
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Susquehanna River Flood of March 1865 (Part 1 of 2)

Posted By on March 6, 2014

This post begins a chronicle of the worst flooding on the Susquehanna River in history – at least at the time that it occurred. Unfortunately, this event had some effects on getting men and material to the war front – and men home from the war.  Railroad tracks were submerged and bridges were damaged.  While it seemed possible that the war was winding down and the Spring would bring on the last battles and skirmishes in the South, men from the Lykens Valley were being mustered into service at Harrisburg in the replacement company of the 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G.  Their muster took place beginning on 9 March 1865 – just days before the river made its greatest damage.  Some of the men barely made it out of the river valley to their destination on Roanoke Island, North Carolina.  Most were delayed in their muster for about two weeks because of the floods.  Those who made it out of the valley early had to read about the full extent of the damage in the newspapers – and wonder whether their homes and lands had been ruined .

The newspaper accounts begin on 8 March 1865.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 8 March 1865:



Baltimore, 7 March 1865 — The ice in the Susquehanna is moving very rapidly down the stream, but, as yet, no damage has been reported.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 9 March 1865:





Special Despatch to the Inquirer.

Baltimore, 8 March 1865 — The flood in the Susquehanna is higher and more violent to-day than heretofore.  An immense body of ice is afloat, and in many places it is piled up twenty and thirty feet.  No cars arrived from or departed for Philadelphia to-day.  It is impossible for the ferry-boat to cross.  The ice to-day was piled up over the piers of the new bridge, some of them being entirely obscured, and it is feared that they have been injured.  The mails and passengers for the North are sent via the Northern Central and Harrisburg Railroad.  Serious damages are reported along the river, some houses being swept off….

There is a high flood in the Potomac….

It is now raining heavily.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 9 March 1865:




Baltimore, 8 March 1865 — Travel northward is still obstructed by the ice in the Susquehanna River.  We have reports of considerable damage along the river in the vicinity of Columbia and other points, but no particulars have been received.  The ice is gorged below Havre de Grace, and there is no immediate prospect of the railroad ferry-boat being able to cross.

Above Port Deposit the river is comparatively open, but the water is very high.  Parties have been able to cross there to-day in small boats.

A heavy rain is falling this evening and the warm atmosphere will, no doubt, soon force the ice out below and remove the present difficulty.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 9 March 1865:



The ice floating out of the Susquehanna River has lodged on the flats below Havre de Grace, stopping its further progress, and causing the river to be entirely choked  up for some distance above the town.  It is said that the ice opposite the town is thirty feet thick.  Yesterday morning the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company made application for Government tugs to star the ice below Havre de Grace, and in the afternoon Captain Jennings, United States Quartermaster, ordered two of his heaviest tugs from Chesapeake City to perform that duty.  They commenced the work last night, and it is expected that by this afternoon the trains will be resumed regularly.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 March 1865:


GREAT FRESHET.  THE RAILROADS SUBMERGED.  The Bridges Swept Away.  Great Destruction of Property.

Note: The full text of this article will be presented in the post tomorrow.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 March 1865:



Great Freshlet in the Susquehanna River.

Harrisburg, 17 March 1865 – The Susquehanna River is now the scene of a great and destructive —bet.  Three bridges up the stream are reported to be carried away and coming down this way.  Three bridges up the stream are reported to be carried away and are coming down this way.  A number of families who reside on the island in front of this city, have been forced to leave their homes.  The water is so deep in the river that the Harrisburg Water Works cannot pump the banks fronting on the river, and the streets are filled with citizens and strangers.  The Pennsylvania Railroad track near Middletown and Columbia, is under water, and many other roads are in the same condition.  The damage to property is very great, but no lives have been lost as far as known.  It is the greatest rise in the river that has taken place since 1847.  The water is now beating against the timber of the Cumberland Valley Railroad Bridge, which is usually fifteen feet above the level of the river.  Various household objects, and even houses, have been floating down the stream all day.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 18 March 1865:



All telegraph communication with Harrisburg ceased about midnight, the line being probably carried away by the flood.  The last despatch received was to the effect that the water in the Susquehana River was thirteen inches higher than during the Great Freshet of 1846.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 March 1865:


THE FLOOD ON THE SUSQUEHANNA.  PARTS OF HARRISBURG SUBMERGED!  Water, Gas, Rolling Mills and Manufactories Stoped.  400 FAMILIES DEPRIVED OF HOUSE AND HOME.  GREAT DESTRUCTION OF PROPERTY.  The River Higher Than Ever Before.  BRIDGES AND HOUSES SWEPT AWAY.  Railroad and Telegraph Communication Stopped – Canals Overflowed.

