
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – A Local Newspaper’s Early Report

Posted By on April 26, 2014


The blog post today is a continuation of the on-going series in commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  To see all the posts in this series, click on ShoholaTrainWreck.

A photocopy of a fourteen-page type-script purporting to be of a newspaper article from the 22 July 1864, Tri-States Union, a Port Jervis, New York newspaper, was found among a personal collection of papers related to the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Other than the noted source (the Tri-States Union), there is no indication on the typescript as to the name of the person who transcribed it, when it was transcribed, or the purpose for which it was transcribed.  Adding to the confusion about the source of this document is the fact that the photocopy appears to be of a mimeographed copy, indicating that multiple copies were made of the typescript.  There are also several handwritten notations on the pages, indicating that someone did some editing of the mimeographed copy after it was “mass” produced.

In order to verify that this type-script is an authentic copy of an original article that appeared in the Tri-States Union one week after the wreck occurred, the original newspaper (or a microfilm or digital copy) from that date must be seen.  To date, an original in any form has not been seen.

Following the transcript presented below, some commentary will be given.

Port Jervis, New York, Tri-States Union, 22 July 1864:


Train with 950 Rebel Prisoners Wrecked

Nothing more than a railroad accident where men are horribly mutilated, bodies mangled beyond recognition, and death dealt out indiscriminately tends to excite the public mind.  We stand appalled at the fearful mischief done by the recent collision on the Erie, and tremble while we think of the awful sacrifice made on Friday last by the negligence of an employee.

On Friday morning, the fifteenth instant, a train of nineteen cars left Jersey City, at about five o’clock, containing 950 rebel prisoners and their guard.  The cars, all but the last two, were stock cars and filled with the rebels on their way to the camp at Elmira.  The train was delayed at a station a short distance from Jersey City for one hour and forty minutes.  The delay was caused by the opening of a draw to let a ship pass through.  It did not arrive —— village until one o’clock in the afternoon.  ——- stopping here a few minutes, it started on its way up the road.  Mr. Ingraham, with engine 171, and Mr. Underwood, conductor, had charge of the train.

About two miles above Shohola it collided with a regular coal train, S. L. Hoyt, engineer, and John Martin, conductor.  The collision occurred at a place called “King and Fuller’s Cut,” at about quarter to three o’clock.  Here it was that the “slaughter of the innocents” too place.  It is a dangerous place on the Erie, as are many other places on the Delaware Division.  A brief description of the approaches to the scene of the accident may be interesting as aiding to appreciate more fully the danger attending its passage.

Everybody knows that in passing up the road from this village, the railroad skirts the Delaware.  Between this place and Lackawaxen, a distance of twenty miles, the road takes its most picturesque, yet most dangerously winding course along the river.  The road at this point is high above the river, down into which one looks with awe.  Darting along through narrow defiles you are seemingly wedged in between high rocks and shaggy cliffs overhanging the track, thence into open country for a short space, clear on either hand, until again and again you are borne along those steep banks down which it is a terror to look, yet beautiful, grand, sublime, the while meandering, curving, almost winding — such an irregularity of sharp and abrupt curves that it is a comfort to know you have passed the dangerous places.  Upon one of these curves, the sixth from Shohola, where it would be impossible for the engineer to see wither way for the suddenness of the turn and the brush intervening to obstruct the sight, these trains met head-on.  Here death did its horrid work.  Men were jammed between the cars, under the cars, under the tender; cut, maimed, mangled, killed.  The groans of the dying and shouts of those able to call for relief were heartrending indeed.  Wedged in as they were, the dead and dying, and the living cripples, in one shapeless, promiscuous mass, they were a sight beyond description.  These engines, traveling at a high rate of speed, had hurled themselves with the force of Leviathans against each other; the tender of the passenger train being turned up from behind, throwing its contents into the cab, while the engine itself was raised forward several feet.

