
Civil War Blog

A project of PA Historian

Benjamin Kratzer – Veteran Dies in Dauphin County Almshouse

Posted By on October 24, 2014


A brief death notice appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot on 5 May 1887:

His Name Only Known.

Benjamin Gratzer, who died at the county almshouse on Monday night, and late a member of Company B, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry [9th Pennsylvania Cavalry]. will be buried this afternoon from the undertaking establishment of E. F. Neely, under the Indigent Soldiers’ Act. Interment at East Harrisburg Cemetery.

Benjamin Gratzer, or Benjamin Kratzer as he is presently found in records of the Civil War Research Project was a Private in Company B of the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry.  He enrolled at Harrisburg on 29 May 1864 as replacement member of a company that had suffered great losses in the war.  He was mustered into service on the same day as enrollment claiming his age was 23.  There is no other personal information about him on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card (shown below) from the Pennsylvania Archives.


Initially, Benjamin Kratzer was added to the Civil War Research Project though information obtained in the 1890 Veterans’ Census for Uniontown (Pillow) and Mifflin Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania:


Click on document to enlarge.

As noted in the census (reported by his widow “Catharine A.”), Benjamin Krotzer served as a Private in Company B, 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, from 29 May 1864 through 18 July 1865.  Other than the spelling of the surname, the information matches the Veterans’ Card (above).  Catharine also did not indicate that her husband had any disability as a result of the war and gave her post office address as Pillow.  Because of the number of persons in the same geographical area with the surname “Kratzer,” it was assumed that he was a member of that family.  That may not be so.

Subsequent research has shown that Benjamin’s surname also appears as Cratzer and Gratzer and no connection has yet been made to the Kratzer family of the Lykens Valley area.



Of the two Pension Index Cards (top one above from Ancestry.com and bottom one above from Fold3), the record indicates that Benjamin Kratzer never applied for a pension.  This was probably due to the fact that he received no injury during the war which would have qualified him, and he died before 1890 when the requirements were relaxed sufficiently to allow for “old age” to be a factor in pension approvals.  Also, the widow did not apply until 28 October 1913.  From the Ancestry.com card, the widow’s name is given as Catharine A. Garis.  The gap between her application and the death of her husband as well as the surname “Garis” suggests that she re-married someone named Garis at some point both after 1887 (death of husband) and 1890 (the census) and that Garis died before her date of application (28 October 1913) leaving her without support.  Garis was probably not a veteran of the war, or there would have been an indication on the card that her application was merged with his.  Also, “Garis” was most likely not the maiden name of Catherine – unless she was never actually married to Benjamin.  If this later speculation is correct, why would she wait so long to make application for benefits?  By re-marrying, she had financial support through her new husband and regardless of the fact that was a widow of veteran, she would have been ineligible for a widow’s pension.  The answer should be in the pension application file, which is available at the National Archives in Washington, D.C.  That file has not been consulted for this blog post.

Benjamin Kratzer is not mentioned in Yankee Cavalrymen, a history of the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry by John A. Rowell.  With Benjamin’s dates of service it could be concluded that he was with the regiment during its final days of service which would have included Sherman’s march to the sea.

For further information on the Dauphin County Almshouse and available records, go to http://www.poorhousestory.com/PA_DAUPHIN_Co.htm.

As previously stated, attempts thus far to connect him to families in the Lykens Valley area have been unsuccessful.  Who were his parents?  What was his wife’s maiden name?  Did he have any children?  Are there any surviving pictures of him?  Who was Garis?  These questions are presented in the hope that a reader of this blog can provide an answer.



Monuments at Pennsylvania – 46th Pennsylvania Infantry

Posted By on October 23, 2014

046thPA-Inquirer-1889-09-11-001a The 46th Pennsylvania Infantry Monument at Gettysburg is located southeast of Gettysburg on Slocum Avenue on Culp’s Hill.  It was dedicated in September 1889 as part of the installment of multiple monuments to Pennsylvania regiments.  The drawing of the monument (above) is from the Philadelphia Inquirer‘s coverage of the monument dedications.  A view of the monument can also be found at Steven Recker’s Virtual Gettysburg Web Site which has more information about the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry.

A full description of the monument, its GPS coordinates, a picture, and some of the history of the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry is available at the Stone Sentinels Web Site.


The only available copy of the Philadelphia Inquirer article of 11 September 1889 had the left margin cut off and was difficult to read.  The concluding line read:

After an ——— resistance of several hours the enemy was driven back at the point of the bayonet.  The 46th loss, owing to their sheltered position, was inconsiderable.



James L. Selfridge (1824-1887)

James L. Selfridge served as the commander of the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg.   Prior to serving at the Headquarters of the 46th, he had served as a Captain of the 1st Pennsylvania Infantry for the first three months of the Civil War.  He was 40 years old and was from Northampton County, Pennsylvania.  No other personal information is available on the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card from the Pennsylvania Archives.


