
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Jacob Shiro – Some News Stories

Posted By on July 9, 2014

Today’s blog post will feature some interesting news stories about Jacob Shiro.

Jacob Shiro was born in Wittenberg, Germany, on 19 February 1843, the son of Jacob Shiro and Susan [Bellon] Shiro. He arrived in the United States around 185 at the age of eight.  During the Civil War, he served in Company G, 103rd Pennsylvania Infantry, as a Private, from 14 March 1865 through discharge on 25 June 1865.

From the Harrisburg Patriot, 15 September 1891:


While Jacob Shiro and wife, of Gratz, were driving to Harrisburg yesterday morning their horse became frightened and threw both out of the buggy.  Mr. Shiro was slightly injured.

From the Harrisburg Patriot, 30 July 1902:




Engine Wrecked and Colliery Buildings Near Gratz Burned as Result

Building Near Gratz Burned as a Result


Mines Had Been Operated During Strike by Individual Owner, Supplying Local Trade Only



Special to The Patriot. 

Elizabethville, 29 July 1902.   The explosion of a gasoline engine at the mines of Jacob Shiro, an individual operator, at Short Mountain, near Gratz, wrecked the power house of the colliery and destroyed by fire the breaker and storage house.  The loss is not estimated but will run into thousands of dollars, a portion of which is covered by insurance.  The cause of the explosion is unknown at this time, but the general belief is that the gasoline tank of the engine leaked and that a spark came into contact with the escaping fluid.  The engineer, whose name could not be learned, and several foreign workmen, were badly injured but will survive.


The flames from the wrecked power house were communicated at once to the adjoining buildings and all destroyed, no fire fighting apparatus adequate to fight the flames being available.  The loss in mined coal will be considerable.  The strike of the hard coal workers has not affected the Shiro workings, which supply only local trade.  There are no union men employed there.  It is said that the mines will be put into operation again as soon as possible.

From the Philadelphia Inquirer, 12 September 1902:


Mining Coal in Farming District.

HARRISBURG, Pennsylvania, 11 September 1902 — The anthracite coal mines of Jacob Shiro, near Gratz, this county, are yielding as fine quality of coal as has ever been mine in Lykens Valley, and notwithstanding that prices have abnormally advanced elsewhere, Mr. Shiro continues filling orders at the old rates. Large quantities are being hauled from Gratz to Millersburg by team, a distance of seventeen miles.

From the Harrisburg Patriot, 14 September 1903:


Jacob Shiro, one of our reliable merchants, intends to retire from the mercantile business.


News clippings are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.


June 2014 Posts

Posted By on July 7, 2014

A listing of the June 2014 posts on The Civil War Blog with direct links:

William Gratz and a Mother’s Pension

The Shamokin Soldiers’ Circle – The Cemetery List – Identified Grave Sites

The Shamokin Soldiers’ Circle – The Cemetery List – Unidentified Grave Sites

May 2014 Posts

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Adam Wilkinson, Union Guard Killed

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Lyman Weatherby, Union Guard Killed

William Shartel – Merchant and Hotel Keeper

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The Other Union Guards Who Were Killed

Cyrene T. Bowman – Soldier, Businessman, and Fraternal Leader

Samuel Spotts – Drowned in James River at Harrison’ Landing, Virginia

Jacob & Jonas Walborn – Sons of Christian & Judith Walborn

Who Was Mary A. Bowman-Zerbe?

New Information on George Samuels

Christian Zimmerman – 210th Pennsylvania Infantry

Jacob Shiro – Farmer, Merchant & Postmaster of Gratz

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Valentine Hipsman, Witness to the Exhumation of Bodies in 1911


Events of the World: June 1864


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The 150th Anniversary Remembrance

Posted By on July 4, 2014

The 15 July 2014, is the 150th Anniversary of the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  A series of posts presented here on this blog over the past several months described some of the known facts and controversies regarding that disaster and also gave some personal information about some of the persons who were involved.  Much new information was also presented.

Direct links (click on title) are presented here to those past blog posts.

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Introduction to a Series of Posts

On 15 July 1864, at about 2 P.M., a train carrying 833 Confederate prisoners of war and a contingent of Union guards, collided head-on with a 50-car coal train on a single-track main line of the New York and Erie Railroad.  The collision occurred about one-and-a-half miles west of the small village of Shohola, Pike County, Pennsylvania.  The train carrying the prisoners was headed west from Jersey City, New Jersey, to the newly-established prison camp at Elmira, Chemung County, New York.  The coal train was headed east from the Hawley branch railroad and was hauling coal from the vast anthracite coal fields of central Pennsylvania to the  New York area.  It was the greatest railroad disaster of the Civil War – and to that point in time, the greatest recorded railroad disaster in U.S. history.  Forty-eight prisoners and seventeen Union guards were killed in the accident and many more were seriously wounded….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – First Newspaper Reports

[This] post is the second installment of a series on The Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Some of the early newspaper accounts from Pennsylvania newspapers are presented….



