
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Amos Garverich – 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry

Posted By on January 17, 2013


Amos Garverich was born in Middle Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, on 9 March 1821, the son of Daniel Garverich and Elizabeth [Umberger] Garverich.  Before 1849, he married Juliann Harten and set about raising a family in Jackson Township, Dauphin County, while working as a laborer.  And before the beginning of the war, at least seven known children were born to the couple:  Mary Garverich; Sarah Elmira Garverich; John Adams Garverich; Catherine A. Garverich; Margaret Garverich (twin); Adam Garverich (twin); and Salome E. Garverich.

On 30 September 1862, Amos Garverich was mustered into Company A, 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry, at Harrisburg.  The history of the 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry is recorded in The Union Army, Volume I:

172nd Pennsylvania Infantry.  Col., Charles Kleckner; Lieut.-Cols., Thaddeus G. Bogle, James A. Johnson; Maj. M. T. Heintzelman. The greater portion of this militia regiment came from the counties of Snyder and Northumberland.  It was mustered into the U. S. service at Harrisburg in November 1862, for nine months, and moved to Washington on 2 December. It was ordered to Newport News, thence to Yorktown, and garrisoned the fort at the latter place until July 1863. At that time it was sent to Hagerstown, Maryland, and assigned to the 11th Corps,which it joined in the pursuit of the enemy as far as Williamsport. It then moved to Warrenton Junction and from there to Harrisburg, where it was mustered out on 1 August 1863.

The 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry did not participate in any major battles.  Amos Garverich returned to his family and according to later censuses, continued living in Jackson Township and working as a laborer.  Two children had died during the war:  Catherine in 1861 and Salome in 1863.  Two known children were born into the Garverich family after the war:  Sevila Jane Garverich and Amanda L. Garverich.  In 1880, son John Garverich, then age 25, was living at home and helping to support the family by working as a coal miner.

In the 1890 veterans’ census, Amos Garverich was living in Fisherville and complained of a number of disabilities he felt were war-related – including diarrhea.   What afflicted him was serious enough for him to apply for an invalid pension in 1881, which he received and collected until his death – which occurred on 14 January 1895.



Following his death, Amos Garverich was buried in in the Fetterhoff Church Cemetery, Halifax, Dauphin County.  Julia [Harter] Garverich collected the pension after her husband’s death.

Pension Index Cards are from Ancestry.com.


Not much else is known about Amos Garverich.  Additional information is sought from readers and can be added to this post as comments or sent via e-mail to the Civil War Research Project.

Pennsylvania Civil War Veterans Buried in National Cemeteries

Posted By on January 16, 2013

A “Burial Record” appeared in Volume 5 of Samuel P. Bates’ History of Pennsylvania Volunteers, pages 1342 through 1365.  The first page states that the list of soldiers was “published by the General Government since the foregoing pages were in type”  and is shown below.  As can be seen by the listing (click on page below to enlarge), it includes the name and rank of the soldier, his regiment and company, the date of death, and the location of the grave.  For the most part, the graves are located in officially designated national cemeteries.


Click on document to enlarge.

Previously on this blog, the Bates’ volumes were discussed.  See:  Bates – History of Pennsylvania Volunteers.  At that time, a direct link was provided to the complete five volumes, the pages of which can be downloaded (one at a time), from the site, Pennsylvania Volunteers of the Civil War.  To find individual soldiers and histories of the regiments in which they served, it was suggested that the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Cards be used, which are available on-line from the Pennsylvania Archives.  In the upper right hand corner of most cards is a number which refers to the volume and page number where that soldier’s regimental record can be found.  Unfortunately, there is no index for the burial record.

One difficulty in using the Burial Record list is that the names appear alphabetical only by the first letter of the last name of the veteran – and then somewhat alphabetical as grouped in each of the national cemeteries.  On the first page as shown above, all the “A’s” appear, but the cemeteries are not alphabetically grouped – and there are two groupings of “A’s” for the Hampton Cemetery.

Bates was published beginning in 1869 and ending in 1871.  Therefore, any Pennsylvania veteran who was buried in a national cemetery after 1871 would not be included in the listing.  However, generally a Pennsylvania soldier who died in Pennsylvania or elsewhere well after the Civil War, would not be buried in a cemetery in Georgia or North Carolina – but could be buried in a cemetery closer to home.  There are exceptions, such as Arlington National Cemetery.  For the most part, the soldiers named in this list died in the locations where there are buried – some from battle, some from disease, and some from starvation.

Direct links are provided to each page of the Burial Record.  Be sure to check all the available pages where the veterans’ name may appear.

