
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Former Presidents Who Were Alive During the Civil War

Posted By on February 19, 2013

At the beginning of the Civil War, April 1865, five former presidents of the United States were alive.  They were Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, and James Buchanan.  During the Civil War, two of them died – John Tyler on 18 January 1862 and Martin Van Buren on 24 July 1862.

The only time these men were depicted on U.S. postage stamps was in the Presidential Series of 1938.  Perhaps this attests to their insignificance or their failure to make a great impact on history.

On this day after Presidents Day 2013, which is supposed to honor all former presidents, they have been selected to be featured here on The Civil War Blog – for their accomplishment of living through all or part of the Civil War.  Their stamps from the Presidential Series of 1938 are shown below and the years of their presidency are noted below the picture of the stamp.

Martin Van Buren (1837-1841)

John Tyler (1841-1845)

Millard Fillmore (1850-1853)

Franklin Pierce (1853-1857)

James Buchanan (1857-1861)


Previously, here on this blog, the Presidential Series of 1938 was explained.  Two other prior posts, Early Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln and Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln – Bureau of Engraving and Printing to 1909. discussed the early depiction of Abraham Lincoln on postage stamps.  The next post on Lincoln on stamps will occur in about ten days when the regular Lincoln stamp issues will continue with an examination of the Liberty Series and the Prominent Americans Issues which saw service from the mid-1950s through the mid-1970s.



National Banking Act of 1863

Posted By on February 18, 2013

Prior to the Civil War, banks in the United States were chartered and regulated by individual states. Each state-chartered bank issued its own currency. As the nation’s economy grew throughout the first half of the nineteenth century, this system proved unstable and unreliable, as it depended in the financial practices and lending decisions of thousands of local banks. This meant that the stability of the money system was unreliable and unpredictable.

In 1846 the U.S. Treasury system was created to try to stabilize the economy. By the start of the Civil War, Congress approved the issue of $150 million in national notes. These were issued while the individual state-chartered bank notes were still very much in circulation. After the Civil War began in 1861, the increasing cost of financing the war caused the government’s debt to increase and its supply of gold and silver coins to become depleted.

25centsThe federal government then began issuing paper money that had the same value as coins. These bills were back merely by he government’s promise to redeem them, instead of by a supply of gold or silver as had always previously been the case. These notes were printed in green ink and became known as greenbacks.




The National Banking Act of 1863 was passed February 25, 1863. It was also known at the time as the National Currency Act.

  • It provided for a single national currency with the hope that this would eventually replace individual bank issued currencies.
  • I established the chartering of national banks, who would issue paper notes backed by the U.S. Treasury and printed by the government. These notes still had the name of the issuing bank on them.
  • To help this new centralized currency become the standard, notes issues by the local and state-chartered banks would be taxed.


In 1864, the national Banking act was revised on June 3.

  • This established federally issued bank charters, with the intent of totally removing banking from the control of the states. 
  • The first bank to receive this kind of charter was the First National Bank of Philadelphia.
  • This system lasted until 1913.


Sources: Wikipedia article of National Banking Act of 1863, an article on the History of the Federal Reserve, and an article from the U.S. Department of Treasury

Henry O. Witman – Physician and Citizen Soldier of Halifax

Posted By on February 17, 2013

Dr. Henry O. Witman, a physician who spent time working with his father, a medical doctor in Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, saw service during the Civil War in two militia regiments that were called up by Governor Andrew Curtin to meet state emergencies, first in September 1862, and second in July 1863.  This “citizen soldier” received his early education at a school that was established in Harrisburg specifically for the purpose of training “citizen soldiers.”  After the Civil War, Dr. Witman became prominent in Harrisburg and later was called to Washington, D.C., to be Medical Examiner for the Pension Bureau.

