
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Mahlon Shaaber – Tallest Soldier of the Civil War

Posted By on January 2, 2013

SchauberMahlon-portrait-005 It is very possible that Mahlon Shaaber (1844-1917), standing at more than six foot seven inches, was the tallest soldier in the Civil War.  The portrait of him, taken in his G.A.R. uniform some time after 1900, shows him standing alone, but another picture, known to have been taken in 1910 in Atlantic City (below), compares him to a man who may have been the shortest Civil War veteran, Benjamin F. Smith (1846-1918) of Millersburg, Dauphin County.

Mahlon Shaaber, who was also found in the records as Mahlon Schauber, Mahlon Shauber, and Mahlon Sharaber, was born in Pennsylvania, 12 April 1844.


During the Civil War he served in three enlistments.  After enrolling at Reading, Berks County, Pennsylvania, he was mustered into the 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company B, as a Private, in Lebanon, Lebanon County, 27 October 1861.  His occupation at the time was “machinist,” and he gave his residence as Reading, according to the information on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card.  After a while, he was promoted to Corporal.   It was during this service that he had a chance meeting with Abraham Lincoln who was reviewing the troops:

Abraham Lincoln liked to ask exceptionally tall men to stand with him, back to back, in order to compare measurements.  He was rarely topped, because wearing a very tall silk hat, he measured almost seven feet from head to toe.

Headed for a visit with Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside, Lincoln stopped at Aquia Creek, Virginia, to review troops.  Almost as soon as he entered the encampment, the federal commander in chief spotted a lanky member of the 93rd Pennsylvania Regiment.  Gesturing, the president let Mahlon Shaaber know that he wanted a word with him.  “Turn around, young fellow,” he is alleged to have said, “and put your back against mine while I take off my hat.”   As soon as their heads touched, Lincoln knew he had met a man considerably taller than he.

Carefully measured, the seventeen-year old from Pennsylvania proved to top the six-foot four-inch president by two and one-half inches.  Together, the two men, who towered above most of those who surrounded them, gleefully measured others who considered themselves exceptionally tall.  They found Brig. Robert A. Cameron to be six feet, one inch in height.  To Lincoln’s surprise, Pennsylvania Governor Andrew G. Curtin, who was present for the review, topped Cameron by a full inch.

As a memento, Lincoln jotted down a memorandum, listing the names and heights of “six-footers” on hand for the spur-of-the-moment ceremony that Shaaber ever forgot.  [From Civil War Curiosities, by Webb Garrison, published in 1994, page 11].

But a similar story had been previously reported in Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania by Morton L. Montgomery, published by  J. H. Beers and Company, 1909.  As told in the actual words of Mahlon Shaaber, the story was as follows:

While the 93d Regiment was passing through Washington and Georgetown, we passed in review on Pennsylvania Avenue, and among the thousands who lined the pavements was a small group, among whom was a very tall gaunt man, with a pale looking countenance, dressed in a black frock coat, clinging somewhat indifferently to him, stooped shoulders, a black silk hat, with a thoughtful and serious cast of face, who called out “Bub!’ ‘Bub!”  Capt. Arthur heard him, and noticing that he was addressing me, informed me of it and gave me permission to leave the ranks. I no more thought when the tall, gaunt looking gentleman, with pleasing friendliness of manner, grasped my hand and said, “Excuse my manners, it was jealousy on my part, that made me call you out to size you up.”  He said, “How tall are you, and what is your age?” I told him, “I am 6 feet 6-1/2 inches, and in my 17th year, and weigh 140 pounds.” He forthwith drew out of his pocket a black covered memorandum book, and with an ordinary stub pencil noted down my answer. Then he introduced himself in this characteristic way: “I am old Abe!” I was startled, but felt honored; he next introduced me to Vice-President Hamlin as “My Son,” and I noticed Gen. Cameron and Governor Curtin stood in the group. He noted our combined heights in the memoranda, giving each full name as follows: “Mahlon Shaaber, B, 93d P.V. 6 ft. 6-1/2 in. Abraham Lincoln, President 6 ft. 4 in. Hannibal Hamlin, Vice-President 6 ft. 2-1/2 in. General Cameron 6 ft. 1 in. Governor Curtin, Pennsylvania 6 ft. 2 in.  Total 31 ft. 4 in.” He said jokingly this incident, where so many tall men have met, will not occur again. After quite a prolonged conversation he volunteered good advice to me. He indicated what my habits should be, my diet in camp, that I must eat no pastry, pies, etc., and emphasized the precaution against the use of intoxicating drinks. He told me when lying down to sleep I should always rest the head lower than the chest to expand my lungs, and seriously added ‘I am afraid that you will not stand the service.’ I essayed to leave, but just then thinking of the orders about stragglers, I asked him to give me a pass, as the patrolmen might gather me in to the guard house. He at once reproduced his memorandum book, tore out a blank, and wrote these words, ‘Pass the soldier on his way to camp, by request of, Abe Lincoln. ‘My knapsack was captured in battle and the memento lost. When the grand old man bade me good bye, he embraced me, virtually putting his arm around my neck, and said with kindly emotion, “Good-bye, my son. God bless you. Come soon and dine with me.”