Page 1342.  A-B ———— Page 1343.  B ———— Page 1344.  B-C ————

Page 1345.  C ———— Page 1346.  C-D ———— Page 1347.  D-E ————

Page 1348.  E-F ———— Page 1349.  F-G ———— Page 1350.  G-H ————

Page 1351  H ———— Page 1352.  H-I-J-K ———— Page 1353.  K-L ————

Page 1354.  L-M ———— Page 1355.  M ———— Page 1356.  M-N ————

Page 1357.  N-O-P ———— Page 1358. P-Q-R ———— Page 1359.  R-S ————

Page 1360.  S ———— Page 1361.  S ———— Page 1362.  S-T-U-V ————

Page 1363.  V-W ———— Page 1364.  W-Y-Z

To download the compete Volume 5, which is available from Google Books, click here. and follow the instructions in the red box at the top left of the screen.

John Peter Crabb – Gratz Native Was Harrisburg G.A.R. Post Commander

Posted By on January 15, 2013

John Peter Crabb was born in Gratz, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, in October 1843, the son of Peter Crabb and his wife Mary Magdalena Crabb.  The Peter Crabb family arrived in Gratz in the early part of the 19th century and purchased land from Simon GratzJohn Peter Crabb, like his father, was a skilled blacksmith.  When the Civil War began, John Peter Crabb was a member of the Gratztown Militia, the group of hometown defenders who were called into action to defend the state during the 1863 Emergency [he is named as “Peter Crabb” in the company listing, 36th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company C].  However, because he was an African American, he was not permitted to join a regiment that was sent into national service – until Abraham Lincoln allowed it – and then, his service was only welcome in segregated regiments.  John Peter Crabb then joined the 24th U.S. Colored Troops, Company B, and probably because of his previous military experience, was made a Corporal.  After the Civil War, John Peter Crabb returned to Gratz where he married Annie Engleman in 1866.  He continued at his blacksmith trade in the Lykens Valley until the late 1870s, at which time he moved to Harrisburg.

In researching another member of the 24th U.S. Colored Troops, Sergeant Lloyd F. A. Watts, many news articles were discovered which told of the post-war activities of John Peter Crabb.  What was not known until those articles were discovered was that John Peter Crabb was involved in Republican Party politics and was active in the G.A.R. – participating in every Memorial Day parade and tribute to his fallen comrades.  The articles that were found are presented below in chronological order – with excerpts from the text of the article as the story line.  They present a fascinating picture of a leading citizen of Harrisburg – a founder of one of the only “colored” G.A.R. posts in Pennsylvania, if not in the nation – serving as its commander for a time and always one who was seen as the leader – lobbying for pension rights, riding on horseback at the front of parades, and living and working in Harrisburg’s 8th Ward very near the old capitol building.

The story begins at the Dauphin County Fair of 1880:



Harrisburg Patriot.  23 September 1880.  Dauphin County Fair.  The Second Day of the Exhibition.  Large Crowds of People on the Grounds.  The Remainder of the List of Exhibits.

The second day of the fair opened as favorably as the first.  The weather was clear and cool and the crowds in attendance aggregated about seven thousand people.  The street cars and conveyances to and from the park were literally packed with people….  The exhibits were completely arranged yesterday morning when the committees made their appearances in the several departments….  Messrs. Hiester and Stephen, as well as all the officers on the ground, deserve credit for the excellent management in the disposition of places for exhibits to the satisfaction of all exhibitors, and for the good order maintained on the ground throughout the day….

Miscellaneous Articles.  John P. Crabb, Harrisburg, display of hand made horse shoes….


Harrisburg Patriot.  25 January 1881.  Republican Aspirants.  A List From Which Candidates Will Be Chosen.

The following is the list made up at the republican naming meeting on Saturday night from which the candidates of that party will be selected on Saturday evening:….

Eighth Ward, First Precinct – Delegates, Spencer P. Irvin, C. W. Harley, T. H. Thompson, George W. Krause, Samuel Bennett; select council, George W. Stoner; common council, P. H. Ryan, C. A. Miller, John A. Krause, Charles Weaver, A. H. Frankem, Joseph B. Popel, Jacob Camp, Alfred Garner; school director, Amos W. Young, William H. Day, James Templar; assessor, John W. Simpson, George Douglass; constable, C. W. Harley, William R. Dorsey, James Hunter; judge of election, J. P. Crabbe; inspector, James H. Howard, L. V. Early, Thomas Thompson.


Harrisburg Patriot.   1 November 1881.  Named for Councilman.

The republicans of the eighth ward assembled at the McDonnell House on East State last night for the purpose of placing in nomination a candidate for councilman.  Three names were handed in, Joseph H. Popel, John P. Crabb and Charles S. McCullough for the executive committee of the ward to select a candidate from this evening….


Harrisburg Patriot.  31 January 1887.  Named by Republicans.  Persons Nominated on Saturday Night to be Voted for a Week Hence.

The republicans named on Saturday night for the city convention and common council are as follows:….

Eighth Ward… Second Precinct – Joeph B. Popel, John P. Crabb, John Highland, Frederick Thomas, Frank Bennett,William Taylor, Samuel Popel, Charles Howard, John Cash, David Robinson….



Harrisburg Patriot.  16 April 1888.   The Veterans Meet.  They Will Take Some Action Concerning the Pension Bills.