A brief announcement of his death was given in the Harrisburg Patriot of 15 February 1892:


The following sketch appeared in the Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, page 358:

Henry Orth Witman, M.D.,was born 22 January 1830, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. He was the oldest son of John Otto Witman and his wife Caroline [Orth] Witman. His father was a native of Reading, and came to Harrisburg as a clerk, under Surveyor General Hiester, subsequently studying medicine under Dr. Luther Reily, whose wife’s sister he married. And he was for upwards of forty years a successful practitioner, thirty years of which were in Halifax, Dauphin County. The son Henry Orth Witman was educated in Harrisburg at Partridge’s Military Academy, studying medicine with his father and attending medical lectures at Castleton, Vermont, graduating afterwards from the Jefferson Medical College, of Philadelphia. Until the war for the Union he practiced his profession at Halifax, in connection with his father. During the Rebellion he served as lieutenant of Company E, Sixth regiment, Pennsylvania volunteer militia [6th Pennsylvania Infantry, Emergency of 1862], and captain of company E, Thirty-sixth volunteer militia [36th Pennsylvania Infantry, Emergency of 1863]. In 1866 he removed to Harrisburg, where he continued in the active practice of his profession, until his appointment in 1890 as medical examiner in the pension office at Washington. He died in the city on the 13th of February, 1892. Dr. Witman was a learned and conscientious physician, was perfectly reliable—could always be depended upon in any emergency. His natural modesty and reserve operated somewhat against him as a physican, but it can be said of him that he was perfectly free from charlatanism in whatever form it may appear. He married, October 11, 1866, Frederica Krause, daughter of Judge David Krause, of Norristown, Pa. They had four children.

The military academy that Henry O. Orth attended in Harrisburg was one of six founded by Alden Partridge and the one at Harrisburg operated, according to information on Wikipedia, from 1845-1848.  Alden Partridge was a graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, 1806, and was the son of Revolutionary War soldier, Samuel Partridge Jr., who at fought at Saratoga  Alden Partridge began teaching at West Point after his graduation and by 1814, was appointed Superintendent.  But his methods and practice resulted in his forced removal in 1818 and replacement with Sylvanus Thayer.  Using ideas then very controversial, such as the “citizen soldier” concept, which was at odds with the creation of a national military class with a centralized school such as West Point, Alden Partridge, set about to promote the establishment of state-based schools that would return to the “militiaman” concept that had won the American Revolution, rather than a centralized army with a professional, military-elite officer class.  The curriculum at these schools included liberal arts subjects such as language and agriculture in addition to the traditional military instruction, and specifically focused on the idea of lifelong-physical fitness training.   The first school Partridge established was in Northfield, Vermont and was called the “American Literary, Scientific and Military Academy” (later to become Norwich University).  Of the six regional schools established by Alden Partridge, three were in Pennsylvania:  the one at Harrisburg which was attended by Henry O. Orth was called the Pennsylvania Military Institute; there was one at Reading, Berks County, called the Scientific and Military Collegiate Institute; and the one at Bristol, Bucks County, was called the Pennsylvania Literary, Scientific and Military Academy.  Partridge died in 1854 and Sylvanus Thayer, who replaced him at West Point, only remained as Superintendent until 1833, when he resigned.  The Army Corps of Engineers, which had its base at West Point, was later led by Thayer, and for the most of the first half of the 19th century, West Point was the country’s only school of engineering.  The two concepts of preparation for war were thus embodied in the ideas of Alden Partridge (the “citizen soldier,” ready and able to take up arms through a well-trained, local or state militia) and Sylvanus Thayer (a military-elite class, of scientifically trained officers who could lead a professional army).  These conflicting ideas were successfully blended together in the Civil War.

Henry O. Orth was one of those citizen-soldiers.  His training at Partidge’s Harrisburg school, helped prepare him for a career as a physician as well as the possibility that he would have to take up arms to defend his home and state.  As already stated in the biographical sketch, Henry was practicing medicine with his father in Halifax when the war broke out.  His first service was as a 1st Lieutenant in the local militia company that was called into service in the Emergency of 1862.  This brief service was from 13 September 1862 to 27 September 1862 and is noted on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card (below) from the Pennsylvania Archives.