The engineer of the passenger train, William Ingraham, and his fireman, Mr. Tuthill, were completely submerged in the ruins and were unable to escape.  One of the spickets of the boiler broke off letting the steam drive through the orifice thus made upon the engineer, completely boiling a portion of his body, the cab being all this time filled with destructive steam suffocating its two victims.  The fireman of the coal train suffered the same fate.  Its engine had been forced under the other locomotive and its tender lurched over upon it.  Mr. Hoyt, the engineer, seeing his predicament just in time, jumped and saved his life.  At this point of our narrative it will be interesting to give Mr. Hoyt’s account of the collision.  He says:

“I jumped, seeing as I did no other way of escape, and even before I had tome to shout to my fireman.  I ran up the bank and got but a few feet before I heard the awful crash of the engines and the thundering of cars as they piled themselves in promiscuous confusion upon one another.  I immediately rushed to my engine to let off the steam and prevent an explosion, also to try to save my fireman.  The cab was so full of steam that it was probably three minutes before I could locate the man.  By the assistance of Mr. John McAllister I succeeded in getting him out, but he died almost immediately.  I then went to see where the other engineer and fireman were, and to prevent the explosion of their engine (171). I found the steam escaping, and both William Ingraham and his fireman at their post, dead.  All this time the groans of the dying were heartrending.  The first car, containing about fifty prisoners and guards, was crushed into a mass not six feet long, and it was completely demolished; all but one man were killed.  The second and third cars were also demolished, but not all the men were killed.  Those who were not, were badly injured.  All the cars were more or less broken throughout the entire length of the train.  Many of the prisoners were riding on the platforms and were killed outright by the buckling of the cars.”

Word was immediately dispatched to Port Jervis and the wrecking train, under the direction of Division Superintendent Riddle, and Charles Cooper, was put in readiness with Drs. Apply, Cooper, and Hardenberg, some citizens, and fifty men from the car shops, it arrived on the grounds early.  Everything was being done by those who immediately reached the sufferers from the surrounding territory.  The uninjured prisoners were sent back to Shohola under a guard, but as they did not desire to make their escape, they were allowed much more freedom than under ordinary circumstances.

The work of taking out the dead and injured began.  Some bodies were found without an arm, others without a leg, some with neither arms nor legs, and one or two decapitated trunks.  They were placed along the track as fast as they were secured, while the injured men, both Union and rebel, were tenderly taken to Shohola.  A trench, seventy-five feet long, six and a half feet wide, and six feet deep was commenced at eleven o’clock at night on the banks of the Delaware for the interment of the dead.  As each one was taken from the ruins, his name, company, and regiment were written on a slip of paper and pinned to his breast.  They were then placed in rough pine boxes and buried in the trench.

About forty prisoners were buried in this manner.  The Union guard, to the number of sixteen, were buried in boxes and at the head of each was placed a pine board bearing the name, company, etc.

As soon as possible after the accident, T. J. Ridgeway, Esq., Associate Judge of Pike County, Pennsylvania, arrived on the ground, and a jury was empaneled.    This jury adjourned to Lackawaxen.  They called to the stand John Martin, conductor of the coal train, whose testimony was that he had, upon his arrival at the station, inquired of the telegraph operator, Douglas Kent, whether the road to Shohola was clear.  Receiving an affirmative reply, he gave his engineer orders to go ahead.  To this testimony, or that part which relates to him, Mr. Hoyt, the engineer, attested.  It must be borne in mind that this operator, Douglas Kent, in his capacity as such, is required to report all trains as soon as they pass his station.  No evidence exists that he reported the departure of the coal train.  Had he done so, orders could have been telegraphed to Shohola to flag the passenger train which did not pass that station until three or four minutes after the coal train had left Lackawaxen.  Again, Train 23 West had carried flags in the morning denoting that an “extra”was to follow.  This extra was the rebel prisoner train, and as a first class train, had, by the rules and regulations of the road, right of way over all trains of the same class bound east.  It certainly, then, had right of way over the coal train which was of second class.  The rule is, all first class trains bound west have the right over all trains of the same class bound east; so with second class, all those which are bound west have the road over all trains of the same class bound east, but are to keep out of the way of a first class train bound east.  Kent knew this rule, or ought to have known it, as it is said he made frequent inquiries during the morning as to where the “extra” (rebel train) to Number 23 was.

The jury after the examination returned a verdict that the accident was unavoidable.  We understand that no censure of any employee was made by this jury.  As this fact became known, the community was greatly surprised and looked upon it as a perfect farce.  “Unavoidable!”  somebody is at fault for this horrible accident, such sacrifice of life does not happen without cause.  What does the public think of it?  It knows full well that it was not “unavoidable”.  It feels that if this railroad company is to be visited with no more censure than it appears this jury of inquest found, it is indeed unsafe to travel by rail.  This verdict is of right set aside by the jury which convened at Lackawaxen on Monday last under the order of Coroner Loreaux and Prosecuting Attorney Vincent, of Milford.   This jury’s verdict was to the effect that the accident was the fault of the telegraph operator at Lackawaxen, Douglas Kent, also censuring the railroad company for employing such men on the road.