On Saturday evening a large number of veterans of the late war held a meeting in the court house to take action on the per diem pension bill recently introduced into the United States Senate by Senator Cameron.  An organization was effected by the election of Colonel Owen Hamilton, President, and A. B. Price, Esq., Secretary.  Colonel Hamilton then stated the object of the meeting, and after the question had freely discussed, a resolution was adopted for the appointment of a committee of three veterans from each war to canvass their respective wards and bring out all the old soldiers at the next meeting, in order to have a full and fair interchange of views on the matter in question.  The following committee was appointed….

Eighth Ward – John C. Nutt, C. W. Harley, J. P. Crabb….


Harrisburg Patriot.  26 June 1888.  Chief Marshal’s Orders.  The Republican Ratification Parade.  Change of Route.

Marshals of organizations will be governed by following line formation….

The following appointments are announced:  Special aids, Major Oliver H. Simmons and Harry Bach.  Aids – F. M. Eastman, F. M. Ott, W. E. Barnes, Nelson Hoffman, George B. Fleming, Charles C. Steiner, James Smith, W. H. Butler, Charles Barnes, J. P. Crabb, A. H. Boyer, W. O. Fox, and John Robertson.  They will report (mounted) to chief marshal at Lochiel Hotel at 7:30 p.m.

Marching clubs will march according to orders of respective marshals. Other organizations will march in columns of fours.

It is earnestly requested that all citizens residing along the route, who are favorably dispose, will testify their approbation by illuminating and liberal display of bunting, etc….



Harrisburg Patriot.  7 December 1888.  Officers Elected.

The following officers of David R. Stevens Post No. 520, G. A. R., have been elected for the coming year” Commander, J. P. Crabb; Senior Vice Commander, William Burris; Junior Vice Commander, E. A. Adley; Officer of the Day, Elsie Fairs; Officer of the Guard, C. Dorsey; Chaplain, Charles Carter; Surgeon, George Bell; Quartermaster, David Stevens; Delegate to the Encampment to Be Held at Erie, Harry S. Sigler.

The newly elected officers of the Sons of Veterans are: Captain, H. W. Stine; First Lieutenant, R. U. Smith; Camp Council, D. D. Rummelbaugh, A. S. Fisher, D. W. Cottrell; Delegate, W. F. Raysor; Alternate, John Roach.


Harrisburg Patriot. 30 May 1889  Honoring the Dead.  How Memorial Day Will Be Observed in Harrisburg.

The arrangements for the observance of Memorial Day here were completed by Post 116, Grand Army of the Republic, yesterday, and with Samuel Montgomery, of that post, as Chief Marshal, the parade will be formed at 2 o’clock this afternoon, in two divisions, and move as follows:

First Division – Samuel Eberly, Assistant Marshal;  F. R. Mathers and William Lukens, Aids; Middletown Cornet Band; advance guard, Post 116, John R. Boyle, commanding; Colonel S. G. Simmons Post, J. Jr. Reese, Commander; artillery of Post 116, John R. Boyle, Commanding.  Assistant Marshal, W. A. Washington, Post 520; Aids, G. W. Thomas and Richard Shaw; Portsmouth Band, Middletown; advance guard, Post 520, Harry S. Ziegler, Commanding; David R. Stevens Post, No. 520, J. P. Crabb, Commanding; Camp No. 141, Sons of Veterans, Captain J. E. Scott, commanding.

Second Division – ….

The parade will form on East Broad Street, right resting on Third and proceed out Broad to Front, Front to Calder, Calder to Third to Reily, Reily to Fourth, Fourth to Harris, Harris to Ridge, Ridge to Broad, Broad to Elder, Elder to Boas, Boas to Second, Second to State, to capitol, and out State to cemetery.

The exercises at the Harrisburg Cemetery will be as follows:  G. A. R. services by comrades of Post 116; dirge by the band; strewing of flowers by comrades of Post 116 assisted by the Ladies’ Circle, No. 17 and school children; “My Country ‘Tis of Thee,” will be sang by the school children; salute by the advance guard; salute by post artillery; taps; oration by W. H. Fishburn; benediction.

The school children will be formed in two ranks under the direction of the Ladies’ Circle, No. 17, at the post room at 2 o’clock sharp.



Harrisburg Patriot.  31 May 1889.  The Cities of the Dead.  Observance of Memorial Day in This City.  Graves Decorated.  The Grand Army Posts and Other Organizations Parade – Flowers are Strewn on the Mounds – Exercises in the Opera House

The sun, which comes up early these pretty May mornings, was hid behind a cloud when Memorial Day was born, and its rays fell not on the flowers that were plucked “before the dew could wet their thirsty petals through.”  Nevertheless the streets were thronged early in the day and far into the night, and the event was generally observed.

In the morning the graves of the soldier dead were decorated and in the afternoon services were held by the Grand Army posts at the Harrisburg Cemetery and by the Union Veterans’ Union at the soldiers’ monument, Second and State.