The militia unit for this service was given the designation of 6th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E.  The Bates reference of “5-1161” refers to the listing of men in Company E, in which Henry O. Witman is named as 1st Lieutenant.  The story of the Militia of 1862, which includes all the regiments called into service, is found on pages 5-1147 and 5-1148 of Bates:

The rebel army had no sooner achieved its triumph in the Second Battle of Bull Run, than it hastened northward, and commenced crossing the Potomac.  The southern border of Pennsylvania lay in close proximity, all unprotected, and by its rich harvests invited invasion.  The Reserve Corps which was originally organized for the State defense, had been called away to the succor of the hard pressed army of McClellan upon the Peninsula, and was now upon the weary march, with ranks sadly thinned in the hard fought battled of Mechanicsville, Gaines’ Mill, Charles City Cross Roads, and the Second Bull Run, to again meet the foe, but powerless to avert the threatened danger.  The result of the struggle on the plains of Manassas, was no sooner known, than the helpless condition of the State, which had been apparent from the first, became a subject of alarm.  On 4 September, Governor Curtin issued a proclamation, calling on the people to arm, and prepare for defense.  He recommended the immediate formation of companies and regiments throughout the Commonwealth, and, for the purpose of drill and instruction, that after 3 p.m. of each day, all business houses be closed.  On the 10 September, the danger having become imminent, the enemy being already in Maryland, he issued a general order, calling on all able bodied men to enroll immediately for the defense of the State, and to hold themselves in readiness to march upon a hour’s notice; to select officers, to provide themselves with such arms as could be obtained, with sixty rounds of ammunition to the man, tendering arms to such as had none, and promising that they should be held for service, for such time only as the pressing exigency for State defense should continue.  On the following day, acting under the authority of the President of the United States, the Governor called for fifty thousand men, directing them to report by telegraph for orders to move, and adding that further calls would be made as the exigencies should require.  The people everywhere flew to arms, and moved promptly to the State Capital.  One regiment and eight companies were sent forward during the night of the 12 September, and others followed as fast as they could be organized.  On 14 September, the head of the Army of the Potomac met the enemy at South Mountain, and hurled him back through its passes, and on the evening of the 16 September and day of the 17 September, a fierce battle was fought at Antietam.  In the meantime, the militia had rapidly concentrated at Hagerstown and Chambersburg, and General John F. Reynolds, who was at the time commanding a corps in the Army of the Potomac, had assumed command.  Fifteen thousand men were pushed forward to Hagerstown and Boonsboro, and a portion of them stood in line of battle in close proximity to the field, in readiness to advance, where the fierce fighting was in progress.  Ten thousand more were posted in the vicinity of Greencastle and Chambersburg, and “about twenty-five thousand” says Governor Curtin, in his annual message, “were at Harrisburg, on their way to Harrisburg, or in readiness and waiting for transportation to proceed thither.”  The Twenty-Fifth Regiment [25th Pennsylvania Infantry, Emergency of 1862], under command of Colonel Dechert, at the request of General Halleck, was sent to the State of Delaware, to guard the DuPont Powder Mills, whence the National armies were principally supplied.  But the enemy was defeated at Antietam, and retreated in confusion across the Potomac.  The emergency having passed, the militia regiments were ordered to return to Harrisburg, and in accordance with the conditions on which they had been called into service, they were on the 24 September, mustered out and disbanded….

In a letter addressed to Governor Curtin, by General McClellan, thanking him for his energetic action in calling out the militia, and placing them in the field, the General adds:  “Fortunately, circumstances rendered it impossible for the enemy to set foot upon the soil of Pennsylvania, but the moral support rendered to my army by your action, was none the less mighty.  In the name of my army, and for myself, I again tender to you our acknowledgments for your patriotic course.  The manner in which the people of Pennsylvania responded to your call, and hastened to the defense of their frontier, no doubt exercised a great influence upon the enemy.”  In an order issued by Governor Bradford, of Maryland, soon after the battle, he says: “To Governor Curtin of Pennsylvania, and the militia of his State, who rallied with such alacrity at the first symptoms of an invasion, our warmest thanks are also due.  The readiness with which they crossed the border, and took their stand beside the Maryland Brigade, shows that the border is, in all respects, but an ideal line, and that in such a cause as now unites us, Pennsylvania and Maryland are but one.”

Dr. Henry O. Witman, along with his fellow “citizen soldiers” returned to their occupations in their local communities.  But in early 1863, it was becoming apparent that many more men were needed to fight the rebels and a national draft was instituted.  Able-bodied men were required to register and Henry O. Witman again came forward to meet his civic duty.  A portion of the June 1863 register sheet (shown below), for Halifax Township, shows the record of his registration as a 33-year old, single white male, born in Pennsylvania, who was employed as a doctor:


Click on document to enlarge.