Douglas Kent is a man of intemperate habits, and had, on the night previous to the accident, been to Hawley to a ball, whence he returned on Friday in an intoxicated condition.  He remained in a partial state of drunkenness during the day, and even after this dreadful calamity, he is said to have gone to another party of pleasure on Friday evening, apparently unconcerned.  On Saturday morning he crawled on board the express train and went west, since which time he has not been seen.  We learn that a detective is on his track.

Whatever may be done with this man Kent, the responsibility rests with higher officials that twice before this fellow has been discharged from the road.  Some regard must be paid to the public interest and public safety in the selection and appointment of operators.  It is they who every day hold the lives of passengers and employees in their hands.  A wrong order, an inattention to duty, may bring sadness and sorrow to many a heart, and pious indignation upon the company.   In the name of humanity, then, we call upon the officers of the Erie Railway to see to it immediately that none but competent persons shall be trusted with important posts.

At Shohola, the poor fellows brought from the wreck were lying all along the platform, in the freight houses and waiting room, and at the Shohola House.  Orders were given by the officer in charge of the whole body that no amputations should be performed there.  By this order the surgeons were powerless to accede to the request of many that their limbs might be amputated.  Fractures, flesh wounds, and internal injuries were attended to.  Great praise is due Drs. W. L. Apply, Dearborne, Cooper, and Hardenberg for their untiring efforts to alleviate the suffering of these fellows.  They worked incessantly from the moment they arrived on the ground, through the night and until early dawn.  Each is an honor to his profession and entitled to the highest gratitude of the community.  By their side, ever ready  to minister to the parched lips of the distressed and console the afflicted men, as angels only can, we must mention the ladies of Shohola and Barryville.

They were early on the scene, coming from all quarters by the dozens.  Here they found sufficient work and willingly, anxiously did they set about siding in the comfort of the unfortunate.  Nice warm tea, hot coffee, ice cold milk, crackers, bread, cakes, pies, meats, every sort of edible was bestowed by these ladies with a lavish hand.  And oh! how grateful were theses half-famished men.  Rebels though they were, they received from these noble women food and comforting words, cooling drinks, and sympathy in their truly pitiable condition.  And they seemed to feel it, to know that, though they were prisoners of war whose principles as rebels these same women despised, as unfortunate cripples they were their friends and ministering angels. Nor did they leave them until early morning, and this by reliefs, others coming to take their places.  This has continued through several days.   We found these ladies there on Tuesday, happy in being allowed to discharge this humane duty.  Several of these ladies gave the last mouthful of bread, etc. they had in the house.  One lady, Mrs. Nelson, has a son in Libby Prison.

Little boys with baskets on their arms were reaching crackers to those confined in the cars.  One lady, a matronly woman, stood without hat or cape, a generous loaf of bread in her arm, from which she cut good thick slices, giving them to the men.  Such was the spirit, such the compassionate feeling which existed.

Everybody found out who “Uncle Chauncy” was, the ubiquitous man, a man who was everywhere called for, always on hand.  To his generosity of heart, to his uniform kindness, to his activity and care, much of the success of the general arrangements at Shohola is due.  From his store he took every barrel of crackers, every ham and shoulder, tinware — in fact, everything that was needed and would be of use.  And not only this.  The mail train was delayed the next day.  The passengers could get nothing to eat.  “Uncle Chauncy” took them to his own house and fed them, refusing all compensation.  Other gentlemen, whose names we do not have, were also instrumental in doing much good.

One of the rebel wounded asked Mr. Thomas if there was anybody around there who sympathize with the South.  This he desired to know so that he might get some extra attention.  Mr. Thomas is not a Lincolnite, surely.  But he raised himself up with noble indignation when he replied, “No, sir, there is no one here who sympathizes with you in principle, but we all pity your unfortunate condition and will help you.  Your principles are wrong, but you are prisoners, and injured, and this is why we pity and sympathize with you.”  The rebel acknowledged his mistake and said to Mr. Thomas, “You are right.”

