
Civil War Blog

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Rev. John Quincy Adams – Harrisburg Preacher & Civil Rights Leader Was Once a Slave

Posted By on February 13, 2015


From the Harrisburg Patriot, of 13 January 1917:


Retired Colored Preacher Was Formerly Coachman to Judge Pearson, and for Years a Conspicuous Figure Here

The Rev. John Quincy Adams, retired local colored preacher of the Wesley Union connection, former slave and known to all the older families of the city during the many years when he was the family driver for the late Judge Pearson, died last night at his home, 102 Cherry Street, following an operation undergone five weeks ago.  He was about 80 years old.

The Rev. John Quincy Adams was born in Winchester, Virginia, and lived there until about the time of the Civil War, when he came north and took service with the late Judge Pearson, for whom he acted as coachman.  He was a local preacher and held many charges throughout this district and retired several years ago, following the death of his wife.  He was a conspicuous figure for years on Harrisburg’s streets.  He wore long grey “sideburns: and in recent years hobbled about with the aid of a stout hickory cane.

Funeral services have not yet been arranged though the body will be buried in Elmira, New York.  A sister, living in Berrysville, Virginia, is the only surviving relative, according to the statements of friends last night.

The Harrisburg Telegraph was not content to simply report Rev. Adams’ death as a news story.  In its 13 January 1917 edition, it paid tribute to him with the following eulogy:

The Rev. John Quincy Adams, whose death occurred yesterday after a long life of usefulness and service, occupied a place in the community that many a man of prouder birth and higher rank might well envy.  Born in slavery, self-educated, self-respecting, a sincere and eloquent exponent of the doctrine of Christianity, an earnest believer in the future of the black race and the justice of the white man toward his deserving brother of a darker skin, Mr. Adams so lived that he was a constant example of the verity of his own convictions.

No man in Harrisburg, white or black, was held in higher respect by those who knew him.  He was at once proud and humble, upstanding in defense of his race and religious faith, but ever ready to submit his views to the spirit of fair play his own righteous life led him to expect of others.

It was of such men as Mr. Adams that Burns wrote:  “The rank is but the guinea stamp, A man’s a man for a’ that.”

The Telegraph of 15 January 1914 reported on the funeral:

Funeral services for J. Q. Adams will be held tomorrow morning at 10:30, at his home, 102 Cherry Street.  The Rev. Ellis N. Kremer and the Rev. Beverly M. Ward will conduct the services which will be strictly private.  The body will be taken to Elmira for burial.

In researching the life of Rev. Adams, dozens of articles were located in the two on-line Harrisburg newspapers, the Patriot and the Telegraph.  The articles told of his devotion to Civil Rights and charitable causes as well as to his religious faith.

On 15 May 1891, The Colored Protective League of Harrisburg, of which Rev. Adams was a founding member, met at the Headquarters of the Stevens Post No. 520 G.A.R. to wage a protest over the segregated policies of the Grand Hotel and its owner Lewis Russ and passed the following resolution:

WHEREAS, the Proprietor of the Grand Hotel has refused to accommodate Messrs. James H. W. Howard and H. G. Molson, of this city, and Robert G. Still, of Philadelphia, solely on account of color; and

WHEREAS, The Constitution of Pennsylvania does not recognize privileged classes; therefore be it

RESOLVED, That the Colored Men’s Protective Association enters its protest against the insults to colored men of recognized character.

RESOLVED, That we encourage said men in their suit against the proprietor of the Grand Hotel.

RESOLVED, The said proprietor has forfeited his rights to keep a public house and enjoy the privileges of license for the same, and we solicit all liberty loving citizens to support us in our protest against open insults to our race.

The described incident was reported a few days earlier in the Patriot:



Colored Editors Charge Him With Refusing to Accommodate Them

James H. Howard, of the Negro-American Magazine, and Robert G. Still, editor of the State Journal, of Philadelphia, yesterday, made information against Lewis Russ, proprietor of the Grand Hotel, for refusing to accommodate them with food in his public dining room.  Mr. Russ says he offered to serve the plaintiffs in the dining room used by himself and wife and that they refused to eat there and left the place.  A hearing will be had in the case this morning.

The Grand Hotel was located adjacent to the Harrisburg Railroad Station.  Although the article states that a suit was presented in court against Russ, nothing was further mentioned in the Patriot about the incident or the results of the hearing.