While he was not drafted into the national service, the second Pennsylvania emergency appeared within days of his draft registration and once again, Henry O. Witman joined the militia company that was organized on 4 July 1864 at Harrisburg as its Captain.  The Bates reference  of “5-1257” is given on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card available from the Pennsyvlania Archives (below):


The militia company that was commanded by Capt. Witman was designated as the 36th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company C, the story of which has been told many times here on this blog.  It was also known as the “Home Guard” and the core of the company was from Gratz and the area surrounding Gratz, including Lykens Township.  It has already been documented here that African Americans were included in this regiment, notably members of the Crabb family, blacksmiths of Gratz.   The history of the Emergency Militia Regiments of 1863 begins on page 5-1222 of Bates.  A small section of the history, as pertains to the the 36th Pennsylvania Infantry, is repeated below – namely the duties performed by the regiment following the Battle of Gettysburg:

…The rebel army made good its escape and the campaign was at an end.

The militia was, however, held for some time after this, and was employed on various duty.  The Thirty-sixth Regiment was sent to Gettysburg, and its commanding officer, Colonel H. C. Alleman, was made Military Governor of the district, embracing the battle-ground.  It was engaged in gathering in the wounded and stragglers from both armies, in collecting the debris of the field and in sending away the wounded as fast as their condition would permit.  Colonel Alleman, in his official report, gives the following schedule of property as having been collected from the battle-field: “Twenty-six thousand six hundred and sixty-four muskets, none thousand two hundred and fifty bayonets, one thousand five hundred cartridge boxes, two hundred and four sabres, fourteen thousand rounds of small-arm ammunition, twenty-six artillery wheels, seven hundred and two blankets, forty wagon loads of clothing, sixty saddles, sixty bridles, five wagons, five hundred and ten horses and mules, and six wagon loads of knapsacks and haversacks.”  The ordinance stores he shipped to the Washington Arsenal, and the remainder of the government property he turned over to an agent of the War Department.  From the vatious camps and hospitals on the battle-field, and in the surrounding country, he reports having collected and sent away to northern cities, “twelve thousand and sixty-one wounded Union soldiers, six thousand one hundred and ninety-seven wounded rebels, three thousand and six rebel prisoners and one thousand six hundred and thirty-seven stragglers….”

The 36th Pennsylvania Infantry Militia, had not been mustered into service until 4 July 1863, one day after the battle ended, so when it arrived at the battlefield it was faced with the daunting task of cleaning it up and organizing the recovery, which it did with great success.  No doubt, these “citizen soldiers,” including Henry O. Witman, put to use their occupational skills in this effort – a physician who was a captain of a company being a welcome addition to the work that had to be done.  There are few accounts though of what these men did.  On the 11 August 1863, the regiment was discharged and returned to Harrisburg, where from there, the men worked their way back to their homes and farms, most resuming the occupations they had abandoned while called into emergency service.

But Henry O. Witman only stayed in Halifax until a year after the war was over.  In 1870, he is found in the Harrisburg census, where he is practicing medicine.  In 1880, he is still in Harrisburg, but by 1890, he is sent to Washington, D.C. on appointment as Medical Examiner of the Pension Office.  It was there that he died on either 13 or 14 February 1892.  Ironically, Henry O. Witman did not qualify for a pension because his service in the war did not total at least three months, so no record of a pension application has been located for him.

Henry O. Witman was survived his wife, Frederica [Krause] Witman and four adult children:  Bertha Witman, born 8 August 1867; Caroline Witman, born 23 October 1869; Ralph Witman, born 6 June 1872; and Alice Witman, born 7 February 1875.  Mrs. Witman, probably without means of support, went to live with her children.  Her obituary, which appeared in the Patriot on 4 April 1921 told of her family and noted her genealogical ties to the Harrisburg area:



News has been received in this city of the death last week in Boise, Idaho, of Mrs. Frederica Krause Witman, widow of Dr. Henry O. Witman at the home of her daughter, Mrs. John Martin Taylor.

Mrs. Witman, who was the daughter of David Krause and Katherine Krause, was born in this city, 3 March 1837, and was related by ties of blood and marriage to many of the families here.  She was married in Norristown but sent most of her life in Harrisburg, where her husband was one of the city’s leading physicians.  In 1891, she moved to Washington, but for the past few years has lived in Boise.

