Henry Knouff – Veteran of Millersburg Injured on Railway, 1871
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on August 22, 2019

A news brief found in the Harrisburg Telegraph of 27 October 1871 told of injuries received by Henry Knouff, previously identified and profiled here as a Civil War veteran from Millersburg, Dauphin County, while he was working on construction of a part of the Northern Central Railway:
Our Millersburg correspondent writes: A man by the name of Henry Knouff, resident of this place, and employed on construction train, No. 8, of the N. C. R. W., received a cut about eight (8) inches long and into the bone in depth, below the knee, while loading stone on last Monday near Halifax. He was assisting to load a stone, when he slipped and fell, the stone falling on his leg with the above result. He was brought home and Dr. B. F. Witmer dressed the wound. Also at the same place, Mr. Jacob Bailey, an employee on the train, sprained his back while lifting a heavy stone. He was also brought home.
Henry Knouff served as a Private in Company D of the 46th Pennsylvania Infantry. His pension application was made in 1882.
Previously on this blog, it was assumed that Henry died in 1892, but no actual date was found or record to confirm this other than his wife applied for a pension in that year.
A recently found brief from the Harrisburg Telegraph of 17 September 1982 notes that his death occurred on Wednesday, which by looking at a calendar from that year, he died on 14 September 1892.
News clipping(s) from Newspapers.com.