Post No. 58 formed its procession on Market Street at 2 o’clock with Captain A. G. Cummings as Chief Marshal.  The right rested on Front and at the command countermarched down Market to Fifth in the following order:  Governor’s Troop (mounted).  Hummelstown Band.  City Grays in dress uniform, gray coats, white trousers and shakos.  City Grays’ Drum Corps.  City Grays’ Cadet Corps in dress uniform.  Perseverance Council, No. 12, O. U. A. M.  Citizens’ Band of Mechanicsburg.  Post 56, G. A. R. divided into three companies, A, B, and C, under command of Captain J. W. Meese.  Vehicles containing flowers.  Carriages with disabled soldiers.  The procession was a fine one, and presented a magnificent appearance.  On arriving at the cemetery the ceremony of strewing flowers was preceded by a short service, and the firing squad fired a salute to the brave dead.

Seneca Simmons, Post 116, G. A. R., turned out with full ranks and performed their duties highly gratifying to all.  The parade formed in front of the post room, Broad Street, near Third, in the following order:

Chief Marshal – Samuel Montgomery.  Assistants – Samuel Eberly, W. A. Washington and E. Meli.  Middletown Cornet Band (22 pieces).  Advance Guard, Post 116, Captain John Boyle Commanding.

Seneca G. Simmons, Post 116 (140 men), J. J. Reese, Commander.  Post Artillery.

Advance Guard of Post 520.  Portsmouth Band of Middletown (18 pieces).

David R. Stevens Post, No. 520 (90 men), J. P. Crabb, Commander (90 men).

Camp No. 141, Sons of Veterans (46 men), J.  E. Scott, Commander.  Progress Cornet Band (18 pieces).

Knights of Golden Eagle, No. 53 (50 men).  Harmony Commandery, No. 39, K. of G. E.(46 men).  Dauphin Castle, Fo. 520, K. of G. E. (49 men).  Harmony Castle, No. 53, K. of G. E. (60 men).

The line of march extended over a number of streets west of State and passed out State to the old cemetery, where the ceremonies closed with an oration by Rev. W. Fishburn.  The Ladies’ Circle, aided by the school children, strewed the flowers and gave appreciable assistance during the exercises.



Harrisburg Patriot.  1 Jun 1891.  Remembering the Dead.  Graves Strewn with Sweet Scented Flowers.  How Memorial Day Was Observed in Harrisburg – The Old Soldier Does Not Forget His Departed Comrades.

Memorial Day was fittingly observed in Harrisburg.  The various cemeteries in the city and vicinity have been transformed into beautiful flower gardens and once again are cheerful and inviting.  Early Saturday morning they were alive with sorrowing humanity strewing flowers on the graves of the departed dead.  Even the humblest family, whose loved ones lie in secluded nooks in the potters’ field, carried a few flowers to the cold, cheerless mounds that mark their last resting place.

The sky was overcast with heavy clouds, but now and then the sun peeped between them and shed its warm rays over the earth.  The best of order prevailed throughout the city, and the banks’ and many of the leading business houses were closed.

The main attraction of the day was the Grand Army and military parade, which formed at 1:45 o’clock on North Third Street, resting on North Street.  The procession moved solemnly down third street in the following order:

Chief Marshal – Frank B.  Kinneard.  Aids – Charles Beaver, B. J. Campbell, J. W. Meese, William S. Decker, A. G. Cummings, Joseph Leonard, J. P. Crabbe.  Eighth Regiment Drum Corps.  City Grays – Captain J. B. Hutchinson.  City Grays’ Cadet Corps – Captain John Hutter.  Clergy.  Paxton Military Band.

Post No. 58, G. A. R. – F. H. Hoy, Commander.  Commonwealth Band.

Post No. 116, G. A. R. – Samuel Eberly, Commander.  Brookwood Band.

Post No. 520, G. A. R. – H. S. Siegler, Commander.

Governor’s Troop, Lieutenant Fred M. Ott.

Conveyance with aged and crippled soldiers.

From Third Street the parade went down Market to Fourth, to Mulberry, to Derry, to Thirteenth, to State.  Here Post No. 520 left the line and marched to Lincoln Cemetery….

Upon the conclusion of the ceremonies the commanders of the several organizations assumed charge of their commands and returned to the city….




Harrisburg Patriot.  4 December 1891.  They Will Officiate.

David R. Stevens Post, No. 520, G. A.R.,, elected the following persons to office on Wednesday:  William A. Washington, Post Commander; William Burris, Senior Vice Commander; Charles James, Junior Vice Commander; William H. White, O. D.; George Gibson, O. G.; James Speaks, Surgeon; George W. Thomas, Chaplain; Charles King, Quarter Master; Thomas H. Thompson, delegate; and John P. Crabb, Alternate, to the department encampment.



Harrisburg Patriot.  6 July 1892.  Annual Campfire.

David R. Stevens Post No. 520, G.A.R., will hold its annual camp fire at Independence Island tomorrow evening.  The committee of arrangements consists of J. W. Simpson, J. P. Crabb, David Stevens, Thomas Thompson, H. Adley, John Jackson, and George Gibson.



