have qualified him earlier than the 1898 date at which he applied.  More research is needed to determine both the circumstances of his early militia service as well as his service record in the 184th Pennsylvania Infantry.

When Thomas Milton Ditty died in 1922, his wife Rebecca [Taylor] Ditty applied for and received his pension.  He is buried in the Shamokin Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.


The Ditty brothers who served in the Civil War are shown below in the Census of 1850 and the Census of 1860.  In 1850, the family was living in Washington Township, Dauphin County – just outside Elizabethville, and in the 1860 Census, they were living in Millersburg.

Census of 1850. Click on image to enlarge.

Census of 1860. Click on image to enlarge.

The youngest brother, Joseph Franklin Ditty (1849-1934), remained in Millersburg all his life, operated a tobacco shop there, never married, and lived with his sister Anna Mary Ditty, who also never married.  He was too young to enlist in the Civil War.

It is difficult to understand why, with the three Ditty brothers who served in the Civil War – one of whom died in the war and is possibly buried in the Oak Hill Cemetery in Millersburg, the brothers are not recognized on the Millersburg G.A.R. Monument – particularly since a brother and sister were living in Millersburg at the time the monument was erected.  There are two “Ditty” names on the monument (see above).  The “D. D. Ditty” named is most likely Dalles David Ditty and the “J. B. Ditty” is yet to be specifically identified – but is probably a Joshua Ditty who is buried in Halifax United Methodist Cemetery – unless the “B” is in error, and should be “J. P. Ditty” – which would indicate that the memorial did recognize the service and death of “John Peter Ditty“, but got his name wrong.


Additional information is sought on the Ditty brothers – including pictures and stories.  These may be submitted by commenting on this post, or by sending items to the Civil War Research Project via e-mail.

The Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, is available from the Internet Archive as a free download (click here).  Pension Index Cards are from Ancestry.com and reference records available in the National Archives in Washington, D.C.  Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Cards are from the Pennsylvania Archives.  Registers of Volunteer Deaths are available through Ancestry.com.


Spielberg Lincoln movie opening Nov 9

Posted By on November 6, 2012

Lincoln is an upcoming 2012 biographical war drama film directed by Steven Spielberg, starring Daniel Day-Lewis as United States President Abraham Lincoln and Sally Field as Mary Todd Lincoln. The film is based on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s biography of Lincoln, Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, and covers the final four months of Lincoln’s life.  The timing of the film’s release coincides with 150th anniversary of the days leading to, and the issuance of, the Emancipation Proclamation.


Find out more at the Facebook page for the Lincoln movie and find local theatres and showtimes

Election of 1862

Posted By on November 5, 2012

Voter Rights and the Election of 1862

The slow progress of the war had many in the press and public feeling that the military was lazy, as shown in this political cartoon from 1862.

As we prepare for this year’s election day, it is enlightening to look back 150 years and see what the issues were in 1862. The mid-term elections in 1862 brought the Republicans serious losses due to sharp disfavor with the Lincoln Administration over its failure to deliver a speedy end to the war, rising inflation, high new taxes, ugly rumors of corruption, the suspension of habeas corpus, the draft law, and fears that freed slaves would undermine the labor market. Some of the most racist political campaigning in American history occurred during the 1862 elections over Lincoln’s issue of the Emancipation Proclamation which freed the slaves in Confederate territory.

A group of scholars at Michigan State University studying the election of 1862 have concluded that the 1862 elections had a direct influence on the way the civil war was fought, and more deeply in that they influenced the way all future elections were run and conducted.

Congressional Elections of 1862

House of Representatives.Lincoln’s Republicans lost 22 seats in Congress, while the Democrats picked up 28, for a net swing of 50 seats (or 27 percent) out of a total House membership of 185. However, the Republicans retained control of the House, in spite of falling from 59% of the seats to just over 46%, thanks to their alliance with the 25 Unionist representatives; the Unionists were a group of disaffected pro-war Democrats who broke with their party during the previous Congress.

Senate. The Republicans increased their control of the U.S. Senate. The Republican Party gained three seats, bringing their majority to 66% of the body. Also caucusing with them were Unionists and Unconditional Unionists. As many Southern states seceded in 1860 and 1861, and members left the Senate to join the Confederacy, or were expelled for supporting the rebellion, seats were declared vacant. To establish a quorum with fewer members, a lower total seat number was taken into account. As this election was prior to ratification of the Seventeenth Amendment, Senators were chosen by State legislatures instead of being elected directly by voters.

Fraudulent Voters

In 2012 there has been much discussion of possible voter fraud, with states passing or considering legislation to require photo identification and other measures. In 1862 the issues of voter fraud, immigration and draft dodging all influenced the voting in New York. On November 4, 1862 the New York Times published an article about the election:

“At every voting place in the City to-day a policeman will stand, all day long, with a list in his hand of the names of all persons who have sworn themselves to be aliens. If any man of this class presents himself to vote, he will instantly be arrested for having criminally attempted to evade the draft. There are seventeen thousand persons in the City who, in order to escape the draft, have sworn that they are aliens. It will not be safe for any one of these to be found interfering with the elective franchise. The result will be a quiet poll, and a considerable deficit in the Seymour vote.”

October 2012 Posts

Posted By on November 4, 2012

A listing of the October 2012 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links:

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 1 of 7)

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 2 of 7)

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 3 of 7)

Abraham Lincoln Statue in Fairmount Park, Philadelphia

September 2012 Posts

Muir All Wars Memorial

The Passing of Ned Weaver – Civil War Specialist at Gratz Historical Society

Ned Weaver Obituary

From Our Files – Local Historial Ned Weaver Speaks to Group

Hiram Schramm – Great-Grandfather of Ned Weaver

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 4 of 7)

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 5 of 7)

David W. Brown – Coal Magnate

Pennsylvania Regiments at Petersburg and Richmond – Corps and Generals (Part 1 of 2)

Pennsylvania Regiments at Petersburg and Richmond – Corps and Generals (Part 2 of 2)

Capt. John Buyers – Farmer & Intellectual

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 6 of 7)

Riegel Family Veterans of Pennsylvania Civil War Regiments (Part 7 of 7)

Civil War Veteran Burials in Grace United Evangelical Cemetery, Muir (Part 1 of 2)

Civil War Veteran Burials in Grace United Evangelical Cemetery, Muir (Part 2 of 2)

Dr. Abraham T. DeWitt – Learned Practice of Medicine in Halifax

Most famous true slave narrative

Jacob Good – Carpenter and Bridge Builder

Jacob Good – Steel Company Foreman of the Boiler Department

Who Was George Samuels?

Official Military Atlas of the Civil War

G.A.R. Soldiers Monument at Shamokin Cemetery

G.A.R. Soldiers Circle at Shamokin Cemetery

Capt. James L. Pell and the Great Zingari Bitters

Postponement of New Posts Due to Weather Emergency