Note: The full text of this article will be presented in the post tomorrow.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 20 March 1865:



Special Despatch to the Inquirer.

The flood at Dauphin is very destructive.  There are only eight or nine houses remaining at Rockville not under water. A large dwelling house, containing all its furniture, floated between the piers of the Pennsylvania Bridge at Rockville, where it is held.  Stupendous stone walls along the Narrows is washed out.  The Messrs Olewines, residing on McCormick’s Island, opposite Coxertown, barely escaped with their lives.  Their horses and cattle were all drowned.  The bank between the canal and river at Bainbridge for one mile has been entirely washed away.  Some assert that they saw the body of a man in a military overcoat pass down the river to-day.  Of course he could not be rescued, and must have been dead.


Harrisburg, 19 March 1865 — 8 o’clock, P. M. — The river is falling rapidly and the water is receding from the city.  The fire companies are pumping water into the reservoir, which has been emptied since the stoppage of the engines at the water works.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 21 March 1865:



Harrisburg, 20 March 1865 — The extraordinary freshets in the Susquehanna and Juniata Rivers are subsiding, the water failing rapidly.  The damage to the Pennsylvania Rialroad is said to be very slight, and the road is back in working condition between Harrisburg and Pittsburgh.  The eastward trains came thro0ugh on time to-day from Pittsburgh to Harrisburg.  The damage done to the track that was overflowed east of Harrisburg, six miles, will be repaired by to-morrow evening.  In the meantime the business of the road to and from Philadelphia and New York is passing over the Philadelphia and Reading Road.  The Cumberland Valley Bridge has been repaired and the trains of the Northern Central Railroad, between Harrisburg and Baltimore, are passing as usual.

———- Thomas A. Scott, Vice President of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co.


From the Harrisburg Weekly Patriot and Union, 23 March 1865:



Special Despatch to the Inquirer.

Harrisburg, 20 March 1865 – The Northern Central Railroad’s telegraph line is repaired as far as Sunbury and in working order.  The news from the north is important.  Three spans of the Williamsport Bridge, over the Susquehanna, were swept away.  One span of the Northumberland Bridge was also swept away, besides a large number of creek bridges.  At Sunbury, the damage is said to be greater than here.  The river bank, fifteen feet high, has been washed away.  The Northern Central Railroad will soon be in working order again.

A Soldier Drowned

A soldier, named James Ott, was found drowned at Middletown, yesterday, after the flood had somewhat subsided.  He has been on furlough home for fifteen days, having just attended the funeral of his wife, in Lancaster City.  He had tickets from Lancaster to Washington, D. C.  His furlough was signed by John France, Second Lieutenant Commanding.  It is supposed that as he missed connection at Middletown, on his way to Washington, he concluded to work his way to Harrisburg, on foot, but was carried under by the current while attempting to cross a flooded district.


News articles are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.


This post continues tomorrow with the text of the articles describing the significant damage caused by the Great Susquehanna River Flood of 1865.

February 2014 Posts

Posted By on March 4, 2014

A listing of the February 2014 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links:

Another Biographical Sketch of Dr. Andrew J. Pontius

January 2014 Posts

The Henry Keiser Diary – Furlough, Marriage, Return to the Front

Eleven Civil War Dead of Millersburg

The Oak Hill Cemetery List of Millersburg Civil War Veterans

Crimes Committed on and by Returning Soldiers (Part 1 of 3)

G.A.R. Soldiers’ Circle at Shamokin Cemetery

The Pennsylvania Ancestry of Jefferson Davis

Crimes Committed on and by Returning Soldiers (Part 2 of 3)

The Shamokin Soldiers’ Circle – Mapping the Circle

Crimes Committed on and by Returning Soldiers (Part 3 of 3)

Events of the World: February 1864


The Charter of the Kilpatrick G.A.R. Post of Millersburg

Posted By on March 2, 2014


The original charter of the Kilpatrick Post No. 212, G.A.R., is on display of the Historical Society of Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township at its museum in Millersburg, Pennsylvania (upper right).