The Great Shohola Train Wreck – A Local Newspaper’s Early Report

A photocopy of a fourteen-page type-script purporting to be of a newspaper article from the 22 July 1864, Tri-States Union, a Port Jervis, New York newspaper, was found among a personal collection of papers related to the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Other than the noted source (the Tri-States Union), there is no indication on the typescript as to the name of the person who transcribed it, when it was transcribed, or the purpose for which it was transcribed….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Official Report of Captain Morris H. Church

The official report of the transport of prisoners to Elmira Prison Camp from Point Lookout, Maryland, including the train wreck near Shohola, Pennsylvania, was written by Captain Morris H. Church and submitted to camp commander, Col. S. Eastman on 22 July 1864….


William C. Wey, M.D.

The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Preparations and Receipt of Prisoners at Elmira

In 1912, Clay W. Holmes wrote and published The Elmira Prison Camp:  A History of the Military Prison at Elmira, N.Y., July 6, 1864 to July 10, 1865….  After the Great Shohola Train Wreck occurred on 15 July 1864, plans had to be made at Elmira to receive the Confederate prisoners who had survived….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Fluhr’s Excellent Guide

For anyone researching and studying the Civil War Train Wreck at Shohola, one of the best places to begin is to obtain a copy of George J. Fluhr‘s The Civil War Tragedy at Shohola: A Compilation of Details Regarding the Great Prison Train Wreck at Shohola, Pennsylvania.  This publication, by Pike County’s official historian, has been printed in several forms – as a stand-alone booklet or pamphlet and as part of a larger history of Shohola Township (published in 1992)…. There are later editions of this work including a greatly expanded one published in 2011, by the Shohola Railroad and Historical Society and sold by the Wayne County Historical Society, 120 pages….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The Geographic Context

The question of the importance of the location that Elmira, Chemung County, New York, had to the Union war effort can best be answered by examining a regional map from the time period.  The above map is adapted from an 1868 railroad map and shows the major points of interest to a study of the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Railroads are shown in black lines of various thicknesses to indicate major traveled routes as well as lesser traveled routes….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – As Told in the History of the Erie

In the official history of the Erie Railroad, Between the Ocean and the Lakes, published in 1903, Edward Harold Mott gave a description of the accident and presented an eyewitness account, that of Frank Evans, who was identified as one of the Union guards on the train….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The Strange Coincidence of the Death of the Erie President

While it may have had nothing to do at all with the Great Shohola Train Wreck, three days after the accident, the President of the Erie Railroad died….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Two Elusive Participants

In researching the participants involved in the Great Shohola Train Wreck, the one individual who supposedly allowed the coal train to enter the main line at Lackawaxen and the other individual who supposedly was a member of the Union guard on the prisoner train, have been very difficult to locate in records not associated with the collision….  Douglas “Duff” Kent has been variously described as the telegraph operator or dispatcher at Lackawaxen….  The second elusive character first appears in the Erie history, Between the Ocean and the Lakes, on page 441, as a “survivor” who gave his recollections of the train wreck… Frank Evans of New York recounted his experiences as follows….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Moving the Remains from Shohola to Elmira in 1911

In 1911, the United States Government approved the removal of the bodies of the soldiers and prisoners from the site where they had been buried near King and Fuller’s Cut in Shohola Township, Pike County, Pennsylvania, to the Woodlawn National Cemetery at Elmira, New York.  A vacant space was located in the cemetery and a contract was issued for a monument to be built at the site.  The monument was to contain the record of the death of the soldiers, Union and Confederate, who were the victims of the train accident.  Tablets would contain the names of the soldiers and the plan was to have the dedication of the monument to occur on Memorial Day 1912….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Was the Coal Train in a Hurry?

On the same day that the New York Times reported on the Great Shohola Train Wreck, there appeared in that newspaper on the same page and just under the train wreck report, an article telling of the government seizure of the Reading Railroad and all its branches and of the almost total stoppage of the coal trade from the Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, region – which had taken place for a period two weeks prior. The New York Times article does not go into too much detail as to the reasons for the coal-flow stoppage and railroad seizure – but it is mentioned that one of the issues was the wages paid to the men and another issue was the possible forcing up of the price of coal….