Harrisburg Patriot. 20 September 1892.  Representatives in Washington.

These representatives of Post No. 520, G. A.R., are in Washington:  George W. Thomas, J. P. Crabb, J. W. Simpson, Daniel Montgomery, Daniel Affleberry and John Jackson.



Harrisburg Patriot.  21 March 1893.  Services for George Sanders.

Rev. R. H. Armstrong, pastor of Elder Street Presbyterian Church, conducted the burial services yesterday afternoon over the remains of the late George Sanders at the residence of the deceased, No. 124 Short Street.  The pall bearers were Messrs. J. W. Simpson, S. M. Bennett, James Hunter, Joena and Jacob Williams and John P. Crabbe.


Harrisburg Patriot.  31 May 1894.  Soldiers’ Graves Decorated.  How Memorial Day Was Observed in the Capital City.  Grand Army Posts and Local Militia Turn Out to Honor the Memory of the Dead Veterans – Knights of the Golden Eagle to Observe the Day.

The graves in the cemeteries in Harrisburg of those who fell in battle for the Union, or have since died after having served their country on the fields of war were yesterday visited and decorated with flowers by their surviving comrades and by all those who appreciate what the dead veterans did.  Memorial Day has come to be an occasion for the general remembrance of the dead and the graves of the soldiers were not alone yesterday in bearing tributes of flowers.  In every cemetery there were bouquets and wreaths on the last sleeping place of many who never saw war, on the graves of the innocent children and gentle women, whose dreams were all of peace.  The gentle shower of last evening will keep these flowers fresh for some time.

The day was observed as a legal holiday in this city.  Banks were closed, and the doors of the departments of state government, with the exception of the executive and state departments were barred.  The police station, however, was open as it is on every holiday….

The local Grand Army posts and the National Guard turned out in a body in the afternoon and marched to the cemetery where memorial services were held and the graves of the departed soldiers decorated….

Before the line of march was formed the ladies of the circle and auxiliary assembled at the rooms of Post No. 58 on North Third Street to make small bouquets of roses and carnations for the veterans to wear on their breasts.  Each veteran was supplied alike and the entire membership was furnished a substantial lunch before starting the march….

The parade formed between one and two o’clock on West State Street, right resting on Second Street, and moved out State to Third, to Market, to Fourth, to State and to the cemetery in the following order:  Detachment of Police…. Chief Marshal, Samuel Montgomery.  Assistant Marshals, Captain William H. Crook, Post No. 58; Samuel Eberly, Post No. 116; Daniel Stephens, Post No. 520….

David R. Stephens Post, No. 520, with fifty comrades in line in command of Commander J. P. Crabb and headed by the Keystone Band, left the main column at the entrance to the Harrisburg Cemetery and marched to the Lincoln cemetery where this program was observed:  Music, Keystone Band; Prayer, Rev. R. H. Armstrong; Reading of general Orders, Adjutant Stevens; Introductory Remarks, Major J. W. Simpson, Chairman Memorial Committee; Oration, Professor Howard Summers, Steelton; Singing, “America,” Ladies Circle, No. 35; Address, rev. Mr. Heard; Benediction, Rev. Mr. Moreland; Last Bugle Call, Miss Alice Gray.

Returning to the post room on the third floor of the Eby Building, Fifth and Market Streets, the veterans sat down to a lunch prepared by Ladies’ Circle No. 35….



Harrisburg Patriot.  6 December 1894.  Stevens Post’s New Officers.

David R. Stevens Post, No. 520, G.A.R., elected these officers last evening: Hezekiah Adley, Post Commander; Thomas H. Thompson, Senior Vice Commander; Walter Kelley, Junior Vice Commander; Charles Moore, Quartermaster; William Burris, Chaplain; William T. Lee, Officer of the Day; George Butler, Surgeon; William Stevenson, Officer of the Guard; Council of Administration, J. W. Simpson, J. P. Crabb, David R. Stevens; Delegates, John P. Crabb, J. W. Simpson.


Philadelphia Inquirer 19 May 1895. News of Interest to the Veterans.  Completion of the General Program for the Services on Memorial Day.  What Posts are Doing.  Some of the Preparations Made by Various Organizations – More Resolutions Against the Confederate Monument – Appointments on the Staff of the Department Commander Recently Announced.

All the various details pertaining to the arrangements for Memorial Day were perfected….

On the proposed dedication of the Confederate Monument in Chicago on Decoration day, Post 116 of Duncannon, Pennsylvania, has this to say:

“Resolved, That we consider it a gross insult to the memory of our departed comrades and the survivors who fought in the Union cause for the upholding of the principles of this great American republic and the suppression of treason.  No greater insult could be cast upon the memory of our lamented General John A. Logan, who instituted Memorial day, or no greater insult to the homes of our lamented Lincoln or Grant than to have the monument erected on its soil, much less for the man who instituted Memorial Day to perpetuate and pay sacred homage to the memories of our departed comrades and to strew over their last resting place the flowers of springtime.”