In 1893, two issues were debated in the Union Literary Association of Harrisburg, which met at the African Methodist Episcopal Church on East State Street, and Rev. J. Q. Adams was part of the debate.  The issues discussed were “The Colonization of the Negroes in the Western Part of the Country,” and “The Right of Congress to Direct the President to Investigate the Numerous Lynchings of Colored People in the South.”  This meeting was reported in the Patriot on 29 December 1893.

On 21 June 1894, the Patriot reported on a charter that was issued to the Baker Building and Loan Association which was composed of “colored men of this city [Harrisburg].”  J. Q. Adams was named as one of the directors for the organization which was capitalized at $1,000,000.

Annual celebrations of the anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation were held in Harrisburg.  On one such occasion, January 1895, J. Q. Adams was a featured speaker on the subject of “Charles Sumner.”

A church fund benefit was held on 27 April 1899 in which only the African American clergy of Harrisburg provided the entertainment by singing either solos or duets.  Rev. J. Q. Adams sang a solo.

The Progressive Club of Harrisburg provided a free dinner to 100 children for Christmas in 1902, at which Rev. J. Q. Adams was the featured speaker.   As reported by the Harrisburg Patriot on 31 December 1902

About 100 little colored children sat down to a Christmas dinner in Council Hall, South Street, between Fourth and Short, yesterday afternoon.  It was tendered by the Progressive Club, an organization composed of colored women of Harrisburg and was hugely enjoyed by the little guests.  Turkey and other good things were served in abundance and no one was permitted to leave the hall without a thoroughly satisfied appetite.  The afternoon was a joyous one for the little guests of the Progressive Club.

And, on 14 May 1909, the Patriot reported on the upcoming dedication of a home for African American Masons at Linglestown.  John Q. Adams was named in the article as a member of the state executive committee of the Colored Masons and also as one of its Grand Chaplains.

The Masonic home for aged and indigent colored Masons of the State, at Linglestown, will be dedicated on St. John’s Day, 24 June.  The dedication will be under the management of the Grand Lodge of Colored Masons of the State of Pennsylvania…. The home and farm are located within a 40-minute trolley ride of Harrisburg.  The building is beautifully located at the juncture of two roads, on a slight elevation, and it is comprised of eleven rooms, capable when furnished of accommodating twenty inmates.  The farm consists of sixty-five acres of splendid soil, twelve acres of wheat, ten acres in corn, fifteen acres in oats and twelve in potatoes.  In addition to the large apple orchard there has been added a peach orchard of 200 trees….

Mrs. Adams died in 1914.  Her obituary appeared in the Harrisburg Patriot on 11 July:


Mrs. Fannie Frances Adams, wife of the Rev. J. Q. Adams, died yesterday afternoon at the Harrisburg Hospital where she had received treatment for the last five weeks.  She had been ill a long while.  Mrs. Adams for many years had been engaged with her husband in missionary work for A. M. E. Zion Church and was well known.  Funeral arrangements have not been completed but burial will be at Elmira, New York.

Mrs. Adams was the daughter of the late Barney Stover and Alice Stover.  She was married to Mr. Adams at Elmira, 21 June 1866.  The Rev. Mr. Adams still is in ill health and only recently left the hospital after having been confined there for several months.

The Harrisburg Telegraph had a similar obituary of Mrs. Adams, but added the following:

She was sixty-four years of age…. One sister, Nancy Stover, who lives in New York City, survives.

At what would have been their 50th wedding anniversary, 21 June 1916, the Telegraph gave the following information:

The Rev. J. Q. Adams, one of the best-known men of the city wishes his friends to know that this is the 50th anniversary of his marriage, an event always happily celebrated during the lifetime of Mrs. Adams at their home, 102 Cherry Street.  The couple married at Elmira, New York, and lived in this city for 48 years until the death of Mrs. Adams.  Mr. Adams was employed in the family of the late Judge John H. Pearson for over 45 years and has a wide acquaintance among the residents of the city.  His reminiscences are many and interestingly told.  He is not entirely recovered from a serious illness but is able to be about.

The trips of John Q. Adams to Elmira, New York, were frequently reported in the local Harrisburg press, but without reference to why he was going there.  Elmira was known as a safe stop on the Underground Railroad and was in the direct path between Harrisburg and Canada, where many former slaves escaped to.  In the social section of the Harrisburg Patriot of 23 September 1896, a small notice made mention that “Rev. and Mrs. J. Q. Adams have returned from a visit to Elmira, New York, and points of interest in Canada.”  And in the obituaries and wedding anniversary announcements, it was mentioned that the couple had married there.