The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Adam Wilkinson, Union Guard Killed

Adam Wilkinson (1836-1864) was one of the Union soldiers who died near Shohola, Pennsylvania, in the train wreck on 15 July 1864.  Prior to serving in Company F of the Veteran Reserve Corps, he had served in the 121st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, as a Private….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Lyman Weatherby, Union Guard Killed

One of the great ironies of the Great Shohola Train Wreck is that one of the Union guards who was killed, Lyman Wetherby, was from the same region of Pennsylvania where the coal train originated – the coal train that collided with the prisoner train resulting in Lyman’s death. The northern part of the anthracite mining area included Luzerne County, Pennsylvania….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The Other Union Guards Who Were Killed

After the bodies of the Union guard who died at Shohola were re-interred at Elmira, New York, at the Woodlawn National Cemetery, a monument was erected with a plaque that named the 17 men who are buried there in a common grave.  Previously on this blog, research was presented on two of those men, Adam Wilkinson and Lyman Wetherby, both from Pennsylvania; both served in Pennsylvania regiments prior to being transferred to the 11th Veteran Reserve Corps.  Who were the other 15 men? With only preliminary research begun on them, some clues can now be given to those who wish to do further research – perhaps in their military records or pension files which are increasingly becoming available on-line….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – The Grambling Diary

Wilbur W. Grambling, a member of the 5th Florida Infantry, Company K (Confederate) arrived at Elmira Prison Camp on 24 July 1864, eight days after the arrival of the first survivors from the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  Wilbur had been wounded on 6 May 1864 at the Wilderness, and because he had been sent to a hospital in a Presbyterian church in Fredericksburg, Virginia, 9 May 1864 and then later to the Columbian Hospital, Washington, D.C., on 21 May 1864, he did not travel in the usual way to Elmira Prison Camp….


The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Sgt. Barry Benson Escapes Elmira via Millersburg

Confederate Sergeant. Barry Benson, who tunneled out of Elmira Prison. Benson, of Company H., 1st South Carolina Infantry was a prisoner of Elmira from 25 July 1864 to 7 October 1864.  He had arrived at Elmira Prison via the Erie Railroad from Jersey City, ten days after the train wreck at Shohola, and was in one of the early groups of prisoners to arrive at the Union prison….




The Great Shohola Train Wreck – Valentine Hipsman, Witness to the Exhumation of Bodies in 1911

In 1911, the United States Government approved the removal of the bodies of the victims of the Great Shohola Train Wreck, Pike County, Pennsylvania, from the site of the wreck to the Woodlawn National Cemetery in Elmira, New York….  The above cut from an 1872 map of Pike County…  show[s] the location of the wreck and the properties of the two local men who contributed to finding the actual burial site.  In the center of the map (circled in red) is the property of “V. Hipsman” (Valentine Hipsman)….


While no further blog posts are planned in this series, extensive genealogical information is available at the Civil War Research Project on other participants in and witnesses of the Great Shohola Train Wreck.  This includes the engineers and firemen on each of the two trains, those persons in Shohola and Barryville, New York, who assisted with the care and burial of those injured in the train wreck, and on some of the Confederate prisoners who died at the scene.

As always comments are invited (add to this post or any of the posts in the series).  Also, e-mails can be sent to the Civil War Research Project.

One final note.  The representation of this train wreck as the worst in history as of July 1864 is apparently incorrect.

Events of the World: June 1864

The Grand Turk Railway accident known as the  St-Hilaire train disaster was a railroad disaster that occurred on 29 June 1864, near the present day town of Mont-Saint-Hilaire, QuebecThough uncertain, the widely accepted death toll is 99 persons.The disaster remains the worst railway accident in Canadian history.


Image sources can be found in the blog posts which can be accessed by clicking on the post titles (above).


Was Preston Saltzer a Drummer Boy?

Posted By on July 2, 2014


In the Saltzer family genealogy in A Comprehensive History of the Town of Gratz Pennsylvania, published in 1987, there is a brief reference following the inclusion of the name of Preston Saltzer (15 August 1851 – 1896):

Said to be a drummer boy in the Civil War.

As with most stories and facts presented in this book, no source of the information is given.

Preston Saltzer was the son of John Wolfe Saltzer (1816-1885) and Mary K. [Clark] Saltzer (1818-1881).

