
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Abner M. Pike Dies at Halifax in 1902

Posted By on May 21, 2014

In late 1902, readers of the Harrisburg Patriot could follow closely the demise and eventual death of Abner M. Pike, a Civil War veteran who had served in the 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, and was a member of the Slocum G.A.R. Post at Halifax, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  An early statement appearing in the 17 September 1902 edition reported the following:


HALIFAX, 16 September 1902 — Mrs. W. C. Farnesworth of Harrisburg, is at the bedside of her father, A. M. Pike, who is in a critical condition.

The next report appeared in the Patriot on 24 September 1902:


HALIFAX, 23 September 1902 — … A. M. Pike continues in critical condition.

No improvement was reported on 18 October 1902:


HALIFAX, 17 October 1902 –… A. M. Pike is still seriously ill.

The death of Abner M. Pike was reported in the Patriot on 5 November 1902:


HALIFAX, 4 November 1902 — A. M. Pike, who had been seriously ill for several weeks, died at his home on Saturday evening.  He is survived by his wife and eight children, Mrs. W. C. Farnesworth, of Harrisburg, Mrs. C. C. Zimmerman, Misses Ellen Pike and Muriel Pike, William Pike, Harry Pike, Colder Pike, and Herbert Pike.  The funeral services will be held Wednesday morning at 10 o’clock.

And the report of the funeral was available to the Patriot readers on 10 November 1902:


HALIFAX, 9 November — The funeral of A. M. Pike occurred Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock and was largely attended.  Mr. Pike was born in 1837, in his early life worked on a farm.  Later he was a boatman and finally entered the grain business with his brother-in-law William Lodge.  This form continued until a few years ago, when Mr. Pike took entire control of the business, which he conducted until the time of his death.  Mr. Pike was a member of the H. W. Slocum Post of the Grand Army of the Republic.  The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Reyer of the United Brethren Church.  Interment was made in the Methodist Episcopal Cemetery.  The following from a distance who attended the funeral were:  Mrs. W. C. Farnesworth and children, William Pike and Margaret Pike, Miss May Lodge, Mrs. Horace Lodge and son, Thomas Robins and Mrs. Horace Hipple of Harrisburg; Mrs. Furman, Miss Mary Jury, Mrs. William Rutter, Mrs. J. C. Johnson and C. M. Steward of Millersburg; Charles C. Lodge of Shamokin; Ephraim Fetterhoff of Steelton; Mr. and Mrs. William Lodge of Williamsport.

Abner M. Pike was one of three brothers who served in the Civil War.  Research is still openly being conducted on his two brothers, Luther Samuel Pike, born about 1834, and John Wesley Pike, born about 1832.  Abner’s wife collected a widow’s pension after his death.  More information is also being sought on her.  Comments can be added to this post or sent by e-mail.


News clippings are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.

Benneville Hoyer – Lost Leg at Battle of Antietam

Posted By on May 20, 2014


Benneville Hoyer (1844-1906) is buried at Peace Cemetery, Berrysburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  During the Civil War he served in the 107th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company G, as a Private. He is also found in the records as Benwill and Benwell.


His enrollment occurred on 24 February 1862 at Schuylkill County, and he was mustered into service on 5 March 1862 at Harrisburg.  On 17 September 1862, Benneville was seriously wounded in the right thigh at Antietam, Maryland, for which he lost the leg in an amputation that was done on 19 September 1862 in an area hospital.  Information from medical records states that the amputation was done very close to the body.  By 11 January 1863 he had sufficiently recovered to be discharged from the service on a Surgeon’s Certificate of Disability.  The only personal information on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card (shown above) from the Pennsylvania Archives, was his age of 18 and his occupation of blacksmith.

HoyerBenneville-003As proof of his total disability, Benevelle Hoyer submitted a statement from the surgeon who performed the amputation (shown above, from the pension application file available at the National Archives).


Benneville applied for a pension on 17 September 1863, a few months before his 20th birthday.  The pension application was made from Hubley Township, Schuylkill County, where he was residing after the war.


In the pension file, there is a picture (shown above) of Benneville Hoyer as he appeared at the time of his pension application – on crutches and missing one leg.  The picture is of very poor quality, and is either a mirror image photo or it was his left leg that was amputated, not his right leg.

In or about 1872, Benneville Hoyer married Caroline Schoffstall (1850-1892), the daughter of Solomon Schoffstall (1803-1866) and Catharine [Bordner] Schoffstall (1811-1868).  Carolyn had been previously married to Benjamin Kuntzelman (1847-1869).  She had at least two known children with Kuntzelman before he died.  After she married Benneville Hoyer, she had at least eight children with him.  Carolyn Hoyer died 8 October 1892 at Berrysburg, Dauphin County, leaving several children under the care of her widower husband Benneville.  It is believed that Benneville then re-married and fathered another child, born in 1898, which he named Ulysses S. Hoyer.