Another rebel wanted to know what celebration was going on in Port Jervis the day they passed through here. “None,” said a bystander.  “Why,” said the rebel, “there was a great gathering around the depot; I though there was some celebration.”  Upon being told that the crowd only desired to see the prisoners as they passed by, he said he was surprised to find so many, thinking that all the North had been conscripted into the service.  When told that “Old Abe” had 2,000,000 more able-bodied men to draft from, the fellow looked astounded and said the South might as well give up as they have every available man in the ranks.  He went further and confessed that if it were not for the rebel leaders, who hold the men in terror, the South would abandon the war.  Such is the testimony of a rebel soldier who has served three years in that army.

In our conversion with them on Tuesday, all of them expressed themselves as tired of the war.  They said they were conscripted into the service and were compelled to fight against their will.  One rebel said he tried his utmost to prevent going into the ranks, preferring not to fight against the Union.  But circumstances compelled him to do so.  Over these circumstances he, as others, had no control.  Inducements are held out to them that the Northern soldiers are suffering more than they, and that the Confederacy will soon win their independence.  Unless they do join the army their property is confiscated, and they turned out as beggars in the world.  A recital of a chapter of such history by them gives one a fuller comprehension than many newspaper accounts of the utter helplessness of the middle and lower classes.

On Saturday morning, at ten o’clock, a train, with such of the injured as could be transported, got under way for Elmira.  Two of these died on the road.  About twenty of the worst cases were left at Shohola under a corporal’s guard of six men.  Eight or nine have died, twelve remain at that place.  One who cannot live is a little rebel soldier, thirteen years of age.

Among the contributions generally made by the surrounding inhabitants were many from the people of Port Jervis.  These contributions were requested by the ladies of Shohola in behalf of the injured.

Thus ends the narrative of one of the most exciting events that has ever occurred in this section.



A search of the web using key words found in the article did not locate a copy of the article.

George J. Fluhr, in his 1997 publication, The Civil War Train Wreck at Shohola, while attempting to determine how many men were on the train and how many were killed or injured, quotes from the Tri-States Union newspaper article on page 7 of his work.

Joseph C. Boyd, in his article, “Shohola Train Wreck: Civil War Disaster” which originally appeared in June 1964 in The Chemung Historical Journal, and was reproduced in Civil War Anthology in August 1985, gives four newspaper sources in his bibliography, none of them the article from the Tri-States Union.

Diane S. Berger, in her article, “The Track is Clear to Shohola: Disaster on the Road to Elmira,” which was published in Blue and Gray Magazine, April 1993, does not give a bibliography and does not mention any of the unique items found in the Tri-States Union article – including the second inquest, the statement that Douglas Kent was at a ball in Hawley the night before the wreck, and that he had been “twice before discharged from the road.”

There are many internal statements in the article that can be checked.  Some new characters are introduced which could be researched further – the doctors, the persons at the second inquest, the woman whose son was at Libby Prison, “Uncle Chauncy”, etc.

Anyone with information on this article who can verify it or add to any of the stories that were presented in it, can do so by sending an e-mail or adding a comment to this post.

This series will continue in the coming days.


For other articles in this series, click on ShoholaTrainWreck.





Charles T. Palmer – Resident Surgeon at Wills Eye Hospital, 1864-1865

Posted By on April 25, 2014

A biographical sketch of Charles T. Palmer, M.D., appeared in the Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, published in 1893, and was authored by Samuel T.  Wiley.  It is presented below in slightly modified form.  Previously, a post on this blog featured his father, Robert M. Palmer, who was Abraham Lincoln’s Ambassador to Argentina.

Charles T. Palmer, M.D., the well-known Eye and Ear specialist, is a son of Hon. Robert M. Palmer, and Isabella [Seitzinger] Palmer, and was born in Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, 8 September 1843….

Charles T. received his preliminary education in the public schools of Pottsville, upon completion of which he began reading medicine under Dr. Thomas T. Morton, of Philadelphia, now president of the State Board of the Insane.  He then entered the Medical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, from which he graduated in 1865.  During his course in 1864-1865, he was resident surgeon of the Wills’ Eye Hospital of Philadelphia.  Prior to this, in 1862, he had served as medical cadet in the U.S. Army Hospital in Philadelphia, and in 1863, enlisted in Company B, 27th Pennsylvania Volunteers (27th Pennsylvania Infantry, Eme4rgency of 1863), as a Private, went to the front for service and was discharged July 1863.

After his graduation, Dr. Palmer located in Pottsville, where he has since continued to practice, the first eight years in general medicine, and since that time as a specialist of the Eye and Ear.  He has acquired a large and successful practice and is regarded as a professionally learned and skilled practitioner.  He is a member of the State Medical Society, of the County Medical Society, and is one of the board of United States Pension Examiners.  In politics, he is a Republican, active and faithful to his convictions, and in 1872 was elected Coroner of Schuylkill County, for a term of three years, during the Molly Maguire excitement.