Surviving are three daughters, Mrs. George B. Nash, of New York; Mrs. Edward S. Gilfillan, of Portsmouth, Ohio, and Mrs. John Martin Taylor, of Boise, Idaho, and one son, Ralph Witman, of Boise.

See also:  Gratz During the Civil War – Dr. Andrew Maurer House.


News articles are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

Abraham Lincoln on Stamps – Regular Issues of the 1920s to the Early 1950s

Posted By on February 16, 2013

The study of Abraham Lincoln on stamps continues today with the examination of the Series of 1922 and the Presidential Series.  The previous parts of this study can be found in the following posts:  Early Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln and Postage Stamps Honoring Abraham Lincoln – Bureau of Engraving and Printing to 1909.

The Fourth Bureau of Engraving and Printing Regular Issue is often referred to as the Series of 1922, although the stamps saw regular service from 1922 to the introduction of the Presidential Series of 1938.  Many technological changes were adopted during this period including the switch from flat-bed printing presses to rotary cylinder presses.  Also, stamps of this 1922 series were produced in rolls, also called “coils”, which met the needs of vending machine sales and bulk mailers who used machines to affix stamps to mailing matter

All of the stamps of the 1922 Series have horseshoe frame designs surrounding the central portrait.  They picture former presidents, other individuals, and scenes of America.

The 3 cent value of this series depicts Abraham Lincoln.  During the period of usage, the 3 cent stamp met the rate for an international post card, as is shown in the example below, a card sent to Novara, Italy, from New York City.


Also in this series, the $1 stamp depicts the Lincoln Memorial (shown below).

It should be noted that stamps of the 1922 Series ware also overprinted for the Canal Zone.  And, to prevent post office burglaries in the states of Kansas and Nebraska, post office stocks of stamps in those states were overprinted “Kansas” and “Nebraska” in 1929. Ironically, Kansas and Nebraska played a significant role in the prelude to the Civil War, but the overprints had nothing to do with those events involving the extension of slavery into the territories.  The 3 cent Lincoln stamps are found with all of the above-mentioned overprints.  The $1 Lincoln Memorial stamps is found with the canal Zone overprint.

One other interesting thing about this stamp series is that in addition to Abraham Lincoln, the only other presidents who were assassinated appeared on two values:  James Garfield was on the 6 cent stamps and William McKinley was on the 7 cent stamp – and as the most recent of the assassinated presidents, McKinley’s stamp was in the color black.

For most of the time that the 3 cent Lincoln stamp of this series was in general use, the domestic letter rate per one ounce was 2 cents.  But, because of the Depression, the rate was raised to 3 cents on 6 July 1932.  Although the Lincoln stamp was available for use in general postage, a new 3 cent stamp with the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington was issued by the Post Office on 16 June 1932, and it was that stamp that bore the major usage burden until the next series of stamps was issued in 1932.  If politics has something to do with who is depicted on a nations stamps – and it more than often does – it should be noted that the Democrat, Franklin D. Roosevelt, may not have wanted the image of a Republican, Abraham Lincoln, to appear on most of the nation’s mail.  Franklin D. Roosevelt was a stamp collector and often played a part, through his Postmaster General, James Farley, in what stamps were issued by the Post Office Department.  However, in the case of the 3 cent Washington, it must be noted that the decision was made to make this the “workhorse” stamp well before Roosevelt was elected and was made during his predecessor’s term, the Republican Herbert Hoover.  Nevertheless, Roosevelt did allow the Washington stamp to remain the main stamp for regular postal use from 1933 through 1938.

Part of the story of the collaboration between Farley and the president in the issuance of stamps is told in the Wikipedia article on James Farley.


The next order of business for the Roosevelt administration was to replace the entire Series of 1922 with a series of stamps that Franklin D. Roosevelt had a hand in designing – the Presidential Series of 1938.  It may have been Roosevelt’s idea to create the Series of 1938, which honored all the deceased presidents, or someone else’s idea, but it is certain that Rooselvelt himself submitted rough sketches of the design that was eventually adopted.