Benneville Hoyer died on 29 November 1906 at Berrysburg.  His death certificate, shown above (from Ancestry.com) indicates that he died of angina pectoris.  Benneville’s parents were Henry Hoyer and Mary [Boyer] Hoyer and he was born in Mahantongo Township, Schuykill County, Pennsylvania.

His name appears on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument:






The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Moving the Remains from Shohola to Elmira in 1911

Posted By on May 19, 2014

In 1911, the United States Government approved the removal of the bodies of the soldiers and prisoners from the site where they had been buried near King and Fuller’s Cut in Shohola Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania, to the Woodlawn National Cemetery at Elmira, New York.  A vacant space was located in the cemetery and a contract was issued for a monument to be built at the site.  The monument was to contain the record of the death of the soldiers, Union and Confederate, who were the victims of the train accident.  Tablets would contain the names of the soldiers and the plan was to have the dedication of the monument to occur on Memorial Day 1912.


The following reports are presented here:

Letter to Clay W. Holmes from Chief Quartermaster’s Office, Governor’s Island, New York Harbor, 13 March 1912:

Mr. Clay Holmes

Elmira, New York

Sir: referring to your letter of 8 March 1912, requesting information as to number of remains of United States guards and Confederate prisoners disinterred at Shohola, Pennsylvania, and transported for re-interment in the Woodlawn National Cemetery at Elmira, New York, I have the honor to inform you that the records in this office do not whow the number of remains of guards and Confederate prisoners separately, and that from the information at hand, it seems that all data available, here and elsewhere, lacks the information desired.

In this connection your attention is invited to copy of memorandum prepared in this office for use of Captain Charles W. Fenton, who supervised the disinterment of these remains, and to copy of his report submitted to this office under date of 11 September 1911, showing the number of remains disinterred, transported, and reinterred at Elmira, New York.

Extracts from Memoraandum

From the record it appears that there were killed in a railroad accident, while en route to Elmira Prison, 72 Confederate prisoners and Federal guards, about one and one half miles west of Shohola Station, at a point known as “King and Fuller’s Cut,” and that the burial place is between that point of the railroad and the Delaware River.

The Commissioner for marking graves of Confederate dead says:  “From information on file in this office it would seem that the individual identification of the dead at Shohola is impossible.”

An informal contract has been entered into by the Chief Quartermaster with C. I. Terwillier & Son, of Port Jervis, New York for disinterring and boxing of the 72 remains, more or less, of the former soldiers and delivering of same at railroad station at Shohola, for shipment to Elmira, for the sum of $275.00.

The land on which these former soldiers are buried is owned by C. E. Sills, of Shohola, Pennsylvania, and he has granted permission for the removal of the dead, provided the holes are filled up.

The Report of Captain Fenton, 2nd Cavalry, A.D.C., 6 September 1911, to the Chief Quartermaster at Governor’s Island, New York Harbor:

Sir: In compliance with the orders of the Division Commander I proceeded to Port Jervis, New York, on Sunday, 4 June, arriving at 10:30 P.M.  I met Mr. C. I. Terwilliger, with whom the Chief Quartermaster has made a contract for removing the remains of some 72 Confederate prisoners and Federal guards who were killed in a railroad accident on the Erie Railway at a point about one and one-half miles west of Shohola Station, while en route to Elmira prison.  A permit was obtained from the local authorities for removing the dead, and the work was taken up on the morning of Monday, 5 June, and completed the afternoon of 8 June.  The place of burial was found to be at a point near the Delaware River and not far from the accident.  It was pointed out to us b y an old soldier who was present at the burial 47 years ago.  All the remains (60) were carefully disinterred and packed in boxes and afterward in four large cases, and weighed each as follows:  Case No. 1 – 310 lbs.; No. 2 – 355 lbs.; No. 3 – 375 lbs.; No. 4 – 325 lbs.  These boxes were shipped by express on the afternoon of 8 June to Elmira, New York, and were turned over by me to the Superintendent of the Woodlawn National Cemetery, Saturday morning, 9 June.  I proceed to the cemetery and saw the remains re-interred in the place that had been made for them.

Holmes, then proceeded to reconcile the discrepancy in the count of bodies:

It will be noted that the number of dead is given as about 72, and Captain Fenton reports 60.  The official records show as originally buried there 48 Confederate prisoners and 17 Federal guards – a total of 65.  It is fair to presume that in the disinterring of bodies after so many years a slight error may have been made in the count, or some remains may have totally vanished.  For the purposes of this volume the number will be regarded as 65 to tally with the original report.