Fraternally, he is connected with the following organizations:  Gowan Post, No. 23, G.A.R.; Miner’s Lodge, No. 20, I.O.O.F.; Pulaski Lodge, No. 216, F. and A.M.; Mountain City R. A. Chapter, No. 196; Constantine Commandery, No. 41, Knights Templar.

Dr. Palmer married 23 January 1872, Sue Mortimer, a daughter of William Mortimer, a prominent retired merchant of Pottsville, now deceased.  Two children have been born to the:  Sue Palmer, born 30 September 1877; Charles T. Palmer Jr., born 10 February 1881.

Dr. Charles T. Palmer died on 10 December 1893.  His death notice appeared in both the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Harrisburg Patriot on 11 December 1893:


Death of Dr. Charles T. Palmer.

Pottsville, 10 December 1893 — Dr. Charles T. Palmer, an eminent eye and ear specialist and second eldest son of the late Robert N. Palmer [sic], United States Minister to the Argentine Confederation during President Lincoln’s administration, died at his home here to-day, aged 50 years.  His death was caused by congestion of the lungs.

Dr. Palmer is buried in Charles Baber Cemetery in Pottsville.  See:  Findagrave.

The military service record of Dr. Palmer is summarized on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card, available from the Pennsylvania Archives:


The card notes that a Charles F. Palmer [sic] entered the Emergency Service (Militia) on 19 June 1863 as a Private at Harrisburg and served until his discharge on 31 July 1863, when the Emergency Militia was no longer needed.  At the time, he was 19 years old.  No other personal information is given about him.

Additional information is sought about this physician who served in a Pennsylvania militia regiment during the Civil War, who was a resident surgeon at Wills’ Eye Hospital in the later days of the war, and who, after the war, served as a pension examiner and county coroner.  Add comments to this post, or send an e-mail.  Pictures and news articles are especially welcome!


A copy of the Biographical and Portrait Cyclopedia of Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania is available as a free download from the Internet Archive (click on book title and follow download instructions at left on page).  News articles were obtained from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – First Newspaper Reports

Posted By on April 24, 2014

Today’s post is the second installment of a series on The Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Some of the early newspaper accounts from Pennsylvania newspapers are presented.

On 15 July 1864, at about 2 P.M., a train carrying 833 Confederate prisoners of war and a contingent of Union guards, collided head-on with a 50-car coal train on a single-track main line of the New York and Erie Railroad.  The collision occurred about one-and-a-half miles west of the small village of Shohola, Pike County, Pennsylvania.  The train carrying the prisoners was headed west from Jersey City, New Jersey, to the newly-established prison camp at Elmira, Chemung County, New York.  The coal train was headed east from the Hawley branch railroad and was hauling coal from the vast anthracite coal fields of central Pennsylvania to the  New York area.  It was the greatest railroad disaster of the Civil War – and to that point in time, the greatest recorded railroad disaster in history.  Forty-eight prisoners and seventeen Union guards were killed in the accident and many more were seriously wounded.


Click on map to enlarge.

The crash of the trains occurred at #3 on the map above.

An early news story of the accident appeared in the Philadelphia Daily Age, on 16 July 1864:


Railway Accident

LACKAWAXEN, PA, 15 July 1864 — A train with about eight hundred and fifty prisoners, on their way to the camp at Elmira, collided with a Pennsylvania Coal Company’s train near Shohola, this afternoon, killing and wounding a large number, reported at over one hundred.

The train with prisoners should have left Jersey City this morning at 4:30, but was delayed and thrown out of time one hour by the Captain of the Guard, who returned to the vessel on which they came from City Point, to hunt up three prisoners who had escaped from him.

The coal train on it way from Hawley Branch to Port Jarvis [Port Jervis], neglected to ascertain if the other train was behind time and went on, striking the latter at a crooked art of the road where the engineers could not see far ahead to avoid a casualty.

A more detailed explanation of the train wreck was supplied to the readers of the Philadelphia Inquirer on 19 July 1864, re-told by a correspondent of the New York Tribune who had gone to the scene just after the accident occurred:



The Accident of the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad

Correspondence of the New York Tribune.