The Presidential Series depicted presidents from George Washington to Calvin Coolidge, and was unique in that the value assigned to each of the presidents through William McKinley represented the number of the presidency of that individual.  Thus, the first president, George Washington, appeared on the one cent stamp;  the second president, John Adams, appeared on the two cent stamp; and so on up to the 22 cent value which depicted Grover Cleveland.  No 23 cent value occurs in the series, and the 24 cent stamp depicts the 23rd president, Benjamin Harrison.  The decision to do this probably had more to do with confusion over how to number the presidents (Cleveland is now “officially” considered ” both the 22nd and 24th president), than with the need for a 24 cent stamp over the need for a 23 cent stamp.  In any event, beyond the 25 cent value, the face value of the stamp does not reflect the number of the presidency, but the presidents depicted on the higher values are in the correct order in which they served.  The only living former president in 1938 was Herbert Hoover, and since it was the policy of the government not to honor living individuals, Hoover was not included in the Presidential Series.

The stamp recognizing Abraham Lincoln was the 16 cent value, and was issued in the color black.  It was first issued on 20 October 1938 in Washington, D.C.  In its time of usage, it met a variety of unusual postage rates, but it was never commonly seen on ordinary mail.

Three stamps of this Presidential Series do not depict presidents:  the 1/2 cent value is for Benjamin Franklin; the 1-1/2 cent value is for Martha Washington; and the 4-1/2 cent value is of the White House, the only stamp in the series that does not match the other designs.  All the individuals portrayed are facing in the same direction, all are “bust-type” depictions,” and, for the presidents, the years of the presidency are given beneath their name.

Also, during the Roosevelt-Farley years a popular way of collecting stamp issues came into its own – the First Day Cover – an envelope on which the newly-issued stamp was affixed and to which a cancel was applied in the city in which the stamp was first issued.  These First Day Covers became an enterprise within the collector market as individuals and companies designed elaborate “cachets” (complimentary designs on the left side of the envelope) that supported the stamp issue.  Individuals lined up at post office counters in the appointed first day city to purchase the new stamps, affix them to envelopes (many with the printed cachets) and get a postal clerk to apply the first day cancel.  The hand cancel shown below was applied in Washington, D.C. on 20 October 1938, the official first day of issue for the 16 cent Lincoln stamp.  The cachet shown below is one of more than 50 different known commercially produced designs for the Presidential Series, some provided for all 32 stamps.


All of the stamps in the Presidential Series were engraved and printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing.  Most were printed on rotary presses, but the dollar values were printed on flat plate presses and, because they were printed in two colors, required two separate passes through the presses.

The Presidential Series became one of the most popular stamp series ever issued by the United States government.  The stamps saw general use from 1938 through World War II and into the mid-1950s when they were gradually replaced by the Liberty Series.  Two short-series regular issues to meet the letter rates of the war years supplemented the Presidential Series – the National Defense Issue of 1940 and the three values issued in 1942-1943 which had as their subjects, “Win the War (3 cents),” “Allied Nations (2 cents)” and “Four Freedoms” (1 cent).

This series of blog posts continues on Tuesday, the day after President’s Day, and instead of focusing on stamps related to Abraham Lincoln, will look at the former presidents who were alive during all or part of the Civil War.  Then, in about two weeks, the Lincoln stamp issues will continue with an examination of the Liberty Series and the Prominent Americans Issues which saw service from mid-1950s through the mid-1970s.


Much of the information for this post was taken from Abraham Lincoln on Postage Stamps, privately published in 2000 as a companion to a stamp collection and exhibit that was displayed at a county historical society in Pennsylvania in conjunction with the 135th Anniversary of the Lincoln Assassination.

Civil War Veteran Burials at St. Paul’s Cemetery, Tower City (Part 6 of 6)

Posted By on February 15, 2013


(Part 6 of 6).  St. Paul’s Lutheran Church Cemetery is located in Tower City, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, at the corner of East Grand Avenue (U.S. Route 209) and North 4th Street.  At the front of the cemetery, along East Grand Avenue, is the Tower City, Porter Township and Rush Township Veterans Memorial, which was previously featured here in a series of posts with each of the name plates of the Civil War veterans from the area.  This is the last of the four major cemeteries in the Tower City area that will be examined for Civil War burials. No doubt there are other cemeteries and family cemeteries in the area where Civil War veterans were buried – some still undiscovered – but for now, the presentation of the St. Paul’s Cemetery will complete the photographic tour and brief description of each of the Tower City area veterans’ war service that began months ago and included the area memorial, Greenwood Cemetery in Tower City (5 parts), St. Peter’s U.C.C. Cemetery in Reinerton (3 parts), and the Grace United Evangelical Cemetery in Muir (2 parts).