At a subsequent time accompanied by Sergeant Fritz, of Company B, I paid a visit to Washington to exchange clothing drawn by me which were too short.  On our return to camp we called on the President at the White House. We were ushered into the Blue Room by a colored attendant, where the President arose from a chair where he was engaged in writing, and at once recalled the former meeting and gave us a kindly welcome to the White House. He showed us the spacious building, and presented us to the invited guests of the day. Being invited to dine I lost courage and made up my mind to decline. Mr.Lincoln insisted and said ‘I will give you a seat on my right as my particular guest.’ I confessed that I was afraid and ashamed to sit with such elegantly dressed company in my shabby clothes, when the President characteristically replied: “It’s not the clothing that makes the man, my son, it’s the heart. I think more of a man dressed in blue for love of his country, than of those gay visitors, whose chief business in these trying times is simply to dress for receptions.” I, however, declined, stating that I would enjoy my bean soup and hard tack better than the reception dinner. The President took both hands in his and gave me a parting blessing and dismissed me saying: “If you lie around Washington in the future call again.” It was always my great regret in after life, that I did not dine with the President.

[Signed] Yours truly, Mahlon Shaaber.”

The biographical entry continued with the honors given to Mahlon Shaaber at the 1907 G.A.R. Encampment:

At the National Encampment of the G.A.R., held at Saratoga Springs, New York, the week of 9 September 1907, Mr. Shaaber had the honor to be chosen as one of the grenadier guards, composed of men from every Department of the Order, forty-five in all, each over six feet in height. He was the tallest by 3-1/2 inches,being 6 feet, 7-1/2 inches. It was the duty of these guards to bear a huge flag, wide enough to cover the street, in the Grand Parade, and in spite of the down pour of rain that drenched these veterans, they marched proudly on with the same unconcern for the elements that they had learned in bygone years.

During the remaining service in the 93rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Mahlon Shaaber was wounded at Fair Oaks, Virginia, 31 May 1862.  He was discharged from this service on 30 September 1862.  His biographer reported that “the wound that he received compelled him to leave the service for a time… [but it] never healed, and still gives him much trouble, severely handicapping him.”


On 30 June 1863, in response to the emergency occurring in the area of Gettysburg, Mahlon Shaaber joined the militia (42nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, at the rank of Corporal).  This enrollment took place in his hometown of Reading.  At the end of the emergency, on 11 August 1863, he was discharged.


One more period of service was to be given by Mahlon Shaaber.  On 13 June 1864, he was mustered into the 196th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company I, as a 1st Lieutenant.  He served until discharged on 17 November 1864.

After the war, “Mr. Shaaber has served as chief of police of Reading under Mayor Kenney. Socially he belongs to McLean Post, No. 16, G.A.R.; and Encampment No. 43, Union Veteran Legion. His trade was that of machinist,and for much of his life he followed that calling. On 1 February 1898, however, he purchased the Post Office cigar store and pool room, and while he was conducting it he made it a very popular place. His last position was as superintendent of the car barn for the Reading Street Railway Company, but since 1900 Mr. Shaaber has lived retired.” [From Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania].

Shaaber’s height was clearly a factor in his later success as the following news clipping notes [Philadelphia Inquirer, 31 Dec 1908]:


The article following the headline noted that delegates to the State Encampment were instructed to vote for Shaaber at the Senior Vice Commander.  The article also re-told the story of Shaaber’s meetings with Lincoln (from Historical and Biographical Annals of Berks County Pennsylvania) and further noted that he was the “tallest ex-police Chief in the Union.”  Also, the article states that Shaaber was the “tallest veteran of the Civil War with one exception, though at the last two encampments he had the honor of being the tallest man in the parade, measuring 6 feet and 7 inches.”  Perhaps, Mahlon Shaaber was not the tallest soldier in the Civil War – there is the “one exception.”

Until the “one exception” is positively identified, Mahlon Shaaber will be considered the tallest – only because he had a story to tell that his height was measured by none other that the President of the United States.

Mahlon Shaaber died on 27 December 1917.  He is buried in the Charles Evans Cemetery, Reading, Berks County,Pennsylvania.

Readers are invited to comment.


News clipping in from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.  The portrait of Shaaber (top of post) is from the Ancestry.com database, U.S. Civil War Soldier Records and Profiles.  The portrait of Shaaber and Smith (tall and short) is from the collection of the Gratz Historical Society and is on display in the Civil War exhibit in the Society Museum.





Looking Ahead in the New Year, 2013

Posted By on January 1, 2013

The Civil War Blog has reached an important milestone as we enter the new year –  150,000 visits.  Thank you to all who made this possible – including the many readers who have made donations!

In 2013, many of the posts will continue to feature stories about the individual soldiers who had some connection to the greater Lykens Valley area with more emphasis on the Battle of Gettysburg as the 150th anniversary is recognized of the greatest battle ever fought on American soil.  An updated veterans list will be posted in April.  More monuments and memorials, more resources, and many surprises are in store as this blog continues into its third year.