The above-shown display case contains many original Civil War related-items as well as reproductions including photographs of Civil War veterans.  The photographs at center-left were contributed by the Civil War Research Project and are of veterans whose names appear on the Millersburg Soldier Monument as members of the Kilpatrick G.A.R. Post 212 of Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township. On Memorial Day 2014, Millersburg will celebrate the 100th anniversary of the dedication of the monument, and it is hoped that by that time additional research on each of the soldiers named on that monument can be completed.  Of particular interest are pictures of each of the veterans and life stories.  All of these materials will be available at the Historical Society of Millersburg and Upper Paxton Township in digital form.


Click on picture to enlarge.

The Charter states:

To all whom these Presents come greeting:  Know ye that reposing full trust and confidence in the fidelity and patriotism of Comrades —


Click on picture to enlarge.

The 26 charter members are named:

James L. Seebold ——- William H. Lauer [probably William H. Lower] ——- T. S. Freeland ——- William B. Meetch ——- G. W. P. Freeland ——- J. P. Koppenheffer ——- William D. Hays ——- Joseph Alleman ——- Jacob Beller ——- H. O. Baum ——– Joseph Miller ——- Joseph Keene ——- W. H. Sites ——- William C. Wingart ——– William H. DeHaven ——- David Y. Lenker ——- C. T. Dechant ——-Jonathan Whitman ——- Jonathan W. Collins [probably J. W. Collier] ——- A. J. Pontius ——- David Fox ——- Patrick Fay ——- Henry Cordes ——- Daniel Toy ——- Nelson Meck  ——- Jonathan W. Sneeder

The the text of the Charter states the following:

I do hereby in Conformity with the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic and by virtue of the power and authority in me vested, constitute them and their associates a Post of the Grand Army of the Republic to be known as _________________ Post No. 212 of Millersburg, Department of Pennsylvania.

And I authorize and empower them to perform all acts necessary to conduct said organization in accordance with the Rules and Regulations of the Grand Army of the Republic.

Dated at the Head Quarters of the Department of Pennsylvania of the Grand Army of the Republic at Philadelphia on 29th day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Eighty one and of our Independence the One hundred and fifth.

(signed) Department Commander.  (signed) Assistant Adjutant General.

It must be noted that at the time the Charter was granted, 29 June 1881, no name had been designated for the post other than the numeral “212” – indicating that this was the 212th post granted a Charter by the Department of Pennsylvania.  At this time, it is not known when the designation “Kilpatrick Post” was made.

It also should be noted that not all the names that appear on the Charter also appear on the Millersburg Soldier Monument.  Three names that are new to the Civil War Research Project are William D. Hays, H. O. Baum, and Patrick Fay.  

Future blog entries will examine further the military records and genealogies of all the veterans who were charter members of the Kilpatrick Post.  Readers who have information to contribute can add comments to this post, can send an e-mail to the Project, or can mail copies to Norman Gasbarro, Civil War Research Project, 1900 John F. Kennedy Blvd., #1403, Philadelphia, PA  19103.  Of particular interest are pictures of the veterans, genealogies, military/pension records, and stories.

Events of the World: February 1864

Posted By on February 28, 2014

February 1. Danish-Prussian War (known as the Second Schleswig War) begins when 57,000 Austrian and Prussian troops cross the Eider River into Denmark. Like the First Schleswig War (1848–51), it was fought for control of the duchies of Holstein and Lauenburg due to the succession disputes concerning them when the Danish king died without an heir acceptable to the German Confederation. Decisive controversy arose due to the passing of the November Constitution, which integrated the Duchy of Schleswig into the Danish kingdom in violation of the London Protocol. Reasons for the war were the ethnic controversy in Schleswig and the co-existence of conflicting political systems within the Danish unitary state. The war ended on 30 October 1864, when the Treaty of Vienna caused Denmark’s cession of the Duchies of Schleswig,Holstein, and Saxe-Lauenburg to Prussia and Austria.

