Death of Daniel Kopp – Musician of Tremont
Posted By Norman Gasbarro on August 12, 2019
The obituary of Daniel Kopp appeared in the West Schuylkill Press and Pine Grove Herald of Tremont, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania, on 27 January 1894:
Daniel Kopp of this place, died on Saturday last, after being confined to his bed the past few weeks. Mr. Kopp grieved over the loss of his wife, who preceded him in death only a few months, and being advanced in years, it had a bad effect on his physical health. He failed gradually, and it was apparent a week ago that he could not survive long. Mr. Kopp was born in Sulzbach, Germany, and came to America in 1842, locating at Pottsville. He remained there a few years, and then came to Tremont, where he lived ever since.
Mr. Kopp had more than ordinary musical talent, having been the organizer and leader of the first cornet band Tremont ever had. He served in the rebellion as a member of the 48th Pennsylvania Volunteer [48th Pennsylvania Infantry] regiment’s band. The musical talent of the father was transmitted to his children, nearly all of whom are musicians of ability.
Mr. Kopp was also a good German writer, being a frequent contributor to the columns of the Jefferson Democrat, of Pottsville. Mr. Kopp had a large family, being the father of fourteen children, eight [sic] of whom are still living, as follows: Lewis W. Kopp; Ferdinand Kopp; Prof. A. D. Kopp; Mrs. John Brixins; Miss Maggie Kopp, of this place; and Mrs. John Selgrath, of Mahanoy City.
Mr. Kopp filled the offices of Supervisor, Assessor and High Constable. He was a member of the G.A.R., the Post turning out at the funeral. Interment was made in the Methodist Episcopal Cemetery on Tuesday. Rev. A. H. Roeder conducted the services.
A stated in the obituary, Daniel Kopp served in the band of the
48th Pennsylvania Infantry . His war record is summarized in the Pennsylvania Veterans’ File Card from the Pennsylvania Archives:
On 24 August 1861, he enrolled in Schuylkill County as a musician in the
48th Pennsylvania Infantry – in the regimental band. His age at enrollment was 45 and he was employed as a miner, then living in Pottsville. He had dark hair, stood 5 foot 8 inches tall, with blue eyes and a dark complexion. On 18 June 1862 he was discharged by the General Order which disbanded the bands.
In the 48th Pennsylvania Blog, it is stated:
At the outset of the Civil War, it was quite common for each regiment to be complemented by a regimental band, usually consisting of 12-16 musicians. The band of the 48th Pennsylvania ultimately consisted of 24 members. Mustered into service in late August 1861, it would entertain the regiment with its martial airs until August 18, 1862, when, by General Order of the War Department, regimental bands were done away with.
Nevertheless, despite the fact that Daniel Kopp did not serve as an infantryman, he did qualify for a pension.
On 4 December 1879, Daniel applied for invalid pension benefits, which he received and collected until his death – as evidenced by the Pension Index Card shown above from Fold3.
At the time of Daniel’s death, he was a widower. His wife, Catherine [Pfeiffer] Kopp, had died in September 1893 and her obituary appeared in the West Schuylkill Press and Pine Grove Herald of Tremont, 2 September 1893:

Mrs. Daniel Kopp, who has been an invalid many years past, died on Tuesday, aged 72 years. Mrs. Kopp was a native German, but came to this country when still quite young. She was the mother of an estimable family the survivors being, Daniel Kopp, her husband; ex-Chief Burgess Lewis W. Kopp; Prof. A. D. Kopp; Mrs. Selgrath of Mahanoy City; Mrs. John Brixius; and Miss Maggie Kopp, of this place. The funeral was held yesterday forenoon, and was largely attended by friend from Tremont, and other places in this county. Interment in St. Mary’s Catholic Cemetery.
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