An older brother, Josiah D. Saltzer (1845-1898), served in the 50th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private, and was captured and held at Andersonville Prison for a time as a prisoner of war.  Another older brother, John G. Saltzer (1844-1907) served in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company H, as a Private.  At the start of the war, Preston would have only been 8 years old – way too young to serve in the army – and at the conclusion of the war, only 12, still too young.  However, it was a known fact that many boys too young to serve in the infantry, did follow the regiments and did serve as drummer boys.

For a story of a drummer boy who documented his service and applied for a pension, see:  Thomas McDowell Jones – Drummer Boy and Newspaperman.


Census of 1870 – Lykens Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Click on document to enlarge.

In 1870, Preston Saltzer is found in the household of his parents in Lykens Township where he was working as a farm laborer.  Strangely, his age was given as 15 – which would mean that he was born about 1855 – not 1853 as calculated from his grave marker (shown at top, from Gratz Union Cemetery).

Preston has not yet been located in the 1880 or 1890 censuses.  He also has not yet been located in any military or pension records.  No record has been located of a marriage – or that he had any children.

SaltzerPreston-ReadingEagle-1899-11-04-001On 4 November 1899, the Reading Eagle printed Preston’s obituary (shown above):

Found Dead on the Manure Pile.

Heginsville:  Preston Saltzer (aged about 45 years, working the past several years on the farm for Capt. Samuel Schwalm, was found dead on the manure heap in the barn yard.  Mr. Saltzer was subject to epileptic fits, which evidently called his sudden death, and so concluded the jury of inquest held by Deputy Coroner A. J. Schoffstall, of Valley View.  Funeral at Gratztown, the former home of the deceased, Rev. Lehr, of Valley View, officiating.  Mr. Saltzer was never married.

A death record (shown below) has been found for him at the United Methodist Church, Valley View, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania.


Click on document to enlarge.

The death record notes that he lived 46 years, 2 months, and 12 days.  The calculated birth date from the given date of death of 17 October 1899 is 15 August 1853.  The 46 years, 2 months, and 12 days is also given on his grave marker.  However, there is no G.A.R. star or flag holder at his grave.

The Samuel Schwalm (1827-1903) referred to in the obituary, has been featured in several prior posts on this blog:  Click here for listing.  Preston probably obtained the job through his sister Elizabeth [Saltzer] Schwalm (1864-1934)  her husband Henry Schwalm‘s uncle was Samuel Schwalm.

Any mention of Civil War service is worth researching.  How was this information obtained?  From family stories that were passed down?  Did he follow one his brothers in their regiments?  Or was the story from a news article that appeared at some time in Preston’s life?  Perhaps a reader of this blog can provide an answer.


The Valley View church records and the census records shown above are available on Ancestry.com.  The obituary is from GoogleNews.


Events of the World: June 1864

Posted By on June 30, 2014

June, 1864. In the UK, overarm bowling was made legal in cricket. Overarm bowling refers to a delivery in which the bowler’s hand is above shoulder height. When cricket originated all bowlers delivered the ball underarm where the bowler’s hand is below waist height.

June 2. The Australian schooner Waratah, built in 1849, was carrying a load of coal between Newcastle and Sydney, when it sunk. Seven men died.

A period horse tram that was brought out and used in 2011.

June 25. A horse tramway opened at the Hague, Netherlands. The first horse-tram of the Netherlands operated between Kneuterdijk and Scheveningen, and operated until 1904 when the route was electrified. A horse tram is a horse-drawn streetcar.


June 27. Writer Ambrose Bierce was wounded at the battle of Kennesaw Mountain in Georgia in the Civil War. He received a serious head wound, which he spent the summer of 1864 recovering from before returning to the front in September 1864. In addition to the Battle of Kennesaw, Bierce was at the Battle of Shiloh. Bierce used these experiences to write several short stories after the war, the most famous being An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge.


June 29. The Grand Turk Railway accident known as the  St-Hilaire train disaster was a railroad disaster that occurred on June 29, 1864, near the present-day town of Mont-Saint-Hilaire, Quebec. The train, which had been carrying many German and Polish immigrants, failed to acknowledge a stop signal and fell through an open swing bridge into the Richelieu River. Though uncertain, the widely accepted death toll is 99 persons.The disaster remains the worst railway accident in Canadian history.







June 30. President Abraham Linc0oln signed a bill into law that created the Yosmite Grant.  This is the first instance of park land being set aside specifically for preservation and public use by action of the U.S. federal government, and set a precedent for the 1872 creation of Yellowstone as the first national park. Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Grove were ceded to California as a state park, and a board of commissioners was proclaimed two years later.