But, it was in a biography of Harriet Tubman by Milton C. Sernett, that the connection was clearly stated.  Rev. J. Q. Adams was invited to the funeral of Harriet Tubman in Auburn, New York, in March 1913 to offer a prayer.  As it turns out, Mrs. Adams was the niece of John W. Jones of Elmira, New York, who was associated closely with Harriet Tubman in the Underground Railroad.  Although Mrs. Adams had been born in Virginia, she and her family had escaped from slavery prior to the Civil War.  The Central Pennsylvania Underground Railroad route which went through Harrisburg, followed the river and the Northern Central Railroad north through Millersburg, Sunbury, and Williamsport – eventually to Elmira and Canada.  Rev. Adams met his wife-to-be while he was working for a short time in Elmira, married her, and afterward the couple settled in Harrisburg where they both spent the rest of their lives.

All of which leaves only the question of how and when John Quincy Adams escaped slavery.  That answer is found in an autobiographical narrative written by Adams and published in Harrisburg in 1872.  Titled, Narrative of the Life of John Quincy Adams, When in Slavery and Now as a Freeman, the book is available as a free download from GoogleBooks, or can be purchased as part of a book titled Slave Narratives After Slavery, edited by William L. Andrews.

John Quincy Adams was born in Frederick County, Virginia, in 1845.  He and other members of his family were slaves owned by George F. Calomese, who Adams described as a member of “one of the first families of Virginia.”

“The great want among us is education,” Adams stated early in the narrative and he described the extraordinary methods he used to learn to read.  The most tragic event in his life was when his family was broken up by the master in 1858 – a twin brother of John, Aaron A. Adams, and a sister, Sallie Ann Adams, were sold away when John was only 12.  The family escaped to Harrisburg during the Civil War, John with them, and started their new life in freedom, all with the assistance of a Union General who gave them safe passage.  After the war, brother Aaron was located in Memphis, Tennessee, but the sister was never found.

On Saturday, 27 June 1862, we left left mistress, and young miss, and every other kind of miss.  The Rebels getting too hot in Winchester, we made for the old Keystone State, came to Greencastle, remained there a few weeks, left for Chambersburg, next for Carlisle, and then to Harrisburg.  Father and mother, four brothers and two sisters came.  I am told that when old mistress got up in the morning, found all the negroes gone, they thought that the devil had gotten into them negroes last night.  Every one is gone, and where are they gone to?  I suppose they have gone with them devilish Yankees.  But here is what they said, if we would come back they would set us all free.  I had heard that too often, so I did not listen to that kind of talk.  I thought that they had had their time, and this was my time.

The narrative is relatively short but is filled with stories and philosophical musings.  What is surprising is that in the collected edition of slave narratives edited by William L. Andrews, in a preface paragraph written by the editor, one sentence, boldfaced and underlined below, stands out as unbelievable considering the great amount of information readily available on John Quincy Adams in the period after he wrote and published the narrative:

In Harrisburg, the Adams family found opportunity and friends, some of them among the white upper class.  John’s father bought property and his sons went to work in various jobs.  A house servant in Virginia, John worked at a local hotel, dedicating his leisure time to improving his education.  Although he acknowledges traveling as far west as Cincinnati and north to Elmira, New York, Adams returned to Harrisburg to work at another local hotel.  He and his wife, Franny, are listed in the 1870 Census as residing in Harrisburg where John was employed as a coachman.  In late 1871, Adams composed his narrative.  After its publication, almost nothing is known about John Quincy Adams, although the 1910 census finds a sixty-year-old Virginia-born John Quincy Adams, whose occupation is “preacher,” and his wife “Frannie” still living in Harrisburg.

However, William L. Andrews is right on point when he states:

The working-class perspective that pervades John Quincy Adams‘s narrative stands in bold and defiant relief against the code of the discredited southern aristocracy, symbolized by the Calomese. Instead of privilege based in blood, class, and color, Adams’s values are based in equal opportunity for work, fair compensation in a free labor market, and faith in a God who punishes social and economic justice.

All in all, much research still needs to be done on both John Quincy Adams and his wife Fannie.  Perhaps a reader of this blog can offer some additional information and/or insights.


