William H. Lebo – Justice of the Peace of Halifax
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on August 26, 2019

The death and funeral of William Harrison Lebo, 6 February 1916, was reported in the Harrisburg newspapers as follows:

William H. Lebo Succumbs Day After Death of Daughter-in-Law.
(Special to the Star Independent)
Halifax, February 7 [1916] – William H. Lebo, a veteran of the Civil War, died Saturday at his home on Market Street, just the day following the sudden death of his daughter-in-law, Mrs. Frank Lebo, of near Waynesville.
Mr. Lebo was a justice of the peace of this borough at the time of his death, and also served a number f terms as borough treasurer. He leaves a wife and the following children: Edward Lebo and Harry Lebo, of Kansas; Mrs. Raymond Bressler, of Austin, Texas; Mrs. S. A. McMillan, of College Station, Texas; Mrs. Bella Conklin, of Oyster Bay, New York; William J. Lebo, of Harrisburg; Frank Lebo, of near Waynesville; and Mrs. A. C. Koppenheffer, of Halifax Township. The funeral will take place from his late home on Wednesday.

Special to the Telegraph
Halifax, February 7 [1916] – Following the death of his daughter, Mrs. Frank Lebo, at Waynesville, Friday. William H. Lebo, a veteran of the Civil War, died at his home here Saturday. He was a justice of the peace and for many years was borough treasurer. Funeral services will be held Wednesday.

Funeral of William H. Lebo, 74, Held This Morning
Special Correspondence [Harrisburg Daily Independent]
Halifax, February 9 [1916] — The funeral of the late William H. Lebo, who died last Saturday morning, took place from his late home on Market Street this morning. Services were in charge of the Rev. C. E. Rettew, of the United Brethren Church assisted by the Rev. J. C. Pease, of the U. B. Church, Jacksonville Circuit. Mr. Lebo is survived by his wife and ten children. He was aged 74 years.
See also: William H. Lebo – Carpenter and Farmer. He served in the 210th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company A, as a Private.
News clippings from Newspapers.com.