The following additional appointments on the staff of the Department Commander have been announced:  Judge Advocate, Thomas A. Morrison….  James H. Levan, Minersville…. J. J. Cake, Pottsville…. Samuel Eberly, Harrisburg…. James D. Harris, Shamokin…. E. B. Jones, Selinsgrove…. J. P. Crabbe, Harrisburg….


Harrisburg Patriot.  28 May 1895. Memorial Day.  Details of the Big Parade – Where It Will March.

Memorial Day, Thursday, will be observed with the usual big parade by the local G.A.R. veterans.  It will form on West State Street at 1:30 p.m., and will march down Third to Market, to fourth to State to the Harrisburg Cemetery.  In the parade will be Chief marshal, E. P. Zinn, Post No. 58; Assistant Marshals, I. D. Winders, Post No. 58; John J. Gehrett, Post No. 116; J. P. Crabb, Post No. 520; aids from the different posts as the staff.  City Grays, boys’ brigade, cornet band of Steelton; Post No. 58; Post No. 116, Sons of Veterans, Post No. 520, Governor’s Troop.  After the exercises at the cemetery there will be a dinner to the veterans in Post 58’s hall in College Block.


Harrisburg Patriot.  30 May 1895.  Memorial Day.  It Will Be Observed as Usual in Harrisburg To-day – Program as Announces – Parade Will Move at Two O’Clock.

Memorial Day in Harrisburg will today be observed in a manner similar to that which has characterized its observance in years gone by.  The surviving veterans will this afternoon march to the cemeteries in and about Harrisburg and there lay flowers on the graves of the comrades who marched by their side in war times.  The old soldier feels that he has an unusual duty to perform in this direction and he will therefore lay aside his other duties today and march with his comrades to the cities of the dead, pick out the graves marked with the colores that cheered him at the head of the column years ago, lay on his tribute of love, drop a tear and silently return to his home.

The following program for the celebration of the day is announced:  Assistant Marshals – I. D. Winters, Post No. 58; John J. Gehrett, Post No. 116; J. P. Crabb, Post No. 520.  Aids, Post No. 58 – Isaac W. Gulles, M. A. Floyd, B. Briggles, E. W. Jackson, M. J. Royal, S. H. Kantz, C. F. Glenn, William Crook.  Aids, Post No. 116 – J. D. Saltsman, Samuel Eberly, S. H. Barr, George L. Sellers, S. A. Pye, Henry Yohe, H. H. Swartz.  Aids, Post No. 520 – George W. Stephens, William F. Lee, John Jackson.

The line will form at 1:30 on West State Street, right resting on Third, in the following order:  Eighth regiment Drum Corps; City Grays; Boys’ Brigade’ Cornet Band of Steelton; Post No. 58.  Post No. 116; Sons of Veterans; Post No. 520; Governor’s Tropop.  The parade will move at two o’clock sharp over the following route:  Third Street to Market, to Fourth, to State, to Harrisburg Cemetery.

The exercises at the cemetery will be as follows:  Dirge, Steelton Band; Prayer, Rev. W. G. Ferguson; memorial services by comrades of the G.A.R.; firing salute by guards of Posts No. 58 and No. 116; taps by bugler.



Harrisburg Patriot.  22 September 1896.  The G.A.R. Parade.  Chief Marshal Davis Issued His Final Orders Last Evening.

Major C. C. Davis, Chief Marshal of the big parade of Grand Army veterans to be held here Thursday as the commencement of the annual reunion of Central Pennsylvania veterans, last evening issued his final orders.

Mounted aides will report at headquarters, Lochiel Hotel, at eleven a.m., in full G.A.R. uniform with side arms, and at noon all posts from No. 1 to 214 inclusive will form on North Front Street, right resting on Marker, and will constitute the First Division.  Second Division, consisting of Posts Nos. 215 to 415 inclusive, will form on North Second Street, right resting on Market; Third Division, consisting of Posts Nos. 415 to 635, will form on North Third Street, right resting on Marker.  All unassigned G.A.R. members and old soldiers will form on South Third Street, right resting on Market, and will report to Special Division Aide, Lieutenant A. J. Fager, who will marshal that division.

At the sound of the bugle at one p.m., the command will move down Market to Fourth, up Fourth and Sixth to Reilly, down Reilly to Third, down Third to State, out State to Front, countermarch to Capitol Hill.

The following will be the appointments on the staff:  Chief of Staff, E. P. Zinn;  J. J. Zinn, Adjutant; Aides, W. H. Turner, of West Chester, Post No. 31; A. W. Moore, of York, Post No. 37;…. A. N. Davis and H. C. Demming, Post No. 58, this city; J. L. Leonard, J. A. Gardner, J. M. Gibbs, J. A. Steager, J. D. Diehl and J. D. Saltzman, Post No. 116 of this city;…. J. P. Crabbe, William T. Lee, T. H. Thompson, David Stevens, J. W. Simpson, and Walter Kelley, Post No. 520 this city; W. F. Raysor, W. O. Foster, H. A. Soper, F. E. Radle and Charles T. Charters.