February is Black History Month.  This blog post is part of a series of Dauphin County personages of African American heritage.  News clippings are from the on-line resources of the Free Library of Philadelphia.








Elias Martin and Levi B. Ditty of Reed Township

Posted By on February 12, 2015

Elias Martin (1839-1918) is buried at Highland Cemetery, Dauphin Borough, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania.  During the Civil War, he served two enlistments, although only one is named on his grave marker.


Elias Martin first enrolled at Duncan’s Island in the Susquehanna River in Company C of the 136th Pennsylvania Infantry on 8 August 1862.  He was mustered into service as a Private eight days later at Harrisburg.  He claimed to be 24 years old at the time.  He served his term of enlistment and was mustered out with his company on 29 May 1863.


The second enlistment of Elias Martin occurred on 20 August 1864 in the 201st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, where he also served as a Private.  His term of service ended with his honorable discharge on 21 June 1865.  It was in this second enlistment that he met Levi B. Ditty (1830-1903) who was the father of Elias’ future wife, Mary E. Ditty.  However, the record shows that Elias and Mary did not marry until about 1878.


Elias Martin first applied for a Civil War pension on 28 June 1883, which he received.  After his death on 18 January 1918, his widow Mary applied on 4 February 1918, and she received the pension until her death which occurred on 15 November 1920.  The Pension Index Card (shown above) is from Fold3.


A brief obituary of Elias Martin appeared in the Harrisburg Telegraph of 22 January 1918:


Halifax, Pennsylvania, 22 January 1918 — Elias Martin, aged about 75 years, one of the best known residents of this section, died on Friday at his home near Inglenook, from the effects of an injury suffered to his foot many years ago, which recently turned to gangrene.  He was a veteran of the Civil War and a retired railroader.  The funeral was held from his late home yesterday.


The death certificate of Elias Martin did not mention gangrene as the cause of death or as a contributory cause.  Instead, “angina pectoris” was given with “arterio-sclerosis” as a secondary cause.  Mrs. Mary E. Martin was the informant.  She stated that John Martin and Nancy [Smith] Martin were Elias’ parents, both of whom were born in Pennsylvania.

As previously noted (above), Levi B. Ditty was the father-in-law of Elias Martin and had served in the same regiment with him during the Civil War.  Levi was mustered into the service of the 201st Pennsylvania Infantry in August 1864 and served through the discharge of the regiment on 21 June 1865.  According to other sources, Levi B. Ditty was born on 23 August 1830 in Perry County, Pennsylvania, the son of Simon Ditty (1808-1867) and Mary [Brandt] Ditty (1812-1889).  He died on 23 March 1903 near Dauphin Borough, Dauphin County.  Like Elias Martin, he is buried at Highland Cemetery at Dauphin.  More information about him can be found at his Findagrave Memorial.

In 1850, Levi B. Ditty was living with his parents and siblings in Buffalo Township, Perry County, Pennsylvania.  The father, Simon Ditty, was a farmer.

In 1860, Levi B. Ditty was living in Reed Township (Halifax Post Office), Dauphin County, and working as a lock tender on the canal.  Living with him was his young family including Mary E. Ditty, age 3, and Catherine Ditty, age 1.  His wife was the former Catherine Etzweiler, then 25 years old, who was a direct descendant of Abraham Jury (1718-1785), an immigrant from Switzerland, one of the earliest settlers of Upper Paxton Township, Dauphin County.

In 1863, when he registered for the Federal Civil War Draft, Levi was a 32-year old, married, lock keeper living in Reed Township.  On the same page of the draft registration are several other members of his family who were living in Upper Paxton Township, but their surname was spelled “Diddy”.

In 1870, Levi was working as a watchman on the railroad and living in Middle Paxton Township.  His daughter Mary E. Ditty, was then 13 years old and living at home.

By 1880, Catherine [Etzweiler] Ditty is no longer in the household, but there are two additional children named in the family:  Hattie L. Ditty, born about 1865; and Anna C. Ditty, born about 1858.  There is no explanation given on the whereabouts of Catherine [Etzweiler] Ditty.  Levi gave his marital status as “married” and his occupation as watchman on the Northern Central Railroad.


An explanation of why Catherine [Etzweiler] Ditty was not enumerated in the 1880 household census of Levi can be found in the pension records.  As noted on the above Pension Index Card from Ancestry.com, Catherine, who survived her husband, was “insane.”  She applied for a widow’s pension on 9 September 1903, which she received and collected until her death in 1920.