How many men were buried at the wreck site and how many bodies were moved to Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira?  If there was a discrepancy, what happened to the remaining bodies? These are questions which will continue to be asked by descendants of the men, Union and Confederate, who were killed in the train wreck near Shohola.


For a listing of all other posts in this series, with direct links, click on ShoholaTrainWreck.

The above reports are from The Elmira Prison Camp:  A History of the Military Prison at Elmira, New York, by Clay W. Holmes.  For a free download of this book (digitized by Google), click on the title, then click on “See Other Formats” in the left column on the page.

Obituary of Isabella Enders Knouff

Posted By on May 18, 2014


The following notice appeared in an Upper Dauphin County newspaper in November 1939 announcing the death of Isabella [Enders] Knouff, which had occurred on 22 November 1939 in Harrisburg:


Mrs. Isabella E. Knouff, age 84 years, widow of Joseph W. Knouff, died at the home of her son J. Byron Knouff in Harrisburg, last Wednesday evening. She had been a resident of the Enders community most of her life, and was a member of the Enders United Brethren Church.

In addition to her son, she is survived by two grandsons, Robert P. Knouff of Harrisburg and Joseph W. Knouff, Camden, New Jersey, and four great-grandchildren.

Funeral services were held from the C. C. Baker Funeral Home, Harrisburg, with further services in the Enders United Brethren Church, with the pastor, Rev. W. E. Sheriff, officiating.  Interment was made in Fairview Cemetery at Enders.

Mrs. Knouff was a Civil War veteran’s widow and been collecting a pension from the time of his death, 10 April 1902, some 37 years!  As is shown by the Pension Index Card (below, from Ancestry.com), the widow successfully applied for and received a pension, while her departed husband did not:


As stated in the obituary, Isabella E. Knouff is buried at the Fairview Cemetery at Enders, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  Not stated in the obituary was the fact that she was the widow of a Civil War veteran.  At graveside, there is a G.A.R. star and flagholder honoring his service and his regiment, the 130th Pennsylvania Infantry is noted on the grave marker.

Previously on this blog, Joseph W. Knouff was featured in a post on the Knouff Family Civil War veterans of Enders and Millersburg and in a later post entitled Obituary of Joseph W. Knouff.

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Two Elusive Participants

Posted By on May 17, 2014

In researching the participants involved in the Great Shohola Train Wreck, the one individual who supposedly allowed the coal train to enter the main line at Lackawaxen and the other individual who supposedly was a member of the Union guard on the prisoner train, have been very difficult to locate in records not associated with the collision.

Douglas “Duff” Kent has been variously described as the telegraph operator or dispatcher at Lackawaxen.  It has been reported that he arrived at work drunk, spent the night prior to the wreck dancing and drinking in Hawley, and the night of the wreck also dancing and drinking at Hawley.  The next day he allegedly boarded a train and disappeared.  Most stories of the wreck place the blame on him – that he passed the coal train through even though an earlier train had gone through the Lackawaxen junction with a flag indicating that an “extra” was to follow.

The New York Times article of 19 July 1864 did not give his name:

All the blame seems to be traced to the telegraph operator.  It is said he was intoxicated the night before the accident, and it was nothing unusual for him to be in that condition when assuming his post of duty.  It is said that he has disappeared.

A similar statement appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer article of 19 July 1864, also not giving a name.

But the name of Douglas Kent does appear in the 22 July 1864 article of the Port Jervis Tri-States Union:

T. J. Ridgeway, Esq., Associate Justice of Pike County, Pennsylvania, arrived on the ground, and a jury was empaneled.  This jury adjourned to Lackawaxen.  They called to the stand John Martin, conductor of the coal train, whose testimony was that he had, upon his arrival at the station, inquired of the telegraph operator, Douglas Kent, whether the road to Shohola was clear. Receiving an affirmative reply, he gave his engineer orders to go ahead.  To this testimony, or that part which relates to him, Mr. Hoyt, the engineer, attested.  It must be borne in mind that this operator, Douglas Kent, in his capacity as such, is required to report all trains as soon as they pass his station.  No evidence exists that he reported the departure of the coal train…

The article then discusses the right-of-way rule and the regulations regarding the use of a flag to signal that an “extra” train would follow.

Kent knew [the right-of-way] rule, or ought to have known it.  It seems he did, as it is said he made frequent inquiries during the morning as to where the “extra” (rebel train)… was.