Camp No. 15, Sons of Veterans, Drum Corps, will head the procession, and it is safe to say that they will in their usual style.


Philadelphia Inquirer.  26 October 1896.  Pension Certificates.  Issue of 7 October 1896.

Pennsylvania – Original…. Benjamin F. Wright, Sunbury…. Elias Latsha, Rebucks…. Alexander McLaughlin, Enterline….  Franklin Diehl, Pine Grove…. William H. Crabbe, Philadelphia…. John P. Crabb, Harrisburg….



Harrisburg Patriot.  12 May 1898.  Colored Post in Line.

Stevens Post No. 520, Grand Army of the Republic of this city, has made preparations for the post’s participation in the exercises on Memorial Day, its committee being composed of Major W. Simpson, Chairman; J. P. Crabb, James M. Auter, Walter Kelley, David Stevens, Thomas Thompson and Joseph Jackson.  The post will accompany the procession to the entrance of the Harrisburg Cemetery, after which it will proceed to Lincoln Cemetery, where W. Justin Carter will deliver an oration.



Harrisburg Patriot.  4 Jul 1898.  America’s Birthday.  Program for the Celebration of the Fourth in the Good Old Fashioned Way – War Spirit Inspires to Patriotic Display of the Flag.

4:20 A.M. -Daybreak – One gun salute at Arsenal.  ——– 4:40 A.M. – Sunrise – National salute of 21 guns and ringing of bells.  ——– 6:00 A.M. – Religious services at churches at which time it is recommended that the Declaration of Independence be read.  ——– 8:00 A.M. – Ringing of chimes.  ——– 10:00 A.M. – Precisely, street parade.  Notice of starting to be given by the sounding of bugles, and thirteen tolls by the Court House bell.  ——– 12:00 M. – Salute of 45 guns.  ——– 3:00 P.M. – Bicycle races, picnicking at Hoffman’s Woods, baseball at Susquehanna Rounds.  ——– 5:00 to 7:30 P.M. – Band concert at Reservoir Park, and display of daylight fireworks….

The big thing will be the parade…. the list of aids is as follows…. Colonel Henry C. Demming, Chief Marshall; Chief of Staff, Major Finn I. Thomas; Special Aides… John P. Crabb….



Harrisburg Patriot.  10 September 1898.  No News of Troopers.  Enthusiasm of Welcoming Citizens Running High.

Up to an early hour this morning the city authorities and state officers had heard nothing from the long expected Governor’s Troop and it is believed that the cavalrymen will not arrive in the city before Sunday or Monday.  The troopship is some time overdue, but no anxiety s felt, as there have been no storms to endanger the vessel.  Should the boys get here tomorrow they will get just as warm a reception as though they had arrived on a week day as all the heads of departments including both Governor Hastings and Mayor Patterson, agree in saying that they will turn out to meet the returning warriors and all the organizations will be in line according to program.

The general sentiment expressed is that the duty of meeting and greeting the men who so willingly risked death and worse than death for the country’s honor is not alone a privilege but a holy duty and one wholly in keeping with the sanctity of the Sabbath.  The course is approved by act of the prominent citizens of town who have been consulted.

By special invitation will be present at the welcoming:  Captain A. Wilson Norris, Sergeant Major Gilbert, E. Dale Daugherty and the 8th Regiment Drum Corps.  Major Joseph B. Hutchinson and Captain Laubenstein and Company D.

The line of procession as agreed upon yesterday is as follows:  Police Band; Reception Committee; Citizens’ Corps; C. E. Brigade; Epworth Guards; Sons of Veterans: Band; Union veterans’ Union; G.A.R. Post No. 520; G.A.R. Post No. 116; G.A.R. Post No. 58.  The above will form on Market Street, east side, right resting on Fourth.  Band; Fire Department.  The Fire Department will form on South Fourth Street, right resting on market.

Chief-of-Staff, Major Charles C. Davis; Aides, Colonel H. C. Demming, Major John T. Ensminger, Captain James B. McCalley; John W. German, Joseph J. Leonard, Ed B. Dies, John P. Crabbe….

The ex-members of the Governor’s Troop met last evening to perfect arrangements for a grand turn out to honor the cavalry heroes of the Porto Rican Expedition.  The men were instructed to assemble at Russ Hall at the sound of the court house bell.  Badges will be furnished each ex-member….


It is believed that John Peter Crabb died in 1901.

News articles are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.  Only a portion of some of the original articles is shown.  The complete articles are available in the project files.

It is hoped that presenting these articles, which include the names of many of John Peter Crabb‘s contemporaries, that someone will come forward with more information on the Stevens Post G.A.R., No. 520 of Harrisburg – perhaps even some pictures of post members or of some the late 19th century Memorial Day parades in Harrisburg.  Comments are welcome to this post.