In the 1890 Veterans’ Census, Levi gave his regiment and time of service, but did not state that he had any war-related disabilities.  At the time he was living in Dauphin Borough.  Unfortunately, the remainder of the census was lost to fire and there is no substitute for that year which could give us information on who was living in his household in 1890.

By 1900, the last census in which Levi was enumerated before his death in 1903, his wife Catherine had returned to the household, where it was indicated that the couple had been married for 44 years (marriage date approximately 1856).  Levi was still working as a railroad watchman and the family was living in Middle Paxton Township.

A connection not previously made before research was done for this blog post was that Levi’s brother, Joshua Ditty was also a Civil War veteran who served in the 192nd Pennsylvania Infantry.  Joshua’s name appears on the Millersburg Civil War Soldier Monument as “J. B. Ditty.”


Joshua Ditty is buried at the Halifax United Methodist Church Cemetery, Halifax, Dauphin County.  More information about him can be found at his Findagrave Memorial.


Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Cards are from the Pennsylvania Archives.  The news clipping is from the on-line resources of the Library of Congress, Chronicling America.  Census information is from resources available on Ancestry.com.



Monuments at Gettysburg – 99th Pennsylvania Infantry

Posted By on February 11, 2015

The 99th Pennsylvania Infantry Monument at Gettysburg is located at the Devils’ Den.  It was the second monument to the regiment and was erected with the funding made available in 1889 by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.  The first monument, originally located at Devil’s Den in 1886, was moved to Hancock Avenue in 1889.

The picture of the 1889 monument is from Steve Recker’s Virtual Gettysburg Web Site which has additional information about the monument and the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry.

A full description of the monument, its GPS coordinates, a picture, and some of the history of the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry can be found on the Stone Sentinels Web Site.  There is also information there about the first monument which was moved to Hancock Avenue and about Harvey M. Munsell of this regiment who received the Medal of Honor for meritorious service as color bearer.

The Philadelphia Inquirer of 11 September 1889 reported on some history of the regiment and on the festivities for the dedication of the monument:

099thPA-Inquirer-1889-09-11-001The 99th’s Veterans.

Marching, Napoleon-like, to the sound of the cannon, contrary to orders, the 99th found itself, on 2 July 1863, in the open field, facing the Devil’s Den.  While forming, Major Moore was carried off wounded from the field, and Captain Peter Fritz Jr. commanded.  The battle storm burst upon them shortly past 2 P.M. with unparalleled fury, but the regiment held its position unflinchingly behind its eighteen-inch breast work until 4 P.M., when relieved, and left half its men upon the field.  On 3 July, Major John W. Moore was again in command, and the 99th was moved to support the 2nd Corps.  The regiment in the pursuit prepared to give battle at Funkstown on the 12th, when Lee escaped across the river.

The 99th Veteran Volunteers’ programme will include:  Prayer, George W. Hackman, Sergeant Company B, 99th P. V.; Report of Committee on Monument, Colonel W. M. Worrall; unveiling of the monument, Miss Chantilly Setley; presentation of the monument to the State Commission, Brevet Brigadier General Peter Fritz; reception, Colonel John P. Nicholson of the State Commission; oration, Captain Albert Magnin; benediction, George W. Hackman.




John W. Moore was the commander of the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg.  After first enrolling in the 66th Pennsylvania Infantry on 9 July 1861, Moore transferred to the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry as Captain of its Company K on 3 March 1862 and then was promoted to Major at regimental headquarters on 20 February 1863, the rank he held at the time of the Battle of Gettysburg.  Later, on 10 April 1864, he received his commission as Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment.  On 16 September 1864, he again transferred, this time to the 203rd Pennsylvania Infantry as its Colonel.  Unfortunately, Colonel Moore did not survive the war.  He was killed at Fort Fisher, North Carolina, and his remains were laid to rest in the Fort Fisher Recreational Area, New Hanover County, North Carolina.  He left a widow, Ellen [McGee] Moore, who applied for pension benefits on 19 August 1865.  The complete pension application file of 43 pages is available on Fold3.

Additional information about Colonel Moore can be found at his Findagrave Memorial, along with several photographs of his grave marker.


Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  The plaque for the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry is pictured below.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more clearly read.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 99th Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days at Gettysburg.  There could also be errors on the plaque.