On 10 May 1863, Selfridge was promoted to Colonel, the position he held at Gettysburg. On 16 March 1865 he was recognized as Brevet Brigadier General.

On 19 May 1887, Gen. Selfridge committed suicide in Philadelphia.  He was buried with full military honors at Nisky Hill Cemetery (Old Moravian), Bethlehem, Northampton County.  For further information about him see his Findagrave Memorial.


Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  The plaque for the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry is pictured below.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more easily read.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days at Gettysburg.


For a prior post on this plaque, see:  46th Pennsylvania Infantry – Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg.


The news clipping is from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.





Jonathan J. Hoke – Shoemaker of Elizabethville

Posted By on October 22, 2014

The shoemaker, Jonathan J. Hoke (1825-1903) is buried at Matter’s Church Cemetery, Elizabethville, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  At his grave, there is a G.A.R. star-flag holder.  The photograph (above) is linked to the Findagrave Memorial for Jonathan J. Hoke.  In a recent visit to the Matter’s Church Cemetery, a photograph was taken for the Civil War Research Project, and the same G.A.R. star-flag holder was seen, but with no flag:


In the 1890 Census, a Jonathan J. Hoke reported that he had served in the 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Private from 22 October 1862 through discharge on 31 July 1863.


Click on document to enlarge.

At the time of the 1890 Census, that Jonathan J. Hoke, was living in Joliett, Schuylkill County.

A biographical sketch appeared on page 1120 of the Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia of Dauphin County, published in 1896:

Jonathan Hoke, shoemaker, Washington Township, was born in Washington Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, 25 December 1825, son of Isaac Hoke and Catherine [Botts] Hoke.  The grandfather, Rudolph Hoke, was a native of Pennsylvania, and died in Washington Township, then Miflin Township.

The father [Isaac Hoke] was born in Washington Township, then Mifflin Township in 1804.  He learned the trade of shoemaker and followed that occupation.  He owned a farm in Jackson Township on which he lived for some years.  After the death of his wife he went West and settled on a farm in Indiana.  Afterwards he lived some time with his daughter, Emeline [Hoke] Shoop, and moved with her to Kansas.  He returned to his old home and died at Elizabethville in 1893, aged eight-nine years.  His wife died many years ago and both are buried at Elizabethville.  Their children were:  Mary Ann Hoke; Jonathan Hoke; Catherine Hoke; William Hoke, deceased; Elizabeth Hoke; Sarah Hoke; and Emeline Hoke (Mrs. Shoop).

Jonathan attended the subscription schools of his native township and when young he learned the trade of shoemaker, and has followed that occupation most of his life.  he was for some time employed in building the Summit Branch railroad, received wages for his services at the rate of $1 per day.  He was married in Washington Township in 1857 to Miss Carrie E. Walter, and their children are:  Aaron D. Hoke; and Catherine Hoke, died in infancy.  After marriage he went to housekeeping in Elizabethville, where he has since resided, and where he owns several lots.  He is a Republican in politics, and has served as tax collector and in other offices.  He was reared in the Reformed Church.

Conflicting or unresolved information from the biographical sketch includes the fact that there is no mention of Civil War service and the statement, “Elizabethville, where he has since resided.”  The Census of 1890, was clearly before the 1896 publication of the Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia.  Was this a different Jonathan J. Hoke who served in the 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry who lived in Joliett in 1890?

A search for a Jonathan Hoke in the 172 Pennsylvania Infantry produced zero results in the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Card File at the Pennsylvania Archives.  Similarly, no results were found in the Fold3 military records.  And, no such name was found in the Registers of Pennsylvania Volunteers for Company D.  The closest name located in that regiment was a Jonas Hoke, who served in Company A, and, according to his Pension Index Card from Fold3, died on 18 December 1890.

However, there is a Jonathan Hoke who served in the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company B, as a Private, who died at Jeffersonville Indiana, on 2 June 1862.


Coincidentally, this Jonathan Hoke [who died in 1862] was also a shoemaker by occupation, resided in Dauphin County, and enrolled at Berrysburg, Dauphin County – in close proximity to both Washington Township and Elizabethville!  However, the age of this Jonathan Hoke differs greatly from the one buried at Elizabethville as does the date of death.  Could the one buried at Elizabethville be the father of the one who died at Jeffersonville, Indiana?  In the Commemorative Biographical Encyclopedia sketch, there is no mention of a son of Jonathan Hoke named Jonathan; the only children named are Aaron D. Hoke and Catherine Hoke (see text above).


The mystery deepens with a further examination of the record of the Jonathan Hoke who served in the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry who died at Jeffersonville, Indiana.  On the above Pension Index Card from Ancestry.com, the mother of the one who died in the war applied for a pension on 14 June 1882.  Her name at the time of application was Susannah Burtnet (different surname a result of re-marriage) – clearly a different Jonathan Hoke.