In 2013, the blog will continue to feature regular posts by Brian Tomlin – writing mainly on cultural aspects of the Civil War.  A series on Victorian homes and a feature on events happening in other parts of the world during the war are planned.


And, the newest member of our blog team, Jake Wynn, will begin regular posts this month – with an inside perspective on how history is presented to the public through museums, parks, and historical societies – and how social media is and can be used to involve more people in understanding and preserving our heritage.

A very happy, healthy and prosperous New Year wish to all!

Best of 2012 – Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans

Posted By on December 31, 2012

The Tower City Borough, Porter Township and Rush Township Veterans Memorial is located at St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery which is located along Route 209 in Tower City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.  It was the subject of a prior post on this blog on 30 December 2010.

Within the glass cases on the monument are name plates for each of the eligible veterans who served in America’s Wars.  The Civil War veterans are noted in the left case in the center section of the monument.  To give due recognition to each of the Civil War veterans named on the monument, the name plates will be individually pictured followed by a brief description of the Civil War service of the veteran.

Direct links to each of the posts in this series:

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 1

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 2

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 3

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 4

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 5

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 6

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 7

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 8

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 9

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 10

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 11

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 12

Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 13


er and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 3



Best of 2012 – Inventions of the 1860s

Posted By on December 30, 2012

In February,  the post Inventions of the 1860s was published and has become one of the most viewed pages on the blog.

In 1861, the U.S. Patent Law underwent a significant revision.  Among the more important were: the appointment of three examiners-in-chief to hear appeals from the primary examiners of any application that had been rejected twice ; the changing of the term of a utility patent to seventeen years from the date of grant;  and the provision of terms of three and a half, seven, or fourteen years for design patents at the choice of the applicant. Other features of the 1861 revision provided for the printing of copies of the description and claims of patents and a requirement that to secure damages for patent infringement either the patented article had to be marked as such or the infringer had to have been given notice in some other way of the existence of the patent. While patent law had been around in the U.S. since the 1790s, these improvements marked additional protections for inventors and developers of new technologies. Patent law also protects people from being falsely accused of copying someone else’s work. In 1864 the law was further amended saying that , one an application has been submitted, no new material may be added to it.


Best of 2012 – The Royal Ancestry of President Abraham Lincoln

Posted By on December 29, 2012

According to Burke’s Presidential Families of the United States, Abraham Lincoln is a direct descendant of King Edward I Plantagenet (1239-1307) of England.  This connection with the royalty of the British Isles gives some descendants of the same king who currently have a connection with the Lykens Valley area, a distant cousin relationship with our martyred sixteenth president who led the nation during the Civil War.

The genealogical chart shown below traces Lincoln’s line from Edward I (top left) down through Lincoln’s mother, Nancy [Hanks] Lincoln (1784-1818), a family that had its American beginnings in the Philadelphia area but later migrated to Virginia and Kentucky.  It is reproduced below from the appendix of the aforementioned book, which describes other interesting royal connections to American presidents – namely, George Washington as descended from King Henry III (1207-1272); George Washington from King Edward I (1239-1307); Thomas Jefferson from David I, King of Scott (1080-1153); James Monroe from Edward III (1312-1377); John Quincy Adams from Edward I (1239-1307); Ulysses Grant from David I, King of Scots (1080-1153); and, although he was not a president, the genealogical connection of Robert E. Lee to Queen Elizabeth II.  There is also a connection with a more recent president, Richard M. Nixon, and King Edward III, although in that case, the claim goes through an “illegitimate” (but “biological”) offspring, Eleanor Holland, who was born around 1405.

Unfortunately, there is very little documentation in the table itself, but all the documentation (dates, marriages, names of other offspring, etc.) can be easily located in a good genealogical library or on line.  Occasionally, the spellings of names vary and in the period before surnames came into common usage, there can be confusion.  Burke’s, which publishes genealogical references, is located in England and published Burke’s Presidential Families of the United States of America in first edition in 1975.  It stands behind all of its genealogical references and the materials are often quoted when applying for admission to patriotic societies such as the Daughters of the American Revolution or the Sons of Union Veterans.  A copy is available on the open shelves in the main building of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

Once an American line is connected with a royal line, the “cousin” connections become easy to determine.  It’s hard to believe, and he may not have had any inkling of it, but Abraham Lincoln can not only be connected as a cousin to the aforementioned presidents and Robert E. Lee, but also to Queen Victoria.  Thus, the very country that the Confederacy was courting and sought recognition from, was ruled by a monarch who was a distant cousin of the president of the United States!  Even if they didn’t know it then, it makes for an interesting story now.

Abraham Lincoln and Mary [Todd] Lincoln had four sons, only one of whom, Robert Todd Lincoln,survived into adulthood.   He married Mary Harlan and together they had three children but each of those lines ends.  Today, there are no living descendants of Abraham Lincoln.

Pictured below is Queen Victoria.  Her “American Cousin”, Abraham Lincoln, was assassinated in April 1865, ironically, while watching a play of the same name.

Photos of Lincoln and Victoria are from Wikipedia.  The genealogical chart showing the descendants of Abraham Lincoln is linked from the Arlington National Cemetery website of M.R. Patterson.