Posted By on January 14, 2013


This is a post I put on Facebook on the 150th Anniversary of the Battle of Antietam on September 17, 2012. My ancestor, Samuel Schwalm, fought throughout the Civil War with Company A of the 50th Pennsylvania Infantry Volunteers. The post marked the achievements of the regiment during that historic day.

150 years ago today, my ancestor faced the fight of his life, one hundred miles from home. On a humid Wednesday in September, as thousands fell in the fields around the western Maryland town of Sharpsburg, he faced death himself in the guise of a stone bridge over a meandering creek surrounded by steep slopes. Over the bridge and up the slope, under a constant barrage of bullet and shell, they climbed towards an uncertain future.

The Battle for the Bridge September 17, 1862

The Battle for the Bridge
September 17, 1862

As they struggled, dozens of men and boys fell, until he too was hit, and then again. A bullet had grazed his temple, passing within inches of ending it all, and another smashed into the stock of his rifle. No doubt dazed, and counting his blessings, he and his comrades climbed onward to within sight of the pastoral village of Sharpsburg, ringed by the fire of Southern cannon. Here they learned all their gallantry and loss was for naught, and they returned to the bridge at the base of the hill with many men less than when they had started. On this, the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, remember the sacrifice of the thousands who fought and died for freedom.



Samuel Schwalm

Samuel Schwalm

This marks the announcement of a series of posts I will be doing about the 50th PA called “On the March…” in which I will be reporting on the exploits and adventures of men like Schwalm, the 50th, and regiments like it. From the islands off the coast of the Carolinas, to the Siege of Vicksburg, to the fall of Richmond, this regiment was there. And so we will follow in their hallowed footsteps, retelling the tales of bravery and hardships that they faced from first organization to the final mustering out more than four years later. Through understanding the story of a single man, company or regiment, one can better understand the true scale and effects of the conflict.

The 50th Pennsylvania Infantry at Beaufort, South Carolina. 1862 (LOC)

The 50th Pennsylvania Infantry at Beaufort, South Carolina. 1862 (LOC)


Early Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln

Posted By on January 13, 2013

The first United States stamp honoring Abraham Lincoln was issued in 1866 approximately one year following his tragic death, with the earliest known use documented as 14 April 1866.  The color black was undoubtedly chosen to recognize mourning, but had been used before for stamps recognizing George Washington and Andrew Jackson.

A common practice at the time was to apply a small grill to the center of the stamp.  When canceled, the grill would absorb the ink, making it virtually impossible to remove the cancellation and re-use the stamp.  The Lincoln stamp was issued both with and without grill.

Stamps of this period were perforated during production so that postal clerks and users could easily separate them.

The Abraham Lincoln stamps of this design were all produced by the National Bank Note Company.


The rate of 15 cents was required for a small letter to France, Belgium or Germany.  The above example is of a usage to Antwerp, Belgium from Richmond, Maine.



Because of the elaborate designs and some subjects other than people, the regular issues of 1869-1880 are considered by a few to be the first commemorative issues of the United States.  However, they were not commemorative stamps because they provided regular service in a full range of denominations for a long period of time.  The highest value in this series was the 90 cent stamp which portrayed Abraham Lincoln.  This stamp is highly prized today by those who have a copy.

The National Bank Note Company was the printer and the stamps were produced with and without grill and perforated.  After several trial color proofs were made the final colors were chosen – black for the vignette and carmine red for the frame.

In 1989, for the World Stamp Exhibition in conjunction with the meeting of the Universal Postal Union in Washington, D.C., a souvenir sheet was issued which showed the four trial color proofs including the one that was finally chosen.  The stamp depicted above without perforations is the 1989 reproduction stamp from that souvenir sheet.  It was larger in size that the original stamp.


Beginning in 1870, a newly designed series of regular issues was produced.  Three printers combined to produce the stamps which were in widespread use until around 1890.  These three printers were the National Bank Note Company, the American Bank Note Company, and the Continental Bank Note Company.  Abraham Lincoln appears on the 6 cent stamp in the series.

Minor differences in design, paper, color and grill are evident among the nine varieties for Abraham Lincoln.  However, to the layman, the differences are not easily recognizable.

The first Lincoln issue appeared in April 1870, five years after his tragic assassination.  The stamp was printed in the color carmine.

The second Lincoln issue, printed by the National Bank Note Company, also appeared in the color carmine.  This stamp stamp was used to pay postage on a letter to China or Japan.

In 1879, the Continental Bank Note Company produced the Lincoln stamp on soft, porous paper in the color pink.

The last Lincoln issue of this series occurred in June 1882 and was printed in the color rose by the American Bank Note Company.

The rarest of all the Lincoln issues of this series was issued in a special printing by the American Bank Note Company.  Only 185 stamps were produced on a soft porous paper.


This is the first installment of a series on Abraham Lincoln on stamps.  The next part will appear in several weeks.

Pictures of the unused stamps shown above are from Wikipedia with the exception of the reproduction of the 1869-1880 stamp, which is from a personal collection, as is the cover to Belgium, which has since been donated to a museum.