Who Was Daniel Jenne of Reed Township?
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on June 14, 2016
In the 1890 Veterans’ Census of Reed Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, there appears a Daniel Jenne, with no information given as to his Civil War regiment, company, rank or dates of service.
A Civil War soldier named Daniel Jenney has been located in the Veterans’ Card File at the Pennsylvania Archives. The back of the card notes that the “rolls also show the last name as Jenne.” Since this is the only person located in military records with this first name and a similar surname, it can be assumed at the start of the research that the Daniel Jenne of Reed Township is the veteran who served in the 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry, Company D, as a Private, mustered into service on 16 September 1862 and mustered out with his company on 5 July 1865.
In checking the data base, U.S. Civil War Soldiers, 1861-1865, several other variations of the name are found on the Military Index Cards, including: Daniel Jenny, Daniel Jennie, Daniel Jene, Daniel Genny, and Daniel Genney. However, all this soldiers military records are filed under Daniel Jenny as shown below on the General Index Reference Card from the National Archives (available on Fold3).
Referring back to the Pennsylvania Veterans’ Index Card near the top of this post, two other helpful pieces of information are seen:
- Daniel Jenne was about 33 years old when he enrolled in the regiment at Philadelphia in 1862; thus his calculated birth year was about 1829.
- He was “absent sick” on 16 March 1864 at Danisville, Kentucky.
The 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry also served at Gettysburg. The plaque for Company B on the Pennsylvania Memorial does recognize a “Daniel Genney.”
No Pension Index Card has been located for the Daniel Jenne who served in the 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry, either on Ancestry.com or on Fold3. If the 1890 Census record is correct, he was alive and he would have been eligible for a pension by “old age.”
There are several family trees on Ancestry.com which have a Daniel Jenne, including one born in Vermont about 1820, but there is no indication of Civil War service, nor is there any apparent connection to Pennsylvania.
So, the question remains: “Who was Daniel Jenne of Reed Township?” Is this individual associated with the 73rd Pennsylvania Infantry as shown above? Why didn’t he apply for a pension in 1890? Why was he in Reed Township in 1890? Answers to these and other questions are sought by the Project and can either be attached to this blog post as a comment or sent by e-mail.