All this leaves more unanswered questions:

1) Why is there a G.A.R. star-flagholder at the grave of Jonathan Hoke (1825-1903) who is buried at Matter’s Cemetery in Elizabethville?  Was he a veteran of the Civil War, and if so, what was his regiment and company?

2) Who is the Jonathan J. Hoke who in 1890 claimed service in the 172nd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, for which no record has been located of that service?  If this is a different one than the one buried at Matter’s Cemetery in Elizabethville, then where is he buried and was he a Civil War veteran?

3) Who was the Jonathan Hoke who was a shoemaker from the Berrysburg area who died at Jeffersonville, Indiana in 1862?  Where is buried?  The answer to these questions will probably be found in the mother’s pension application file at the National Archives, which was not consulted for this blog post.

Help is requested to separate these three men and their possible/probable military service records.  The challenge is issued to readers of this blog to provide answers.  Add comments to his post or send by e-mail.





Monuments at Gettysburg – 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry

Posted By on October 21, 2014

The 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry (13th Pennsylvania Reserves or Bucktails) Monument at Gettysburg is located south of the town of Gettysburg on the summit of Big Round Top.  It was not dedicated until September 1890 due to the conflict between what the regiment wanted (a memorial hall for all the reserve units) and the Pennsylvania governor who vetoed the proposal.  The view of the monument (above) is from Steven Recker’s Virtual Gettysburg Web Site which has more information about the monument and the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry.

A full description of the monument, its GPS coordinates, a photograph, and some of the history of the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry can be found on the Stone Sentinels Web Site.  In addition, there is information about Sergeant James B. Thompson who received the Medal of Honor for his heroics at the Battle of Gettysburg.



Why the 42nd Will Not Dedicate.

The “Bucktails” were the sharpshooters connected with the Pennsylvania Reserves.  These Reserves desire to combine the $150 voted each Pennsylvania regiment and erect on the field at Gettysburg a grand emorial building instead of individual monuments.  By judicial decision this $1500 can only be used for monumental purposes.  The 42nd, Bucktails, will participate with their comrades, 150 strong.  They hope in the near future to have something to dedicate.


Charles F. Taylor (1840-1863)

Charles F. Taylor commanded the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg.  On the second day of the battle, he was killed in action.

Taylor was born on 6 February 1840 in Chester County, Pennsylvania.  He was a 21 year old farmer when he enrolled in the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry as the Captain of Company H.  On 1 March 1863 he was promoted to Colonel of the regiment.  At the spot where he was killed, the Bucktails have placed a monument to him.

Charles Frederick Taylor is buried at Longwood Cemetery, Kennett Square, Chester County, Pennsylvania.  More information about him can be found at his Findagrave Memorial.


William R. Hartshorne (1839-1905)

William R. Hartshorne, who had helped to raise one of the companies in the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry, took over command of this regiment at Gettysburg upon the death of Colonel Taylor.  Following his leadership of the Bucktails as Major, he helped form the 190th Pennsylvania Infantry, where he served for the remainder of the war.  On 13 March 1865 he was honored with the rank of Brevet Brigadier General.

Gen. Hartshorne is buried at Oak Hill Cemetery, Curwensville, Clearfield County, Pennsylvania.  More information about him can be found at his Findagrave Memorial.


Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  The plaque for the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry is pictured below.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more clearly read.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 42nd Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days in Gettysburg.  There could also be errors on the plaque.




The news clipping is from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.


Obituary of Isaiah T. Enders

Posted By on October 20, 2014


The obituary of Civil War veteran Isaiah T. Enders appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot on 22 March 1912:


Was Walking Near His Home When Seized with Fatal Attack of Heart Failure — Was Veteran of the Civil War

Overcome with heart failure last evening at Third and Peffer Streets, Isaiah F. Enders died less than a half hour later at the home of his son, Robert A. Enders, Third and Maclay Streets.  Mr. Enders was 68 years old, having been born at Enders 13 August 1843.  During the Civil War he was a Private in Company E, Ninth Pennsylvania Cavalry [9th Pennsylvania Cavalry].  He served with distinction throughout the war, and under General Kirkpatrick on Sherman march to the sea.

For six years previous to his removal from Enders to this city he served as a director of the poor, and in 1882 he started a grocery business in Harrisburg.  Prominent in the organization of the Sixth Street and Commercial Banks and connected with the Palatine Insurance Company, Mr. Enders was a progressive business man of the West End and for many years was an active member of the Sixth Street United Brethren Church.  He was also a member of the Junior O. U. A. M. and the I. O. O. F.  The arrangements for the funeral have not been completed.


Note:  Isaiah Enders was most often found in the records as “Isaiah T. Enders,” not “Isaiah F. Enders” as is stated in the obituary.  On his death certificate, a portion of which is shown below, his middle initial appears to be an issue – originally listed as “F” and then crossed out and replaced with a “T.”  The full death certificate is available through Ancestry.com.