PORT JERVIS, N.Y., 16 July 1864 — The collision reported as occurring on the Delaware and Lackawanna Railroad yesterday, took place on the main line of the Erie Railway, one and a half miles west of Shohola, and about twenty miles west of this place.  The train of rebel prisoners (about eight hundred) passed her about 12 M. of the 15th.  It was running “extra” to another train which carried signals for it.  About 2 P.M. the collision occurred at “King Fuller’s Cut,” a dangerous portion of the road.  The wrecking force, under Mr. Cooper was immediately forwarded to the spot, accompanied by physicians of this place and a number of citizens.  It soon spread abroad that great damage and loss of life had occurred, and the anxiety to learn particulars was intense; but the telegraph office, as was usual in such cases, was a “scaled book.”  At 9 P.M. a train was sent with provisions and by the kindness of the railroad officials I was permitted to visit the scene of disaster.  Upon reaching Shohola at about 10 P.M. we found that most of the wounded had been brought to the village, and were occupying the freight and passenger rooms and the adjoining platforms.  Over sixty wounded men lay in this locality, and several more in the “Shohola House.”

The citizens of Shohola and Barreville [Barryville, New York] (a village just across the Delaware) were untiring in their efforts to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded. Men, women and children vied with each other in acts of kindness.  After viewing the wounded sufferers and finding no occasion to remain longer, we passed out among the guard and prisoners who had come out unhurt, on our way to the spot where the collision took place.  Here the Delaware curves to the northward and the railway follows its banks, the convexity of the curve being the same as that of the river.  An intervening hill shut out the approaching trains from each other, so that it was impossible to discover one another until within a hundred yards of each other.  Indeed, by mounting the wrecked engines, it could be seen that it is almost impossible for the westward-bound engineer to seen an approaching train until the very moment of collision.  The last of the dead had been removed from the wreck and lay in ranks by the side of the road, in the edge of a rye field.

The shock of collision was fearful.  Two noble engines were almost entirely demolished, the “171” and the “237.”  The tender of the “171” was heaved upon end, hurling its load of wood into the cab, effectually walling in both engineer and fireman against the hot boiler, and crushing them terribly.  Both were found standing at the their post, dead.  This was the train carrying the prisoners.  The first two or three cars were box  freight cars, and their frail frames were crushed like rushed.  Only one man was saved from the forward car.  In the others very many were wounded, and scarcely a car escaped without being crushed.  The most industrious endeavors were at once put in requisition to relieve the mangle beings in the wreck.  But it was slow work, and their sufferings were intense.  As fast as possible the wounded were carried to Shohola, and the dead placed beside the road.

On the bank near the engines lay some twenty-five Rebel dead – many mangled past recognition.  Another squad, of as many more, lay further down the road; and still further, wrapped in blankets lay fourteen of the guard – their duty done forever.  Viewed by moonlight, and with lantern it was a ghastly and horrible sight, although kindly hands had done much by coverings of leaves, & c., to relieve the horror of the scene, and the ghastliness of the dead.  As we left, Mr. McCormick, wood agent and paymaster of the Delaware division, had arrived with pine boxes for the burial of our own dead.  This morning all were buried on the spot, and the graves marked for future recognition.  The Rebel dead were also decently interred in pine boxes.

The best account I can get, and which is wholly trustworthy, may be summed up as follows: – the coal train eastward, bound from Hawley takes the main track from the branch at Lackawaxen.  The conductor went to the telegraph office at Lackawaxen, as usual, and inquired if the way was clear to Shohola (a distance of about four miles).  The operator replied that it was clear to Shohola and the coal train proceeded at its usual rate to meet the mail train at eight at its usual passing pace.  The train which had carried the flag for the train of prisoners had passed Lackawaxen some hours before, and the operator was aware of the fact, and had not long before given a train notice of the fact; so I was told.

Thus the coal train, consisting of fifty loaded cars was proceeding at the rate of twelve miles per hour, thinking it all right and the other train hurried on its way in fancied security, dashed into the former at twenty miles per hour, and the loss of life and property was the consequence.  The tender of the coal engine was lifted several feet into the air by coal cars rushing beneath it.  The engineer catching a glimpse of the approaching train in the cut jumped for his life, and saved himself.

The casualties are, the engineer of the “171,” his fireman, the fireman of the “237,” and a flagman killed.  At the hour of leaving the wreck (1 A.M.) sixteen Union soldiers, and nearly fifty Rebels, were dead, nearly all taken from the wreck with life extinct.  The wounded cannot, I think, fall far short of seventy-five to eighty men.