Monuments at Gettysburg – 98th Pennsylvania Infantry

Posted By on February 10, 2015


The 98th Pennsylvania Infantry Monument at Gettysburg, dedicated in 1889, is located near the John Weickert farmhouse.  It was the second monument to the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry, the first being located on the north side of Little Round Top and dedicated in 1885.  The drawing of the second monument (above) is from the 1889 article that appeared in the Philadelphia Inquirer.

Steve Recker’s Virtual Gettysburg Web Site has additional information about the monument and the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry.

A full description of the monument, its GPS coordinates, a picture, and some of the history of the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry can be found on the Stone Sentinels Web Site.  There is also information there about the first monument.


The following information about the regiment is from the Philadelphia Inquirer of 11 September 1889:

Where the 98th Stood.

On the evening of 1 July 1863, the 98th, in response to urgent calls, commenced a forced march from Manchester to Gettysburg, where it took position on the low wooded hillock to the right and front of Little Round Top.  Here it held its position unmoved, and on the following day advanced a little, and although exposed to a terrible artillery fire, lost two officers and ten men only.  These were killed by sharpshooters.  The 98th was commanded by Lieutenant Colonel George Wynkoop.  At 1 o’clock the association will rededicate the monument on Little Round Top. The ceremonies will include an address by Commander Jacob A. Schmid.



The commander of the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry at Gettysburg was John B. Kohler.  He was 43 years old when he enrolled in the 98th at Philadelphia on 17 August 1861 as Captain of Company K.  On 26 November 1862, he was promoted to Major of the regiment and on 2 July 1863, during the Battle of Gettysburg, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel.

After Gettysburg, he was wounded in action at Fort Stevens, District of Columbia, 11 July 1864 and was killed in action at Cedar Creek, Virginia, on 19 October 1864.  His widow, Elizabeth [Everbach] Kohler applied for a pension on 3 December 1864, which she received.  According to pension records, the only service of John B. Kohler was in the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry, but a record has been located at the Pennsylvania Archives of service in the 21st Pennsylvania Infantry, Company K, as Captain, for a John Benedict Kohler, a stovemaker from Philadelphia, who served from 29 April 1861 through discharge on 8 August 1861, most likely the same person.

A place of burial has not yet been determined.


Around the base of the Pennsylvania Memorial at Gettysburg are a series of plaques which, by regiment and company, note the names of every soldier who was present at the Battle of Gettysburg.  The plaque for the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry is pictured below.  By clicking on the plaque it should enlarge so the names can be more clearly read.  If a name does not appear, it could be that the soldier did serve in the 98th Pennsylvania Infantry, but was not part of the regiment during its days at Gettysburg.  There could also be errors on the plaque.



Portrait Found of Rev. James A. Stokes

Posted By on February 9, 2015


Rev. James A. Stokes (1841-1923)

Rev. James A. Stokes was previously profiled here on this blog on 17 September 2014 in a post entitled, Rev. James A. Stokes – African American with the 9th Pennsylvania Cavalry?  Additional information has been located about him, including a picture, in the Harrisburg Telegraph of 10 February 1916.

On the occasion of his 75th birthday, the Telegraph wrote:


This is the seventy-fifth birth anniversary of the Rev. James Stokes, 641 Briggs Street, [Harrisburg], formerly a slave, a Civil War veteran, and a retired pastor of the A. M. E. Zion Church.

The Rev. Mr. Stokes was born in Warren County, Kentucky, 10 February 1841, and was a slave for a number of years.  He escaped and on 10 June 1862 joined the Ninth Regiment Pennsylvania Cavalry [9th Pennsylvania Cavalry] at Bowling Green, Kentucky.  He cooked for the regiment for two years, and when they re-enlisted, he came to Harrisburg with them in 1864.  He next enlisted in Company I, Forty-fifth Regiment of United States Colored Infantry [45th U.S. Colored Troops], 18 July 1864, and served sixteen months.  He was mustered out at Brownsville, Texas, in November 1865, then returning to this city.

The soldier preacher has resided here ever since.  For more than twenty-five years he was a minister in the A. M. E. Zion Church, and was instrumental in the erection of the churches of this denomination at Mechanicsburg and Newville.  For ten years he had charge of a local express, but retired some time ago because of his advanced age.  He is residing with his daughter at 641 Briggs Street.


February is Black History Month.  This post on James A. Stokes is about the role of one of many African Americans in the Civil War.