RDMZ01_ST-2040_WFebruary 15. A massive fire in Rotterdam, Netherlands damages the city’s main art museum, the Museum Boymans. Much of the original collection was destroyed in the fire. The museum is now known as the Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen






Css_hunley_on_pierFebruary 17. The tiny Confederate hand-propelled submarine H. L. Hunley sinks the USS Housatonic using a spar torpedo in Charleston Harbor, becoming the first submarine to sink an enemy ship (although the submarine and her crew of eight are also lost). A spar torpedo is a weapon consisting of a bomb placed at the end of a long pole, or spar, and attached to a boat. The weapon is used by running the end of the spar into the enemy ship. Spar torpedoes were often equipped with a barbed spear at the end, so it would stick to wooden hulls. A fuse could then be used to detonate it.

pythiasFebruary 19. The Knights of Pythias form their first lodge in Washington, DC.  The Knights of Pythias was the first fraternal organization to receive a charter under an act of the United States Congress. It was founded by Justus H. Rathbone, who had been inspired by a play by the Irish poet John Banim about the legend of Damon and Pythias. This legend illustrates the ideals of loyalty, honor and friendship that are the center of the order. Some lodges meet in structures referred to as Pythian Castles. Early in the group’s history, when a man was inducted into the Knights of Pythias he received a ceremonial sword.

February 27. The Mexican Battle of San Juan Bautista in the ongoing French Intervention in Mexico. Mexican Republicans  successfully reclaimed the city, defeating the French and the Second Mexican Empire.

Crimes Committed on and by Returning Soldiers (Part 3 of 3)

Posted By on February 25, 2014

As soldiers were released from military service in 1865, they flooded into the three major discharge points in Pennsylvania:  Philadelphia, Harrisburg, and Pittsburgh.  Frequently, these soldiers were the victims of local residents who sought to “relieve” them of their discharge money; sometimes the soldiers were themselves the perpetrators of crimes against the residents of these cities.  Today’s post is the final part of a three-part series.  Selections from the Philadelphia Inquirer are given from May through August of 1865, describing some of the incidents.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 19 July 1865:


ANOTHER SOLDIER IN TROUBLEJohn  Smith was again arrested on Monday evening and taken before Alderman Hay, on the charge of having robbed a returned soldier of $750, at the Montgomery Hotel, where he was stopping.  Smith was held in $1000 bail to answer for the alleged offense.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 July 1865:


ROBBING A LIEUTENANT — Before Alderman Beitler, yesterday morning, a man, named Jerry Donovan, was charged with the larceny of two hundred dollars, the property of James G. Cooper, a Lieutenant in the army, who resides in Pittsburgh.  The soldier was lying asleep, yesterday morning, on a step on Market Street, above Eighth.  It is alleged Donovan came along and woke him up; Cooper, on rising to his feet, immediately felt for his pocket book, when, to his surprise, he found it gone.  Donovan, at this time, started off and was followed by the soldier.  He was overtaken at Eighth and Jayne Streets, and was committed to answer.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 25 July 1865:


SOLDIERS ROBBED — Yesterday morning Joseph Kelley and Patrick Carroll were arrested upon the charge of attempting to rob a soldier at a home on Quarry Street.  The soldier gave information that he saw the prisoners rob another soldier yesterday.  One of the accused had a large sum of money on him, which was evidently stolen from the soldier who had been robbed.  Kelley and Carroll were held to answer at Court.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1 August 1865:


ROBBING SOLDIERS — The practice, so prevalent during the past few weeks, of robbing soldiers, was carried out yesterday morning in the case of John McDermott, who was taken before Alderman Hibbard on the charge specified.  The accused obtained little, however, for his trouble, and will pay dearly for his dishonest.  He was committed to answered for the allege offense.


From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 1 August 1865:


A DISCHARGED SOLDIER ROBBED — On last Saturday a discharged soldier lost the sum of $230 in the yard of a tavern on Thirteenth Street near Vine.  He accused the daughter of the proprietor with taking the money, which was in his coat hanging on a clothes line in the yard.   The party accused of the theft was arrested and held by Alderman Toland for a further hearing.


News clippings are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.