All the blame seem to be traced to the telegraph operator who is spoken of as a drunken fellow by all who have mentioned him to us.  It was said he was intoxicated the night before the accident, and it was nothing unusual for him to be in that condition when assuming his post of duty.  It is said that he has disappeared.

The telling of the story continued on 23 July 1864 in the Philadelphia Daily Age, which reported from complied reports including from the Elmira Advertiser:


The Late Accident on the Erie Railroad.

Arrival of Rebel Prisoners at Elmira.

The Elmira Advertiser says the train containing the rebel prisoners not killed at Lackawaxen, reached that place on Saturday night.  They numbered about eight hundred.  Lieutenant Colonel Eastman, commandant of the post, with wise foresight, had made every preparation for reception of the injured as well as the uninjured.  He had ordered twelve military baggage wagons, the bottoms deeply lined with hay, to be in readiness to receive the Rebel wounded. The work was easily accomplished, by a detachment of colored substitutes, in case of all who were unable to move themselves, while those who were able to walk and help themselves in a measure were carefully helped by their comrades and others to places in the wagons.

As soon as the wounded had been comfortably moved to the wagons, the procession started for Barracks No. 3, where a warm, comfortable meal was in readiness for prisoners and guards, who had been compelled to pass through so much suffering, fatigue, and hunger for the past thirty-six hours.

A barrack building was set apart for the wounded, and their condition made as comfortable as possible by the surgeons.  It was found that of the rebels, eight-five were wounded, slightly and severely.  There were seven fractured thighs and five fractured legs.  The rest were suffering from contusions and flesh wounds, several about the face, and general injuries.

The casualties from the accident as near as we can ascertain sum up as follows:  Killed outright, and buried near where the accident occurred, of the Rebels, forty-eight; left behind at Lackawaxen, unable to be moved or brought on by train, fifteen; brought on by the train, eighty-five – making in killed and wounded, one hundred and forty-eight.  Of our men of the Veteran Reserve Corps, killed and buried at the place of the accident, seventeen; brought on and put in the hospital, suffering only from bruises and contusions, ten; left behind, unable to be moved, eight – making in all thirty-five.

Scarcely a guard escaped destruction who was sanding on the platforms between the cars.  One found himself over in an oatfield, severely bruised, after the accident, while his companions were crushed instantly.  The muskets were broken and mashed and the barrels twisted and bent double. These were brought along as sad relics.  The passenger cars of the train, some sixteen in number, were completely demolished, and another new train had to be made up of common box cars, spread with straw at the bottom, upon which the inmates managed to ride the best way they could.


News articles are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.  The map is modified from one that appears on the site Pennsylvania Railroad Stations Past and Present.

To see all the posts in this series, click on ShoholaTrainWreck.

Benjamin Snyder – Killed After Attending Daughter’s Wedding

Posted By on April 23, 2014


The following story appeared in the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader on 8 March 1915:


Civil War Veteran Crushed by Train After Witnessing Marriage of Daughter


Death Discovered When the Body Drops Off Pilot Several Squares from Scene

Shamokin, Pennsylvania, 8 March 1915 — Benjamin Snyder, a Civil War veteran, returning home at this place early Sunday in a blinding storm when he was run down on Independence Street grade crossing by a Reading passenger train, one square from the station, and instantly killed.  A portion of the body clung to the pilot.

An extra engine had been added to the train to aid it out of town and the mutilated corpse was not discovered until it fell on the tracks far from the scene of the accident.

Snyder had been attending the wedding of his daughter, Miss Emma Snyder, to Silas McNutt.


The Pension Index Card from Fold3 confirms that this Benjamin Snyder who died in March 1915 in Shamokin was the same Benjamin R. Snyder who served in the 208th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, from 31 August 1864 through 1 June 1865.  He was a late-in-life pension applicant, his first application not submitted until 1903.  Since there was no widow’s pension, it can be assumed that his wife preceded him in death.


Benjamin R. Snyder is buried at the Soldiers’ Circle in Shamokin Cemetery, Shamokin, Northumberland County, Pennsylvania.

