Henry Grimm – Dies in July 1911 & Widow Dies 4 Days Later
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on March 18, 2019

Henry R. Grimm (1835-1911), Civil War veteran, is buried in the I.O.O.F. Cemetery in Lykens, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.
His death was reported in the Lykens Standard, 14 July 1911:

After an illness of two years of arteritis, during all of which time he was confined to a large reclining chair, Henry Grimm died at 5:10 p.m. Wednesday at his home on South Second Street [Lykens], aged 76 years, 8 months and 10 days.
Deceased was born in Montgomery County, Pennsylvania, his parents removing to Northumberland County when he was quite young. He came to Lykens before the Civil War and was married to Miss Louisa Zerby, after which he built a home at Coaldale where he resided for a number of years. He was engaged in the timber business, furnishing the mines here with props, etc., but retired about twelve years ago and shortly afterward purchased the J. M. Hensel property on South Second Street and has been a resident of the borough ever since.
Deceased was a veteran of the Civil War, having first served as a private in Company K, 173rd Regiment Drafted Militia [173rd Pennsylvania Infantry], under Captain C. A. Harper, and was honorably discharged at Harrisburg, August 18, 1863. He re-enlisted September 22, 1864, in Company B, 9th Regiment Pennsylvania Veteran Volunteers [9th Pennsylvania Cavalry], under Captain E. A. Hancock, as a teamster, and was honorably discharged May 29, 1865, at Lexington, North Carolina. He was a member of Heilner Post No. 232 G.A.R. of this place.
His wife and the following children survive: Charles Grimm, Nettie Grimm [Mrs. A. F. Fennel], Emma Grimm [Mrs. H. E. Smith], and Margaret Grimm, of Lykens; Edward L. Grimm, of Harrisburg; and Ida Grimm [Mrs. J. W. Shott] of Jersey City. One son, Harry Grimm, died several years ago. There are six grandchildren.
The funeral services will be held at the home of deceased at 9:30 a.m. tomorrow, Rev. Jones of Zion Lutheran Church, officiating. Burial will be made on the family plot in Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.
Four days after the death of her husband, and one day after his burial, Louisa [Zerby] Grimm died. The Lykens Standard, 2 July 1911, gave the following obituary:

To have father and mother removed from the home by death within four days is, indeed, a sad occurrence. Last week, in this column, was chronicled the death of one of out foremost old citizens, Henry Grimm, which occurred at his home on South Second Street on the 15th inst. after many months of patient suffering. The children and friends gathered around his bier on Saturday and after taking a last look at the beloved countenance saw the remains gently deposited in its last resting place here below. With sorrowing hearts they returned to the house of mourning where the aged and feeble mother was lamenting the loss of her partner, and saw her gradually growing weaker until about 8 o’clock Sunday morning when she departed this life to join him in the great beyond.
The funeral services were held at her late home Wednesday morning at 9:30 o’clock, Rev. C. S. Jones officiating. Interment was made beside her husband in Odd Fellows’ Cemetery.
Deceased was aged 77 years, 7 months and 8 days….
The family desire to thank all who in any manner assisted them in their double affliction.
For his Civil War service, Henry Grimm is recognized on the Lykens G.A.R. Monument, as a Private who was a member of the Heiler Post.