The conclusion of the jury was that the accident was “unavoidable” and no employee was censured.

This Tri-States Union article mentions Douglas Kent several more times.  A second jury was convened which blamed the accident on “the telegraph operator at Lackawaxen, Douglas Kent, also censuring the railroad company for employing such men on the road.”  Also, “twice before this fellow has been discharged from the road.”  Note:  The complete Tri-States Union article was posted here on — April 2014.

The official history of the Erie, Between the Ocean and the Lakes, page 442, told essentially the same story, but added the information that after the Ridgeway inquest, “which exonerated every one from any blame, although the criminal carelessness that had caused the slaughter  was well-known…”

Kent was not molested; but on the very night following the accident, and while scores of his victims lay dead, and scores more were writhing in agony, he attended a ball at Hawley, and danced until daylight.  Next day, however, he disappeared, the voice of popular indignation becoming ominous, and he never was seen or heard of in that locality again.

Attempts thus far to locate Douglas Kent in either the 1850 or 1860 census have been unsuccessful.  In searching the Fold3 military records, there was no close match for Douglas Kent.  Likewise, there was no match in the National Park Service Soldier database.  Searching for “Duff” Kent produced similar negative results.  In fact, no record has yet been seen that indicates that a Douglas “Duff” Kent existed before his name is mentioned in the Tri-States Union article.

Was Douglas Kent actually mentioned in the Ridgeway inquest?  Does a transcript or report exist of that inquiry?  Does any official record of the Erie Railroad show him as an employee?  Or was he invented by the Conductor John Martin to cover for himself and the engineer, Mr. Hoyt, both of whom survived the crash, and may have borne some responsibility for the accident?

The second elusive character first appears in the Erie history, Between the Ocean and the Lakes, on page 441, as a “survivor” who gave his recollections of the train wreck:

Frank Evans of New York recounted his experiences as follows:

I was in the Union Army, and was one of a guard of 125 soldiers who were detailed take a lot of Confederate prisoners from Point Lookout, Virginia [sic] to the prison camp at Elmira, New York, which had just been made ready to receive them….  There were about 800 of them. We came on the Pennsylvania Railroad to Jersey City, and the prisoners were transferred to the Erie train by boat….

There are several problems with the statement of Evans, not the least of which is his mis-identification of the location of Point Lookout – which was actually in Maryland.

The prisoners and guards traveled by steamer from Point Lookout to Jersey City, not by the Pennsylvania Railroad.  George J. Fluhr discusses this problem with the Evans eyewitness account on page 28 of his 2011 book, The Shohola Civil War Train Wreck.  In doing so, he seems to give equal weight to both the official record and the supposed eyewitness account of Evans.  The official report clearly states that the prisoners and soldiers disembarked from the Crescent at Jersey City.

Frank Evans does not give his account of the accident until 1900.  Certainly someone would have been interested in his story before he supposedly told it to Edward Harold Mott.  No pre-1900 version of this eyewitness account has been seen.

The other problem with the supposed eyewitness account of Frank Evans is that he is nowhere to be found in the military records of the Civil War.  If he was on the train, he would have had to have been a member of a Veteran Reserve Corps (V.R.C) Regiment – either the 11th or the 20th, from which men were detailed at Point Lookout, to guard the prisoners.  There were 125 V.R.C. soldiers plus three officers on the train.  All members of the Veteran Reserve Corps were either “invalids” or were re-enlisted veterans, so their military records (and pension application records) should show both their earlier regiment(s) as well as their V.R.C. regiment. Thus far, no person named Frank Evans has been located in either of the V.R.C. regiments from which the detail was made up.  If an actual military regiment could be identified for him, his full military record could be located and perhaps it could be confirmed that he was on the train and witnessed the accident.

And, if a complete list could be found of the 125 men and 3 officers who were on the train, Frank Evans’ name might appear on the list – or it might not.

In his eyewitness commentary, which appeared in Mott’s official history of the Erie, Evans is quoted as follows:

“And as we heard during the day [of the wreck], it was all caused by a wrong order given to the engineer of the coal train by a drunken despatcher [sic] somewhere up the road.  If we could have got at him we would have made short shrift of him….”

Finding “Frank Evans” in an 1850 or 1860 census of New York, the state where he claimed to be from, would be next to impossible without more information about him.  The name is too common.

Thus, these two participants or witnesses to the Great Shohola Train Wreck, need to be further researched to determine whether they actually existed.

Any information that readers of this blog can provide which would shed more light on these “elusive” individuals would be greatly appreciated.  Add comments to this post or send by e-mail.


To see all the posts in this series, click on ShoholaTrainWreck.