The Shamokin Soldiers’ Circle – Photographs 111 – 119

Posted By on April 22, 2014


Today’s post on the Shamokin Cemetery’s Soldiers’ Circle features nine graves in the second circle, third quadrant, beginning with photograph 111.  The photographs in this segment are numbered 111 through 119.  All of the stones in this section are sequenced in the order of the death of the veteran.  For each of the veterans, the best determination of the name is given and where possible some information about the military record.  Some errors may be noted where the information on the stone may not match other records.  Each grave photograph may be enlarged by clicking on it, and in some cases, readers may be able to identify or clarify some of the unknown information.  Comments can be added to this post or sent by e-mail to the Civil War Research Project.  The collected information on soldiers buried in the circle (including some military records, pension files, photographs, etc.) is available free-of-charge to veterans organizations, historical societies, and other non-profit groups.  Inquiries may be sent by e-mail.


#111 – ——– May


The name on this stone is possibly Joseph G. May, but additional information is needed to identify his Civil War service.  He died some time between the end of 1907 and the beginning of 1909.


#112 – Simon Strauser


Simon Strausser was born around 1834 and died 11 January 1909.  He enrolled at Windsor, Pennsylvania, in the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G, as a Private, and was mustered into service on 14 October 1861.  On 29 January 1862, he was discharged on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability.  He applied for a disability pension on 22 August 1890.  Not much more is known about him at this time.


#113 – Balzer Ritzman


Balzer Ritzman who is buried here has been previously mentioned in other spellings of his first name, including Balthaser, Balthazer, Blatzer, Balser, and Baltzer.  He was featured in a previous blog entry on 3 December 2011, Honorable Discharges, 177th Pennsylvania Infantry.  He was born 6 October 1841 and died 22 January 1910.  He was married to Sarah Ann Faust.


#114 – William Wright


More information is needed about William Wright, born 8 February 1834 and died 15 November 1909, to determine his Civil War service.  There is some hard-to-read wording on the stone which may give the military information.


#115 – John A. Wilson


John A. Wilson‘s grave marker is a standard government issue and is very readable, possibly indicating that it was a later replacement.  Wilson was born around 1838 and died 19 February 1910.  His military records indicate that he first served in the 6th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company E, as a Private, and was mustered into service at Harrisburg on 22 April 1861 and mustered out at the termination of his three month enlistment in July 1861.  At the time of his enrollment, he was a laborer living in Ashland, Schuylkill County.  His second service was in the 7th Pennsylvania Cavalry (the regiment indicated on his grave stone), Company F, where he served as a Private and Sergeant from the time of his muster on 22 October 1861 through honorable discharge on 28 November 1864.  There is also some indication in the records that for a time during this cavalry service, he was detached to the 4th U.S. Cavalry. There is some confusion as to his actual birth year; he gave his age as 22 for the first enlistment and 33 for the second enlistment.  A pension application for John A. Wilson was submitted on 2 June 1883 and after his death, his widow, Esther Wilson applied on 26 February 1910.  His residency in Shamokin is confirmed in the 1890 census.


#116 – William Britton


This stone appears to say that William Britton served in the 95th Pennsylvania Infantry.  If this is the case, he served first in the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry.  However, the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card gives the dates of service as 22 August 1861 through discharge on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability on 1 March 1862.  These dates of service occurred before the 96th Pennsylvania Infantry was merged into the 95th Pennsylvania InfantryWilliam Britton enrolled and was mustered in at Pottsville and was 28 years old at the time.  He served at the rank of Corporal.  A pension application was submitted on 25 April 1865.  No widow applied, possibly indicating that his wife died before he did, or he was never married.


#117 – Unreadable


This stone is too difficult to read.  It is badly weathered.  The soldier buried here died between 20 June 1908 and 24 October 1910.


#118 – Unreadable


This stone is also difficult to read but some of the lettering can be deciphered. The soldier buried here died between 20 June 1908 and 24 October 1910.


#119 – Lewis Moyer


Lewis Moyer was born either in 1845 or 1847.  He died 24 October 1910, in Shamokin.  During the Civil War he enrolled at Mauch Chunk, Pennsylvania, and was mustered into service in Schuylkill County on 19 December 1861.  His military records are confused in that they state that he was wounded at Antietam, but then sentenced by General Court Martial for desertion.  It is reported that he re-enlisted on 1 January 1864 at Cedar Mountain, Virginia, but then he deserted again on 10 May 1864 at Spotsylvania, Virginia.  The records also state that he was mustered out with his company on 1 July 1865.  He applied for a pension based on his service in the 11th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, as a Private.  The pension was not awarded.  At the time of his enlistment he was a coal miner living in Tamaqua, Pennsylvania.


For all posts in this series, click on ShamokinSoldCircle.