Research continues on each of the Tower City area veterans and as a result of the analysis of the tombstone inscriptions at St. Paul’s Cemetery, some new information about them has been added to the Civil War Research Project.  But, much remains to be discovered.  Especially needed are pictures of the veterans and their families, stories, and any other information that would help in an understanding of this generation of Americans who fought to preserve the Union more than 150 years ago.  As always, the Project relies on local researchers and family members who are willing to come forward and share information about these men and their families.  By sharing the information, we increase our knowledge.

Some of the now-known information about the veterans buried at St. Paul’s Cemetery is presented with the grave marker pictures.  Links are provided to where the veteran previously was mentioned in blog post articles, and some of the past-known information is repeated.  In addition, new Project file numbers are added – each identified veteran now has a unique file number.  When corresponding by e-mail regarding information available on a specific veteran, it is helpful to use the file number (if known), especially in the many cases where there is more than one veteran with the same name.

Two more veterans’ graves are presented today, followed by the graves of five additional, possible veterans.  These additional graves have been identified because they either have a G.A.R.-star and flag holder at graveside, or they might be the graves of soldiers who have similar names.  None of the five has yet been confirmed as a veteran by the Project.


JOHN WOLF (1831-1902)


With the discovery of the grave stone for John Wolf (1831-1902), with the regiment and company of service noted, 39th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, it is now possible to combine two entries in the Civil War Research Project into one.  The first entry [File:  CW#W189] was discovered as a result of the 1890 census  for Williams Township, Dauphin County, which named John Wolf as a Civil War veteran, but did not indicate his rank, regiment, company or time of service.  The second entry [File:  CW#W188] was created as a result of information in the Tower City Centennial Book which identified a John Wolf as a Civil War veteran.

John Wolf, born 8 July 1831 and died 30 May 1902, was mustered into service in the 39th Pennsylvania Infantry (Emergency of 1863), Company H, on 1 July 1863 and discharged on 2 August 1863.  His service was not long enough to qualify for a pension.

In 1870, he is found in the census for Williams Township, Dauphin County, where he is working as a coal miner.  Also in 1880, he is still in Williams Township, and working as a coal miner.  A son, William Wolf, age 12, is working as a laborer in the coal mines.  In 1900, John is no longer working, but his son John Wolf, living in the household, is working as a coal miner.


More information is sought on this family.  Pictured above is the name plate for John Wolf on the Tower City Veterans’ Memorial, located in the St. Paul’s Church Cemetery in Tower City.

See also:  Tower City – Porter Township Centennial – Civil War Veterans List and Tower City, Porter and Rush Township Civil War Veterans – Part 13.


BENJAMIN WORKMAN (c. 1836-1878)


BENJAMIN WORKMAN (c. 1836-1878) served in the 173rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company F, as a Private from 1 November 1862 through 16 August 1863.  He is buried in Tower City at St. Paul’s Church Cemetery.


Benjamin Workman was born about 1836, if the age of 36 that he gave when he was drafted was correct.  His death occurred on 10 April 1878 and is recorded on the application for his government-issue grave marker (shown above, from Ancestry.com).

In 1870, he was living in Williams Township, Dauphin County, and was working as a farmer.  It does not appear from the census record that he was married.  No pension record has been located for him.


The following are buried in the St. Paul’s Church Cemetery in Tower City.  Additional information is sought to determine if there is a Civil War veteran connection:

WILLIAM FRANTZ (1841-1900)


William Frantz was born 31 December 1841 and died 18 February 1900.


SAMUEL GAMBER (1831-1904)


Samuel Gamber was born 16 March 1831 and died 19 January 1904.  There is a G.A.R. star-flag-holder at his grave site.


JOHN B. MATTIS (1824-1895)


John B. Mattis was born 30 November 1824 and died 3 February 1895.




The stone for Adam Miller is in German.  It is worn and difficult to read.  There is a G.A.R. star-flag-holder at graveside.




Emanuel Schoffstall was born 19 Apr 1839 and died 1 September 1886.


This concludes the series of posts on St. Paul’s Cemetery, Tower City.

To access other parts of this series on St. Paul’s Cemetery, click here.